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Any thoughts on the MIRANA body? Or new and upcoming bodies at that?


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9 minutes ago, RowanMinx said:

Are they even relevant anymore?  I've never watched the show either nor have any desire to.

I never saw the show either...except for a minute or two after dozing off.  But, yes, they are relevant...they took over the whole dam lipstick industry and other parts of the cosmetic industry, not to mention it's very difficult in SL to get a thin lipped mesh head.    Most mesh head's are Kardashian inspired lips; it's only obvious.  That second photo above with tiny waist, that's like Kim getting into that corset for some award's show I didn't watch either but I saw the picture and read a paragraph or two on "the corset" dress.   She had to do breathing exercises to wear this corset.  The corset was so tight, she couldn't sit down....it's only kind of obvious the Kardashian's are inspiring this big hipped/large lipped clone that is rampant in SL.  I hope we have variety soon and the Kardashian mania in SL ends.  Like I said, make something different...not another Kardashian clone.  Doesn't the below look familiar?   It looks like the 2nd photo in the OP.


Edited by FairreLilette
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13 minutes ago, RowanMinx said:

For what it's worth, I had big hips and lips in RL/SL.long before the Kardashians. 😄😄

That works out good for you.  But not for me.  I was going to send some creator's a notecard to please start sculpting some smaller lips so we can have a variety of lip looks as humans are quite varied.  I'd love to see a super model thin type body too...at least it's something different and I'd be interested in that.  More Kardasian clone's, no.  At least Kupra has originality to it.  

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48 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

This forum and curvy body....I don't get that unless other's are sick of the Kardashian mania that is a huge majority part of Second Life.  I'd like mesh heads with smaller lips so we can actually have some variety in looks for SL other than Kardashian lips.  Make something that is lacking in SL.  This kind of curvy giant hips thing there's already tons of.   

There’s actually not. Someone on here has posted real data that relatively few people wear curvy bodies. If you went by what people say on this forum, you’d think there was an epidemic. But you kind of proved my point. 

Since it’s New Years and talking to you is like WHOOSH.... this will be my last response to you. Happy New Years!

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Ftr, not hating on curvy bodies, curvy, not curvy, whatever tickles your pickle, I say. Curvy women exist, I'm pretty curvy in rl myself, at least some parts of me are. Whether or not it's my cup of tea in sl has no bearing on what others enjoy, though. People have all kinds of looks in sl, hell even rl, that would never suit me, or my taste well, at all. If they're comfy with themselves, that's all that matters. I'm just relaying what I've seen and what others have talked about, and I've seen quite a few people try the demo and say "no bueno". Hopefully the creator can improve on it, take the immense amount of feedback already given, and the body will take off, so more people can create for them. It's pretty common for things to start off...eh...and then get...oooooooo. So, I wish nothing but he best for the creator. 

I'm just quirky, particular perhaps, about human proportions and where bones/body parts sit, or should. If they're not made right or don't follow usual patterns, it can be really difficult for creators to create for them, which doesn't really hep the body creator at all. It can make things that would otherwise probably look decent, even good, look off and make people wonder. I'm a people watcher in sl, I look at people and sometimes just wonder if they see what I see (and usually, they don't, I've asked, a lot, lol). When it's a texture thing and textures don't look right, odds are good it's because I'm mostly blind, and a lot of things look ***** to me that are gorgeous to most people. When it's a shape thing, though, it's usually not me. I tend to focus on those aspects more, shapes and outlines, because I can actually see them. (well, most of the time I can, exceptions apply).


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@TariLandar Yes, I totally understand where you stand. I’m actually on the far skinny end of the spectrum of body types and I prefer skinny on most occasions, or if not, proportionally appealing at least. What attracted me to this body was mainly the details, I’d say this body has more intricate features (like the hip dips I spoke of). I will say that the crevice of the hips where they start to meet up with the lower leg does sit lower than the regular anatomy , which tickled me in a not-so-good way, but I can’t wait to see the finally version because I believe in this product. *Thumbs up*

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A body needs to be FREE (including the dev kit for creators) until there are sufficient clothes for it. I would not spend even L$1 on a body where my only options are "naked" or "a handful of items from the same creator at inflated prices".

The only exception is with a body like Kalhene or Lucybody, which already fits some other popular size of clothes (Maitreya in these 2 cases). Now, if your body fits something like Belleza Freya or Slink Hourglass clothes, THEN I would be interested.

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I tried the demo. Some functions are nice, but i wouldnt say that its worth of 6500L$ compared to other bodies that are out there.

Theres an build in blender for hands and feets, that you can use your skin. but its hard to find a matching blender.

For the "HQ *****" ..... i wasnt also able to find a matching blender for it. Also, theres nothing special on it for me.

So i will stay with my body 😃

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Even *if* I were interested in a curvy corset-like body, which I am not, with the current economic situation and the fallout which could be years of a vicious economic downturn, creator's need to start thinking about reducing their prices, not raising prices.   It is better to sell two or three or four of something at a reduced price than none.   The price for this Kardashian clone is way over-priced.  

As far as other bodies, something different like a super model super thin body I'd be interested in but more in the ballpark of a Maitreya body as far as price. 

And, to draw in a younger crowd, if possible, SL needs more youthful looking options and I'd like more youthful looking options.  This just looks mature to me, mature in age, not mature rating.   

Edited by FairreLilette
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Isn't that the product which was posted on the forums before, asking for feedback... until the creator threw a tantrum and deleted their whole post, changing the topic from something like "asking for feedback" to "who likes sex?" and wished hell upon those who bothered to point out the obvious flaws?

LOL, whatever.

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1 hour ago, Gage Wirefly said:

Competition is always good for the consumer but I really can't understand the pricing of this body considering there is really nothing or not much for it out there....😕

At almost 7000 lindens, this is not competitively priced though.  Maitreya just had a half price sale, and I heard Maitreya never had a half priced sale before.

It's too pricey for the current economic condition to be worth a look even at it's introductory price plus it's not my style as the bum looks too big for my style in that it won't go thin.   And, it does look pretty much like other bodies all ready available.   If it can go thinner, she should show a thinner also.  But, at this price I'm not interested.  There is nothing to pull me in to be interested.  

Edited by JanuarySwan
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I tried the demo of Mirana and compared it to demos of Slink Hourglass, Krupa, Belleza Freya and Lara. In terms of curviness, I'd rate them from least to most as Lara, Hourglass, Freya, Mirana and Krupa. The Mirana is unique among the bodies in that it has a rather large ribcage and very small shoulders. This allows you to have a girl with thin arms which actually addresses a peeve of mine where the default system body has too narrow a ribcage/torso. The shoulders are also positioned as if they are being pulled backwards and upwards which I guess is okay if you want to look like someone who is pushing their huge breasts outwards.  As others mentioned it has a large butt which is different from the other bodies in that the cheeks are lower and the thighs shaped to accommodate the size. I tried different skins and BOM works. 

I'd say that the Mirana does actually have a unique design that sets it apart from the curvy shapes of Krupa, Hourglass and BBL. If I had to make a curvy girl it seems like a good choice. If Mirana can lower the price and get a small following of clothes designers it might be able to get a foot in the door of the curvy shape market. 

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 From a creators point of view I wont be including it in any line of clothing,  I already get full perm stuff for Maitreya, Bellezza, Slink, some mesh makers have been including legacy, phasing out the TMP stuff and are including petite, Signature. It is already a lot of time and work to add in new body models  to make clothing. While I love doing it and improve tremendously the amount of body models for clothing is getting ridiculous , I quit including mesh models for system avatars, the xxs,s,m,l,xxl ones, I just don't have enough time in the day. I won't be doing anything for Kupra unless all the mesh makers include it in all of their kits. I am not going to spend 700,800,1000Ls then have to spend a additional for a special NEW models (I find Kupra ugly AF as it is but hey peeps like it so whatever). While I might miss out on the sales from additional mesh body sales, I can live with that because putting too much on your plate is just not healthy.

So no, I won't invest in the time for this body either, enough is enough, mesh makers charge enough for the models you can make stuff with, adding in another body is just going to raise prices for creators who just want to bring quality stuff to customers with out breaking the bank. The price for that  just screams greedy AF, and makes me believe the creator is exploiting  the mesh ignorant with out any knowledge on market prices, market saturation and creator consideration of their time and money they already  spend for a ever deepening market. It is proven when you give consumers exhaustive choices, they get overwhelmed, the system to mesh change over can be daunting  in itself, seen as a chore rather than fun then they buy nothing.

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@forbittenappleOk, so I tried the demo. It's a nice body, it's giving me Legacy vibes, especially the thighs. It's kind of my beef with Legacy (besides the other you know...stuff). So here's some criticism that hopefully, you'll find constructive.

The Good

Ok, surprisingly, it is a nice body. I don't think it's going to escape being called a 'curvy' body no matter what. It's definitely in the Freya/Legacy range and that's ok. I wouldn't call them curvy bodies either, but people generally do; just embrace it. It was BoM right out the box, which I thought I'd have to break out an alpha, but I didn't. My skin popped right on, the genus neckfit was seamless. The hands, feet and woo-ha seem to be the only things that are using a different UV....not quite sure why, but I got a skin match on the first try (more on that in the bad). It looks nice. The shoulders are slim which is nice because I didn't have to have size 12 shoulders for once. The arms and shoulders are nice. I didn't get that Stretch Armstrong thing at the elbow and the shoulders just didn't look brolic. The breasts have a nice shape, kind of on the full side, but nice. The nipples are HD and boy are they HD.

The Bad

Not really a fan of the thighs. The thighs are like POW and I felt like I would have to have chicken legs for them to be an acceptable size. The hands, feet and who-ha need to be tinted. That's...weird. Bodies have to be as simple as possible, the more moving parts...the more people tend to mess things up and not want to use it. It has plenty of alpha cuts, but the pants that were included need to be alpha'd? After alphaing for like 5 minutes...I noticed the alpha cuts in the HUD are a little off, very easy to misclick. There needs to be an alpha group like Thighs all at once, lower legs all at once....I really was clicking little sections for a long time. The nail length setting and different types of nails are a good idea, but the color choices are all beige? Needs ROYGBIV choices for fingernails and toenails, keep a couple of beige options, but basic colors need to be in there. Now the pants are nice and I have no problem using an alpha, but where's the top? seriously....a free dress is in there, pants and shoes are in there...but no top? Why? I didn't mess with the deformers, I thought there was going to be a chance that they make the body fit one of the big three, but they were just shape deformers?

The Ugly

The price still gives me the vapors and it's going up today? It's a nice body, but it's priced waaaaay too high. I'm not sure how people fell for Legacy being priced so high, but I don't think many people are going to fall for this being higher than that. Clothes are going to be a real issue and for that many Ls you don't even get 2 full outfits.

There aren't any major flaws with the body, but I just don't see myself spending 7000Ls on it or even 3990Ls on it and I like playing around with stuff. I can see a lot of work went into it and there are some things I like, but that price is a killer even to play around with. Get a marketing team like Legacy has, lower the price and it could have some legs.


Mirana front.png

Mirana back.png

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7 hours ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

I'd like to toss the Kardashians into the deep sea!

As for the price it would be a consideration if it was priced L$ Buck 3.98. 🤣

Yep, and now that I see the picture with the V-like waist, that's the Kim Kardashian corset picture I show in my post above.  Kim Kardashian could not expand her ribcage to breathe in that corset it was so tight and had to go through training so she wouldn't breathe other than extremely shallow breaths.  Women don't look like that naturally.  The legs look crazy weird too...like a balloon.  I do hope we get more styles of bodies, but we need some smaller for a variety, not more of the same.  I have ballet dancers in my family, we are slim with very long thin legs and arms and our limbs are made for ballet.  There are beautiful women of all shapes and sizes, even small-breasted women are beautiful.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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