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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Haven't tried but you might look in PHOTOTOOLS and CAM which have some angle adjustments and such.
  2. They fixed the PaleoQuest one anyway. Working again now. Was just coming here to say "thanks".
  3. Don't really see any way to report this so putting it here in case some devs see it. LOVE the game. But Several areas have not been working for over a day. PaleoQuests are the worst with the glytchs (sometimes only one) going around in circles. Can't be clicked and don't attack. Basically "offline". After a day most folks have figured this out and it is just empty. Same issue over on the starter mini island by Horizons. Yesterday I was there and there were eight or more folks just standing as nothing they clicked on did anything. A small problem at one of the Realms, over by the Tahoe park. etc. So maybe a automatic resetting a few hours ever day would be a good plan. As it is, some folks that WOULD love the game are just getting discouraged as it doesn't work. They may not get that and just think it is way too hard for them. Back to hunting!
  4. To update this, the Glytch hunter are just capturing the little guys. The little guys aren't always that friendly though. But for me it doesn't FEEL all that violent. It is much like The Realms. The Glytchs are fun and it is exciting to see new ones that don't show up all that often. I have plenty of hints on the game but I will keep those to myself and let folks find out on their own.
  5. Just an aside comment. Unless you are making clothes for your own TMP body that you absolutely love above all others, I would look at some other bodies or standard fitmesh as TMP has been dead for years. A little research will tell you that. Hopefully someone that makes clothes can answer your actual question
  6. Working really well for me. I have seen some great improvements and framerates up to 226fps. I have a 16mbps connection and a fairly hefty machine. Still I have seen improvements during the time I have had this machine which is over a year. Just saying.
  7. I made the mistake of heading over to the just opened Linden Lab game before heading to bed. Its three hours later now I am am just making my way to slumberland. Meanwhile I have plenty of bootie ^^ and even an EPIC glytch (so very cute) as well as a NET which I hope will enhance my glytch catching abilities. My experiences are chronicled here for those that might be interested. Photos of course. https://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2017/09/tyrah-and-curse-of-magical-glytches.html
  8. Happily I am and don't run it often either (I admit). BUT didn't know about that hack and will pass it along. Thanks.
  9. Well the JAR and the NET aren't exactly weapons in my book bu that humongous bazooka certainly is. It doesn't sound like you kill them though, just capture. That's a step up most likely. Will go over in a few days and see.
  10. It seems like there are MANY causes for this same issue and that makes it VERY hard to deal with. Here is something that I worked on for a long while and never could figure out what the issue was. This is just PART of an item but it was the part that would NOT upload LOL, so in the end I just left it off even if it would have looked super cool. There are no doubles. Vertices aren't THAT close together, it is mapped and has a material and has location, rotation and scale applied. It has a cube as a physics model (without a cube for the model there was a MAV_block error of some type. Here is a screen shot and what the uploader did. EDIT: I even tried just uploading a single "line" of faces (deleting all but one row of the "wire" ) and still had the same issue.
  11. I can't really speak to the guy stuff as most of what I have tried on (as my boy shape) really didn't fit all that well. They guys do seem to be way down on the priority list for designers -- presumably as there are less $$ to be had with less spending going on. That being said there are many (or perhaps a few Work For Hire folks that sell exclusively) mesh clothing designers who DO go to all the extra work to rig each and every vertices to the correct weight. I am sometimes truly amazed. So no alpha layers needed. Case in point below with a SFW pose that I think it will be legal here. Trust me, there are NO ALPHA slots used or needed LOL. At the same time there are plenty of clothes for gals that SAY they are for Maitreya or Slink etc and don't fit at all. No amount of alpha slots will make them look good and we are back to the huge boobs and butts syndrome of years past. Now that we have nice mesh bodies there is NO REASON to put up with that. So to the OP, ALWAYS TRY THE DEMOS!!!!!!!! Don't trust the sellers claims.
  12. I have had no problems at all updating Blender the last few times but I spent the whole morning getting 2.78c BACK. So just a warning. My issues (whatever they may be as my computer HAS been running flawlessly (knocking on plastic) ) may not be yours (Win10Pro). A few of the add-ons that I either wanted to try or used all the time didn't work. So I went back to 2.78 (or tried). A restore point didn't work at all and so I lost my install from April. After doing a lot of deleting of 2.79 files to get a clean uninstall (the regular uninstall didn't work well enough to install the earlier version back -- and running CCleaner and rebooting several times, I finally appear to have 2.78 up and running as it has been. The add-on that I needed was working again fine there also. But it was a long morning. So, just a heads up that this doesn't seem to be as stable as the previous official releases. Maybe waiting a bit with a "b" version or whatever might be a good plan. I suspect that it WILL work fine for those not needing add-ons. There were a few issues with the installation itself but easily enough to fix, just some extra time. Still, installing (if you can) in another directory might be good and leaving your previous just in case. That has worked for me before but it has been awhile so not sure it is possible now.
  13. Assuming you body does have alpha slots, what "I" do on favorite clothes it to make them into and outfit that would say something like "Gray Sweats and Sneakers - Slot 6". So than I just wear that outfit (made using the outfit option) and I know that the alpha slot I need is "slot 6".
  14. Chic Aeon


    I can't say about Catwa but NORMALLY you go to the store inworld and click a redelivery terminal. It can tell who you are INWORLD. IF this is a Marketplace redelivery that you need you will have to contact the Catwa people (likely someone there does support if you look at the maker's profile). If you can't do that you can look up your Marketplace buying info, copy that and put in a support ticket under MARKETPLACE to get a redelivery.
  15. I looked at the photos of those reports and it doesn't look like they are the same issue. This happens (repeatedly for me and I only teleported over to the Portal Park to check out the new game and Tres Chic to see how things were before opening -- so not a LOT of teleporting THIS TIME). Here is what I looked like when I got home. Note both head and sweater (very detailed and possibly high poly -- nope, checked and 50428 including boots and tall socks). are broken up. Sometimes body also breaks.
  16. I have put a specular texture on an invisible prim by MISTAKE and it definitely took. Looked awful but took. It won't be too long until there is animated mesh, so that would be pretty spectacular perhaps. Of course if you don't already make mesh, that would be a big learning curve. Keep in mind that there are still tons of folks that don't use ALM and so cannot see specular or normal mapping on objects. So if you can do close to the same with textures, in my mind that is a better overall solution :D. Folks (only a few) were doing that WAY before we had materials and their work was leaps and bounds above the others.
  17. Good to know. Cute buildings. BUT OF COURSE THERE ARE NUMEROUS WEAPONS!!!!!!!! Booo Hisss.
  18. It is a BIG BIG WORLD (thing WORLD and that will help some). Lots of space. I used to live in a real life area where the average population as 7 people per square mile (that's a lot of land). And of course not everyone logs in everyday and not everyone is on 24/7. So there ARE plenty of folks around. The "what's hot" listings have been horrible for -- well many years. Better to scan the map and look for the giant numbers of green dots. They likely mean: Sex Club Newly opened shopping event Gambling A bunch of folks standing around zombielike and playing Tiny Empires (or today's equivilant). Best to look for locations and events that interest YOU and find like minded people there. Believe me there are LOTS more folks here than in Sansar LOL.
  19. Moving to another grid most likely wouldn't solve the inventory issue. While you can get OARs in some Opensim grids and make your own backups, there are plenty of other issues with STUFF disappearing. If it is YOURS of course you can just upload again --- after finding the files in you possibly VERY deep Explorer directories :D. Second Inventory was used as much (or more) to steal than for the greater good, so I am glad that is no longer an option. I never used it, just saw the "fruits" of its use on many grids. I do think it would be great if there was actually a legal and fair way to back up things -- and even as you say at a cost (that is possible on some grids). And for the record, I didn't loose those few items on clearing cache and relogging. I didn't do ANYTHING during that time (as instructed of course) including putting on or taking off clothes. Just want to be clear on that. I have absolutely NO IDEA how those things disappeared. Meanwhile I got the support note about not being able to recover more (more?) and that they do not offer restitution or compensation for reported inventory losses . Well I KNEW THAT of course.
  20. Neither of those worked for me, but I did try removing everything from my OUTFIT (you need to have outfits for this to work of course) and then putting back on. That has worked twice for me today. Before that I was relogging to get things fixed. So a step up :D.
  21. If the hud is partially off the screen, you can EDIT it and drag the hud onto your screen fully. You may have moved it by accident? If that is it and adjusting sounds too hard, then you could get a redelivery from the store and use that hud. It "should" show up on your screen correctly. Hope so. No other ideas.
  22. Well you at least know it isn't SL or a viewer. Maybe it is time to learn MESH building! Sometimes the Universe pushes us hard!
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