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(Rant?) I just want a dance.

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On 2/19/2020 at 7:30 AM, Rhonda Huntress said:

What do you think?  Which avatar would you approach if you saw them both at a club? Or am I just paranoid?



with the risk of repeating some of what is said here, let's start:

1. A strong and confident look for Rhonda and a more vulnerable one for Maybie

2. Names: Maybie is an invitation to play , Rhonda  not

3. Partnership: A wise guy told me long ago that men don't read profiles, but they always check the partnership.There would be two reasons, either it is something territorial, as if you were already marked, or it is about availability. A single person must be desperate for attention. After all, aren't we all here for slex?

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4 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Geez, the next time someone calls me a misandrist, I'm just going to direct them to the posts here by you and the other men.

Clearly you're not meeting the right kind of man. Come clubbing with me sometime, and I'll find you some nice ones to dance with. Apparently I'm better at that than are you!

I don't need a man, I am one! We like treats.

I get treats after I dance with the lady in my life, that's how I know it works. 

I do sometimes wish there was more food, though. 

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On 2/19/2020 at 9:36 AM, Mollymews said:

Rhonda Huntress is famous. Famous in the SL sense. You might not think this yourself but you are

people don't approach famous people as easily as they do people they see as non-famous

how famous people don't get approached so easily, at least by me

i have seen Strawberry Singh (before Linden) out and about inworld on a few occasions.  We have the same taste in jewellery and frequent the same shops, but I have never opened a conversation with her. Because famous, and because Strawberry was shopping so I just be quiet


I do not think there is anything  that is "famous in SL". Before Strawberry became Linden I mentioned in a discussion with several friends that I had read something on her blog. Half were like : Who is Strawberry? And I was talking about someone considered popular. Many of the SL residents live in their bubble and do not read the forum, they are not aware of the events or changes.Especially people from countries that are not English speaking and who do not know more than "yes", "no", "Hi". Yes, I know, it seems surprising but such people exist. Even in SL.

One of my Alts has a store on the marketplace for two years, had over 15,000 transactions (the most popular 5 products, the free ones, add up to 10,000+ together - I do not say this to boast, but only as an example. I don't know even this is good or not) She receives 2-3 messages per month with "thank you for all you do for the community", she has her own group, but this does not qualify her for at least "well known" . When she gets out of her bubble 99% of the time nobody knows who she is. although she has everything written on her profile, not even some of her friends know what she is doing in SL.if we were to do an experiment, I bet if we ask in the maitreya group who is the creator of the brand, many will check before answering.

 and that's the beauty of sl. We are all famous and popular in our bubbles and nothing when we get out of them.It makes you feel humble, doesn't it?

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2 hours ago, Kweopi said:

I do not think there is anything  that is "famous in SL"

when we equate famous with well-known then brands come to mind.  The Chung rental empire is pretty well-known

and things like Slink and Maitreya. I think at least 25% of the SL population would know these products


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Maybe it is just me, but I am a little intimidated by people who have been in SL a long time. Like they have all the answers and I am going to come across as a pathetic noob. I have not looked at Maybies profile but I am guessing she is relatively new. 

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23 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

Maybe it is just me, but I am a little intimidated by people who have been in SL a long time. Like they have all the answers and I am going to come across as a pathetic noob. I have not looked at Maybies profile but I am guessing she is relatively new. 

You're no noob Tali! I'm the noob here.  Still not two years in and I only know what I know, plus bit of what I ought to know. I still have no idea what I don't know. I do know this though, some tecchy conversations on the forums just leave me gasping. So I know my limits, and I know I learn more each day, both about avis and taking pics.

Back on the subject of dancing, and I've posted this one before. It took place at Franks Jazz. I was being chatted up by this experienced vet. He was in the sarcastic/full of crap category. After a long and reasonable chat, standing on the side of the dance floor, I asked him if he would like a dance. His response was....."what took you so long".

Maybe that's just smartass guy humour, but that attitude just pisses me off. 

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2 hours ago, Mollymews said:

and things like Slink and Maitreya. I think at least 25% of the SL population would know these products

I think Kweopi and others are talking about individual people, not brands. Sort of like, If you passed a group of people while at say...Vista animations, and it consisted of the owners of Slink, Maitreya and Genus, would you know them more than you'd know me, Kweopi and BelindaN stood a little further down? Unlikely right? 
I don't believe "famous" exists in SL tbh, "Well known"?...yes. People become known for what they do and the amount of people who see/know them. Naria Panthar, Meela Vanderbilt and others, may be well known from their YouTube channels and blog's, as was Strawberry Singh/Linden, but anyone who doesn't watch/read those people don't have a clue who they may be stood next to in game.
As a "noob" on these forums, there are poster's that will stick in my mind and if seen in game and I'll be like "ohh, there's such and such a body. Never thought I'd bump into them!", however, they'll be no more "famous" than coming across one of the girls/guys I knew way back in the day!

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16 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

I was thinking...

<Beach Boys - Help Me Rhonda>


Nah. That song makes me think of the SIL that I can get along with. 

My brother blamed me for one of his girlfriends dumping him when I had nothing to do with it. A guy friend was visiting (invited) me when my brother's (now) ex-girlfriend showed up out of the blue (uninvited). As far as I know, when they each left, they went their separate ways. Next thing I do know is my brother is raging at me that she left him for the guy she met at my house and it was all my fault. When I denied having anything to do with it, he spit in my face. Rhonda (SIL) was just what he needed to settle him down.  Only problem is, my brother has held that grudge against me ever since. He refuses to believe the truth.

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18 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Mmmmmm  /me smooths her gown (overalls really)  and dons her heels (tennis shoes) *tosses out 10L to Scylla and 10L to Maddie *  I am sure someone in SL made a 3 person dance animation that isn't a ballet or a cheer routine.  I brought drinks 🍺🍸🍷  Do you think we could tempt Rhonda to join?  

I am pretty sure the original Junkyard Blues Club had a sexy 3 way dance animation.  That was in the wild and woolly days though and it's not currently rezzed. You could ask about it though.

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6 hours ago, BelindaN said:

Franks Jazz.

I have been a regular at the old Franks. I just like jazz.. People were quiet there, only some hosts trying to keep a social talk in General. The ones that were on the dancefloor were partnered or came in together. No hits of women who wanted to talk or it has been a woman who tried to lure me onto a RP. I didnt mind, most of the time I was busy in RL or reading profiles. When someone caught my eye or I read a nice profile I like to compliment her (or rarely him, what always leads to a consternation) for her profile and /or appearance. I appreciate the effort that people put in their profile and / or avatar. They make SL beautiful. Sometimes it ended with a nice chat. Rarely it ended up in a dance. Most of the time the chat dried up. Because of the lag and that most of the people just dont dance I left as regular. Now I visit it only with a date, although I have more places in my folder Landmarks that are also beautiful  (even more beautiful) and not that laggy. 

Sorry to hear @BelindaN about that encounter with that guy, some have no manners. It looks like he wanted to be asked for his own ego!. Next time you pick a Stranger with a capital S.

Now I hear @Rhonda Huntress asking: ok what has this to do with the thread? What has this to do with my questions?

Well a lot have been said about your input here. I can only talk for myself...

First I am not the type of guy that approach people out of the blue. If I IM someone there must be a reason for that. I like to read profuiles and a lot of inspirations comes out of them. I see if there is a connection to talk about. Mostly I first have read the profile before I see that person. I must say the looks of an avatar tells a lot of  that person, but it aint my main reason to approach someone. If I dont like the content of the profile I just let it pass.

The choice if I would ask her to dance yes or no is based on the vibes I feel during the conversation. I dont like teh s*xy fore play dances a lot. They say I am a gentleman but I am still a man and I dont want to get to be teased, only when I know someone very well and I can place it in our being together. Romantic dances can give also expectations, so I avoid them too mostly tille again I know someone very well and i can place it in our friendship. So dances only with some distance first. 

Everything above is based on experience and I want to keep my SL relaxed. So I am a bit timide (once bitten twice shy guy).

Oh if I have to choose between Rhonda or Maybie, I will choose for Rhonda... Maybie looks to playful.



Edited by Stranger Hoxley
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On 2/19/2020 at 5:30 AM, Rhonda Huntress said:

What do you think?  Which avatar would you approach if you saw them both at a club? Or am I just paranoid?

Your main avatar is much more attractive to me than your alt (I'm a sucker for redheads), but I wouldn't ask you for a dance for two reasons.

  • You have a partner listed in your profile. And that means potential drama that I really don't want to get involved with.
  • The partner listed in your profile is female. I would therefore assume that I'm not your target audience.

And those are the only two reasons. If the partner section of your profile was blank, and if I was alone at the time, I probably would ask you for a dance, though it wouldn't mean anything more significant that that. Because even though the partner section of my profile is blank, I'm not single in SL either. 

I probably wouldn't approach Maybie at all, even if she's not partnered. Unless we had already struck up a friendly conversation that got my interest. She's cute and pretty but not really my type.


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I find it maybe a bit odd myself that partnered status is necessarily a disqualification in a dancing partner.

I get, of course, that a great many people use dancing as a way to meet potential sexual and/or romantic partners; in such cases it makes sense that you'd stay away from someone who listed a partner.

But can't dancing also just be . . . dancing?

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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