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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. The red "humanoid" shape you see is mere because the rendering of that avatar is more than your "jellydoll" setting is allowing. It could be green or blue or maybe purple. I doubt that the first was a "bot" either. People frequently go to a very quiet place to let their inventory load or to work on things where there won't be much lag.
  2. Along with Rolig's info you want to make sure and UNWRAP your cube and define the faces or the MOST you can do is simply the color the cube, you will not be able to apply a texture on that cube. If that video doesn't cover that part of the process, I have a video tutorial series that does (either part 1 or part 2) here:
  3. Soooooo --- apparently no actual OFFICIAL STATEMENTS on this. I am not surprised as I did look for them. "On Demand" sims are ones that are only online when someone wants to get to them. Kitely is the only one I know that does this. I have had a Kitely account for a couple of years and had a demo sim there for a few months (just closed that recently as no one was coming to demo :D). When you log in -- if the sim isn't already online -- you end up in a holding area for maybe a second to maybe a minute. This depends greatly on both the size of the area you are going to (4x4 sim size "vars" are popular and those take a long time to load) as well as how dense the mesh is and how many scripts are running. It can be a tiny inconvenience or a "pain" depending on the factors above. Kitely does run well however and this would be a viable option for some folks. BUT since Linden Lab didn't SAY this was happening it could just be an idea in the mind of the reporter ^^ wanting to get some traffic to their webpage. I can say that in Kitely messages seem to go to email fine. I don't use vendors but there ARE scripted rental machines and such which I think would be similar. That's all I know!
  4. There is a long article over on Hypergrid Business (and percolating over the web) that suggests the new SL land options hinted about in last week's official changes announcement will be on demand sims like those in Kitely. I cannot find any OFFICIAL posts on this though and there were none linked in the article. So I am wondering if this is all supposition? Need for more dra-ma? A try for a larger audience? Or simply fact that I can't find? I am not sure if Opensim is actually worried about all this. While I was very active there for a couple of years, I have pretty much left the building. Too many arguments and a bit too much theft for my sensibilities. I have had a sim in Kitely and if you keep your area sleek -- as in well-made and streamlined mesh, few scripts and all that, the sims load almost as fast as our SL teleports. The on-demand option wouldn't be all that great for businesses but for casual users it seems like a fairly good plan. So if someone has seen some actual corporate announcement on this I would be happy to hear about it. Thanks.
  5. I am not premium but I can say that my friends report that they have ALWAYS gotten into crowded venues on the first try as well as flying between crowded regions that were also "full". So if you are someone that really NEEDS to be at an event at the getgo I would think that Premium would be good! I go to the ones I want to get to on blogger day, so not really a perk for me
  6. While not a RP gal this is an interesting question. Since we can't see what you posted, we can't really give any advice and Dakota put in the rules there for you. "I" thought that maybe the moderators were moving things around in general as the forums do morph and change now and then. So I went over to look through the RP forum since I was pretty sure that there USED to be plenty of "come visit our RP sim" posts. I didn't see many but this one is still there. I am wondering why it made the cut and the others didn't. To me, it definitely should be in Destinations and it is indeed in the official Destination Guide. I visited awhile back and it seemed much more like a sales venue than a RP place. Definitely interesting and possibly "of interest" to RP folks, but ..... Ideas?
  7. I have both prim building and mesh (Blender) tutorials that are SL (and Opensim) specific. They both start from the beginning and go forward. These are videos that you can find here: Well SLartist is apparently down for remodeling for a week. After they are back up LOL. They "should" be here: http://www.slartist.com/browse-the-tutorial-chic-videos-1-date.html Meanwhile there is a playlist of BLENDER tutorials also at YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8u00idO1kA&list=PLnUjXtZrc64laa7-1NUSY8pjXedwQj7kn
  8. I at least thought this part wasn't correct or at least confusing :D. That's why. "it will allow you to wear that skin universally on any other body". You would need a relay for the body other than Maitreya if you had a Maitreya relay (say Slink if you already had Maitreya) in order to use the omega skin on that body (Slink). So you need a relay for each brand body and head (hence many to choose from). Perhaps I misunderstood what you were trying to say. Happens :D.
  9. Well for H and G where folks can normally SEE what they are buying (or at least have the opportunity to if they aren't lazy *wink*) they can look and hopefully tell if the products will work for them. I very seldom use normal maps for reasons stated and I do think it would be good for folks to know how to adjust or turn off. When materials were new, I usually had a "materials" version and one that wasn't for the people who didn't know how to get rid of them if they wanted. Now of course since I am no longer using them all that often it isn't an issue.
  10. Didn't know that and will give it a try as I am not a big fan of full bright :D. And while I am not really fond of materials because of the horrible way they can look in some Windlight settings (normal maps mostly) I do agree that baked textures (which I love :D) can ALSO be very ugly if they are not done correctly. So as both consumers and creators we have to decide what we like and why and when to use materials.
  11. Actually the Omega Relay lets you use ANY skin that is Omega on the brand it is for -- so you would buy Omega Relay for Maitreya and then any Maitreya Omega version skin could be worn. It would NOT let you wear the Maitreya skin on a Slink body for example. But if you bought another Maitreya skin (or tattoo or clothing applier) you could use the Relay to put that item on your Maitreya body.
  12. Logging in after the grid got back up I saw a friend who has been away for awhile. Turns out he only logged in because a ton of stuff was returned from the sim he designed just now. I checked my sim and all was fine but I had 4322 items out and his was full. His perception was that somehow the item count got doubled (no way to know if that was true) but a bunch of stuff all came back into his Lost and Found. So if you have an island or island rental you might want to take a peak and see if things are OK. I am sure there is a plan to fix this but you might need to put in a ticket. My mainland stuff all seems fine too, but ya never know. I did go over to see what was going on there (I lived there for awhile) and two long rows of buildings were gone and a fair amount of seemingly empty rentals (with no for rent signs and this is a RP sim with very few empty rentals). So kinda messy.
  13. Lots of chatter here on 1060;s so a quick search of the forums will likely get you what you need. There apparently ARE issues. Not my card so I wasn't paying attention.
  14. Choose "Select Only My Objects" so that is has a check mark. Go into edit mode. Hold down the Shift Key and DRAG your mouse across the area making a box. That will get things inside walls too. Then TAKE or Take a Copy depending on what you need. Note that if you take up TONS of stuff (like hundreds of items) it can be a little tricky sometimes getting them to rez. So it might be best to take in "sections". All depends on the situation.
  15. Unless things have changed you do not have to have the land in a group (should you have two lots in the same sim that you own) in order to have the land impact combined. The land group I am in (just some friends with a tiny bit of land -- I rent my shop space) has had three lots for years. They are in a group so that WE can share the land, not get the bonus. Honestly that bonus has never been used because unless you have many avatars in the group there is simply nothing to buy with it. Most lots are 512 - 1024 - 2048 with a few in between. The few between are almost never what the extra group 10 would be if used. So personally I would take that part of the equation out of the mix. One thing you can do is to get a very low prim skybox (2 land impact) to use as your shop leaving you 173 land impact for your products. You can link items together (NOT vendors) in some cases turning cubes into "convex hull" and linking. So two cubes linked (any size or shape) and changed to convex hull becomes one. This is VERY handy. DO NOT LINK SCULPTS (or at least test on copies and do it on the sandbox). Generally stay away from sculpts as much as you can (many reasons). Use mesh display cases (go see them in world to make sure the LODs are good) for complex arrangements. Since your shop is H and G (like mine) you can sell COPIES of the items rather than through a vendor system saving one or more prims per item. This has a downsize of no redelivery, group bonuses and such but I have been doing things this way for seven years and can only think of two times when that would have been helpful. So you choice there. If you stick with H and G then you WILL need more space. That is a given and part of the deal :D. I agree that renting is just fine. I am on mainland and have almost a quarter of a sim for $50 a month. It will be a long time until you need that much :D. The other alternative is to mostly sell from the Marketplace and have some popular items in your tiny 512 shop. That works too for some folks. Good luck. My personal advice is to start small and grow slowly :D.
  16. Never was and still is not == ALL about sex. Neither is real life .
  17. IF you avatar is mod, you can change the TINT of items but selecting a FACE and then using the color palette to tint. DO NOT TRY THIS ON YOUR ONLY COPY especially if you don't know how to get things back the way they were. That being said it is unlikely that your avatar IS mod -- hence you cannot change parts of it and it would be against the TOS for anyone else to also. So before you look for someone to help you, make sure that it is even possible :D.
  18. There isn't a lot that you need to know about materials as an end user. 1. only folks with Advanced Lighting enabled can see materials. For those with lower settings or ALM off by choice, there will be no difference between items with materials and those without. 2. materials come in two ways in SL. Specular (shine that changes dependent on the direction of the light source) and Normal (a bumpy look also dependent much on the light source. 3. materials can add to the realistic look of an item by giving 'faux' details (in the case of normal maps) but can look very bad in some lights. A trade off. 4. some of the "bump and shine" of materials can (and was before they were added to SL already available) by baking textures within a 3D software program. 5. IF your computer is strong enough to use ALM then you can go to some creators that advertise materials and perhaps get a demo (hair oftentimes comes with and without materials) and see which you prefer. Those are the main points I think. There are likely others. Some folks like materials, others do not. I typically lean to the "not" side as they add an extra texture download and can really look bad in some Windlight settings. As a creator I frequently use them on METAL (the specular part) to replace the old "low" shine that we had before. They can also be adjusted by the creator (or the customer if an item is mod) within world.
  19. I am still doing very well. No new issues at all. I have jellydolls on so I don't see many folks all dressed and have my distance around 128 most of the time. Things load very quickly for me.
  20. Along with what other folks have said, I suggest since you seem to want to have a super curvy body that you get a DEMO of the Slink hourglass MESH BODY. You can then play around with that and see if you can get the shape you want (not all shapes are possible but you already know how to tweak your shape so that is a good start. If you buy a mesh body (let's say Slink Hourglass for example) then you will need to buy clothes FOR Slink Hourglass. ALWAYS DEMO THE CLOTHES! ALWAYS DEMO THE CLOTHES!ALWAYS DEMO THE CLOTHES!ALWAYS DEMO THE CLOTHES! LOL Not all clothes that say the fit a mesh body, fit it well. You can do all this with the demo mesh body. IF you decide to purchase a mesh body (usually around $10 US so not cheap) then you will also need skin for that body so that your head and body have the same skin color. So before you buy more items I suggest spending a few days shopping and trying things on and finding a "look" that you like. No point in wasting money. You can ALSO just keep your old style standard body. These days though it is difficult to get clothes and especially shoes as so many designers are now making for mesh. Good luck and have fun. It IS complicated. It was complicated for me three years ago when I switched and I had already been in SL six years :D.
  21. I don't make mesh heads so I am just throwing this in here in case it matters. When you have alpha sorting issues with objects such as furniture IF you have a double sided mesh you need to make one side "material A" and the opposite side "material B" in order to have smooth relations between the layers. I never change the alpha choices from the default (whatever that is LOL) and have no issues at all these days. (In the past there were lots of nasty things going on but the upload is happier now) . As suggested you can make these all part of one mesh with different materials. If there is an issue with single layer (like a plane) mesh you could make it double sided === if double sided is an issue you could make it single sided. Again, no experience with heads, just some possibilities. Good luck.
  22. Chic Aeon

    Skin Applier

    OK so hopefully you also got things fitting well with the bodies as I added that info into my last reply. You should note that folks DO TRY and help here. And your attitude (or the way it seems) isn't going to help you out. Just saying. Go for a walk; have a beer; meditate -- whatever. You will never make it here if you can't fit in. That's a given. Good luck.
  23. Chic Aeon

    Skin Applier

    It should also be noted that if your head doesn't conform to the SL avatar -- well let's call them vertex points as I don't make mesh heads -- then the Omego system will not work for it. That is explained well on the Omega Relay page and I just ran across it when looking into the system. I have an old Lelutka head and that didn't match up with what needs to happen for the relay to work. The NEW Lelutka heads will take Omega. So if you didn't do that for your head then there is no reason at all to worry about Omega. Unless your head is the best thing ever to hit the grid, it is going to be difficult to get skin makers to make skins for JUST your head --- and I can't blame them in the least. Also, since it seems like you didn't do your homework you need to make SURE that your head will work on the various bodies out there -- WITH NO SEAM. So for gals that would be Maitreya, Belleza and SLink For guys maybe Slink, Belleza, Signature? If the heads won't fit all the bodies (Akerukas apparent'y don't fit the male bodies except Slink) then it is going to be difficult to sell them too. Just letting you know in case you didn't. It is difficult to create in a world you are not a part of. We see that often here on the forums. Good luck.
  24. And it might be a good idea to post a SLUR? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Iron Maiden/181/236/23 appears to be it for those wanting to know
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