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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. So I missed Phil's thread, got merge into it and my comments lost along they way, then was trying to comment again and lost that (oh my). So break time for me. I am mostly excited about Windlights(R) of course -- well of course. For those that aren't OLD, it should be noted that long ago and far away we COULD share Windlights and I really missed that feature when it disappeared so happy to have it back. R and R, here I come.
  2. I do that (many tries) but for me it never will bet past 1 quote even when I click on others. No clue.
  3. Well I still can't figure out how "multiquote" is supposed to work Long ago and far away (like over four years ago) there were some issues with mesh floors in houses. There is absolutely NO REASON in the last few years to have phantom houses on purpose. It is simply because the creators haven't bothered with learning how to make proper physics models. THERE ARE TONS OF POSTS ON THIS IN THE MESH FORUM but I know most folks don't read that one. Good physics models DO NOT increase the land impact. There are unfortunately some very talented creators (both houses and furniture) that make really lovely things with HORRIBLE physics. There is lots and lots of help over on the Mesh board and I made two videos recently with step by step how to make physics models info -- including importing into SL. So there is really no excuse in my mind. I was in a big event recently and was asked to make my whole build (except things folks would walk ON) phantom. I did that (against my better judgement) because I was asked to by the PTB. The frame rate did NOT improve with things turning phantom. I still had the best fps by far in all of the sim builds (told to me by the person in charge of that) simply because I planned it that way. Each building and all the furniture HAD proper physics before it became phantom. The point is that there is a lot of info that goes around that isn't correct (that clear your cache and solve all your viewer issues type thing). Each creator has a right to work as they want. Each customer has the right to buy or not. That is one reason why I have demos out. (See another recent thread about purchasers not bothering to look -- -and that is a whole issue in itself.) THERE IS NO REASON FOR BAD PHYSICS! Grrrr. LOL.
  4. Well there is that "reality" part of the equation so we can agree to disagree :D. I have never been stuck in furniture and have up to 220 fps so personally I have not seen any downside to being able to sit on an object correctly without a sit script in there --- etc. :D.
  5. I went over to research something in question in this post: And took this screenshot. Who can tell me what the red outlines are here and there? I have never seen these. Basically the creator doesn't do physics for furniture pieces. The building HAS physics (made by another person).
  6. Curious I went over to the store in question where there are some lovely things (hadn't been there in awhile). I only found a few standing closets that actually had any kind of physics. The rest had none. So THAT part isn't broken, it is just how the creator does things. I personally like things to have physics so I make mine with "mass" so to speak. IF they are chairs that you can't sit on, then they are broken. You may be able to fix that IF you can reset the scripts. If not, then do contact the creator. Since the items are transfer and you can return them for a replacement I would think there would be no problem. It is important to note that it isn't always "safe" to buy gachas on the Marketplace. At least you got a product *wink*. Also I prefer to SEE my items before I play the machine (thus solving your surprise) and have demos out accordingly in my shop. I understand that the hard core gacha crowd doesn't seem to care about demos much
  7. Sometimes it is a temporary issue and today was server day so sometimes there are problems because of that. If you are lucky the items will come back to you tomorrow (sometimes in your Lost and Found folder - sometimes not). So hopefully you know the name and can search for them to see if they returned. If you got the "does not allow message" it could be that you were trying to rez on some not so well made mesh (like a floor in a house maybe or even on some furniture like a table). This is because of bad physics. To not have this happen as often you can 'test' by seeing if the item will attach to you (using ADD). If it does then the server has identified it and your chances of rezzing it are much better. You can also rez a prim and make it fairly large and then rez on the PRIM and not the floor. That should solve that "owner doesn't allow" message. If after that you still have an issue DO NOT REZ ANY MORE THINGS. Wait until the next day, go to a sandbox and try then. Also check the grid status to see if there are any grid wide issues going one. (Link in the top bar of these forums.) Good luck.
  8. While I agree that the OP has perhaps made some bad choices trying to get things working "better", I have to chime in with a "yes, slowness" comment and I have both a hefty machine and a 20mbps connection (a good one) that normally does very well. These past few days I try and rez things (or attach to open) and it takes MANY seconds, not the typical one or two of the late norm. When trying to get appliers to apply the same is evident. I don't particularly have a big issue with textures loading but since I am usually in the same places the textures are presumably in my cache. I have had no viewer updates since I use FS so it must be some server changes. Why it would only affect some people I don't know. I am on Win10 with a Nvidia graphic card.
  9. I am going to wait and see on this one. I have heard lots of folks that are NOT happy with the default avatars LOL and while they are a step up certainly, they are not "on par" with typical game characters. So, personally I think there is a niche there just waiting to be filled. The fact that folks are making "other stuff" may have very little to do with what is needed and the perception of the folks that make those exceptional mesh bodies and head as to how WORTHWHILE it might be :D. Time will tell.
  10. So another update from moi! I got a note from support yesterday (about the missing "chocker") thanking me for my patience and saying that they had found the article and could they do an administrative login. I wrote back and said that was fine but the item had come back in its correct place (unusual for me for some reason) several days before with no work from my side of the issue and sent in a screenshot. A later note said that they didn't need to do the administrative login then but would I " get the SL viewer, clear history, relog in Pooley or whatever etc etc"). And that they suspected something was going on with my account (well yes! LOL). Anyway I did all that AND remembered to change my windlights in the Linden viewer to STICK in the debug menu after changing to a new Windlight I had made (woot). So some VERY ODD things so far that have happened. One was that the head I was wearing when I cleared my History (not cache, the instructions said Privacy> History) disappeared on my new log in (Firestorm, not sure if it was there in Linden Viewer as I was only looking at the back of my head). I had copies of course and went through things and got my look back. But THAT head which is in all my outfits is "gone". It won't rez at all. I also have a lot of newly appearing VERY OLD stuff (like 2013) in my inventory. This was NOT there. I have SYSTEM clothes in there even and my Lost and Found was overflowing with things from back as far as 2013 also. There were items that I had long deleted from my main inventory mixed in with returns from recent events. They were in chronological order so that was handy. Cleared all that out and noted on my support ticket. So yes, MY account does seem to have issues. If I look at things from the plus side -- and I try to -- there may have been some lost items that I really WANTED BACK returned along the way. Hopefully I will find them :D. It IS nice that they are trying to get this working. PS. Another note from support not long after I wrote this and they are going to come in and "move stuff around" and see if they can find the issue :D. Of course it moves around seemingly all by itself. Hope this doesn't make things worse, but would be good to have it fixed. I can't be the only one with these issues.
  11. There are definitely costs to making the items, so I suspect you meant that it doesn't cost to list your products on the Marketplace. And to the OP to keep it all in one post: Here are a few personal thoughts from someone who has had stores and been on the Marketplace for nine years. I guess I am somewhere between "top seller" and "hobbyist" and I imagine that there is a fairly large group there as I hang out with those guys. So I do not agree that there are super sharp dividing lines between types of creators. Getting started on the Marketplace is a good plan, but eventually you will likely need some sort of shop inworld. It's not like folks actually do much shopping inworld -- not like they used to, but many like to know that you are "invested" and are a real creator. Lately though I have noted an increase in inworld sales (I make Home and Garden original mesh), but I am not sure if that is just me or a trend. You can either rent a small place or the best deal would be to buy premium YEARLY memberships where you get most all your money back over the year. In effect it costs you a little of $1 a month on yearly and you get free tier (like property tax). You can buy a 512 lot for $512 and sometimes less so that another $2 out. Being able to make your own mesh and graphics is a very good start. You can definitely SAVE MONEY by uploading and testing on the Beta grid (Aditi). Getting over there and getting that working can be a chore but worth it. If you get stuck with uploading or the beta grid, then post in the MESH forum about hints as the wiki is often not kept up. On the beta grid you can upload for free. Then when you are happy with whatever you made, you can upload on the main grid. It typically takes awhile to get your brand viable. Those newcomers who jump into the spotlight on the popular venues are most likely alts with a new brand and already have plenty of connections :D. So don't be discouraged if you don't have tons of sales right off. On the Marketplace READ the post about how to set up your listing. Some of the Lindens came on the forums a few months ago and spelled it out very clearly. THAT will help on the Marketplace. I am sure I have other things I could say but that's enough for now. Good luck. Have fun.
  12. Just a general note as I didn't notice this mentioned when scanning the thread, there is a DIFFERENCE between renting land (where you most always get rights often including terraforming) and renting a house or apartment. Typically the houses (usually small as in the beach hut) or the apartments (typically stacked vertically) share the same land area. So there are many fewer rights that go along with the rental. This is not unusual at all. The same is sometimes true for shops. So it is always wise to see if each building is on its own land plot and/or ask the landowner about renters abilities. These are sometimes mentioned in the rental card.
  13. The best plan is to write to DeLa and ask. "I really love the skin on our Lilita poster, could you please tell me who made it and which head? Thanks so much". They may answer, they may not but that's pretty much your only option. AND if it is a Bento (modifyable) head, just knowing that won't get you the exact same look. There are tons of great skin makers and heads out there. Trying demos can be an adventure and fun. You may find a look you like even better!
  14. Chic Aeon

    2 questions

    I went to look at the Blueberry ads and suspect that the ads are actually RENDERS made in Maya. I am pretty sure the Blueberry uses Maya as the group gift house has from a couple of years ago had that signature "Maya Bake" look which SEEMS impossible to get in Blender (and of course Maya is the software of the pros :D). I have seen some phenomenal renders and it would be a simple matter to take photos INSIDE of 3D program that is used. From what I know of clothing design, quite a few clothing designers (the ones with very form fitting clothes) either use the body itself as the starting point and adjust from there (hence many of the vertices are correct to begin with) OR they copy over the exact weight of the vertices manually rather than painting. So if you are starting out in Marvelous, you are working with a very different workflow than many. Also as mentioned, almost all Blender clothes designers use Avastar. I believe there are a quite a few tutorials on weight painting over on that website; their used to be anyway.
  15. LAP (Long Awkward Pose) Honestly those poses are ancient but I grew up with them and they are very much part of my history. I still use them often and frequently remember where I got them; most were hunt items or group gifts. Dove was always very giving. THIS is pretty funny. I went to Google and THIS is STILL in the listings. Hmmmm [It goes nowhere of course; when she left -- she left and that was years ago.
  16. I periodically take coalesced backups of my shop areas so "in theory" and "if the database doesn't lose it while I am not looking", I can pretty easily move to another parcel. Honestly though, we are blaming the landlord but we don't KNOW the reason that the sims closed. The typist could have died and the executor (or son or daughter or friend) may have had NO IDEA what SL even was and just canceled the account or the payment unaware that there were others involved. That is a very good reason -- if you are in business -- to have someone that knows what's going on in virtualland. Even better if it is someone in SL. With some official RL paperwork accounts can be transferred. Even being "illegal" and logging into a deceased persons account to send a warning to tenants, certainly seems the MORAL thing to do.
  17. As ChinRey says there have been many cases of Linden Lab putting a sim back up (they can do a rollback) so that folks can pick up their stuff. Since there were many of you, likely someone has already turned in a ticket BUT YOU NEED TO ALSO. I haven't had this happen in SL but I did have it happen in Opensim. I had everything in my inventory but it would have been VERY NICE to be able to pick things up coalesced. And yes there really IS a reason why so many folks only pay by the week. This is not an unusual scenario. Sorry.
  18. Ah, see you just fixed it. Great. Leaving this here in case it helps someone else. My actual question was did you try and IMPORT an old BVH file that you made TO your new computer? I am wondering if it is the new computer. Also, I thought about this awhile ago then got busy -- you DID remember to have a "Tpose" first frame in your animation or pose, yes? I was just thinking that if you didn't move over your start files from your old computer (I always start from the same files anyway) then you might have tried to make an animation without that. I only thought of this because someone had an issue uploading a few days ago and it was because they had no T pose frame in the first frame and SL requires that. I am pretty sure that I I hadn't moved all my WORKING animations over each time I got a new computer that I would have forgotten all about that. So that could be it, if you didn't test any bvh files that you have PREVIOUSLY uploaded.
  19. Well then no clue. It isn't a "you must use the official viewer" issue OR a general uploader issue. And I just tested on the beta grid with no problems. So it seems like it must have something to do with your new computer. I have been uploading animations fairly steadily and I had no issues with any versions of Firestorm. Are these NEW files that you made on the laptop? Have you tried moving some old files that you know worked over to the laptop to see if they are visible? No other ideas, sorry.
  20. No, it isn't FS as I just tested now with Qavimator bvh files and the latest FS viewer. Are you sure that you "EXPORTED for Second Life" the files and aren't trying to upload the active .avm files? They wouldn't show up for the upload process.
  21. Did the person LOOK to see if there is an Omega Relay for the body they purchased? There are ones for most every body except some very specialized ones. This would solve their issue, this assuming they want to buy a tattoo and not MAKE a tattoo (your post is a little confusing on that part for me). IF they want to make their own tattoos then there is possibly an Omega developer kit. Obviously it is very important to check and see what is available for the mesh body your are purchasing BEFORE you buy the body. There is a reason why some bodies are more popular than others, and part of that has to do with the ability to purchase items FOR that body. IF it is a newly released body then it is likely that a developer kit for appliers will be in the offing. And as many have said in this thread, most designers either pick a body or two to design for OR use Omega for appliers. They do not HAVE to make a version for every body out there. A few do, and that is their choice. I agree it is too much work and I wouldn't be one of the ones make a zillion versions :D.
  22. You definitely don't want your lowest LOD set to the full number of vertices as you Highest setting. You LIKELY can use the defaults (I am assuming this is a good sized boat) and be able to see the boat clearly from a very long distance away. Try uploading your hull with the default settings and TEST the LODs visually and then adjust from there. Making your own LODs is good of course and you can likely improve you land impact by making your own physics model. If you have been uploading everything you make with high LODs in all four LOD slots, then you are GREATLY CONTRIBUTING to a difficult viewing experience for everyone so now is a good time to learn more about why you don't want to do that. Here is a boat with oars that is much more complex than your hull. I can't speak to the size relation of course as I can't see the size of your hull. Note in the tiny photo from far far away with my LOD set a 2 that the boat is still clearly visible.
  23. Agreed that paying annually is the best method if you can do that. "Almost free" with some nice perks. BUT you can often rent land for a lot less money, the bigger the parcel, the more this comes into play. I pay $52 for my land instead of $75 per month and that can definitely add up over time. If you can find a landlord that has been around a LONG while (mainland cheaper than private land in most cases) then that is certainly an option. There is no GIANT reason to go premium though; you can do most anything you want without that commitment. It's all up to you.
  24. Mainland has its pluses and minuses for sure. Most of my mainland is surrounded by abandoned land these days (it has been group land for oh so many years and abuts protected Linden land so that is a plus). My store is on a road and really pretty good for mainland and since it is a large piece, that helps too. Even with private lands you can end up with some pretty awful neighbors -- and there is always the sky and surrounds (my biggest seller for maybe seven years now and there IS a reason for that -LOL). Unfortunately it is really difficult to sell land these days unless it is priced in the dollar per meter area. Just too much land and not enough buyers. So I do wish you great success and be sure and come back and add to this thread should you actually get to try out the ideas. "I" learned a lot from researching and knowledge is a good thing :D.
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