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Why do people get so irrationally angry over others on their land?


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3 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Most of the time, when I need to go AFK, I immediately hit the Home button first.  

yes this

for me the Home button is my default click for every situation that isn't what I anticipate or want.  Lagging - press Home. Wrong TP History - press Home. Incorrect destination - press Home. Aged LM - press Home. Uncomfortable chat - press Home. Wrong search choice - press Home. Need to AFK - press Home.

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3 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

yes this

for me the Home button is my default click for every situation that isn't what I anticipate or want.  Lagging - press Home. Wrong TP History - press Home. Incorrect destination - press Home. Aged LM - press Home. Uncomfortable chat - press Home. Wrong search choice - press Home. Need to AFK - press Home.

You must have a normal sized bladder and don't need to just jump up and run. :D

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3 hours ago, Cinos Field said:

It's an interesting phenomenon, probably because of how things work IRL and people unable to differentiate the two. In RL I don't want uninvited visitors because they might steal, break or wear down my things. In SL, all they can do is enjoy them.

Personally I never use banlines or security orbs. If I'm not at home, I don't care what people do in it. If I am and they bother me, I can eject them.


Same can be said about appearance (and many other things), though. In RL you might not want something or want to do something the best way possible for social and other reasons, to achieve some possible benefits (health, wealth, career, social status and tons more). In virtual world said benefits can also exist, but pretty much meaningless from RL point of view. But here we are, in SL, where majority people care about their look, their words and other things (and ones that don't are usually not welcome pretty much anywhere, because no one likes a naked noob avi that acts like he/she is the king of the world and has right to do anything they want). Why their private virtual property must be an exception again?

Also I'd argue that not even letting randoms into your place is way better than suddenly logging while they are in the middle of... let's call it *something* on your favorite couch and either telling them to pack up and leave or just ejecting them.

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I don't mind people coming on my land unless they want to make trouble..That hardly ever happens though..

I rarely get guests that just drop in..once in a great while i will..

Some will talk with me ,others usually just move on after having a look around..

Out of the whole time I've lived on my land,maybe at the most 5 people have ever stopped by without notice while i was home..So it's not something I really ever have to deal with or put too much thought into really..

When I'm not there,what i don't know doesn't hurt me..



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44 minutes ago, LibGwen said:

I had to stop reading this thread.  It's amazing how hard some people work to make sure the Second Life experience is as terrifying and unpleasant as possible.

Who are you calling "some people"?  Us?  Land owners?  Trespassers?  All of the above??

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17 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:
  • Remember the Golden Rule of SL:  She Who Owns the Land, Makes the Rules.  She can curse and yell and push and ban you all she wants, because it's her land.  Your only choice is to go elsewhere.  Or wait and be sent elsewhere.


Remember the other Golden Rule of SL: Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you have to.

Personally, I find the reaction of the landowner rather extreme, really, as in totally overreacting. Going after you with weapons, haranguing her like that, even calling in a BF to help, and getting her banned even for 'abuse' (just for AFK-ing), all sounds rather abusive myself. Yes, even though she 'has the right.'

Although I haven't been banned like that myself, I've certainly tp-ed to the 'wrong' land (as in having tp-ed to what I thought was someone else's art gallery, but the parcel now belonged to someone else). Mainland parcels tend to change hands rather quickly.

One should always be respectful of someone else's privacy. But acciddents do happen. And yes, that includes TP-ing to some location when, say, the doorbell rings.

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13 hours ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

I accidentily TPed to an old LM in my inventory and it was a private residence.  There was a couple there just chatting and I said "sorry, old LM, L8trs" and TPed out.  I got a PM from one of them saying "NP" and said "Thanks for acknowledging us and with SL bad LMs happen all the time."

That's the right way to do it, on both sides.

A little politeness goes a long way.

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I was once checking out a house with all sorts of aviation stuff when the owner popped in and started telling me I had to leave now. I did but as I TPed out I noticed someone else showed up. Turns out that was his partner. I guess he didn't want to have to deal with the question "Who is this other woman (in a bikini) in our place?" Later I talked to him and he invited me back for a ride in one of his aircraft, but it never happened.

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15 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

I was once checking out a house with all sorts of aviation stuff when the owner popped in and started telling me I had to leave now. I did but as I TPed out I noticed someone else showed up. Turns out that was his partner. I guess he didn't want to have to deal with the question "Who is this other woman (in a bikini) in our place?" Later I talked to him and he invited me back for a ride in one of his aircraft, but it never happened.

This reminds me of a funny story..

This was back early in my SL..When you added friends back then to your friends list,mapping them was on and I can't remember if we could even turn it off or not back then..

Anyways,There was this manager at a club i was working at that had asked me to stop by his place the next day to talk about some things.. So when I logged on I teleported to his land..

I always open my map when I get to a place to see how many people are there..

I got to his landing point IM'd him I was there and then opened my map..

you would have thought someone set off a bug bomb in his house the way people took off out of there..hehehehe

I  ended up going to his house after seeing this dancer that was my best friend scooting across the map like a bat out of hell..hehehe


Aaaaaanyways,I get inside his house and he comes down the stairs.. I notice he's stuck in an animation..It took me a couple seconds to recognize it and then I started to laugh in tears once i did..He was stuck in one of those bdsm cross animation and walking around trying to act casual.. All I kept seeing was him like this X as he was talking about the club, plus still trying to hit on me..

Meanwhile I'm in IM's with my friend acting casual asking her how her she was doing and what's she up to..  Oh I'm just at the club dancing,as I see her rocketing from sim to sim..hehehe

The whole thing had me in tears laughing so hard that I almost peed..

I never had the heart to tell them what I knew..


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First forum post so first of all hi to all.

The reason why I'm responding to this as i had a similar thing happen to me the other day . I had a skypad one of those great starter ones so i had a place to rezz in and change and so on. I let the sky pad go as found somewhere else but i had not changed my home position so unintentionally rezzed into this skypad one day when logging into SL , well the new occupier was standing there and asked if she could help me . Immediately i apologised and explained why i was there and she was very nice about it , we both wished one another a lovely day and i left immediately and made sure to change my home position straight away. My point is , to use a old LM and then just go AFK without even first checking where you are and if you are in someones land/home was rude , you should have apologised to that person and left immediately. . Their money that pays for their tiers/rents = their personal space and rules.

Edited by AmyMayGallagher
small typo
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"Why do people get so irrationally angry over other people on their land."   There's a lot to unpack in that question and I'm wondering if it's really the question you're asking.

Lots of people get rationally angry about it (i.e. it's far too commonplace for their liking; they're fed up; they do something about it.)

Lots of people don't mind at all.

Lots of people channel their feelings of anger into more productive outcomes than helpless fury.

And, alas, lots of people take the opportunity to hurl bombs of abuse  (not to be confused with anger -- never ever to be confused with anger.  Abuse and anger are not the same things.)

A person can be angry without being abusive.  Angry about repeated trespassing or about being ignored or whatever else.  But being abusive is just ugly.  So, a better question might well be, "How do some people think that being deliberately, willfully ugly will help their situation?" 

And I haven't the faintest idea.

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24 minutes ago, Clarrellae said:

So, a better question might well be, "How do some people think that being deliberately, willfully ugly will help their situation?" 

Yeah, this comes up in other SL settings, too, not only the dread offense of intruding on somebody's pixel "land." It comes up all over the Internet, in fact, wherever anonymity rules -- and elsewhere, too. One very non-anonymous Twitter user is notorious for crude, reprehensible, bullying, even physically threatening abuse, for which the platform must make a unique ToS exception almost daily.

In such cases, one has to wonder what awful childhoods these folks must have had, to come away so scarred and dysfunctional.

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To own/rent land are in many ways similar to own rent a house or apartment in RL.

You dont want unknown people randomly lurking in your garden or outside your door. Its creepy in RL, so why wouldnt it be also in SL?

But yes, that landowner reacted overly dramatically. Its easier to set up an orb, covering the private altitude only, and make the rest of the land open.

The "guest" will be informed about trespassing and will be given x seconds to leave. Easy peasy, no interaction/communication needed. The orb is doing the job :)

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To be fair, the OP did a bad thing. There are cam perverts everywhere in SL! Someone who teleports into your parcel can pervertedly cam  anywhere in your home even if you have your  parcel set to hide you from people outside the parcel. Own a place long enough, and if you're pretty, you will get those cam perverts flying over to you. 

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12 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

To be fair, the OP did a bad thing. There are cam perverts everywhere in SL! Someone who teleports into your parcel can pervertedly cam  anywhere in your home even if you have your  parcel set to hide you from people outside the parcel. Own a place long enough, and if you're pretty, you will get those cam perverts flying over to you. 

Let alone people with stalkers and exe's and those BFF's that are no longer BFF's but enemies, that make it their daily routine to let you know they are still here dropping by with one of their kabillion alts to keep them fresh in your mind..


Cam perverts I don't mind,that's good attention,It's those damn stalkers and exe's and BFF alts that keep cramping my cam perv visitors time slot..hehehehe


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31 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

if you're pretty, you will get those cam perverts flying over to you. 

"Pretty" may no longer be a requirement. I can usually hang out as "Maddy" in a sandbox without attracting attention, but I sometimes get hit on when I'm the Li'l Devil. And yesterday, as I was starting work on a particle avi, I got hit on by two avis, one old, one new, both looking for friendship.

Or maybe my sense of style is so bad that Maddy is less attractive than this?...

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3 hours ago, AmyMayGallagher said:

First forum post so first of all hi to all.

The reason why I'm responding to this as i had a similar thing happen to me the other day . I had a skypad one of those great starter ones so i had a place to rezz in and change and so on. I let the sky pad go as found somewhere else but i had not changed my home position so unintentionally rezzed into this skypad one day when logging into SL , well the new occupier was standing there and asked if she could help me . Immediately i apologised and explained why i was there and she was very nice about it , we both wished one another a lovely day and i left immediately and made sure to change my home position straight away. My point is , to use a old LM and then just go AFK without even first checking where you are and if you are in someones land/home was rude , you should have apologised to that person and left immediately. . Their money that pays for their tiers/rents = their personal space and rules.

Hello AmyMay and welcome to the forum. :) 

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My guess it's because of privacy invasion?

Now, I understand if someone use to live there and log into second life months or even years later in the same area they left in.

But lately there has been SL trolls who tp to people's homes and harass them on voice chat etc. There are videos of that on YouTube.

So yea because of that... people are pretty up and arms about folks being TPing to their private home/land.


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3 hours ago, AmyMayGallagher said:

First forum post so first of all hi to all.

The reason why I'm responding to this as i had a similar thing happen to me the other day . I had a skypad one of those great starter ones so i had a place to rezz in and change and so on. I let the sky pad go as found somewhere else but i had not changed my home position so unintentionally rezzed into this skypad one day when logging into SL , well the new occupier was standing there and asked if she could help me . Immediately i apologised and explained why i was there and she was very nice about it , we both wished one another a lovely day and i left immediately and made sure to change my home position straight away. My point is , to use a old LM and then just go AFK without even first checking where you are and if you are in someones land/home was rude , you should have apologised to that person and left immediately. . Their money that pays for their tiers/rents = their personal space and rules.


Didn't it ever occur to you that sometimes it's not possible to check anything before going afk? I don't know about you but I value my life and the life of my other half far more than I do SL or my computer.

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