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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Only clever some days. Had a LOVELY item that I had been SO CLEVER making but part of it would just not make it past the uploader. Sort of like a tortured mesh prim I guess (a mesh turned to curve etc). Gave the uploader a tummy ache and I finally just deleted the offending part. We do what we can do.
  2. Then I suggest putting in a ticker OR making a JIRA. Something evidently is not working in your account. Very odd. What do you mean by "multiple grids"? Opensim? etc. If it isn't working there either then there must be some odd conflict on your computer that is affecting things. That will likely be difficult to track down. You might try updating your graphics driver. That would be the first thing to try. Good luck!
  3. Along with the yes you can use specular AND normal maps on flexi prims, there is no reason for them to double in land impact. Just change them to convex hull in the features tab and you are set to go. While there might be some occasions when you need the objects to remain as prims, I can't think of any at the moment. Usually they were for plants which oftentimes are phantom anyway. Here is where you change. The thin cube I made flexi in this example does have a specular shine on there.
  4. I just checked and those features ARE working correctly and as expected for me. Have you tried on another sim? There was a huge mess last week and it could be that the sim you were on was affected. Other than that -- no ideas, sorry. EDIT: An idea. Go to a sandbox sim with a friend and you BOTH try to do the same with slice, dimple etc. If they can and you can't then you know it is "you". That's one step closer.
  5. It looks like from your screenshots that you are trying to upload the model with only PART of a physics model. If you are JUST uploading the floors then you could perhaps use the physics model that you have. As it is, the very simple model that doesn't address all the inside walls is trying to become the physics model for the whole build. Where are the parts for the walls in your physics model? The fact that the physics model doesn't fit your house model is a big clue. Did you apply location, rotation and scale to BOTH the physics and the house model? I don't think that is your issue but it can cause things like this, so that needs to be remembered. I honestly can't wrap my head around trying to upload that all as one model -- let alone with physics :D. So perhaps someone else has some ideas. Second Life has a lot (a lot) of odd "rules" and since you have lots of experience in other "engines" or whatever you may be trying to use that knowledge and it is actually hindering you. And yes, you may need some practice so that you can align things correctly. It CAN be done but it takes some experience. You can also upload items as a linkset. KEEP IN MIND that you can only have 8 materials per object and there are also vertex limits (22,000 ish) before the uploader becomes VERY unhappy and does some nasty things to your mesh. Sorry. Middle of the night from me, so that's all I've got at the moment :D. You might try uploading the model on the beta grid with only a CUBE as the physics model just to see how well the rest might be going.
  6. This might help. https://www.slartist.com/house-physics-for-second-life-blender_fafd82260.html
  7. I was being lazy with something (testing) the other day and didn't upload a physics model. I had this same issue only it was just the lowest two LODs. I put in a simple CUBE (again just testing textures) and all was well. Presumably that is what that thread says LOL. It was a GOOD reminder for me as it happens so rarely now. Hopefully I will REMEMBER this My land impact went from 287 (OMG) to 2 - PHYSICS MODELS ARE IMPORTANT in more ways than one. So to the OP --- did you supply SOME kind of physics model?
  8. Yep, that works. I turned off that alert LONG ago as almost ever texture hud calls it. I don't leave them on my screen of course. I never had it come up for my Letluka head (old) or for Lara though.
  9. Most folks making clothes use Avastar by Machinimatrix and there are some instructions on that site so you might want to check that out. Note that Marvelous has a tendency (or the folks using it do) to make heavy mesh that isn't all that suitable for game assets, so keep that in mind on your journey. Good luck!
  10. So after a very long quiet period I got yet another note today saying that someone had logged into my account and tested and my inventory was working "correctly" :D. So I needed to log in on the official viewer again, clear cache etc. THIS time I was smart and wrote down my item count. 34, 721 before clearing cache 34,715 after Obviously nothing came BACK (LOL) So ends this episode in the Inventory Trials (maybe I can make a new Mockingjay series) :D. And yes, of course weird things are STILL happening. I guess ignoring is the best plan.
  11. Also you seem to be missing all the curved area in your physics model. If that is a one piece building you will need to include THAT also. Actually looking closely your physics model doesn't seem to mirror your building upload. That too could be part of your issue. Remember to apply location, rotation and scale to BOTH building and physics. Good luck!
  12. A 1.23 based viewer (old style) will likely be your best shot on your laptop. While I LOVE FIRESTORM it will only be harder on your laptop, not better. Singularity is another popular 1.23 viewer that folks use still. Best to check those in that category (the interface will look very different -- that's an easy way to tell). It sounds very much like you have done all you can do and your computer just isn't up to crowds on any of the more recent viewers.
  13. A fun albeit a bit over the top for "me" look :D.
  14. You can TYPE INTO the hover height box just like you would in most graphics or 3D software (or lots of other applications). No need to slide if you don't want to.
  15. OK. I didn't get what you were saying --- BUT I came back to add to my post since I JUST (when out and about taking photos) found something else that changes. My shoebase height was "perfect" on my building pad. I went to a new location and I was hovering way above the ground. It was apparently some less than great mesh (a physics thing). Since I constantly play with my hover height (or possibly float above the floor and don't notice) I don't worry about it. Maybe someone has the answer for you. Personally, I haven't seen what your pictures discribe. Latest version of FS if that matters. HAVE you tried other viewers to see if the same thing happens for you? Long, LONG ago I remember a bug like this but it has been many years.
  16. The theory as I understand it is that with the hover in SHAPE set to 50 (the middle) and the Viewer Hover set to 0, each shoe "should" when worn with the shoe base accompanying it have you at the right height. Sets without shoe bases (in theory) shouldn't need a shoebase and are planned to be correct as it. The OTHER thing that comes into play is the height of the animations in your AO (or the pose you are playing if taking photos). This can also change things some BUT if you are wearing the same AO all the time it should be consistent. The problem is --- like with many mesh clothes -- not all designers are equal and so even with your own settings consistent, there can be differences between shoe brands and styles. I don't think there is any way to get around this.
  17. I am guessing you want it for a marketplace listing? You "could" go to the gacha event website and download it from the listings. I haven't actually seen any of those websites that forbid downloading the keys. You could of course take a screenshot of the key in your viewer window and crop. I see gacha keys all over so I am wondering why the creator would make the key no copy. They may of course not WANT you to be able to use it :D. So that is something to consider also. You could always do the "due diligence" thing and write the creator and ask. Since reselling is a big part of the gacha business, it SEEM like creators would be on board with folks using their keys in the resell process, but I may be out of touch with what some creators think. Wouldn't be the first time :D. Mine are completely free to use in the resale process LOL.
  18. AND for background info, the person that I wrote about in my article is very big on "saving LI" by changing prims to convex hull. So no giant surprise there. Since most all of my items rezzed inworld are mesh, I had no issue. I was a little worried about things that had been changed to PRIM in the features tab (walking through doorways) but that didn't seem to be a problem for me as I tested a lot with no issues found.
  19. Since it was my thread that folks are pasting in, I will say that I put it in GENERAL because I knew the most folks would see it there. It's that simple.
  20. Also there are lots of brands that buy from various makers (not templates but work for hire). Some fit, some do not.
  21. There are unfortunately a lot of creators that SAY things are made for a certain mesh body but they apparently do not have the creator kit as they definitely don't. ALWAYS TRY THE DEMO. That is like the second rule of SL clothing --- well maybe the first
  22. It might help if you post your computer stats here. Under HELP in the viewer and you can copy and paste (at least in Firestorm- I suspect in the Linden viewer or whatever viewer you are using). I have never seen that but the message SOUNDS like either your computer is too low end for the hud to work or you need to change some viewer settings so that you CAN see the hud. The hud is very well designed and many thousands use it, so ... I doubt it is the hud per se.
  23. Well perhaps but taking Kitely as the only current (that I know of) On Demand sims, it does get pretty damn tiresome if you have to wait for a sim to load (and as I said, larger "clusters" used their can take a long time (twiddling thumbs time) mainly because of very dense mesh uploaded and bad scripts. So it wouldn't be good for businesses ---- if we use that Kitely model. And you can't "peak into" a sim when it isn't running LOL. Funny. I used to watch the restarts and see the sims disappear and then reappear :D. But since there is NO official word on this it is all moot.
  24. I was thinking that too really. "I" am on my sim most of the day while working in Blender etc. I leave my computer on all the time. I could easily just leave myself on. No need for bots at all.
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