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So what do you all think to the Premium Plus package?

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9 hours ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

I signed up for a month and OBJECT_ACCOUNT_LEVEL still returns 1(Premium) and I can only attach 2 animesh pets which I could with Premium and I still can only wear 38 attachments max. 😭

There's been no implication that OBJECT_ACCOUNT_LEVEL would indicate plus-level (granted you'd think that would be an obvious one), nor did I see anything about extra animesh attachments. The benefits are all listed in the sign-up page.

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1 hour ago, Polenth Yue said:

I backed off because it felt like you wanted a fight no matter what. Providing the link just would have provoked you in that context. This has been happening all day, where people ask for information, then shout at the person who answers. They don't really want the answer and often knew the answer (but were making a point that it wasn't on x page or something like that). You came across like that.

But if you want a moment of assuming good faith, I'll assume you're just going to say "thanks" and stop shouting at me if I reply. You've been given some other links, so here is Patch briefly explaining why free mesh uploads aren't live yet:


Not sure where you got that i wanted a fight simply by asking where they said that.. I was asking for information. You assumed something that wasnt there. 

Thank you for that info, sadly LL promises things and then does the opposite far too often. They seem to like dropping hints about good features then slipping in more fees in silence. 

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2 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I noticed this on Inara Pey's blog...

Quarterly Premium billing is only available to those who were on the billing plan prior to it being discontinued on June 24th, 2019.


i won't stick my hand in the fire for it, but am nearly sure it was still on the page a little while ago.

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14 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I am more excited for the mole chat tomorrow. They may have new LL mesh bodies in the works and will probably be talkikg about an updated avatar appearance menu

I will honestly be surprised if that ends up being more than just off the peg starter avatars to replace 70's man and dog bag lady.

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2 hours ago, Asadora Summers said:

I have a grandfathered account, so my stipend is 500L. So 150L more a week is no where near worth upgrading to PP for me.

same here, roughly pay150 hard dollars more for a 31.50 in stipends yearly... i'm not that bad in calculation to see that's not a real profit. Together with the tier raise, what i would use next tot the stipend out of that further useless list (for me!) it still would not be more expensive as 120 dollars .. i get more profit with adding a second normal premium. 

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4 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

I really haven't had much trouble at all in the last couple of years with getting into events on the first day.  YMMV, but it just doesn't seem that they are as in demand as they used to be.  Weekend sales have taken over.  

It might be worth it if you want to get into Blueberry when they're giving away free store credit and having a 1/2 price sale.

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6 hours ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

Is there really?  Or were you joking?  The 🤣 makes it hard to tell, but no one else responded to me…

It was mentioned. The laughing face because its one of those "soon" things.


I might put a PP on an alt for a month once the mesh prices get updated. I'll prepare and get a good 3000+ sound clips ready. ♫Mewsic

What ever happened to the 30 second sound clips? Firestorm had it all ready to go.




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Group Creation Free Reduced!

Umm... How about a real useful group edit and delete option?

How many dead groups from closed shops, clubs, and land managers are floating around SL? They say that if you only have one member it will be deleted, but I have an alt set aside to hold dead groups they are the only member of... There are still six groups that they admin from places that closed *at least* six months ago.

100 L$ isn't bad for creating a group, and is probably too low for all the super frivolous ones added by anyone for any reason taking up names and cluttering search results, letting us edit dead groups would be far better than making them cheaper.

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20 minutes ago, NanashiNyx said:

Group Creation Free Reduced!

Umm... How about a real useful group edit and delete option?

How many dead groups from closed shops, clubs, and land managers are floating around SL? They say that if you only have one member it will be deleted, but I have an alt set aside to hold dead groups they are the only member of... There are still six groups that they admin from places that closed *at least* six months ago.

100 L$ isn't bad for creating a group, and is probably too low for all the super frivolous ones added by anyone for any reason taking up names and cluttering search results, letting us edit dead groups would be far better than making them cheaper.

Yes to this! In all my years in SL I have made 2 groups, one to hold land and one when I was thinking about a business. Paying 100 L for a group is small change. Edit and delete should be an obvious thing to do, also in Basic.

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As for many others in this thread, my personal reaction is "meh". I was primarily interested in the land tier aspect, so my several Premium alt accounts can rest easy; they're not being retired as they still beat this offer. The other aspects don't really appeal to me, as I never use my full group allocation, I occasionally (like maybe once or twice a month) upload a texture and I don't change my name all the time. I also already have Concierge support as I have a Private Region as well as Mainland. So for me, the decision is quite simple - and "oh well" is all I feel about it, as I've not actually lost anything.

That being said...people are getting too excited and invested about this. There is a subset of SL users for whom this is a good deal, potentially. Content creators, people who need lots and lots of groups for some reason (shopper, bloggers maybe), people who change their SL account names meaningfully (rather than just display names) quite a lot and so on. For them, great, enjoy the product.

However, it isn't entirely the users' fault about getting upset about it. Linden Lab have severely hyped this up for several months without a clear vision of what was being introduced and have thus failed to manage expectations, which have gone way beyond what they were willing to do. Patch mentioned that the product was still being worked on until fairly recently, and yet it has been talked about for so long with some contradictory information being given out by different Linden sources. They also should have called it something like "Business Premium" or similar, as that would have focused minds on whom it would primarily benefit; again, that would have helped to manage expectations.

Personally, if I were LL, I would have just developed it in secret and then announced it at SL19B, as they clearly weren't going to incorporate the various suggestions that were coming from the "engagement meetings" anyway.

My advice: make a cold-eyed assessment about whether this works for you or not (depending on what you use SL for) and then move on, it's not worth getting agitated about as SL will probably never be exactly how you want it anyway.

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I did the full math on if this would be worth it for me. Currently I pay $99 per year and 8.75 monthly for extra land = $204 per year.

PP would also give 150 more lindens per week, so 7800 per year, which is ~ $35. Discounting that from the total price we're left with... $214 per year. I would have to upload 241 textures/sounds/animations to break even.

With the one-time sign-up bonus it'd be $202. Two-dollar savings for a year, woo! And then it's $10 more than the old price. :P Come on, Lindens. Sweeten the deal. You know you want to. And I want you to so I don't have to deliberately shut off my brain to see any reason to upgrade.

How about, for example, allowing us to own a linden home that doesn't count against land tier? You have so many options, sigh. Anything! I'm grasping at straws and mining for silver linings here!

Edited by Cinos Field
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7 hours ago, Drayke Newall said:

Patch has stated this wont happen as they are to afraid of a revolt from current Land Barons if they do.

The land barons charge more then owning your own fullsim though.... in RENT by WAAy to much though

so many full sims sitting for rent just like irl housing market nonsense

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4 minutes ago, shireena1 said:

Apparently there is no more 3 monthly premium, its just one month and 12 months now..

At least normal premium hasn't gone up.. yet anyway lol.

I'm upset at this and don't understand why, especially as it will lose them customers

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ok, just had a look at new pp versus normal premium  (i'm on a 3 month one, so will have to change)

Im guessing that the billing will still be taken out of any tilia balance firstly, and then CC to make up any outstanding balance owing?  I mean i guess so anyway. Anyone know for sure?

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On 6/21/2022 at 1:05 AM, Henri Beauchamp said:

Premium Plus is totally unappealing to me. Waaaaay too expensive for very moderate ”benefits”, especially after you add the VAT (that's $300 a year with the VAT in UE)...

I'll keep my Premium plan, thank you !

VAT is not charged if you take annual payment. 

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4 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

i won't stick my hand in the fire for it, but am nearly sure it was still on the page a little while ago.

I will stick my hand, I bought a premium quaterly for an alt in May. That alt was never premium, and the option was there.

That alt will upgrade to yearly now anyway, I was just waiting for P+  to decide, 

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On 6/20/2022 at 11:41 PM, Da5id Weatherwax said:

Running numbers based on the above and my last years accounts for "all of SL" it doesnt quite add up to benefit for me. That means that if the OP is a complete description of the gains and costs of premium plus, I'm unlikely to take up the offer.

So, a few days ago I said this.

Now I've read the official announcement and the associated FAQ and have run the numbers again. Honesty compels me to say that its closer than I originally calculated. Almost "marginal" in fact - close enough that it would only take a small uptick in the amount of time I have to spend on inworld projects for the free upload of non-mesh assets to tip it over from being a net detriment to a net benefit.

So let me modify my conclusion from "I am unlikely to take up the offer" to "I am unlikely to take up the offer yet"

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The main thing to me is land holdings.

Between Belli and mainland I need 3072 (well, I want, I don't need it. I get that with 2 premiums one of them with increased tier. Around 300 year (counting VAT in tier). And I have 2 Belli houses that I like.

Or with a P+ and a regular premium and that would be 348 USD . If I wanted more groups or name changes yes I would see the appeal. If I uploaded enough yes, I would see the appeal. As it is I would be paying more, so that is a no from me.  

I may be upgrading, but only because my premium renews in December and so far it would cost me 70 USD to do it, but still debating on that one :). In December I would downgrade, unless things changed.

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14 hours ago, Tary Allen said:

It seems quarterly is still there for regular premium, 


it makes some sense that their is no quarterly Premium Plus plan

back when Linden raised the price of Premium they also planned to drop quaterly at that time

it was pointed out to Linden that there are people on low fixed incomes (pensions, disabilities, etc) actual poor people, who do not have an immediately available $100 to spend. That they have to save up to get this amount

and one of the example given, was that for some people the time needed to save up this amount was between now and next pay day. While with others (actual poor people) on low fixed income the save up time can run to 6 months or more. Like if can only save up $5 a week then will have to go without for 20 weeks to be able to have the $100. And in this case the overwhelming number of people in these financial situations go with the monthly plan. Spend $10 a month

that when so (as it is so) then the subscription plan is regressive. Only those who can put together $100 in a lump sum will get a discount. The poorest RL residents do not, not unless they go without a Linden Home for the duration of the initial save up period  

so the need for a quarterly discount to reduce the saveup time to get a discount

Linden took this onboard and put the quarterly Premium discount subscription back in. For actual RL poor people to be able to get some discount, while also keeping the saveup period shorter than 20 weeks or more had there only been a annual plan discount

this said. given the then argument for actual poor people, it makes sense to not have a quarterly Premium Plus account,.  Objectively, we are not RL poor when we opt to go for a Premium Plus account, which is 150% more than Premium 



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