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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Well it is probably a "good" thing (although I voted "confused" on the OP LOL). It works fine for me. I am in Chrome. The problems @Lillith Hapmouche and maybe others are having is likely a browser issue. If you are nosy you can click and see who was sad or confused or whatever. I can see that the "confused" would be very helpful on the MESH forum as we often are. I have had to sign in continuously since the change and errors are happening so I suspect that they are WORKING on this. Small inconveniences are better than closing the forums while they work IMHO. What I dislike MORE than these changes is Chrome deciding a few days ago that things we upload or download now give us a FULL SCREEN to the Windows Explorer (Win10 anyway) with no way to resize. I have a BIG screen. I don't WANT to fill it all so that what I need is way over to the side. So far they haven't "fixed" that. It is probably great for some folks but I would like to be able to RESIZE (grrrr). Anyway that was my min-irant for the day which had nothing to do with the forums (well except that the full screen window happens here to when adding a photo).
  2. Last night I did some exploring. The Destination Guide seemed a little wacky and comments weren't working. I did hit a "report content" button so hopefully things will get fixed. Along the way I ended up at the The Vordum Museum which is very nicely done. It felt very much like an actual museum.
  3. @BilliJo Aldrin Re your statement "If there is a new policy to return all encroaching prims from the LL road right of ways, LL employees are going to be busy for a very long time." I think the above tells you that you should not be doing what you are doing. And my property line statement was directed (pretty obviously) at the OP :D. Just saying. PS. My other statements above show that "someone" is indeed working on mainland areas and could indeed find your encroachment. As @ChinRey said, your really can't have it BOTH ways.
  4. And here is ANOTHER thought on this topic. You drew a line around where your land is and I don't see a SLURL to it to check BUT ===== Land doesn't go UP to the Linden road so you will always have an issue. The person next door that LOOKS like they are up to the road is likely cheating big time. If you turn on property lines you can see where the actual lot lines are. World > Show More > Property Lines Here is what my front of shop looks like along Route 7. I note that I have an errant tree :D. I must have linked it to its neighbor
  5. I just wanted to note since this is a MAINLAND thread, that the earth movers seem to have been busy recently redoing both some abandoned water edge land (now turned to water) and smoothly nicely the edges on some sims that have always been owned by lindens. My areas look much nicer lately and I thank "whoever" for that. I also derendered a very ugly eight year old build in my neighborhood so at leas "I" can't see it. Very pretty now. The only odd thing is that NOW when I teleport into the Linden land from my Chebi property I end up in the middle of the water OR on a parcel WAAAAAY far away on the other side of the bay where an airport is. That seems pretty odd and I can't see what the plan might be for that. Perhaps just a temporary thing.
  6. Chic Aeon

    Adding Furniture

    Happily I made jewelry for a lot of year. Practice DOES HELP - LOL. But I hear ya.
  7. Chic Aeon

    Adding Furniture

    Also BEST to practice in a sandbox (type "sandbox" into the map and you will find many) AND with items that are COPY (most are these days except for gacha prizes). It takes a little time to get the hang of things. We all had to at one point.
  8. Ah I didn't know that 4 meter thing. I just did the math LOL and I can't figure out what size those old square plots were :D. Your 22 x 22 comes in at 484 and a 23 x 23 is OVER 512 at 529. I hadn't thought about this at all. I guess somewhere along the way the land sizes (and like the subdivide tool) were changed. Interesting. I HAVE seen ads for lots that were LESS than the 512 (recently) and those COULD be leftover and what you need. I just never ever looked at them as you would be losing "primage" :D. So maybe looking at the land sales for awhile and seeing if one of those come up. The easiest would be to make an alt and pay for a year which basically costs you $1 a month now (in the olden days you actually made money on the deal :D).
  9. I have a 2 LI skybox that has been selling well since its appearance on the marketplace. I made it originally for a friend for a shop on a 512 (it fits the complete 512). It is basically a box of course but had interesting inside baffles built in and I made it so that you could see out the ends if you so choose and added some nice textures. I think that often it is MARKETING more than the products that decide sales. The Marketplace is SO extensive (and often difficult to search) that it is much like looking for information on the Internet. You may find what you are looking for or you may only find OTHER things and hence go with what you find.
  10. Here is a thought. If you can't find a 22 x 22 lot, you can easily find a 1024 (32 x 32). You could buy that and then divide off the piece you want to keep and abandon the other. They you would only be paying $5 tier for the one month. You could also make an alt of course turning them premium and buy and keep the 1024. So options.
  11. Actually I cam around the map quite often just for fun and now that you mention it, I haven't seen a square 512 in years. There were some long ago but not that many. You might ADVERTISE for one. Someone with land could cut you out a square 512. No other great ideas. There is a piece across from my shop that is a 512 but it is an EXTREMELY strange "squarish" shape. So there may be some somewhere. Perusing the map would likely be your best bet. Good luck.
  12. I think it is also important to realize (and I am guessing you do) that just because the uploader came in with a low land impact, that doesn't make it better. The only time that I have found that the uploader does a stellar job (STELLAR) is on house size models or larger that are basically cubish. Your build is not "cube" at all and I am guessing (I really didn't cam out to see when I was there ) that the model breaks up nastily at a fairly close distance (with LODs set at 2 anyway). I have been making some large buildings for my sim build -- larger than I normally do -- and their land impact is fairly high (still way under a hundred for any of them) BUT you can see most of them from a VERY long distance and that is what I wanted. So "use" comes into play here and if the build is for YOU, then you can decide just how light it can be and still work well in the setting you plan it for. If you are selling things, then that is a slightly different story or "should" be IMHO :D. Meanwhile many of us learned about those colors -- and I WAS wondering! TY
  13. I (well Lani) went over and looked as she was close by. I have no answer either but I can say that ALL of my physics models (at least the houses and things that I look at) have been bright blue (CUBE PHYSICS - ANALYZED) until I did some planes physics recently and they were bright yellow. I have only seen that odd grey beige color on some items from other creators when I was blogging. Not sure WHY it turned on physics models but I did see that then. I almost never make my own LODS so the only difference for me is that cube physics models are blue and planes physics are yellow. I have never seen (when I have bothered to look) a gray-beige physics model on my stuff. I am guessing ChinRey knows the answer and I will be interested to hear it. She mentioned something about the different colors of physics and at that time I had only seen blue for my stuff LOL. So a surprise for me.
  14. Mine is very close to ChinRey's and the older video posted up top. Just in case anyone cares, here it is: https://www.slartist.com/double-doors-and-the-mirror-modifier_98ed88def.html Double doors made with the mirror modifier. Nothing to learn if you already know how to do this
  15. All of the sparkly textures that I have seen on clothes have been using a TEXTURE (like made in your graphics program). You could also use a sparkly texture as an IMAGE TEXTURE in a CYCLES node group (Blender in my case). You can get bigger areas of shine WITHIN the sparkly pattern that way if that is what you are looking for. IF you use materials, be aware that some folks (a fair amount) will not see the sparkle at all, so you would be much safer with a texture that has built in sparkles or the more complex way baking in Blender or another 3D program.
  16. There are only weekly stipends. You do get a bonus after 45 days so maybe that is your "monthly" comment. If nothing is showing up in your Transaction History then DO put in a support ticket. Would be good to verify that your premium membership actually went through like can you go to a premium sandbox, buy land, get a Linden home? Something could have gone wrong when you signed up :D/
  17. I am GUESSING that you mean you had linked your object to include a piece of mesh set to PHANTOM? Yes, that will do it. We don't really have "immaterial" here so I am also guessing that had something to do with Arton's remark :D.
  18. Looks like an eye makeup layer that has lost its texture OR perhaps one that YOU can't see but other can (yes, unfortunately that CAN and DOES happen -- many times to me. The fact that it is white instead of gray leads me to believe it is the latter. Ask someone else if they can see it. Either way, putting on a new eye makeup via an applier "should" fix it. If I am on the right track anyway. Good luck.
  19. Is the video that Rolig pasted in what you mean? That is how I have been doing things for years but very happy to learn something new if it is better :D. You can also use a plain door without the extra invisible triagle and use a different kind of script, one that isn't based on the "cut prim" to make half a door. I don't DO that of course as I am not a script person LOL.
  20. One more thought on this thread. Last night as I was taking those final pictures of the cube physics model where the land impact actually matched, I thought it was quite odd that the analyzed versions looked quite different that they did in the early morning. The night time models when analyzed looked like the physics model had been painted on more or less -- no signs of the outlines of the cubes which for me is the norm. I am not sure how the difference happened but maybe someone else does. I only made ONE cube physics model all day. I used the original one when I tested with the Linden viewer as well as my final upload. The stairs were the same at the end as the beginning except that I moved some UVs around and had to make a new UV map - hence new version of the model. I was watching the tutorial that I made while doing this project and noted the photo in the video and how different it was then the one at the end of the day. So pasting that in here in case it makes some difference. This is a shot of the original stair's upload on the beta grid -- which worked perfectly (walking up and down stairs and bumping up against the sides etc.). I think they came in as 3 land impact. The red arrow is part of the screenshot from the video, not something I am trying to point out. On a close inspection (I hadn't noticed this before, it looks like the ENDS by the floor don't have a physics model surrounding them. They WORKS as if they did however and since there was only ONE cube physics model the pieces must have been there. So maybe just a trick of the coloring in the window.
  21. You cannot TAKE OFF a skin, only replace it with another one. So while you may be wearing items from two different demo you are not wearing TWO of the same item (like eyes or shape). If you can actually take off something from the demo skin folder it is likely a skin applier? Trying to think what else might come in a demo pack. If you want to get back to your original look you will either have to wear and OUTFIT that you made (I am guessing you haven't gotten to learning about that yet) OR find the skin you were wearing before. When you wear THAT skin, it will replace the demo skin. The same goes with other demo items you might be wearing and want to replace with others.
  22. And OBVIOUSLY I LOVE FIRESTORM :D. THAT is not the issue. The issue is closer to I would rather learn planes physics than deal with the Linden Viewer. I DID write down what I need to do to get my skies working (on a sticky note) but then forgot that I had written it down. Rough day, but hey, those happen. Good end results and today I am working on arty and simpler stuff. (Actually the stairs WERE simple until they turned into "prim monsters" :D. )
  23. If you use cube physics you need SEPARATE cubes that do not touch. From the look of your picture you have the floor going "through" the building and the corners of your physics model intersect also it seems ? It would probably work better to have the floor separate in any case. This might help some: https://www.slartist.com/house-physics-for-second-life-blender_fafd82260.html
  24. Ah OK. I see that AFTER I analyze! Was looking at all the empty Sorry. WAY too many times with this. The stairs look fantastic and came in at 2 with longer than necessary LODS for inside so happy with the end result. Looking forward to the new physics integration A LOT, but I am pretty good at planes physics now so something learned and that's a good thing :D. Thanks.
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