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    Needful Prims

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  1. You can go from the free version to premium by rezzing the box for the premium version and clicking on it. No need to redo vendors.
  2. In this case just combining the two parts into one mesh item will do the trick as well. If you want to texture them separately then give each part their own material.
  3. I think that is what they are meant to represent. I will make Exterior Paint Shells for them, that'll give you some options....
  4. I love the new theme. That'll be a yes for me! I especially like the 'Grande' models. They will need some Spanish tile flooring though to make them perfect, but that is easily done. Once again an amazing job by the Lindens and Moles! They keep outdoing themselves ♥
  5. I hope they will be added to the sandbox before they are released into the wild so we can already start work on add-ons....
  6. I use mostly Gimp to do my textures nowadays. When I want to scale a texture down I try different pre and post processing to retain the crispness of a texture. Filters such as edge detection and contrast enhancements will help with that. Of course detail will be lost when you scale down the resolution of an image but you can improve a bit on the texture looking blurry and smudged this way.
  7. It would make sense for at least the theme texture packs to be available at the sandbox.
  8. I've been hanging out in the sandbox all day today, sitting on the couch and working on some new stuff. I've met a couple of creators, had some nice and interesting chats and made new friends. I even got started on a collaboration for a new product. So far the sandbox has been everything I hoped it would be. Thank you Lindens and Moles, this was an amazing idea!
  9. I think this was an amazing idea. I can't wait to meet other creators there and maybe even do a collaboration sometime ♥
  10. It really helps to have wings when painting your new tree house! 😊
  11. A little magic comes in handy when painting our new Fantasy home....
  12. Painting a whole ranch is a lot of work. Luckily our horse Shelly loves to help out and she is very good at painting too!
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