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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. It's been awhile for me but if you cannot lower your tier via the backend web area you may need to put in a support ticket. You will of course be charged for the highest you used for the month which often means paying a month when you have no land, but you should be able to change that unless something has changed. So chat up live chat and see what's up. PS. You will likely get a September bill but at least you know you need to change those settings. A good start.
  2. First of all, clothes are some of the hardest items to make for SL. So you really REALLY need to learn the basics of making mesh, topology, mapping, texturing in Blender or at least AO maps BEFORE you tackle clothes. There are tutorials out there for making clothes. Some quite old but likely still informative. Almost everyone that makes clothes uses Avastar; while I do not make clothes, I am assuming there is a good reason for that. But not getting a subscription (that's how it is now I heard) was likely a good plan as there is much to learn before the clothes thing :D. I suggest thinking of clothes as your endgame and work on other things like furniture to do your learning. If you try and learn too much at one time it becomes overwhelming. We have seen that time and again on the forums. Since it seem like you are new to Blender I suggest looking up some tutorials on the interface. There is a good one here. Not terribly new but likely good enough. https://cgcookie.com/lesson/interface-and-navigation/ After that if you so choose, you can go through my tutorials (not clothes) here: https://www.slartist.com/browse-the-tutorial-chic-videos-1-date.html They are listed with newest first so going back to the introduction would be extremely wise :D. After maybe six months of working in Blender you might want to look into clothes. It is a BIG commitment. It is also very rewarding after you make it past the learning curve. So it will depend a lot on how MUCH you want to make clothes. I wish you all the best!
  3. If you like Roleplay there are TONS of places. Find some listings on the Destination guide and look on the map for ones with lots of dots. For RP most seem busiest on the weekends (I have lived in a couple of RP sims) so that is a good time to be out and about meeting folks.
  4. You can find ALL the tier prices in your website account. Honestly, there are LOTS of places you can find out about this info. Do a little homework and decide what will work best for you.
  5. MAINLAND is any land owned by Linden Lab, not a private land holder (islands). As said you need a premium account to buy mainland rather outright from the owner or on auction. https://secondlife.com/land/purchasing.php http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Land_Buying_FAQ
  6. It is very unlikely you would get kicked out of SL by Linden Lab for just being rude, that being said maybe it would be good NOT to be rude (well, duh). They CAN ban anyone for anything. It is their platform. You can EASILY BE BANNED from sims for any reason at all and rude would definitely qualify. I suggest you work on your jokes and perhaps find a better way to be funny -- especially since from your post that doesn't seem to be working LOL.
  7. For anyone who really cares, the actually page that text is on is here: https://www.lindenlab.com/tos#tos4 I think that is definitive but we still have that "in the TOS but not enforced" thing going on :D. This is NOT new *wink*; just saying. Thanks.
  8. So as I read read the top quote in your post, I see nothing FORBIDDING a user from giving out their password, only that it is the user's responsibility. A typical wording in that CYA way that much of the TOS is. Like this for example: You will immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your Account. (My bold.) It doesn't say that anyone has to notify LL for AUTHORIZED use. I do see the info in the blog post which isn't a legal document. The TOS is of course a legal document that we agree to so that would lead me to believe it takes precedent. So two different "official" comments which are not the same and that isn't that unusual. I am certainly not advocating users sharing their accounts. I do however know that lots of businesses have shared alt accounts for all sorts of purposes and this has been going on for some time (years) . It would be great if we had definitive answers (that were enforced) on so many things. We however do not. Not arguing, just my point of view.
  9. I agree that was definitely true some time ago, but apparently things have changed as I wrote something like this maybe two years ago and was "proven" wrong. So only a VERY carefully reading of the CURRENT terms of service can say what is the rule now. I didn't see anything on this in the last one, but if you can point to it I would definitely like to know. And to the OP, along with all the "you REALLY have to be good to play the alt game" (I know as someone has tried it on me and failed a few times :D) since you posted here it is certainly possible that the sim owners NOW know you are running too accounts. I sympathize somewhat if this is a para sim since (for me) that is beyond yawnsville and I could likely run three alts and do it well (RL actress at one point) but I SO DON'T CARE LOL.
  10. OK. I guess I wasn't clear. I am looking for head appliers that are OMEGA along with skin appliers (either Belleza or Omega) that match. If I wanted Catwa I would have likely gone with aeros :D. I had checked Stray Dog before and just did again as well as the other two stores and they are all for Catwa heads ONLY (or if there are some that are Omega they are really hiding). Nothing on the Marketplace that is Omega and L'etre had only ONE face (and tons of places for more but all empty) and it was for Catwa. So thanks but that didn't help LOL.
  11. So I have been watching for awhile now as I think the Jake body (and hud) are the best of what's out there for the guys now. Aeros has had placeholder for JAKE appliers for awhile and now they are viable with two choices (bare and hairy) in five or six skintones. That's great, but of course there is a BUT. The faces are only for Catwa. Any other recommendations for JAKE? with OMEGA heads? If any skin designer is paired with Bellaza for skin tones of head appliers, that would be super to know. Thanks. I really don't understand why designers resist the Omega option. It seems like it would increase sales. But, I am definitely not a skin designer. Still for those of you with Catwa heads this might be a new place to check.
  12. Liked this so much it is my new profile picture.
  13. Nope. Not SL. Tis you. Sorry. Turn down you draw distance, turn of shadows and DOF (in case you are using that) and turn UP (or down depending on how you look at it) your JELLYDOLL SETTING. That should help.
  14. Thanks. I am not new :D. The OP was about things from inventory that I am dragging WAY in the other direction from my avatar appearing ON my avatar. Nothing to do with clothes except of course if a garment you are wearing is rigged to the right hand then you are naked. So MY post was about UNEXPECTED BEHAVIOR, but I realize that you may not have been responding to my post. Just wanted to put that in here to remind folks :D.
  15. While it would be possible to use that graphic on the front and back of the door and have it fit, you would need to change the height and width of the texture on EACH face. You could use the same texture on the EDGES of the door using the same system but moving the texture horizontally so that only a small part of the door was seen. This takes some practice but is fairly easy to do. The alternative would be to CROP the door out of the full texture using your graphics program. Be sure NOT to save with a TRANSPARENCY (which is why you had that other issue you mentioned). It would be best to RESIZE to 256 X 512 before you upload as the uploader will make your texture blurry when it resizes (well MORE blurry)
  16. LOL. Well thanks. Can't figure out if my mouse is dying or if things are just messed up. REALLY I am not even dragging CLOSE to myself. :D.
  17. I know we all do this from time to time -- drag things onto ourselves by accident. But the last week it has been beyond bad with this and today several times I rezzed something 10 to 30 meters away from my avatar and ended up wearing it (one was a house - not handy; glad I am not new). So my question is -- is this happening to other people too? My other though would be that my mouse is dying and that is certainly a possibility as it is old and used HARD :D. Thanks.
  18. I know we all do this from time to time -- drag things onto ourselves by accident. But the last week it has been beyond bad with this and today several times I rezzed something 10 to 30 meters away from my avatar and ended up wearing it (one was a house - not handy; glad I am not new). So my question is -- is this happening to other people too? My other though would be that my mouse is dying and that is certainly a possibility as it is old and used HARD :D. Thanks.
  19. Thanks. I at least understood this part of the equation and when I HAVE made my own lower models from the high LOD it has worked fine by removing edge loops etc. BUT I also knew that someone could say that better LOL .
  20. Mesh bodies conform to the SHAPE underneath the body (at least to a good extent) so if you are demoing the SHAPE that comes with the demo of the body, that is throwing you off. I suggest learning how to adjust the shape you have OR if you have that shape the body should be close for height and slimness. You may need to "flatten" you breasts if you want to be sort of flattish. I am flatish and slim but fairly tall at 6 feet (note that isn't REALLY tall by SL standards :D) The most popular mesh body is Lara. There are other bodies of course but Maitreya (Lara), Belleza and Slink are the ones that you will be able to find the most clothes for. So before making a final decision ALSO look for clothes for that body. You might get a body you like and have nothing to wear :D. Personally in the clothes line I would never by something without a demo. I can tell you as a blogger who tries on LOTS AND LOTS OF CLOTHES that some creators are experts at making vendor photos (ads) and that their garments don't come close to the look of the photo. Also there is that FIT issue. As for fantasy clothing I think the Destination Guide has a section on that. ----- Well no, apparently not and as a comment to old folks reading this post ---- WHEN DID THEY EVER UPDATE THE CLOTHING PART OF THE DESTINATION GUIDE. It is filled with popular brands of five years ago, not today. Oh my! UPDATE PLEASE!!!!!!! Start slowly. Experiment. Maybe find a role play area that you like and ask folks that you see there and like the look where they shop.
  21. "I" have seen that "do you really want to mark" comment all along. Nothing new for me. So while something changed, the whole system in that area didn't change -- at least not for all of us.
  22. OK. Folks. I no longer have to log in each time. Give them some space to fix things. I know from being best friends with folks that DO THIS STUFF that it isn't easy.
  23. My suggestions for you venture would be to. Wait until you are close to the end of the year to advertise since pretty much no one cares about plans (seriously). Have your mall built before you contact people. Have your advertising set before you contact people. Have your EVENTS set before you contact people. If you don't follow those ideas the chances of success are very slim as most of us toss invitations unless we know the people involved, the venue, or it hasn't been done in SL (not much of that) and that it sounds like a great idea. As far as investors go, you might try and team up with another new person with fairly deep pockets, as the older folks know how difficult it is to get a mall going and working and viable. I do wish you luck. Just do some homework and make a concrete plan so that your hopes don't get smashed into tiny pixels :D.
  24. Note that while there IS a lot of "oh its on the web so it is free to use" mentality and hence theft, there are also many artworks that are in the public domain and are legitimate to upload. The difficult part is that you need to find and contact the original (real life) creator of the works. A long process ensues and most people aren't willing to deal with it. Some big companies like Disney, definitely DO file IP rights infringements. So while most of us agree it is WRONG and while it IS against the TOS, pretty much nothing happens. Just so you know. This is NOT a new issue.
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