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On 7/21/2021 at 12:12 PM, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

Update: The store that where the facial recognition got me wrong is still not backing down and was told by our lawyer that their provider of the FR (a major company who's boxes has that smile thing on them) is also backing them up. There is more to that, but those will come up in court since it's not public information. It's going to be interesting battling the big boys.

Mine today is our case against a retailer with the facial recognition that mistaken me for a shoplifter got tossed by the judge.

Edited by Kimmi Zehetbauer
Need to learn to spell!
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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

We have a law in our town, too.  Your home has to be in a designated 'rural zone'.  Just an FYI, you don't need a rooster to get eggs.   They're only needed if you want fertilized eggs to hatch chicks.

And as soon as I even try to mention it to my neighbors the response I'll get will be, suddenly, "No habla/hablo Ingles."  That's when I look them straight in the eyes and say, "Como se llamo?" as I whip out pen and paper. They have no idea I have forgotten pretty much everything I did learn in Spanish class. 🤭

I still don't need to be inhaling the fumes from the chicken 💩. Here the wind blows from the west (coast) most of the time and they are west of us so we are right in the line of fire.

As close quarters as it is here, the birds are a health hazard as well as disturbing the peace.

I don't like taking animals away from their humans but when it comes to my health and well being, I'm sorry. They can either learn to stay within the bounds of the laws and control their animals or they don't deserve to have them. It's abusive to the animals when they are not controlled, strange as that may sound. Too many get a dog ( or more) and simply toss them out into the backyard with the only attention they get is being feed and watered. They don't shut them up when they start with the incessant barking until they hear me screaming bloody murder and then all they do is open the window and tell the dog to hush then close the window. 🙄

It has to stop.

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So, after having had a little fun on a now deleted thread, it was bought to my attention that I am now featured on sl secrets. I'm not peeved about that, at all - I simply don't care about the opinions of random people, but I *do* feel kinda flattered I occupied someones mind enough to drive them to go this much outta their way for me, heh. And it's propably the nicest try someone did to get at me! :D


What I am peeved about is that - to me - the signature in the corner implies I made it, lol.

1) the space between top to picture needs to be the same as from side to picture.
2)  I'd use a non patterened background with a more muted colour that fits the picture better
3)  make the text one line, centered under the picture
4)  don't just make the text black, that's just too strong for it
5)  if I sign anything with my avatars name, I always use the full name
6)  use words I have in my regular vocabulary, I had to look up the translation of cherish

I am surrounded by amateuers! *hairflips* :D 

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6 hours ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

So, after having had a little fun on a now deleted thread, it was bought to my attention that I am now featured on sl secrets.

   Welcome to the club!

   Mine was pretty cute, too. I think it was in one of the previous pet peeve threads that I'd brought up how 'anyone with the word 'babygirl' in their profile ought to be brought out behind the closest prim and be put out of everyone's misery' - someone thought it shocking that I 'genuinely wish death upon people'.

   As entertaining as it is, though, it does bring a pet peeve of mine to mind: People.

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6 hours ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

So, after having had a little fun on a now deleted thread, it was bought to my attention that I am now featured on sl secrets.

Fascinating, I had no idea there was a SL secrets site. Very reminiscent of LJ secrets back in ‘00.
...And now I feel old. 😅

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On 8/14/2021 at 9:06 PM, Robin Kiyori said:

Being told I am "clearly not actually disabled" or that it's not a svere by armchair therapists who have neither any idea how said disability effects me and have no actual docterate in the subject.

All because I do not act a certain way.





Not having my dog anymore because he passed onto the next life.



Being told my mom that I am not autistic, when clearly have a doctor that says otherwise. I mean I Have ADHD and am on the Autism specturm. But apparently, I was tested by the best doctors of the time and well I wasn't diagnosed autistic at the time. Yes mom, cause some neurological and mental disorders have a symptom overlap. 

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57 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Welcome to the club!

   Mine was pretty cute, too. I think it was in one of the previous pet peeve threads that I'd brought up how 'anyone with the word 'babygirl' in their profile ought to be brought out behind the closest prim and be put out of everyone's misery' - someone thought it shocking that I 'genuinely wish death upon people'.

   As entertaining as it is, though, it does bring a pet peeve of mine to mind: People.

They didn't even spell my name correctly when I made it onto that site!  That and the fact they didn't know the difference between its and it's was really rather amusing.

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New pet peeve, the way people are nowadays. There is such thing as going to far. I am all for people standing up for what is right and voicing that and calling someone out, if there is enough substantial evidence. However, when everyone else jumps on the bandwagon and starts a witchhunt, basically harassing and stalking the person. Even if they have done something wrong. That has gone too far. 

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   Not a peeve per se, but I received a text yesterday (that I didn't see until today) from the police station to let me know that I could now pick up my new ID card - and to do so before the 18th. I thought it was a bit rough to give such short notice (but figured it might be due to the pandemic since they've got all sorts of restrictions on the station at the moment and don't want crowds of people there), and went into panic mode trying to figure out how to get into town before they closed for the day.

   Then I realised it was the deadline was for the 18th of November

   So yeah. Writing out dates in numerals is fine for some things, but when you gloss over a text and they've put 2021-11-18 it's easy to just skip to the day and miss that you've got 3 whole months to work with. Why not just write 'the 18th of November'? Heck, it's an automated message anyhow, it shouldn't be so difficult to program it to spell the date out.

   Then again, if they did do that I'm roughly 84% certain that they'd add a colon to it ('den 18:e November') and that is a pet peeve of mine - you do not put a colon when writing dates in Swedish (although if you're in 3rd place, you're in 3:e place, and if you're the 21st Earl of Humphrey, you're den 21:a Earlen av Humphrey - but if you want to go to the movies on the 14:e we can no longer be friends, as it would be rather awkward for me to go out with someone who apparently isn't yet quite finished with elementary school). 

   Its like when people don't know witch it is and they loose they're minds. Promptly goes to wash his mouth with soap.

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28 minutes ago, Janet Voxel said:

My god does international travel suck. Upload this document here, download this app, download this form fill it out, but fill it out before you board.

Remember when you just needed a passport and maybe a visa?

A few decades ago you could go between the US and Canada sometimes without a check at the border. Not no more.

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16 hours ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

People who think a soap dish is a swimming pool for a bar of soap.

I always thought it was the shower.

You know.

Like how the dryer always gets blamed for the washer eating socks.

Or maybe the soap just likes to swim and doesn't realize it will eventually melt into a pile of goo that doesn't even have the good graces to be gray in color. Or grey in colour, as the case may be.

I've been reading Brandon Q Morris' books again haven't I.

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
Brandon not Brand d'oh
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8 hours ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

People who think a soap dish is a swimming pool for a bar of soap.

   I once visited a friend's house and received a tour. On their bathroom sink I was introduced to their version of the 'proper' system for the hygienical method of using a bar of soap; there was a soap dish with a hard soap bar (artisanal olive something something imported from France), a small cheese grater, and a bowl not much larger than an egg cup. I was instructed to, with dry hands, pick up the soap and the grater, grate a small amount of soap onto the soap dish - which at all times should be kept dry as to avoid sticking - brush the grated soap into the bowl, add some hot water to swirl it around before pouring it into my hand to wash them.

   I pointed out that, in that process, both the soap, soap dish, and grater all are exposed to hands that were just used to wipe before they were cleaned, which to me seemed to rather defeat the purpose. But according to the 'lady in the soap shop', according to my friend, 'this is how they do it in France'. I never went to France, but I'd never heard about them supposedly doing that before, and remain sceptical of it being the common practice of the common French-folk. 

   Since then, I have seen various gadgets that sort of improve on the concept, but the setup they had was just a miniature box grater. I guess it was supposed to be terribly rustic or something. This I could get behind - but honestly, I'd rather just (and, do) use a regular liquid pump soap.


   Pet peeve: pretentious Francophiles. 

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Today's peeve 1: Demo rings and text stamps should be sufficient enough, but a 3-minute demo is not enough time to figure out which pants will work with the shirt I thought about buying. Forget this.



Today's peeve 2: Creators who are stuck in the Stone Age with appliers. BoM? What's that?

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So I joined this certain site to make some new friends.  One guy messages me and starts getting really weird.  He gives me his name, demands that I message him, deactivates his profile, comes back, demands I IM him again, deactivates again...and does this several times.  I stopped replying to him after the first couple of messages, and ended up blocking him cos he was giving serious "freak" vibes.

Anyhoo...that was about a month or so ago.  Tonight I go to the site's HQ in SL to purchase more of their messaging tokens, and apparently that guy was there and I get this IM calling me a very rude person.  Took me a while to click it was him cos he was using a different ID than the one he gave me.  He starts demanding I tell him why I stopped replying to him and then I get a C&P tirade that I suspect he has saved to send to women who reject him because it had absolutely nothing that could be in reference to me in it.

So I am peeved because the wanker blocked me before I could point out all the inconsistencies in his tirade.

He then IM'd me using a different ID to insult me again and let me know I can add him as a friend to talk to him cos he is set to only friends can IM him.

He is now playing with the other morons on my blocked list.

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Random Chicken avatar in a dance club

Him: Glances at you

Me: You had to IM me to tell me that?

HIm: wow, you're happy. Sorry I spoke

BUT....you didn't speak. You IM'd me just to say you were looking at me.

2 minutes later another random avatar

Him: Pulls ew tail

Come on...you IM'd me. Learn how to start a conversation

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i finally dipped my toes into using curves in blender and while they look super nice and did what i wanted for said model, i wish they didn't come out as either

a) high poly (considering 1 curve = 1 clump/strand of hair, the polycount builds up fast)
b) looking like it came from a ps1 game at lower resolutions

i try to keep my animesh npc models at around ~5k polys or less so the LI doesnt get crazy so i don't think i'm gonna be able to use curves to replace my hair modeling method Q__Q

anyways that is to say today's peeve is being hyper-aware of polycounts ever since i started making animesh. or just... in general. always fun to buy something, inspecting it, and IMMEDIEATELY going 😬

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3 hours ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

Random Chicken avatar in a dance club

Him: Glances at you

Me: You had to IM me to tell me that?

HIm: wow, you're happy. Sorry I spoke

BUT....you didn't speak. You IM'd me just to say you were looking at me.

2 minutes later another random avatar

Him: Pulls ew tail

Come on...you IM'd me. Learn how to start a conversation

/me smiles

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4 hours ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

Random Chicken avatar in a dance club

Him: Glances at you

Me: You had to IM me to tell me that?

HIm: wow, you're happy. Sorry I spoke

BUT....you didn't speak. You IM'd me just to say you were looking at me.

2 minutes later another random avatar

Him: Pulls ew tail

Come on...you IM'd me. Learn how to start a conversation

Or inheriting an Intan dance orb with the Chicken Dance in it and seeing avis using it. When I retired from my club-owning days I passed that Intan to someone else to deal with the chicken dancers! :D

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