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Is Amazon Now a Threat to Second Life Itself?


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The recent news that Amazon kicked Parler off of their cloud servers has me very concerned for the continued operation of Second Life, given that SL has been uplifted to the cloud and is now running on Amazon's servers. Regardless of the merits of Amazon's objections to Parler, Amazon has basically crippled or maybe destroyed an internet service because Amazon objected to Parler's content.

I am quite sure that anyone who looks could find lots of SL content or communities they would object to, right-wing and left-wing. Just a search for "Misogyne" produces 30 results to which I'm sure most Woke people would object.

Plus, while Amazon is big enough to fight off challenges, it's size also makes it a target. How long would it be before someone who objects to our various activities starts pressuring Amazon to kick us off their servers in the same way, and if so, does LL have any plan in place to keep SL going?

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4 minutes ago, CWLingLee said:

The recent news that Amazon kicked Parler off of their cloud servers has me very concerned for the continued operation of Second Life, given that SL has been uplifted to the cloud and is now running on Amazon's servers. Regardless of the merits of Amazon's objections to Parler, Amazon has basically crippled or maybe destroyed an internet service because Amazon objected to Parler's content.

I am quite sure that anyone who looks could find lots of SL content or communities they would object to, right-wing and left-wing. Just a search for "Misogyne" produces 30 results to which I'm sure most Woke people would object.

Plus, while Amazon is big enough to fight off challenges, it's size also makes it a target. How long would it be before someone who objects to our various activities starts pressuring Amazon to kick us off their servers in the same way, and if so, does LL have any plan in place to keep SL going?

That's not anything that I'm going to spend a lot of time worrying about right now, and really, the time to be concerned about this would have been at the time the 'uplift' was first being discussed.   In the meantime, and going forward, if you come across situations in-world that are in violation of LL's TOS (or are serious discussions to overthrow a RL government) then abuse report them. 

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15 hours ago, CWLingLee said:

How long would it be before someone who objects to our various activities starts pressuring Amazon to kick us off their servers in the same way, and if so, does LL have any plan in place to keep SL going?

Nice (second) try. Got any other brilliant ideas to plant in people's brains with your little inception-style psy-op on this forum? Good luck with your struggle against Big Tech.

Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
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I am not worried about SL becoming a haven for hate groups, right or left, and I'm not worried about anything that is a TOS violation. LL seems (in my limited experience) to be good at squashing that. No what worries me is people like this:

Yes, I know the person who started this thread is completely clueless and most likely a troll, but that doesn't mean he's harmless. He is objecting to something that's well within the TOS and well understood in SL to be consensual.

I am still concerned that enough people like him could, if they get mad enough pressure Amazon into cancelling SL. Not for anything criminal or reprehensible, but because they don't understand (or don't want to) that this is the way we role-play.

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2 minutes ago, CWLingLee said:

I am still concerned that enough people like him could, if they get mad enough pressure Amazon into cancelling SL. Not for anything criminal or reprehensible, but because they don't understand (or don't want to) that this is the way we role-play.

Yes the problem is that most empires in history were and are in the case of the US, destroyed from within. So from that perspective I could understand your point and see it as a potential problem.

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2 hours ago, CWLingLee said:

I am still concerned that enough people like him could, if they get mad enough pressure Amazon into cancelling SL. Not for anything criminal or reprehensible, but because they don't understand (or don't want to) that this is the way we role-play.

I think that has always been a possibility out there - not with AWS necessarily, but with the services that allow us to spend money here (PayPal, MC, Visa, etc) or other hosted service providers (like the content delivery system, the software for this forum, etc).  So why start getting all worked up about it now?

Regarding the events of the last week, context is everything.

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4 hours ago, CWLingLee said:

I am still concerned that enough people like him could, if they get mad enough pressure Amazon into cancelling SL. Not for anything criminal or reprehensible, but because they don't understand (or don't want to) that this is the way we role-play.

Some of the roleplay I've seen in SL is pretty creepy stuff. Personally I just avoid it and live and let live. What consenting adults do together is not my business.

If someone took offense at it, and had the will and the means to bring it to widespread attention, yes, I think this is a valid concern. Big tech seems to have way too much unfettered power, and not always the best judgement in how to wield it.

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3 hours ago, Flower Caerndow said:

If all the illegal and immoral activities on SL are so easily dismissed as roleplay won't people need to admit that SL is just a game?

Is life a game because you have the option to play DnD and LARP while being alive?

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Remember that chess game that was a view of two men playing chess?  Was it automatically two games because of this?

Amazon AWS and S3 don’t get mad.  They toss you out, ship your luggage to you then burn the room after forensics gets done with it.  There is no heresay.

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22 hours ago, CWLingLee said:

The recent news that Amazon kicked Parler off of their cloud servers has me very concerned for the continued operation of Second Life, given that SL has been uplifted to the cloud and is now running on Amazon's servers. Regardless of the merits of Amazon's objections to Parler, Amazon has basically crippled or maybe destroyed an internet service because Amazon objected to Parler's content.

I am quite sure that anyone who looks could find lots of SL content or communities they would object to, right-wing and left-wing. Just a search for "Misogyne" produces 30 results to which I'm sure most Woke people would object.

Plus, while Amazon is big enough to fight off challenges, it's size also makes it a target. How long would it be before someone who objects to our various activities starts pressuring Amazon to kick us off their servers in the same way, and if so, does LL have any plan in place to keep SL going?


You don't need to go looking for trouble. It will find you all too soon.

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6 hours ago, Flower Caerndow said:

If all the illegal and immoral activities on SL are so easily dismissed as roleplay won't people need to admit that SL is just a game?

Differing definitions of game.  Role play, to me anyhow, is more like acting.  That's why I call it "acting sex" and that's why I don't like it.  I am not into acting sex.  So, I am a General player mostly plus I don't want people wanting to get into my real life too much nor that intimate on the internet.  SL is not all sex anyhow. 

As far as the OP, it's out of our control.  I love the cloud.  It's like borrowing someone else's computer.  No need to be a geek into the future and do the update this thingy or tweak that thangie ad nauseum, ad nauseum, ad nauseum.     

The banning of Parler will ultimately create competition.  I believe something called Gab may already be in play here.  Gab a new social media site or something or other.  I do not care for social media nor read it.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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Given one of the replies by a user supporting a Marxist terror group, that has laid claim to many acts of political violence as well as revealed the organization as well funded and not the cause it was masked to be.. pretty fair chance if anymore posters seen with BLM in their profile, might draw not only complications to the network known as Second Life but also promoting a terror group may have you flagged by appropriate authorities. BLM is federally recognized as a domestic terror group. Do you think it's a good idea to make it known you support the agendas and ideology BLM stands for? BLM, Antifa etc.. are attempting to dismantle the Constitution I swore to defend. For the rest of the posters here, are you pro-Constitution and better yet American? Tell the BLM/Antifa supporters, you won't stand for it.

Edited by Audiobuff007
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55 minutes ago, Audiobuff007 said:

BLM is has been federally recognized as a domestic terror group

this is not true

the US federal government does not designate groups or individuals as domestic terrorists or domestic terror groups. US law defines what 'domestic terrorism' means but a person cannot be convicted of the crime of domestic terrorism. There is no such crime in US law. There are only criminal acts [like murder, theft, vandalism, insurrection, sedition, aiding and abetting, assault, trespass, etc] upon which individuals are prosecuted the same as any other law breaker]

definition is here: https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title18/part1/chapter113B&edition=prelim

Edited by Mollymews
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As with anything in life, the moment you depend on anything, you open yourself up to disappointment.

I am concerned, but am I losing sleep over it? Nope.

Don't get attached to anything in life, have plans to move on to the next should ***** hit the fan.

❤️ Second Life, but it's not the first nor will it be the last.

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2 hours ago, Audiobuff007 said:

pretty fair chance if anymore posters seen with BLM in their profile, might draw not only complications to the network known as Second Life but also promoting a terror group may have you flagged by appropriate authorities

Well, it's funny you should say that . . . 



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