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Aethelwine last won the day on July 3 2021

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  1. I send people to the Helping Haven Gateway. It has been a while since I took anyone there, but have always found mentors there happy to help.
  2. I am on a distinctive bridge, but do you know where I am?
  3. Did you get your Easter Chick while you were there from top of the lighthouse? You are of course at the Gazebo in Project Kapor, Rosedale !
  4. If your vehicle is mod try adding this script, it doesn't eliminate corner crossing crashes, but it helps alot. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/UVTech-CornerZapper/26180197
  5. I can't think of any reason to buy your own sim for it. The icecast\shoutcast server will either be on your computer or for 24/7 probably better to find a host on the internet for it and the music that you will be playing. The technicalities in how to set that up are beyond me, I don't understand the Icecast documentation when you read it. You can find places in SL that will host streams and let you upload music to store on them to be used in random plays and set hourly adverts or whatever. I have done so in the past but my experience was not an especially good one, the person running it has sort of gone Awol. But I am sure other hosts can be found that are reliable will offer a full service without you needing to set everything up yourself.. Once you have set the servers up and playlists and got them running then the only land you might want is for advertising. Editted to add: Look on marketplace under services and search for icecast or shoutcast and have a sort through and talk with the product salespeople to check what they offer will suit you, something with 5GB of upload space is probably enough to run a 24/7 station.
  6. Early on I resized objects with a calculator using edit linked parts and working out the numbers for resizing manually and then moving things back into place... It was sometime later I realised you could buy resize scripts that would do it all for you! It was maybe 10 years before I worked this out, but a game changer: When searching your inventory, often you are not sure what name of thing you are looking for so you search for maker, you find the folder with what you want in, but when you clear the search field so you can see contents of the folder the view changes and the folder you were looking at has now vanished off the bottom of the screen.. all is not lost, you don't to scroll down searching for highlighted section in your inventory - just press your down arrow and your view moves to the folder you selected and you can find what you were looking for.
  7. That was my understanding too, but I shared Henri's comment with a knowledgeable friend yesterday who pointed out that Henri wasn't exactly saying that. Indeed Henri was saying it was not a problem for the Cool viewer because of changes he made. So whilst it isn't a PBR issue as such it is a Viewer issue with the way textures are called in the Linden and Firestorm PBR viewers. My understanding is the old firestorm viewer doesn't seem to have that problem, because it hasn't been updated to ignore the way management of texture requests were prioritized.
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