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1 hour ago, Maitimo said:

But then I see the way it's derailed into political bickering on page TWO and that has confirmed to me that my decision to leave was the right one.  No-one can even post a nice heartfelt thread about how much they miss someone, without someone else turning it into an effing political soapbox. This is exactly the sort of thing that I wanted, and still want, to leave behind.

I'm sorry Matty for bringing it up.  I was trying to say it's been a darkest hour since coronavirus.  I think once things get on track there will not be so much talk of politics.  And, America just went through a huge change, hopefully heading in a direction for the better, and these things that were occurring here turned "global" including the protests.  

I think 2021 will be a good turn-around year for the better.  

I wish you the best but still wanted to say sorry for bringing the corona-crisis into this thread.  I was kind of speaking about those leaving because of the politics but I think next year there most likely will not be much politics on the forums, as I never saw much before the corono-crises.   We have a thread for that I need to remember too....but I did notice the politics is becoming less.

Stay well!  

Edited by FairreLilette
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I don't know anyone personally from the forum besides one very close friend and sister of mine.

I've also noticed many forum posters that I admire haven't been around as much and it just isn't the same without them. @Maitimo was one of those posters for me too. I always loved the photos you shared in the Your Avatar section. Your photos are beautiful and inspiring.

Whatever reason for leaving or taking a step back, taking care of one's wellbeing first is most important. Everything is secondary. That isn't running away. That is taking responsibility for oneself. I do wish everyone the best who has felt the need to leave or take that step back. Please realize you're not alone in that thinking. 

It's too bad such a well meaning and beautiful thread got sideswiped as it did.

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3 hours ago, BelindaN said:

Did we? Really?

Oh my mind has gone......🤔

Whatever that was Pixie, I forgive you.

You know- it might have been Luna that I was thinking of when I responded.  I’m pretty sure now.  & someone else.  Actually I’ve likely misunderstood or just took offense personally with 4 folks here over time. Distinct instances where i got into back & forths & the regret-guilt sticks with me.  Weeks-months later I do not remember what any of it was about, but I know those forumites (& gentle readers) likely & rightly blocked me or just labeled me an asshat.    I have had a loooot of time for reflection lately & am finding fault with how quick I am to judge & take things the wrong way & alienate people because of it.

TL;DR - I apologize for being quick to be offended or take things wrong.


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1 hour ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

I know those forumites (& gentle readers) likely & rightly blocked me or just labeled me an asshat.

I have never seen you even approach asshattishness! You are careful and gently spoken, always.

The guilt is totally needless! Just keep being you -- that's better than most of us.

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8 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I have never seen you even approach asshattishness! You are careful and gently spoken, always.

The guilt is totally needless! Just keep being you -- that's better than most of us.

😊 you’re being way too kind, but thank you all the same

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4 hours ago, Maryanne Solo said:

There's no need to: 🏃‍♂️💨 🏃‍♀️💨

   . . . 

   . . .

   . . . Nuke each other sideways? 

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19 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

I'm sure there are aware and conscientious Europeans, but my comment was in direct response to a European who said our current crisis doesn't compare to many of our past ones, but it does compare and exceed many of those.

Truly, I feel “It is the best of times, it is the worst of times. @Maitimo I love you truly, madly, deeply always ! ❤️❤️❤️

Edited by BJoyful
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@Lindal Kidd ...totally off topic... but have you ever noticed baby pigeons in RL?  Are they born and hidden until they are big as the rest? Now I guess I better go look that up on the inter webs ! 😜  Your posts are always great, Lindal. ❤️

HUGS to all and hope your day is filled with smiles and peace, love and music 🎶 

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I'm sorry to see that @Maitimo has left, but I can appreciate their reasons for doing so.

@BJoyful we don't usually see baby pigeons because they  build their nests high up on tall buildings or cliffs, hidden in any little crevice or hidey-hole they can find. Baby pigeons stay in the nest until they're about 40 days old, by which time they're already the same size as adults. http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150907-why-dont-you-ever-see-baby-pigeons


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20 hours ago, BelindaN said:

Here comes a general comment. Not aimed at anyone in particular. Why has this thread morphed into politics and debate? Why is this relevant? 

This uncontrollable side slippage into oh so predictable point scoring is so tiresome. 

Matti had his/her reasons for stepping back. Many others have done so. Politics have been done to death on oh-so many threads and it goes nowhere. 

And yes, yadda yadda yadda, people come, people go blah blah blah, it's how it is.

I never expected to set ignore on these forums. And yet a couple of weeks ago I found that by doing so, the blanket of normality made me happier about being here. Even so, like many others, the underlying tone here  has made me step back.

 It's no longer a fun place.


19 hours ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

I’m literally watching an episode of Seinfeld called The Yada Yada as I am reading this thread.  🤪

& no it’s not.  It might be me you set to ignore, actually- we had a bit of a dust up a few weeks back.  If so, I am sorry for that (which I guess you won’t see this anyways) & if not, I’m still sorry... 🙏 

Now I'm wondering how many people have me blocked. That'd be a fun list of people, I bet.

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5 hours ago, Lewis Luminos said:

I'm sorry to see that @Maitimo has left, but I can appreciate their reasons for doing so.

@BJoyful we don't usually see baby pigeons because they  build their nests high up on tall buildings or cliffs, hidden in any little crevice or hidey-hole they can find. Baby pigeons stay in the nest until they're about 40 days old, by which time they're already the same size as adults. http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150907-why-dont-you-ever-see-baby-pigeons


Thank you so much!  I ♥ that someone @Lewis Luminos knew this and used a precious moment to share it.  People like you make the RL and SL world a friendlier place.  ^5 ♥ 

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On 8/18/2020 at 1:35 PM, Scylla Rhiadra said:


Where the problems arise is when you suddenly feel that you have been left exposed and isolated within a community you thought you were an important part of. When, for instance, one finds oneself attacked, implicitly or explicitly, quite possibly by only a handful of people, and there appears to be no support from others within the community you had thought were supportive of you. That needn't mean people rushing to your defence, necessarily -- but sometimes the silence and lack of affirmation from those we thought were friends can be deafening.

And that becomes more acute when the theme of the attack is upon something that you feel is fundamental to who you are. In such cases, I think it's pretty understandable that one's feeling of having been isolated, and the apparent lack of support that we count on to demonstrate that one is perceived as an important part of the larger community, can be reason enough to abandon the forum.

When the community no longer feels like your community, why bother spending time there?

more stuff

I hate people who reply ^^^ this. ^^^ This. :)

I have backed far, far away. Obviously not completely gone, but on really infrequent visitor mode. I was totally disillusioned here, and if anyone remembers my "way back" history, that might come as a bit of a surprise.  There were several threads where people were just incredible asshats, and hurtful ones at that. Who needs that kind of grief.

The only reason I'm posting now is that I'm drunk and waiting for a Discord reply. :/

Edited by Seicher Rae
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21 hours ago, Paul Hexem said:


Now I'm wondering how many people have me blocked. That'd be a fun list of people, I bet.

Well, not too long ago, in a thread closed, some asshat actually did a screenshot of his blocked list. :) Maybe you could start a thread where you encourage everyone to share images of their lists! I know I'm on blocked lists (one was the asshat's, awwwww) but I have never been curious enough to sit for a few minutes to figure out who is blocking me. In all my years on the various SL Forums, I never blocked anyone, until this Forum and only this year.  It was for the reasons mentioned above in my earlier post. And yes, it does make the Forums a better place for me.

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It was right that Maitimo move out of this chaos to a personal sanctuary.  Who among us have not done that. 

It can be frankly hurtful when human minds battle, say like a chess game of advancing the parts of one's idea of reality against someone else's ideas of reality.  That is called discussion, BUT, when we have the phenomenon of  people refusing to accept another's ideas, to invalidate them out of hand, then you see mental chaos. It is easily on display in these forums. 

I will add, that it's easy to understand this phenomenon when you consider the world today is largely fed daily "information" from corporate news media that capitalizes (makes money) on keeping the mass mind in confusion and flux, and thus needing a new "fix" from their favorite media trough of choice, every day, every hour.  This actually imperils the world at this moment, when it works to keep human minds locked, as a byproduct of that profit-making, or as a design, such as in politics (the world of half-truths). 


Edited by Lancewae Barrowstone
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4 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

Well, not too long ago, in a thread closed, some asshat actually did a screenshot of his blocked list. :) Maybe you could start a thread where you encourage everyone to share images of their lists!

That would make for a fun picture thread!  With a gazillion picture threads running around, what's one more? 🤪

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