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Stop with the totally irrelevant, off topic posts.  It's getting old and we're all just laughing at this point.  Go back to getting your own threads shut down, please.

I'm still.upset they didn't offer me a sticker when I got my second shot.  😟😢

Edited by Rowan Amore
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2 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

I'm still.upset they didn't offer me a sticker when I got my second shot.  😟😢

My high-school aged granddaughter was upset her mom took her to a medical facility for her vaccination shots rather than at a mini-clinic that was set up at the high school.  At the high school clinic they gave out not only a cute "I'm vaccinated" pin to wear, but also a chocolate bar.  


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Just now, MoiraKathleen said:

My high-school aged granddaughter was upset her mom took her to a medical facility for her vaccination shots rather than at a mini-clinic that was set up at the high school.  At the high school clinic they gave out not only a cute "I'm vaccinated" pin to wear, but also a chocolate bar.  


Well yeah!  I'd be upset, too.  No chocolate?  

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On 7/2/2021 at 5:59 PM, Rolig Loon said:

That makes a lot of sense. I can vaguely remember being afraid of shots as a child, but it's such a dim memory that I suspect it would have faded ages ago if my sister didn't remind me occasionally.  As an adult, I've had more injections (and "inspections, detections, neglections and all kinds of stuff ," as Arlo Guthrie said) than I can count.  It's all pretty ho-hum now.  My CoVid shots were non-events, except that I got a nice card to commemorate them and had a friendly follow-up note from my doctor. No pain or discomfort.  As you said, I didn't expect any, so I didn't get any.

That was no help for me unfortunately.

I get regular testosterone injections as part of my transition, and I tell ya it's the kind of injection they give to horses. 4ml of oil, thick needle, takes 15-20 seconds to deliver. Those ones hurt a lot going in, and it aches for 12-24 hours after. I go for a brisk walk afterwards, which helps.

So I'm no stranger to nasty injections, they don't bother me at all and I have no fear of them. After ten years of getting those things, I know how to relax through pain. The covid jab was nothing like that at all.

The first covid one, I was perfectly relaxed, did not even feel it going in at all. I didn't expect pain, but I sure got it. A couple of hours later, my arm started to hurt and it carried on hurting for 4 days. The second jab, I presumed it would be less, but it took 3 weeks for the pain to disappear completely.

That's not injection pain, or pain caused by being tense. That's an immune response. How tense or how relaxed you are isn't going to make any difference whatsoever. Being tense means only that the needle itself will hurt but the Covid jab pain is not anything to do with the needle.

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2 hours ago, Lewis Luminos said:

Stickers? Chocolate? Bah. I'm still waiting for the microchip that the Republicans promised me. Six weeks since my second jab and it's not working, I still can't get my Spotify playlist. Useless, I tell ya.

My phone goes completely dead if I never plug it in and hold it near where I got the shot! That's proof enough for me!

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Here we go again:


The US has surpassed 20,000 new Covid-19 cases for the fourth day in a row as the highly contagious Delta variant persists in its track in being the most common form of the coronavirus in the country.

The last time the country had back-to-back days of cases topping 20,000 was in May, according to the data.



"You don't want to see two separate Americas, one that's vaccinated and protected and yet another that's unvaccinated and very much at risk," Fauci said.

But it's CNN, so they don't reveal the underlying conspiracy: A few more unvaccinated Republicans need to die of this disease to ensure defeat in '22 and '24. Fortunately, the DNC has an endless supply of implausible anti-vax lies to plant in right-wing media by false-flag operatives. Just another month or so should do it.

Don't believe it? Whaddaya gonna do about it, get vaccinated? That'll teach them scheming Democrats!

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Posted from another thread but didn't want to be accused of derailing that one.


15 minutes ago, Chroma Starlight said:

 You realize some scientific authority is dissociated from reality. Generally, that's why we have peer review. Examples of this include the WHO body checking the CDC and NHS's policy decrees with the light of medical scientific reality, over and over and over again.


On 7/9/2021 at 1:31 PM, Chroma Starlight said:

I swear that if they ever hire me to moderate, I will do the best job they've ever seen.

Fine. Have it your way. Those of us who survive can come back afterwords and calculate how many lives this cost the world, and then we may pin it directly on you.

So from the WHO website, this

Vaccines save millions of lives each year. Vaccines work by training and preparing the body’s natural defences – the immune system – to recognize and fight off the viruses and bacteria they target. After vaccination, if the body is later exposed to those disease-causing germs, the body is immediately ready to destroy them, preventing illness.

There are several safe and effective vaccines that prevent people from getting seriously ill or dying from COVID-19. This is one part of managing COVID-19, in addition to the main preventive measures of staying at least 1 metre away from others, covering a cough or sneeze in your elbow, frequently cleaning your hands, wearing a mask and avoiding poorly ventilated rooms or opening a window.

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There's debate about how young to vaccinate, especially as the next school year approaches. At the FDA vaccines advisory committee meeting back in June, a CDC scientist presented some findings from recent, mostly not-yet-published studies, revealing that most of what we thought we knew about kids and COVID is completely wrong:



The presentation by Dr. Kirking is here: 


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Any parent knows that children pick up and pass along all kinds of things.  Every year when my son was in elementary school, they would be sending home notices.  Your child has been exposed to...lice, foot and mouth disease, pink eye, etc.  Why anyone thought children couldn't catch it or pass it along was bizarre to me.  

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

Any parent knows that children pick up and pass along all kinds of things.  Every year when my son was in elementary school, they would be sending home notices.  Your child has been exposed to...lice, foot and mouth disease, pink eye, etc.  Why anyone thought children couldn't catch it or pass it along was bizarre to me.  

Same with my kids. Only problem was it wasn't lice, it was dandruff. It wasn't any of the things the kids were sent home for and none  of them were dangerous. How the hell the school nurse mistook scalp psoriasis for lice is beyond me. And do you know that even though I took the boy to the doc and had it diagnosed and treated I STILL HAD TO TREAT HIM FOR LICE EVEN THOUGH THE DOCTOR SAID NOT LICE before they would let him back in school. Little did they know, it never happened. They only had my word for it.

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about my one month before post.

second life is my consolation and that's why i write here from time to time, speaking the truth as much as i can.
do not think if what i write is politically correct or not, so to say.
i do not ment that my experience might be similar to others.
yet this is my experience about covid.
and i continue.
last half of a month i had another stroke of asthma and bronchitis.
we had locally high temperatures and i slept with an open window.
that was enough for the bronchitis to explode.
in the past wet feet would be enough but i constantly pay attention.
this time i did not and cough, expectoration and shortness of breath started.
so the thing is usually i fight it with antibiotics, vix vaporub inhalations and some kind of bronchodilator syrup, together with strictly staying at home.
before covid, antibiotics were available over the counter but now they only can be sold in a pharmacy on a doctor's prescription.  
i did not opt to consult a doctor so to get my antibiotics although i was afraid without them.
i used propolis instead, a notorious natural antibiotic.
i took a risk but it proved -again- a safe choice.
i am alright now, all symptoms stopped.  
(looking for a job was postponed for a while).
i did not read all your posts following my own post about covid.
but i liked them all do not know why.



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India’s pandemic death toll could be in the millions
an hour ago (2021-07-20)

NEW DELHI (AP) — India’s excess deaths during the pandemic could be a staggering 10 times the official COVID-19 toll, likely making it modern India’s worst human tragedy, according to the most comprehensive research yet on the ravages of the virus in the South Asian country.

The report released Tuesday estimated excess deaths — the gap between those recorded and those that would have been expected — to be 3 million to 4.7 million between January 2020 and June 2021. It said an accurate figure may “prove elusive” but the true death toll “is likely to be an order of magnitude greater than the official count.”

The report was published by Arvind Subramanian, the Indian government’s former chief economic adviser, and two other researchers at the Center for Global Development, a nonprofit think tank based in Washington, and Harvard University.

“True deaths are likely to be in the several millions not hundreds of thousands, making this arguably India’s worst human tragedy since Partition and independence,” the report said.

The Partition of the British-ruled Indian subcontinent into independent India and Pakistan in 1947 led to the killing of up to 1 million people as gangs of Hindus and Muslims slaughtered each other.

(from https://apnews.com/article/business-science-health-india-pandemics-334c326d86efa73a0631bf7cb6e3f92e )


Funeral pyres of COVID-19 victims are scattered around a cremation ground along the banks of the Ganges river in Garhmukteshwar.  (AFP: Archana Thiyagarajan)



India’s Covid-19 vaccine is at the center of a corruption scandal in Brazil
By Niharika Sharma/ Reporter/ Quantz India
Published June 30, 2021

Brazil’s health minister Marcelo Queiroga announced yesterday (June 29) the country would suspend a $324 million contract to buy 20 million doses of Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin. The announcement comes amid a probe into allegations of irregularities in the procurement of the vaccine that are entangling president Jair Bolsonaro

“We suspended the deal as a simple preventive measure, since there are complaints that could not be explained well by the complainant, so we opened a preliminary investigation last week,” said Wagner de Campos Rosário, of the federal office of the comptroller general, during a press conference with Queiroga...

The controversy reportedly started when Luis Ricardo Miranda, a whistleblower at the health ministry raised suspicions about the vaccine deal with India’s Bharat Biotech...

The price has raised eyebrows as the government apparently had offers from Pfizer in 2020 to procure millions of doses of its vaccine, which has a higher efficacy rate, at a competitive price. Covaxin, developed by India’s Bharat Biotech, has already faced questions in India after it was approved for local use while trials were still ongoing, and has yet to publish its final stage trial data in full.

The president has denied any wrongdoing. The far-right leader has stated that the price of Covaxin was along the lines of what other countries are paying for vaccines. 

The accusations present fresh trouble for Bolsonaro who is already facing an investigation into his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, with Brazil one of the most affected countries with more than half a million deaths.

(from https://qz.com/india/2027345/brazil-suspends-deal-with-indias-bharat-biotech-for-covaxin/ )





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4 minutes ago, Moondira said:

Calm down, Chroma. 😉 You know what can happen!  😁


Okay, but I'm pretty sure this stuff is related to the entire brave new COVID vaccination industry/paradigm. I guess you get the idea already.

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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My second Pfizer was uneventful with no pain or side effects for me, my mum and sister fortunately.
And now this country is on this brink of Delta breakout madness.
Glad I got in early. 🙄
Now at my day job, (if we ever go back), they weren't quite so narky about my Vacc certification as they were
when I first used Isopropyl Alcohol spray and face masks about a year ago.
Especially with Pfizer being in very short supply. lol 

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16 minutes ago, Maryanne Solo said:

My second Pfizer was uneventful with no pain or side effects for me, my mum and sister fortunately.
And now this country is on this brink of Delta breakout madness.
Glad I got in early. 🙄
Now at my day job, (if we ever go back), they weren't quite so narky about my Vacc certification as they were
when I first used Isopropyl Alcohol spray and face masks about a year ago.
Especially with Pfizer being in very short supply. lol 

Are you in Australia? 

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assuming vaccines 'work' then the only who are mostly at risk then would be the unvaccinated. Remember that saying "my body my choice"

But the way the government keeps pushing vaccines and masks seems to indicate  we still don't have a handle on this thing, despite convincing millions to get an experimental non FDA approved vaccine. But there is money in them that hills! er, I mean, vaccine shots, so of course the Pharmas that created them want as many people as possible to get them. But I personally think we should back off of people who don't want to, for whatever reason - be a good reason or a stupid reason, to get a jab. They have to decide for themselves if it is worth any risks to their selves or not

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