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What exactly is the purpose of weapons in Second Life?

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Hello, everyone;

As much as I love weapons in Second Life, making weapons and I think they're awesome and look really cool,

I've been wondering, what exactly is the main purpose of weapons in Second Life? I'm talking about functional scripted weapons, rather than unscripted props.

In medieval combat communities, everyone carries around weapons such as swords and bows and uses them against each other in combat, and it adds to the look of your avatar when not in combat, thus adding to the roleplay experience. Weapons are an integral part of life in the medieval community.

I would imagine the same is true for modern weapons, such as pistols and assault rifles, and the look of a police officer for example is not complete without a handgun, taser or a baton. The same could be said of soldiers, whose weapons complete their look. I was part of some military and police groups, and we not only did combat, but we shared our interest in weapons often - different brands, types, settings... They were used in drills and other light roleplay. In these settings, weapons make sense. But how about outside these settings? Is there a role for weapons outside of military/police settings? The only other setting I can think of is the mafia or criminal settings, but this I would imagine is mostly roleplay, rather than regular combat. And not everyone is interested in combat, who carries weapons.

Does every person who purchases weapons, ideally or in reality, use them in combat, with the meter/system they are scripted to be used for? Are there large numbers of people who just carry around weapons without caring which meter or combat system the weapon is scripted for? If so, for what purpose? Is it just a fashion accessory or a dedicated roleplay prop?

The last time I ever saw someone use a weapon in a strictly roleplay setting that didn't involve combat, they took their gun out and shot a single round into a barrel as part of a story. Another is when a corrupt security guard unholstered their rifle in a menacing way, threatening to shoot someone, as part of a roleplay. Other than that, I have never seen a weapon in SL play even a somewhat significant role in being a roleplay prop, even if there are weapons scripted with "roleplay mode" or "roleplay ammunition" just for that purpose. How many people even use the "roleplay mode" or "roleplay ammunition" on their weapons? Roleplay without the use of weapons seems far more prevalent for weapons to be a common roleplay prop.

If weapons outside of combat settings (not too many people within the main population are into combat in SL) are not used often enough in roleplay settings (not that many people in the wider roleplay community uses weapons as an important element of roleplay) then it would seem that's not the purpose that people are mainly using them for. I think that leaves competitive shooting and hunting in Second Life as the remaining legitimate purpose of weapons.

It's obvious that the main purpose of weapons in SL is not to be used as a griefing tool, even if taking your weapons and using them in non-combat and threatening ways outside of where it's welcome in roleplay settings and outside of roleplay settings entirely would immediately be unwelcome, considered griefing and be grounds for abuse report. This is very tempting and done easily for someone who owns weapons, and they are readily available, but the responsibility lies with the user of the weapons.

So, are there groups of people that take their weapons out at shooting ranges and hunting sims in SL and just have a good time shooting? It may be competitive; however this would not count as combat, and it is not a form of roleplay. But I would imagine these people are few and far between, compared to those who engage in combat or roleplay.

So, what are the main purposes of functional weapons in Second Life? In what ways are they used the most, that would justify there being so much demand for them, so many of them sold in the marketplace, and scripted for a particular meter/combat system, and with a "roleplay mode" included? 

Edited by LottaSinclair
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2 hours ago, LottaSinclair said:

"I think they're awesome and look really cool". ☺️

"It adds to the look of your avatar". ☺️

Large numbers of people carry around weapons without caring which meter or combat system the weapon is scripted for, just a fashion accessory. 😍



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3 hours ago, LottaSinclair said:

Hello, everyone;

As much as I love weapons in Second Life, making weapons and I think they're awesome and look really cool,

I've been wondering, what exactly is the main purpose of weapons in Second Life? I'm talking about functional scripted weapons, rather than unscripted props.

In medieval combat communities, everyone carries around weapons such as swords and bows and uses them against each other in combat, and it adds to the look of your avatar when not in combat, thus adding to the roleplay experience. Weapons are an integral part of life in the medieval community.

I would imagine the same is true for modern weapons, such as pistols and assault rifles, and the look of a police officer for example is not complete without a handgun, taser or a baton. The same could be said of soldiers, whose weapons complete their look. I was part of some military and police groups, and we not only did combat, but we shared our interest in weapons often - different brands, types, settings... They were used in drills and other light roleplay. In these settings, weapons make sense. But how about outside these settings? Is there a role for weapons outside of military/police settings? The only other setting I can think of is the mafia or criminal settings, but this I would imagine is mostly roleplay, rather than regular combat. And not everyone is interested in combat, who carries weapons.

Does every person who purchases weapons, ideally or in reality, use them in combat, with the meter/system they are scripted to be used for? Are there large numbers of people who just carry around weapons without caring which meter or combat system the weapon is scripted for? If so, for what purpose? Is it just a fashion accessory or a dedicated roleplay prop?

The last time I ever saw someone use a weapon in a strictly roleplay setting that didn't involve combat, they took their gun out and shot a single round into a barrel as part of a story. Another is when a corrupt security guard unholstered their rifle in a menacing way, threatening to shoot someone, as part of a roleplay. Other than that, I have never seen a weapon in SL play even a somewhat significant role in being a roleplay prop, even if there are weapons scripted with "roleplay mode" or "roleplay ammunition" just for that purpose. How many people even use the "roleplay mode" or "roleplay ammunition" on their weapons? Roleplay without the use of weapons seems far more prevalent for weapons to be a common roleplay prop.

If weapons outside of combat settings (not too many people within the main population are into combat in SL) are not used often enough in roleplay settings (not that many people in the wider roleplay community uses weapons as an important element of roleplay) then it would seem that's not the purpose that people are mainly using them for. I think that leaves competitive shooting and hunting in Second Life as the remaining legitimate purpose of weapons.

It's obvious that the main purpose of weapons in SL is not to be used as a griefing tool, even if taking your weapons and using them in non-combat and threatening ways outside of where it's welcome in roleplay settings and outside of roleplay settings entirely would immediately be unwelcome, considered griefing and be grounds for abuse report. This is very tempting and done easily for someone who owns weapons, and they are readily available, but the responsibility lies with the user of the weapons.

So, are there groups of people that take their weapons out at shooting ranges and hunting sims in SL and just have a good time shooting? It may be competitive; however this would not count as combat, and it is not a form of roleplay. But I would imagine these people are few and far between, compared to those who engage in combat or roleplay.

So, what are the main purposes of functional weapons in Second Life? In what ways are they used the most, that would justify there being so much demand for them, so many of them sold in the marketplace, and scripted for a particular meter/combat system, and with a "roleplay mode" included? 

I have a shotgun and handgun in my home in RL, i take them to the range once a month. I have NEVER fired them inside my home, yet i have them incase i need to protect my family. So, one could say that the scripted weapons in non combat rp sims is like that, just incase you need them as a prop in those cases. 

You did a very good job of answering your own question, btw. Never understood why some people ask a question then write an essay answering it. 

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there aren't anywhere near the number of parcels with weapons play as there used to be

weapons testing/play sandboxes used to be all over. Linden still provide these today as well. Then were quite a lot of horror-like parcels as well - things like zombies, spiders, rats and other creepy things - so run fast and shoot faster

used be some gun ranges as well. Skeet shooting and stuff like that

lots of combat roleplay regions as well back in the day

then it all pretty much went away as people left SL for other game-like platforms and those who stayed just got older in years and outgrew it, swapped their weapons for sitting on the beach and porch and watch the world go by




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6 hours ago, LottaSinclair said:

I think they're awesome and look really cool,

it adds to the look of your avatar when not in combat, thus adding to the roleplay experience.

So, what are the main purposes of functional weapons in Second Life? In what ways are they used the most, that would justify there being so much demand for them, so many of them sold in the marketplace, and scripted for a particular meter/combat system, and with a "roleplay mode" included? 

Photography, more photography, to look really cool when idling at some sim.

Sometimes shooting range if you find such and sometimes people use them at roleplaying sims. I doubt anyone could be effective police officer or soldier if they carry a stick. :D

Sometimes an accidental purchase of a weapon can end up with long education discussion with friend or loved one because they have that weapon type or use it in order to perform their work duties - true story :P

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Shooting ranges used to be a part of the prospecting tests in my motorcycle club, and I have enough of the GCS system to let loose zombies and whatnot to populate an urban area for shooting practice. Occasionally shooting each other in paintball games and or just orbitting each other, It was fun for a while. Some of the expensive ranges were built for giant avatars so those of us with more realistic proportions would need to rezz a box to stand on to shoot over the barriers, which was cute especially with the Hello Kitty Desert Eagles.

The scripted minister wanted us to pay 999L$ to marry us, so we had a shotgun wedding instead.


But we haven't used them for Prospecting tests in a long time now, and I can't say I am unhappy about that. Second Life is better for making love than it is making war.. 

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Same you could say about food in SL and oh dear do I love to collect pixel food XD it's pretty, it makes me happy. Enough purpose for me ☺️ 

But in SL or any virtual world you could ask this same question actually about nearly anything.

What shoes? No need to walk, because TPs.

Why cars? See above question XD 

Why houses, umbrellas, glasses...and so on.

There is no why other than that someone wanted it that much they made it and people who enjoy that too buy it too❤️

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Most of the weapons I have are freebies and only fun items, such as the one that fires crying babies all over the place. It's hideous and loud and I happened to see it one day and knew it would be the funniest thing to use on my partner at the time as he was not a fan of "crying little humans".

My favourite weapon - which i temporarily forgot I had - are my laser eyes, with which I can set objects and people on fire.

Tip though - never do it to a Linden!


Edited by Marigold Devin
ooooo where's Maddie ;P
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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

I love my mattress shooter!

That's ideal.  I have popguns that proffer shoes, cookies, traffic cones, and various other sillyness.  I have a box of crayons that makes color ribbons in the sky.  I have a "couch bazooka", which is a promotional item from a furniture store.  It proffers temp-rez furniture items like inflatable sofas and cafeteria chairs.  I have a rocket launcher that, instead of launching just the rocket, drags the operator high into the sky.  I use that for skydiving with a parachute I bought some time ago.  I have a thing that looks like a large naval gun battery that just launches fireworks.  The only weapon I have that was designed to be used against an avatar, and, indeed is the only one that collides, is a cardboard tube that plays a sound I captured when tapping a wrapping paper tube against my head.  This tube in SL emits a projectile that applies push and damage to an agent.

My opinion on weapons in SL?  Roleplay, decoration, MUTUAL amusement.  I imagine that covers the legitimate uses.

There are, however, things created to be used against others that do qualify as weapons but do not meet the above criteria.  These are more accurately described as griefing tools, no matter the appearance.

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I make a free snowball thrower that works with SPD-J; that could be counted as a weapon. Three rapid hits and you're down. It's been quite popular this year!

On pirate sims I use my own pistol and cutlass, and yes they get used fairly often. However I also frequently dress pirately even when not RPing (and when not being demonic) and the sword and pistol are a necessary part of the outfits. Likewise my Triton (merman with ideas above his station) always carries his trident. That often gets thrown at passing ships that get too close (look where you're going you dumb leggers!) and will damage them if they are so enabled.

So, yeah... like you said.

Edited by Rick Daylight
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48 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

One has to prep for the zombie apocalypses somewhere right?
It is cheaper to do so in SL than in RL.

Zombies?  You mean those hundreds of avatars that hang out on Linden owned land and do not interact with me when I greet them?  A few might vanish, but most are just ... there, or partially there... have been and will be for days, unresponsive to greeting and inquiries.  I used to try to welcome them to Second Life but then I started looking at profiles and seeing how old many of them are.  Hmm, well, what's your game?  Once, one answered me.  Once.  "Leave me alone!  I am playing Tiny Empires.  The others here are me too.  Go away!"  Yikes..  Zombies, indeed!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember the days when proficient shooting was one of the skill tests to join a motorcycle club.   Building shooting ranges was also considered a much-desired part of any full-featured motorcycle club region/sim decor and used frequently.  Targets were paper bullseye, cans, bottles, carnival shoots, skeet/trap clays, exploding drums & cars...etc.  There were shoot houses, zombies, hostage rescue, competitive shooting, and just general plinking and blowing-up stuff.  There's long range cannons that shoot across sim lines with exploding shells.  Very cool stuff.  Like many things they ebb and flow in popularity.  My favorite has an animation whereas you turn away from the intended target, bending over grabbing your cheeks and a laser shoots out of your backside.  That just never gets old.  

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It was before my time -- 2005, I think -- but in at least one instance it appears that exploding pigs were employed by Antifa protesters to very good effect against an RL French extreme right wing party that tried to open a "headquarters" in SL.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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@LottaSinclair  You are never going to get a good answer to a "How many people..." do/use whatever. The forum users are a very small set of the SL users. Those playing in combat RP of any type are a small number. If one is outside those circles they never see those inside and those inside are unlikely to see those outside.

The Lab has stats. But, when we wanted to know how many people were using ALM they couldn't give us a number. It wasn't a 'wouldn't' it was a couldn't. So, if they have trouble figuring out who is doing what and how much of it... we have no chance.

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I'm clearly in the minority here, but I have no interest in weapons. Gun violence and divisiveness fill the headlines in RL, and one of the reasons I log into SL is to find a more peaceful and artistic world. Guns in RL are often a sign that people feel insecure or unsafe, and in SL these problems don't exist - or if they do to a far lesser degree. Guns in SL are a sign for me to leave a region, just as gun proponents hope they might work in RL.

Having said that, fighting for your life gives an adrenaline boost to nearly all games on Playstation, X-Box, Switch, etc. so I understand the chemical excitement of danger. But just as I'm an explorer rather than a warrior on Playstation, I have no desire to invite violence into SL.

As for numbers, it's difficult to say. I rarely see weapons in SL, and the ones I do see tend to be Samurai swords (I understand this may be more indicative of the places I visit than of all SL though). The few avatars I've seen with guns have looked out of place, like ones carrying guns as they walk down the street in a suburban homes region or wearing full combat gear as they stroll through a beach region. Weird. Though I don't find violence (or the threat of violence) entertaining or attractive, I get that many people do. Combat RP regions may be a hot spot for weapons. Have to admit though, seeing "combat" in a region description is a red flag to me, like regions that use "rape" or "slave" in their description.

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