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Unpopular opinions

Bree Giffen

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@Tari Landar   For me I own the brand that starts with the letter S but I no longer wear it. I now exclusively use the one that starts with a B and specifically the F version.  I don’t know if were allowed to use the brand names and if we are just using the first letters if that’s too specific as well so let that fall where it may.

I originally bought the S brand because it’s the first one I encountered back however many years ago. And then found out that other bodies didn’t have separate hands and feet and discover that the B brand had adjustable bewbies.   So hands and feet I didn’t have to mess with other than the HUD & push up boobs were my deciding factors.  

There’s lots of clothes and shoes and specifically lots and lots of fitted jewelry made only for brand M.  Some very nice things I would like my avatar to have but they are not available to me with my choice of body.   I have on occasion messaged a few creators and asked if they were considering branching out into other bodies. If any bothered to reply back it was always “no”.  

I’m sure there’s a variety of factors that can or do feed into their decision.  It might be as simple as they choose not to and Likely the added cost and time that might be incurred in tailoring clothes and shoes and jewelry to other bodies.  

Several times I have sent links to the things that I like to show my best friend and told her she should buy them just so that I can see them. Haha.   I guess in the end the creators who choose not to create for my body actually do my wallet a favor and save me $$$.

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26 minutes ago, OptimoMaximo said:

I'm gonna win this one, mine will be the most unpopular of all:

Mesh bodies not only need to be lower polygon count, but the UV mapping needs to be redone and trash the default avatar layout, along with all the skins ever produced and start anew so to have higher definition skin texture. 

How's that? 😂

Oh I have you beaten by a mile.  I think mesh bodies need to be eliminated altogether.  I think Tolya looks just as dashing as my current mesh body, in an anime sorta way/  Plus, so much easier to get dressed with the original system (well original in 2008 when I joined).

The only real advantage of mesh: being able to derender clothing and pretend I'm 12 years old with X-Ray specs.

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1 hour ago, Tari Landar said:

I have a weird question, and it probably has truck all to do with this particular topic, other than being rather unpopular given the climate, well, maybe not truck....but..anyway

Are people seriously convinced that many, most, some other obscure but rather large number, of creators actually only create for one specific body? I mean, is that REALLY the consensus, or are most of the people who say such things just utterly butthurt that anyone creates for the body they dislike, don't wear, didn't buy, consider to be cookie cutter..(insert your own qualifier here) and are projecting that distaste for said creators by embellishing more than a teenage girl in the US during the 90s with a bedazzler ?

I loathe shopping, especially clothes shopping, I rarely ever do it for myself. That said, I do a lot (an embarrassing amount) of helping others find crap they want, because I'm oddly good at that (I know, it makes no sense, stay with me anyway), and I do buy an outfit or so now and again...every few years usually. I have run into far fewer creators, both in my searches for others,  and my own purchasing/searching that cater specifically to ONLY....insert that brand.....than I have creators that cater to multiple.  Like, where the hell are these butthurt people shopping that they're running into a majority of ONLY creators for that ONE body...but not finding creators that make for their body too, or perhaps cater to their specific body?  Most of the crap I've bought (my apologies creators, you make lovely stuff, I tend to use crap as an all encompassing tag word, not typically derogative in this context, I assure you) has multiple body versions in the package, I own literally NOTHING that has only stuff for one body in the package, it would seem that my lack of purchasing would actually result in at least some catered to it, since it is the body I wear, and according to some there are soooooooooooooooo many creators catering to it solely.  It seems more than unreasonable, to me, to suggest that my experience is somehow some kind of niche, freak coincidence and not the norm. I have seen the same in groups I am in, wherein others have the same experience I do. 

I know that some bodies became so before others, it stands to reason that those who came first, would have a larger audience (is this not common sense?). Those that came later would likely have far less customers simply because...maths. Also,  those who are made by people with a less than savory past are going to be scrutinized until the cows come home, spawn new cows, become dinner, then fertilizer which will later grow the feed for generations of cows to come (and imo, rightfully so...y'all are fools to believe them...but, I digress...no name and shaming self, no name and shaming), so will have an even smaller following, regardless of how many people discuss it, pretend to like it, maybe even buy it....

Also, why on earth do people consider it a niche when creators creator for other ALSO highly popular bodies....do people not know what niche means?  It would literally take seconds to do a search on the forums, or even one visit to a busy sim, to find out...those bodies are NOT niche,, loads of folks have them (including a very large amount of people that have the body some seem to loathe) and clearly the creators for them are also not a niche, lol.

Or am I reading way too much into this....BUT YOU DON"Y CREATE FOR MY BODY SO I'M GOING OT HATE ON YOU ALLLLLLL..... stuff? It seems to keep popping up in really random places (some make sense, some do not, lol). I literally watched a group of people, men and women, argue about it in sl. If they were in person, it would've been a knock down drag out fight......over smaller groupings of pixels....and which  larger groupings pixels resembling the human form are better pixels...and why some creators of said smaller grouping of pixels don't make more pixels for other  large groupings of pixels that resemble the human form and  are vastly  more important and better  large groupings of pixels that resemble the human form 

....and my head hurts. 

I have no idea why I ponder this, but  do it every single time I see someone mention how tired they are of creators catering to one specific body, use the word niche for other also VERY popular bodies (for which there are more creations than some think) and my brain runs through these thoughts like they're going out of style, until I get distracted and find something else odd to ponder. 


Ooh, look, french toast bagel magically appeared on my desk....(seriously, those suckers are AAAAAAAmazing). 

I dunno.  I don't buy my own clothes any more.  When my wife thinks I've worn the same suit for too long, she logs in as me, goes shopping, and changes my clothes.  Eventually, in a couple days, I get tired of khakis and a shirt, and spend about 30 minutes trying to figure out how to put my suit back on.  What's wrong with a classic pinstripe suit all the time, anyway?

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8 hours ago, Tolya Ugajin said:

I have an uncle...

Who has a sister named "Beverly" and a daughter named "Doreen"

And he's about the right age to be John Norman...

Please, God, let me be adopted!

Nah. It's pretty obvious that John Nobhead names all his female characters after women who have rejected him, and nobody would be so foul as to hit on his own -

Oh. Oh s***. Better avoid that family reunion...

Edited by Amina Sopwith
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10 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Ohhh! I get it now!

I am unpopular. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. xD

Not with me your'e not. Putting me right on several occasions without resorting to sniping flaming or trolling gained you 100 plus rep in my books. Unfortunately my own rep is bottom rung, so the extra rep from me will be of little use. Please, carry right on though x

Edited by rasterscan
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25 minutes ago, rasterscan said:

Not with me your'e not. Putting me right on several occasions without resorting to sniping flaming or trolling gained you 100 plus rep in my books. Unfortunately my own rep is bottom rung, so the extra rep from me will be of little use. Please, carry right on though x

Thank you.

I have no intentions of ever changing so no worries there. ;)

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9 minutes ago, rasterscan said:

See. That's attitude right there. Anyway I'm just 23 posts from the magic 500 so expect a lot more trite nonsense from me, for today anyway.

It's 2 am. I'm hoping I'll be able to go to sleep soon. Yeah I know. Rots of ruck.

Androids are dreaming of electric sheep while I'm staring at a computer screen. :S

Good night. Hope your day goes well for you.

Oh and you'd better check your post count again. I think you were looking at your rep count. oops

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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9 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Oh and you'd better check your post count again. I think you were looking at your rep count. oops

NUUUUU. Your right again. Still, proves my point. I'll log off and go visit the Shelter then, the post count can go back to growing slowly. Grrrr.

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5 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

thought the meme was funny, almost entirely because the English system we still use is a f-ing mess

Another thing to be unpopular: the system is not English, it's called Imperial system because it dates back to the Romans 😜

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2 hours ago, carolinestravels said:

There should not be any banlines on any mainland continent.  
Security Orbs should give a minimum allowance of 15 Minutes on the land in question (As part of TOS).

Ten seconds is way too much when you're face to face with the most dog sick ugly guy in SL who's just crashed your apartment.

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32 minutes ago, OptimoMaximo said:

Another unpopular opinion: regardless of how much effort is put onto it, skins in SL will never be "high res" / "high quality" / "life-like", you all look cartoonish.

Let's see how this one ranks now 😂

Fail. Sorry. I think we all know the avatars are cartoon-like in this game. 😀

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