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About belindacarson

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  1. @Quartz Mole Are you able to tell us if the "no bots" feature is enabled at the info hubs? If it is, then we can abuse report all these bots as undeclared scripted agents. If not, we can request it on canny. Problem solved (in theory).
  2. Android 13 Samsung m53 5g phone. I made no mention of a potato phone, I said about mobile signals. Yours is major misinformation for assuming about phones.
  3. There are ways and means. I once dropped a notecard to a merchant after something stopped working. I included the transaction details of yesteryear with it. The creator took the time to reply but said it wasn't available anymore, fair enough. However I explained it was part of a larger build, the creator came to see and sold me a replacement copy. (I'd offered to pay).
  4. They will ask you to provide names of alts and their secret question/answer. If the mac address matches creation of these alts matches then they'll help. Saying support won't help you on this is nonsense. (Yes I know I moan about them) I've recovered an alt recently that I couldn't verify the secret question to, so I filed a ticket and asked about it. Took a few days but ll were able to verify the account as mine, and they helped me to reset the secret question. If they can't match the details from your list, then they won't help you.
  5. Lumiya worked. Still works today. It's 3d mode only really worked on WiFi. It's text mode still works on low mobile signals too. Ll viewer , I gave up on completely. Impossible to move even on WiFi, and won't even open on mobile data. @Quartz Molecould you ask if we can know the stats how many people log in via Lumiya?
  6. The app updated this morning, and in the "what's new" notes it said added support for plus users. I'd guess they're about to add it to plus accounts too. Also in the downloads said 10000+
  7. It's just had an update on Android this morning "added support for plus users".
  8. oh please, stop with the necro posting of a 14 year old thread. The answer of suspect l$ has come up many times since then, advice from governance at recent meetings was to AR the sender for fraud>l$ to cover yourself, and leave the l$ untouched. Governance will remove it from your account if it's illegally gotten l$, otherwise wait a week and enjoy your windfall.
  9. Try and sign up with a proton email or search the forums, you'll soon find it. Also look for a good tin foil hat and bubble wrap on amazon.
  10. It's a bit long of a wait but support will show you. They don't open until 6am sl time though. Or try these things from their knowledge base On the Second Life website: Log in using your Second Life username and password. Go to your Account Dashboard. On the left, click Land Manager. Click My Mainland. Look for the name of the Linden Home that you chose when you registered. Click the link in the Location column to teleport there. Inworld: Login to Second Life with the Second Life Viewer Choose World > My land holdings... Select the parcel that matches your chosen Linden Home name. Click Teleport. You will be teleported to your Linden Home.
  11. Why do you need to use a vpn to access second life? Ll don't like proton anyway, you can't sign up with a proton email address, might be related to that. I have avast vpn (came with the Internet security as a deal) so I tried that one. And it worked.
  12. Hundreds of people do this every day without a second thought. It's not "great" it's normal decency.
  13. Venue I help with has a strict no zooby baby policy because of a)the above b) creepy as hell c) adult land
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