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Arielle Popstar

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Arielle Popstar last won the day on May 2 2022

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    Attractor of Tall Planktons

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  1. Same for me. If Elon bought it I would have some level of confidence and hope that it would be of benefit to residents. I'd suspect a major purge of employees but that might just be what is needed.
  2. If anything like here in Canada, the new way is to reference the download link for the manual from the Quick Start pamphlet that does come with the new laptop. Collecting on the warranty however, even if having bought an extended one, is a fiasco.
  3. That sounds like Second Life. SL in some ways reminds me of my old car I use for certain weekly trips. It is old with high mileage and rusting out but I keep up very basic maintenance, licensing and insurance to keep it on the road but do nothing that will extend its life otherwise. Basically driving it till it drops. It makes me money but not enough to make it worth any real investment in it.
  4. I think there is too much worry over the godmode to be honest. What they should be more concerned with is the apparent Opensim bug that loses the creator name when content is transferred from one grid to another or even when backed up and then imported elsewhere. That is a pita because when one really want to now who made a certain thing, the bug causes the Creator Field to be blank or always "loading". I have to wonder how many creators thought their content had been godded when in actual fact their name came off the creator field due to the bug. Only creators putting some pressure on the Devs is going to get that fixed. I think the shoppers will appear when the same methods they use in SL to entice clients are used over there. Never see any Kitely sales or promotions of their items. Since one is not allowed to sell items for less then a $1, not that many even bother to look through their marketplace because the minimum price there starts at regular price here. In 2013 and 2014 too many creators came over there thinking they could make a killing in a market where there was very little commercial content. Didn't pan out like that because most of the residents were well aware of how much a thing should cost in SL and so resented Creators coming over and charging the outrageous prices they tried for on old content. Even 10% of the SL creators would be more then sufficient but then there is a rising tide of home grown content starting to appear so that maybe by the time it comes to pass for SL creative types to make the switch, it would be too late as there will already be enough low cost or free content to be had. A working economy where there is easy access to funds to buy and sell makes it quite a bit easier and efficient to make micro payments so that people would be happy to take advantage of it. I'm surprised in some ways that Tilia didn't actually approach some of the larger grids to offer it because if they had of had a bigger client portfolio, they could have sold for more.
  5. Can you imagine the furor if SL was to curtail the online time of accounts like the Chinese did with their youth? https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-63730316 The Chinese government has blamed rising gaming addiction among young people for: rising "myopia" poor concentration mental-health problems sleep disorders
  6. people who are stuck unfortunately remain that way until their eyes are opened in a meaningful way and that simply doesn't from convincing arguments but from within oneself. There but for the ___ of ___, go I. Even then such people will eventually have to look at why they were hiding from aspects of life. Something I could afford to do myself with the amount of time I spend inworld and on the forum.
  7. I would suppose we are all given the opportunity to within the various paths we tread, how we each individually use that time is the challenge. One can grow even from the negative and the unhealthy ways at least can point out they are not as satisfying as one might have hoped. That can take longer for some then others. I'm really slow in that regard!
  8. Yes, I understand where you are coming from i think and yes, not something that can be openly discussed here but it is a factor. It is why a 12 Step program worked for me where other recovery methods didn't.
  9. Well I am meaning the initial contact before the habitual user/addict has seen that they may have a problem. Once they do and see the need for help rather than simply relying on their own willpower, they can commence to look about for the best place to get that help.
  10. True enough and I've heard it said and experienced to a degree that every bottom has a trap door for someone to fall further down if they are resistant to change.
  11. More can sometimes be accomplished by a trusted friend or associate that has had the problem and can relate, then a Professional. It is a trust issue. Professionals are in it for the money or it can seem that way vs a friend who who doesn't have anything to gain from it.
  12. I've read various articles through the years that question whether a chemical dependency is an actual dependence on a particular chemical but how it triggers the release of dopamine, serotonin and other natural mood enhancers and inhibitors within the body. The problem comes when these chemical triggers do that time after time the body stops triggering them naturally and in some cases never has been able to trigger them sufficiently strong enough for the addict to get the effect they are looking for. That may well be the reason why any drug has to be taken in increasing dosages to achieve the same effect.
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