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-Bellisserians Show Off Your Home and Garden-

Blush Bravin

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This is our Chalet home, it was really nice to decorate but I did struggle a lot. I am very picky with the colors and want to always use colors what blends with each others that much as I can :D Still prims left, so might use more on kitchen.





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11 hours ago, MaiBeso said:

This is our Chalet home, it was really nice to decorate but I did struggle a lot. I am very picky with the colors and want to always use colors what blends with each others that much as I can :D Still prims left, so might use more on kitchen.





This looks lovely😍! Especially the garden ☀️🍃💚.  May I ask where you got the pavers from? They look great!

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14 hours ago, MaiBeso said:

This is our Chalet home, it was really nice to decorate but I did struggle a lot. I am very picky with the colors and want to always use colors what blends with each others that much as I can :D Still prims left, so might use more on kitchen.





So beautiful! Cannot believe this is a chalet.

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On 5/15/2021 at 12:36 PM, MaiBeso said:

This is our Chalet home, it was really nice to decorate but I did struggle a lot. I am very picky with the colors and want to always use colors what blends with each others that much as I can :D Still prims left, so might use more on kitchen.



Love this. It looks so soothing...

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So I too was playing around with a chalet, tried a couple, decorated entirely but decided it was not for me. I missed the cosy nature of the log homes. So I rolled one, first try I landed this beautiful lakeside log home. I'm in love.

This is the living room, overlooking the lake. I added a hearth for the Ghibli-inspired comfort.


The bedroom I kept clean and simple, white linen, a small desk and a fish tank. The laundry room is in the cupboard.


I may have left a couple pairs of my own linen lying around too.


I went with an upside down house, with the kitchen and bathroom upstairs, as well as a small living area. For the kitchen I went simple and minimal, just a couple of essentials. The bathroom is adjoined, with the toilet hidden away in the cupboard.




Hope you like it, I'm certainly at home now.


Edited by Forrest Mercury
Neatened up the layout
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Early morning in my stilt home parcel at Drinkwater region.
I liked the onsen bath what I have in my traditional house, so I assembled a slightly modified version also here.

Feel free to visit the parcel if you want to have a look. I put the landmark to the island in front of the house. You can easily swim 🏊‍♀️ or fly 🕊️ from there to my parcel - no security orbs.
http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Drinkwater/62/155/21   There's a bumper boat rezzer - so you can have some fun too. 😁



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Can't say I love the Chalets, but did find one location in Fiddlesticks which seems to have an abundance of people who are decorating the exteriors on a grand scale. Since I don't care for the interiors of these homes, I'm spending all prims on making the outside a riot of a garden. Eventually I know my water view will disappear and then, so will I.

I have about 50 prims left (although I haven't totally linked things yet) and will continue to add more landscaping :) 

PS: I am one of Elora's alts - posted under the wrong account!

Full Bloom in Fiddlesticks


Edited by CinnamonBunns
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4 hours ago, CinnamonBunns said:

Não posso dizer que amo os Chalets, mas encontrei um local em Fiddlesticks que parece ter uma abundância de pessoas que estão decorando o exterior em grande escala. Já que não ligo para o interior dessas casas, estou gastando todos os prims para transformar o exterior em um verdadeiro jardim. Eventualmente eu sei que minha visão da água irá desaparecer e então, eu também vou.

Eu tenho cerca de 50 prims restantes (embora eu não tenha totalmente vinculado as coisas ainda) e continuarei adicionando mais paisagismo :) 

PS: Eu sou um dos alts de Elora - postado na conta errada!

Full Bloom em Fiddlesticks


I had a Chalet next to the mill, this region is beautiful, and the neighbors are really capricious with the Garden, if I were to live in a Chalet I would be happy to live there.

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24 minutes ago, Nando Yip said:

I had a Chalet next to the mill, this region is beautiful, and the neighbors are really capricious with the Garden, if I were to live in a Chalet I would be happy to live there.

Yes, I remember seeing your house there, and noticed today you had moved out.

It's one of the best Chalet areas I've seen so far. Quite happy with it, visually.

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That moment you brew some decaf coffee, sit down to watch a movie, put your headphones on, and hear an odd sound like a laundry machine.  What the heck is that?!?!?!?

Wait.  oh yeah.  I must have forgotten to log out of Second Life.


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The Moles started developing the empty areas on the big river that is separating the Chalet regions.

Windmills have been placed already and there's even an underwater tunnel leading to the other side of the river.

I can see already that something amazing is coming and I can't wait to see it.

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Brady Stream/130/132/23

Chalets FB3.jpg

Chalets FB2.jpg

Chalets FB5.jpg

Chalets FB6.jpg

Chalets FB1.jpg

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On 6/7/2021 at 2:02 PM, Teetah Beck said:

Oh the murals are awesome!! Are they on MP or is this something easy to do? I think I need this lol :D

Rez a cube, flatten/stretch it so it looks like a poster, put it up against a wall, apply the texture you want to use, and play with transparency until it looks right.

Some textures work better than others, so it might take some trial and error.  As far as availability of "wall tattoos" on the MP goes, well, search for "wall tattoos".

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It has been a few months since I have had a home in Bellisseria. I picked up a OL stilt the other week and am in love. I previously had an on water stilt, but didn't seem to like it much.

I previously had the Tortuga, but this time around I went with the Havana because I did not want to deal with the two HUGE rooms. 
















Edited by Torry Turner
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I wanted to try making a room I would NEVER want to see in real life.  I ended up with something so girlie, frilly, and sweet it kind of makes me sick.  I may have to have my blood sugar checked after this. So, I guess I succeeded in decorating in a style that is so unlike me that even I would deny putting it together.  Has anyone else tried a style they ended up just hating?  I knew pink flowers would never end up being a good decision, but this may have gone too far.



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37 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

I knew pink flowers would never end up being a good decision, but this may have gone too far.

I am using pink flowers in my coffee house, (it's a WIP but here is a little look)... I am never sure about pink to start with...



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