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What do you all get on SL for?

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With the sky being the limit on this platform, its got me wondering what you all use it for??? Do you use it just hang out with friends? To create? Is it your RL job?


For me its a way to express myself and explore things that I simply can't/ am uncomfortable exploring in RL

  • I use it to role-play
  • Hang out with friends
  • Take pictures
  • Shop


What about you?

Edited by IvyLarae
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I use SL as a way to live a life online that I want to live. I adore having online friends and I really see this world as a place where my friends really live and where I really can spend time with them.

I really want to get into the role play on here as well, I know the community fluctuates but it’s worth filtering through the muck. 

I also love fashion and I really want my avatar to be dressed in the most beautiful or wonky or fashion forward things since she embodies me and my personality. 

Lastly, I want to create or become part of a family on here and I really love the fertility and their aikilal supporting functions like buying groceries or having breedable animals or crops that really need time to grow.

All in all, I use this world to live more 🙂

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   Obsessive pastime & pas-overtime. My socialising extends to laying poofed out on a sofa with one or more of my partners, whilst doing a million things all at once. Occasionally I'll haul myself over to a venue, but being there doesn't alter what I tend to do anyways, such as:

  • Photography.
  • Meshing / building.
  • Burning out my skull, trying to figure out how to do a simple operation in Blender that I just haven't done - or worse, forgot the hotkey for.
  • Finding stuff to wear for photographs.
  • YouTubing with the sounds of the grandfather clock and fireplace of my home in the background.
  • Listening to music and spamming anyone within earshot with Spotify & YouTube links. 

   In RL I do something wholly different; I'm a hand bookbinding student. So I spend my days obsessing about traditional methods and materials for a pretty niche craft (and blatantly refuse to use synthetic adhesives or materials - if you want a plastic or vegan book, I'm not your guy. Get back to me when you've got something interesting, like an anthropodermic binding!). So in SL I obsess with mesh and texture quality, snark about people using weird aspect ratios or putting blank, white textures as their specular maps and call their stuff 'materials enabled'. Or spend my time peeking at random people's profiles and trying to find as many reasons as I can not to ever interact with them.

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18 minutes ago, Orwar said:

In RL I do something wholly different; I'm a hand bookbinding student. So I spend my days obsessing about traditional methods and materials for a pretty niche craft (and blatantly refuse to use synthetic adhesives or materials - if you want a plastic or vegan book, I'm not your guy.

Oh wow! And I thought you were interesting in an SL context! This is soooooooo cool! I don't have a lot of background in it, but I'm intrigued by book history and literary material culture. I remember reading that Cornelia Funke book -- Inkheart -- and the best parts were the descriptions of bookbinding! I'm kinda jealous!

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I have done many very different things in my RL life, but I have never felt quite the satisfaction that I get from being a creator in SL.  Even here, I follow several paths.  I enjoy times spent talking and dancing with old friends who have been in SL as long as I have.  I continue to modify my estate, making it more attractive and offering more ways for my tenants -- my friends -- to enjoy the space.  I explore, though not quite as much as I once did.  I spend hours a day dropping in and out of these forums, crossing paths with people I have known and respected for years and making new acquaintances.  I like doing what I can to demystify SL for newcomers, and I have fun trading thoughts -- wise ones and silly ones -- with smart and silly people. Still, I can lose myself for hours at a time scripting and finding my way through logical challenges. I have worked with computers in RL for half a century, but not feeling that I am a creator.  SL has opened a fulfilling dimension that I might never have discovered otherwise. I'm having fun.

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I love going to live music events. I hang out with a handful of friends - we go dancing a lot, and since my friends are new to SL, I like to show them around. I hang around writer's groups. I like hunts, as they take me to new places (and there's a present too). I tried the creating side, and i might do it again, but my  creativity is usually used up in RL endeavours.

As an introvert, I'm not much into big crowds and lots of inworld chatting, but I do like to take my little yellow bike and drive around mainland roads to explore. I've started with Jeogeot where my home is, but I'm going back to exploring all continents, like I started to a few years ago - that should keep me going for a while!


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there's 1.) my D/s life (which unfortunately doesn't exist in RL except for occasional play sessions), then 2.) just hanging out with friends, 3.) exploring, sometimes shopping inworld... I rarely go to clubs or parties - and when I go then only at the beginning of a month when I have enough L$ for tips.

I used to roleplay back then in '08 - '10 with my former account, but I lost interest entirely when the plots and settings on these roleplay regions moved away ("evolved") from their pre-defined story-universes.

Edited by ThorinII
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Used to drive vehicles on the mainland, then got American Truck Simulator. 

Switched to boats in the Blake, but then got Barents Sea Fishing. 

Was gonna try combat sims, but the Arma series exists.

Figured there's always building, but Space Engineers is still better. 

Pets? Ark Survival does that better too. 

SL just isn't interesting or unique anymore- almost everything in SL is being done better and less laggy by someone else.

So mostly I just hang out with a few friends. 

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5 hours ago, Gadget Portal said:

Used to drive vehicles on the mainland, then got American Truck Simulator. 

Switched to boats in the Blake, but then got Barents Sea Fishing. 

Was gonna try combat sims, but the Arma series exists.

Figured there's always building, but Space Engineers is still better. 

Pets? Ark Survival does that better too. 

SL just isn't interesting or unique anymore- almost everything in SL is being done better and less laggy by someone else.

So mostly I just hang out with a few friends. 

All those things were being done better and less laggy by someone else before Second Life existed. No objective observer would have ever said anything different.

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I'm just recently coming out of a slump.... during the slump I would login to host and that was all.  Before the slump I would login several times a week and just hang out with friends at the club where I host or another blues club where I knew the DJ and knew I would see lots of my friends.  So mostly just dancing and chatting and listening to the blues. I did take the time at Christmas to visit the snowy sims.

There was a time when I would log in to SL whenever I had a spare moment and just see where the adventure took me. I'd shop or hunt or explore or some combination of the 3. Or I'd decorate my land, put up houses, furnish them, take pictures, take them down and put up others, fool around with making the few things I know how to make with prims. Or take classes, go to plays or live music events. Or create a brand new avatar and get them outfitted with everything they needed for as few Lindens as possible.  I especially loved making new shapes. I wanted to try everything!  I took one of these alts into Gor to see what that was all about. After a month of RP in Gor I knew that it wasn't for me. I spent another month RPing in Avilion as a faery.  That was fun but there were too many rules.

The first three years of my SL I was partnered  with someone I met when I was 3 months old and we would have adventures together. We also cybered just about every day. I learned quite a bit about my sexuality in SL as it's such a safe place to explore that aspect of life.  I loved exploring with him. I was enchanted with how close I could be with someone who lived in my computer. To this day I think that is the one thing I am still fascinated with, the depth of intimacy you can achieve when all the mundane day to day RL stuff doesn't get in the way.

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I get on SL to live just like how I live in the physical world c= I realized the countless possibilities of SL and the reasons me and many other people get on SL for essentially make our (or at least my) existence on SL no different to the definition of living

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  • Ensure there is always a window doing 'stuffz and things' open on my laptop.
  • Ensure there's a high chance some window on my laptop is minimized.
  • Ensure I can warm up the area around my laptop by providing something to stress out my graphic's chip.
  • Make sure the memory on my laptop has something to remember.
  • Ensure there is always I can forget was still running over there.
  • Ensure streaming music is even more laggy than it might otherwise be.

... that's not purely a humor response either... I really need to get more active in SL considering how often I am logged into it...


Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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I am a hard core gamer for the most part however, I don't come on SL to be competitive. As I get past middle age in RL, I find the gaming world as a whole becoming more and more toxic and socially dysfunctional every day. 

I come on here for the fun of flying and sailing around the grid and seeing all the very creative and imaginative ways that people have built their parcels and sims. I do play GTFO just to get around the grid to see some places you might otherwise just pass on by.

Even though I am RL BDSM lifetstyle, I could care less about it on SL.  It really doesn't interest me in the least. After being in the lifestyle for longer than SL has been around, I have no need to fantasize about it virtually.  I could care less if you are a self proclaimed master or mistress and how good you are on SL with a whip or on a bondage rig.  I studied many years under my mentors to become what I have in RL.  I don't need virtual satisfaction.

I love doing what I call parcelscaping.  I change my parcels around every few months just to come up with something new and different. Things like a new house, putting different airplanes out on my airport and different boats at my docks. 

I get bored at music and DJ events.  We go to them every once in awhile, but hey, I can stream off my Alexa just as well.  With that said, I am not saying I don't like the social aspect of SL.  I love to interact with others on here also.

SL is entertainment for me, not a lifestyle.   Oh, and flying around the grid on dragons is part of our fun also.  hehehe  😜

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3 hours ago, DerrickDude said:


Even though I am RL BDSM lifetstyle, I could care less about it on SL.  It really doesn't interest me in the least. After being in the lifestyle for longer than SL has been around, I have no need to fantasize about it virtually.  I could care less if you are a self proclaimed master or mistress and how good you are on SL with a whip or on a bondage rig.  I studied many years under my mentors to become what I have in RL.  I don't need virtual satisfaction.


This could be due to my young age and being inexperienced in life in general, but I thought BDSM was just a type of sexual roleplay. Do people actually devote their whole lives to it to the point of having to have a mentor? And if so, what is the appeal? 

I mean what I know about it is like master/slave fantasy stuff with whips and latex suits.  Which is fine if you are into that, but now I'm looking at it like a Buddhist monk or a Catholic nun, where you take years of devotion and studying, except for like sexual roleplay?

Not trying to offend anyone who is into that, I'm just honestly curious.

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I spend the majority of my time exploring, building, and a little bit of time socializing.  My favorite thing to do, is to explore though, I love to see everyone's creations regardless of how talented or artistic they are.  Some of my favorites so far, are older prim built things, there is just a certain feel to them that I find enjoyable.  When I am in the mood for building something, I usually just go to a sandbox, build for a few hours, then delete my creation. Socializing is mostly just going to populated areas, and a few lines of text for me :)  

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