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Toothless Draegonne

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Everything posted by Toothless Draegonne

  1. It's become something of a meme amongst a few people when I come in with my usual smol chirpy avali avatar or some kind of squeaky plush toy. Voice up, and people are screaming YOU MUST BE USING A VOICE CHANGER. Apparently they can't get over a smol fluffbird talking like a BBC news presenter or something. Kinda amusing, to be honest.
  2. Depends on what you want your experience to be. Set the EEP on the parcel how you like it and enjoy your pink Martian skies, or constant-starlight deep-space skybox. I'd say there's a case for making LDPW madlands be consistent with only gradual changes as you travel, but outside of that, it's your parcel/region/estate. Do whatever.
  3. Regions have their own isolated slice of compute on the simulator that they run on. Linking another region just means you have two isolated slices of compute next door to each other. You can use this for load-balancing, but it's not one shared pool of compute. From what I'm aware (and from what I've seen through experimenting), there is no actual difference between a 20 and 30K region asides amount of land impact available. A Homestead-class region has a 5ms script cap, and seems to have some limits as far as maximum number of rezzed objects per second, compared to a 20 or 30K.
  4. Still running SL okay on last year's Asus TUF A17. ROG is for if you have a whole bunch of money to spend on high end. TUF is the mid-tier.
  5. This has been standard viewer advice for the last year now, and hitting the install-wall has been a thing in general for much longer than that.
  6. Unfortunately due to the increasing paranoia of AV software and the cost of getting certified, this is an increasing occurence for an increasing amount of any kind of indy software, which basically every TPV is. Either you're having to add exceptions, or you're having to override the install-wall. Or both. I'm wondering if this is a deliberate Microsoftian attempt to force everyone onto their crappy app store, but nonetheless, FS is far from alone in needing people to turn off AV or access control features, and kind of removes the point of even having them.
  7. Are you in a skybox? The chances are you're relying on the default "autoprobe", which attempts to place itself if you are using no manual reflection probes. If you place a probe that covers only your skybox, then the things inside it should be affected by your skybox or your building's internal lighting, rather than the outside sky, which will be all around you if you're up at altitude. Also worth noting that manual probes have an ambience value, which can help raise the ..well.. ambient light value without adding additional light sources.
  8. Teens can join general regions. Whether you think this is a good idea or not is another matter.
  9. Well, I mean actually private as in, "cannot even cam your location or what is in your place because you physically can't teleport into the region unless invited" level of privacy. Only thing that allows that level of privacy is renting your own region. But uh yeah, that price tag
  10. I only have a rugged, reliable, waterproof, dustproof, toughened phone that's capable of coping with the drops, dings and accidents that real life throws at it. Of course it's not compatible with second life. For the kind of price I'd need to drop on the kind of hand jewellery that the mobile client wants, I'd rather buy a PC that can run a full-fat PBR viewer at ultra and still have change left over.
  11. For free, unlikely. You can pick any moderate or adult sandbox, rez a skysphere and do whatever up there, but you'll always be able to be cammed on by anybody else in the region. Check the region rules, because the rating doesn't matter if the region owner doesn't want people flaunting their wobbly bits. If you have premium, you can request a linden home in a moderate region and just set parcel controls so people outside the parcel can't see you. For an actually private area with no chance of anybody except the people you invite being able to see anything, your only realistic option is a private region, and they are very much not free.
  12. Nope, just here handing out free reality checks. You want to hobble yourself, I'm not going to stop you. But screaming about standards that should have been adopted 10 years ago isn't going to do anything good. Trying to tell people that you'll need to drop $1500 on a computer that can run SL is not going to do anybody any good either.
  13. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/WestCoast Valley/128/128/2 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/DramaField/128/128/2 Both black-owned, both predominantly occupied by people of various not-mayonnaise-white colour but without banning anybody based on race. Both can range from being fairly chill to being loud screaming matches, depending on what the drama of the day is doing and whether the usual suspects have descended on the place to munch popcorn and sip tea. Oh and if you see kcam, give em a hi5. Silliest raccoon on the grid.
  14. You appear to have this rather oddball fascination with Unreal Engine, like it's the only game engine in existance. Regardless, it's not me leaving. It's basically everyone that's already left for much richer pastures. I'll probably still be around throwing particles and musicboxes at people. Now though, the musicboxes might have gltf overrides for a little extra magic. Maybe at some point the old creators might come back, if they haven't been permanently put off by some of the more stupid things the Lab has done over the years. For as long as SL remains this special little boy with very special needs though, like hell they will.
  15. I can kind of understand why you might want to run a viewer in a virtual machine, but it's a virtual machine. This is probably even less common than people trying to run ultra detail levels on a netbook, and you have to accept at least some drop in FPS even if you're passing a dedicated GPU through and enabling all the CPU switches to speed things up a bit. Again, try not running ultra.
  16. That's correct. You cater to the widest demographic that have been enjoying PBR content for over a decade at this point, not including the decades beforehand when it was a standard in prerendered footage. Do I need to remind everyone again that you need far less than "the latest gaming PC" to run SL in full ultra? I'm doing just that on last gen's mid-tier laptop, and if you are budget-concious, you do not buy laptops expecting bang for buck.
  17. Amusingly, there was much experimenting with tonemapping since early on in the pre-beta days. I was there in certain discords watching it happen. The result was different, but not bad. Life was good. Things actually kind of "popped" a little more than before, if anything. And then the screaming started. Oh how it started and wouldn't stop. And so we ended up with the current oddball tonemapping that is a kind of compromise that allows for HDR tonemapping without it looking "too different". Personally I'm hoping that LUT changing becomes a thing available on either a viewer level or integrated into EEP. Then maybe at least that part of the screaming can stop.
  18. Most creators of 3D content, by a vast and almost unanimous majority, create content for PBR rendering. You just don't get to enjoy it because you've been stuck on a platform that doesn't support it. Roll on proper scene graphs, custom skeletons, blendshapes and IK chains so we can finally just bloody well import something and have it work, instead of waiting around and hoping that someone will do the not-small amount of work to finagle something into the obscure and weird Bento skeleton, with all its myriad problems.
  19. Quite. The majority of end users don't care. They want something that just works. And by following standards that the entire industry works with, it becomes far easier to make content that just works, everywhere.
  20. VR Chat? Resonite? Assorted asset websites? Literally every other paying job as an asset creator across the entire videogame industry? But hey let's just pin everything on some obscure 3D chat room from 20 years ago that when it even gets a mention, is usually in the context of "huh, Sadville still exists."
  21. The Asus TUF range seem to be pretty maintainable, and they even show how to take the back off and what order to remove and replace screws. TIM compound replacement is another kettle of fish, but honestly that is a far more rare requirement on laptops, and probably best done by someone who is at least moderately qualified due to the usual lack of an IHS on most laptop chipsets.
  22. PBR is not excess shiny crap. It's how everything else does it. You want those shops to continue having things for you to buy, you'll need to support PBR sooner or later, because the people that make stuff to put in those shops have been getting increasingly fed up of having to be special just for SL versus making something once and using it literally everywhere else. Many of them left years ago, or did you not notice things getting a little thin on the ground lately?
  23. Welp, just tried the Z1E Ally and I have to be honest and say there's currently issues that were not present in previous PBR releases of various viewers. So there you go, don't try running PBR on an ROG Ally (yet). There do seem to be updates in the works though, so watch this space, so to speak. As for everything else, nope, mid range laptop, budget desktop, anything from medium to ultra graphics will be fine depending on how budget your system is.
  24. Xe is literally the (iGPU) testbed for the Arc dedicated cards. It very much can run SL, just not in ultra. The 1165G7 CPU with decent LPDDR RAM can run a viewer on medium-ish graphics, The Z1E in the ROG Ally can do medium-high, depending on how many fps you want. The problem with integrated GPUs and particularly Intel cards was the viewer incorrectly guessing that you only have 512MB of VRAM available. This can now be overridden in at least some viewers, and even the older Iris graphics can probably run SL on (much) lower settings. GMA perhaps not.
  25. Yes I know. Now try telling the people who think that PBR viewers require a 7800x3d and a 4090 to run at bare minimum.
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