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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. So that explains WHY when I clicked on tracking it did nothing LOL. Thought I was missing something. These days it seems like most folks have visibility outside turned off so not as useful as it might have been. But I can see in an RP situation it could be handy. Thanks to you both!
  2. I don't go into the NEARBY menu often except to derender folks when needed, but along with some obvious things, there is TRACKING and MARK (in a color). Searching forums and Google are giving me no hints. Firestorm talks about tracking people through the WORLD tab. So, smart folks - - what is this about? I am of course curious. Thanks. FIRESTORM viewer -- maybe others.
  3. Apparently -- from posts here on these forums -- this happens often. I suggest perhaps that folks simply stay away from that group :D. Move on. There is likely something more fun out there.
  4. Since there are many laws in many countries, let's think about the MORALS of this rather than the legalities (which would be unlikely to come into any kind of trial situation). IF the purchaser ONLY (and to my mind the only is a big part of the picture) finds out that there is an EULA agreement AFTER purchasing, then to my mind it isn't any kind of contract since they did not know and hence did not agree before purchasing. IF the seller has that information obviously in their shop or on the Marketplace page where the item was purchased, then "I" anyway would consider it viable and my purchase if made would lead me to go along with the rules from that seller. I definitely know as a Marketplace seller (not full perm) that shoppers seldom actually read the information in the listings --- sometimes they don't even read the text on the photos. So just saying that there was "only" in a notecard is a bit suspicious in my mind. I have seen many references to lowest price you may sell these at on the listing pages as well as whether items may be given as gifts or hunt items. The seller of course has no recourse really except to trust that people will follow the rules. Some do. Some do not.
  5. Copying this over from the other thread so that folks can find it easily. This is the important part. Also note that before I "learned" planes physics it wasn't an issue LOL. Geez. They get you one way or another. From Arton on that other post: "If your door script uses a llTargetOmega function to rotate smoothly, the build needs analized physics shapes, or it will act as convex hull physics as soon as the omega kicks in." THANK YOU. It still make no sense to me but I am guessing I will REMEMBER now :D.
  6. This is odd as I certainly HAVE seen those before but when I just checked (through search) they didn't show up for me. I am in Chrome and haven't added any ad blockers or updated (they may be autoupdate). Whatever -- they really NEED to get rid of these. It pretty much (that and search not actually working) makes the Places Page of no use at all. I LIKE the idea and I think they are very pretty and if the products on the sim part would work much like it did say 8 years ago that would be great. Right now, I don't see much point in making the effort to make a page.
  7. In Firestorm (and possibly the Linden viewer too) there are DIRE WARNINGS about giving permission for an object to take your money. They are BIG and BOLD and in my version of the layout GOLD and hard to miss. Personally when I am in an event that needs me to OK that type of object (not stealing but an actual use like money going to charity) I never keep more than $3000 in my account. That is likely overkill but better safe. I am sorry this happened but it really is important for folks to actually read things.
  8. Then you are lucky. Going to check again. ^^ and now they are gone! MAGIC! LOL. Works for me. Good to know they fixed that. Thanks.
  9. I just missed the window on editing my first post so will add here. It was the )*&^&$% door script! @Aquila Kytori Remember over a year ago I think when you and Drongle went over to the Mesh Sandbox to help a guy having issues? I was there too but didn't help as you had it covered obviously. I don't remember the WHY of it, but it was my door script. I looked at the floor physics in the blend file and it looked fine. I made a new CUBE physics model and tried that. Same issue. But I changed out the door script from "smooth door" to "Master door" (both in the wiki I think) and all is well now. The fact that things were OK until you copied the house should have been a clue. Either shift copy or copy and rez would have "reintialize" ?(you know I'm not a script person) the door. WHY that messes up the mesh I don't remember. Maybe you can add a quick note for other to find in the future -- and I'd kinda like to know too if you remember the issue. Thanks! VERY GLAD this is over (she says hopefully).
  10. Yes, that's true about the separate pieces but this floor is VERY thick (like a meter maybe) so that isn't it. I do remember that. Oddly (or maybe not so much) I found two other houses with the same issue (same "floor with hole for stairs" object) that AGAIN were working fine a couple of weeks ago. I was testing over and over to make sure a tall avatar could walk up and down and they could. Today at the Terradale Open House a RL friend of mine found that he couldn't get up the stairs (and he isn't any taller than I am - 2 meters). So I went and tested both houses (and one that is currently at a venue) and they ALL have the can't get up the stairs issue NOW when they WERE perfectly fine before. And that is the big problem for me, the changing of the rules. All are set to prim and all did work and now they do not. IS THERE A RULE (or does experience show) that you cannot mix planes physics items with cube phyics? So analyzed and un-analyzed uploaded separately and THEN linked. If that were true though, I can't see why they would have worked fine for awhile. And it isn't a sim specific issue as that one at the venue is not not working either. I am about to go look and see what kind of physics I used for the floor and the walls (it should still be in my blend file) and that might be of interest. I am thinking though that even if I uploaded a NEW floor that at this point I am not trusting it to work longer than I can count to ten LOL. So I may just do the mesh prim floor and be VERY aware that this could be an issue. I had thought those days were behind us (sigh) but apparently not. If you have any other ideas --- especially about why these were all OK and are now not -- I would really love to hear them. I will report below on the physics models of this in a bit. Thanks sweetie! And I am getting pretty good at planes physics finally. Took awhile to wrap my head around it after so many years of the other mode :D.
  11. Just noting that I hate those ads that come up also. As far as I can tell those are "ad words" type ads put there by the search engine. I BELIEVE that is an opt in opt out kind of thing. I can't get too excited about Places Pages until they get rid of those (which have nothing to do with SL) and actually get search to come up with something (mine didn't either) although it WAS in there before I edited it (who knows).
  12. You can download items that are ALL yours (either prims or mesh) to your hard drive. The prim ones come in as a linkset and you have the option of saving and importing the textures (again IF they were yours). If not you just get the prims with the texture parameters. For mesh, you can download the mesh file and textures but the mesh doesn't always come in perfectly. In a third party viewer (the Linden viewer may do this also; not sure) RIGHT CLICK on the object and choose Save As >> Collada for mesh and Backup for prims.
  13. Well I tried to research that but the wiki actually says at the top that it is wrong :D. So until someone actually DOES do something like this and reports what happens I guess we won't know. I have never been a fan of wikis. On one (were some folks were trying to ruin the grid and start their own (and they did) I spent a ton of time putting in correct info to have someone erase it and put in wrong. I didn't stay much longer after that :D. NOT HERE !
  14. Well I won't say it is "fixed" but building with mesh prims it works and at this point I can live with that. Still happy to know WHY if anyone has a clue.
  15. It ISN'T the mesh prim. I made a new one using the wall as its own physics, turned it to prim after uploaded. Same issue. It ISN'T the wall at all . I made a PRIM wall and had the same issue. And even with NO wall there is the same issue (even though there wasn't when I made it - sigh). So I am deleting the ceiling with the "hole" for the people to walk up. Replacing with mesh prims and some trim and I am thinking that it MUST THEN WORK. Or not. Anyway if someone has an idea why things would be fine until they are copied, let me know. I saw a thread not too long ago that seems very similar to my dilemma. If it is a real issue, then we should definitely know about it.
  16. Well of COURSE I figured it out AFTER I got all this typed. It IS that mesh wall prim addition which while I have been using that same "mesh prim" for a year or more with no issues IS an issue with this. So I am going to make a new mesh wall the same as the one there, upload anew and hopefully that will fix it. OR I may have to use an actual prim LOL. I'll write back here when I figure that out. I was retesting a house just now -- one that had passed all tests a month ago including my tall friend getting in and out of doors and up the stairs. Now the stairs still work fine for me, but HE cannot go up them any longer. I even went so far as to drag a copy over and make the house MUCH bigger (too big really) in an attempt to see if he could get up the stairs. Even with WAY more headroom than show in the photo he can't get up the stairs. I am 2 meters even. He is 2.32. (Keep reading :D) Confused. LOL. Especially when he could get up the stairs a few weeks ago. He has not changed his height; seldom on anyway :D. AND IT GETS MORE CONFUSING. After doing some tests I found that if I take a copy and then rez, the how while it SAYS it is "prim" is acting like convex hull. The minute I select it and got to "edit linked parts" (NOT EDITING AT ALL > just setting to that) the build is fine. It turns out that while "I" could walk up the stairs, I couldn't walk down the stairs. Until I did the edit linked part thing. BUT that same building "fixed" could not be dragged over with shift copy OR copied to inventory and then rez. It once again reverts. This is the same very pretty house that had the can't rez on the floor because of the added after the fact mesh walls (and that never has made sense). I am going to keep trying to figure this out but if anyone has had this issue and found a solution, please chime in. Thanks.
  17. Coco and cookies and a tiny gift with lots of exploring. I will be around and about to answer any questions or just to chat. No need to dress appropriately but fun if you want to.
  18. Getting duded up for the Openhouse at Terradale (LEA12) tomorrow.
  19. I am pretty sure it was 72 hours after BUYING as that was the point of the original post question. The gal wanted to buy four 512 lots, cut off the 10% bonus and then abandon the rest. Not sure she ever wrote back. Would have been good. Maybe someone remembers more about that thread. Last I read about that (long ago) it said that if there wasn't enough tier donations the "owner" would get charged. That may have changed now though. The wiki is frequently not updated, so definitely shouldn't be counted on to be correct.
  20. You know that there was a recent thread on this and the "infamous" wiki said that purchasers had 72 hours to come up donations for the tier or the owner or owners(?) would be charged. We wondered if that was correct. This seems to suggest it is NOT :D.
  21. Another (NEW in the last three days) instance of missing inventory. Happily it was a blogger items and still available at the venue blogger area. Also I had rezzed a copy at LEA12. So I didn't actually lose it but it did disappear (two versions to be exact) from my inventory. I am not sure that I ever though my blog posts would be "proof of ownership" but it works. Added to my ongoing issue support ticket. FYI
  22. The purchaser can untick the box for phantom, certainly --- but you forgot the issue of the PHYSICS MODEL which is why most creators make their items phantom in the first place -- the lack of a viable one :D. That isn't going to magically appear. The results of unticking "could" be reasonable and then again it could be a nightmare and the furniture might STILL be "phantom" because there is no decent physics model.
  23. Chic Aeon


    You need to FIND the folder. There is no "Undo" in the inventory. If you know the name of the folder or part of the name, then search for it in the inventory pane. Once you find it drag it back to its rightful position just like you would do in the Windows Explorer
  24. Note that most of the time (I haven't personally seen an instance that went against this) the double prim land is MUCH MUCH more expensive than having a larger piece of land with the same land impact allowance. The tier is of course lower, but it is wise to do the math and see just how long it will take you to get that prim bonus paid for when measured against the tier savings. Oftentimes the better deal in mainland double prim lots is to rent. Some of the rents are VERY reasonable. Just some thoughts.
  25. That is the long standing issue since sculpts came on the scene. We actually had a sort of policing going on when it was only prims -- resident within the software -- that we could create with. Of course those could be manipulated so that they became harder to render :D. I recently watched a nicely made video by a long time Sansar "creator". "Creator" as it seems like he is more of an importer than someone actually making something from scratch. It was very evident from the video and indeed his comments on his skill level made within the video that he could represent the "hobbyist creator" in both worlds. The free mesh he downloaded from some online site (legal in Sansar and seemingly legal from my reading of the new all encompassing Linden Lab terms of service) was way too heavy for a game asset. And so begins that rocky path yet again. I have mentioned Cloud Party's automatic policing method before where the amount of items that could go on a "sim" (a 2 x 2 region there) was dependent on what the server could deal with. Closer to the actual server load then just measuring by land impact. Textures were measured and limited through the system also. This worked very well -- or it did for me anyway. Everyone was still welcome to create (there were inworld tools also) but there was no way to flood an area with heavy mesh (one or two pieces might be all you could put on the "sim"). I can't see any way that could work in SL now; something like that could have been implemented in Sansar but then again Sansar is only the "Wordpress" :D.
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