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How do you feel if strangers come into your SL home unexpectedly?

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12 minutes ago, Cinos Field said:

Not at all, that's not what I'm saying. But I do remember a few shops where they have private homes next to the shop, and the buildings look exactly the same from the outside. I can't name any names here, but when I shop there, I see people wander to the wrong one all the time.

Also, coincidentally, in real life - if a shop owner lives on the same property as the shop is on, there's typically a sign reading "private" or similar on the home part of it, because otherwise people might assume there's more shop there.

It is, of course, also entirely possible that your sim just happens to attract an inordinate amount of terribly rude people, but it's not an experience I've ever really had in our virtual wonderworld.

Again you are assuming things that simply are not true. I do not have an "inordinate amount of terribly rude people" coming to the sim I live in and I never said I did or even implied I did. You jumped to that conclusion based on... nothing.

Stop telling people they cannot have personal space in SL without having to post billboards. That is simply not true.

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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I don't think its right to go blundering into pople's homes. 

The people of Belisaria seem real friendly though. I've stood on the street and been invited into houses and house boats a number of times. I don't got premium so don't got my own rights to be there, so mighty nice of people to be so friendly.

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32 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

A guy I know keeps mounted heads of his girlfriends on his wall.  These are the actual avatars, who have agreed to remain on line, seated on this special sort of poser that hides their body but sticks their head through the wall.  They're a sort of specialized "slave cage", I guess.

That sounds awesome, actually. And hilarious. Now I've gotta find a volunteer to let me mount their head to my wall.

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10 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Again you are assuming things that simply are not true. I do not have an "inordinate amount of terribly rude people" coming to the sim I live in and I never said I did or even implied I did. You jumped to that conclusion based on... nothing.

Stop telling people they cannot have personal space in SL without having to post billboards. That is simply not true.

Well, my apologies then? I've clearly lost track of what's even being discussed. Sorry!

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Usually when I'm out exploring, I'm on mainland so I'm traveling along public roads or through abandoned property.  If I see something interesting on a parcel and it's clearly someone's house, I don't go in the parcel.  If there is some type of business or other attraction that indicates it's open to visitors, I might wander in.  Otherwise, I look at the description in the About Land and make my decision from what's written there (or not written there).  If it's not a description that welcomes people to wander in, I just stay on the public areas and if no one is on the parcel, cam in to see whatever it was that attracted my attention.

I know people like to explore or be able to fly over other people's parcels, so I don't use ban lines or orbs to keep everyone out - I just expect that people who will wander in or over will not be troublemakers.  If I started getting a lot of unwelcome and disrespectful visitors, then I would use a security orb and put a "private residence" comment in the About Land for my parcel.  

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6 minutes ago, Cinos Field said:

Well, my apologies then? I've clearly lost track of what's even being discussed. Sorry!

I beleive we were discussing me driving my brand new combine harvester into beth#'s house rezzing 15 toilets, and then me going "beep beep beep2 as I reversed out?


But I guess I took a wrong turn at Alberqurque.

Adam's Brand New Combine Harvester_001.png

Edited by Adamburp Adamczyk
added stuff that make it go Zoom like the Fat Larry Band
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39 minutes ago, Adamburp Adamczyk said:

I beleive we were discussing me driving my brand new combine harvester into beth#'s house rezzing 15 toilets, and then me going "beep beep beep2 as I reversed out?


But I guess I took a wrong turn at Alberqurque.

Adam's Brand New Combine Harvester_001.png

No bidets or urinals?

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20 hours ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

Personally, I don't mind if strangers come to my home as long as they don't bother me with unwanted IMs or rez stuff that crash the sim or something like that. If they just stand there and don't say anything I don't mind.

The reason why I ask is because I've been viewing various "SL home invasion" trolling videos and commenters have said that people who get mad at strangers coming into their home are taking Second Life too seriously.

In 15 years of running Mainland rentals, I have come to see this behaviour as innate and hard-wired by God/evolution/culture over the millenia. People fear that someone might invade their space, take their mate, use their adult furniture especially with that mate, and then they won't be able to tell if the children are really theirs, given the lack of DNA test kits in previous centuries.

Even though there are no birthed children in SL as such and no paternity issues as such, this hard-wired behaviour persists and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. You can try to convince people they can't get AIDS in a virtual world. You can tell them to put their furniture on "owner" only or put it away. You can tell them to put a clear box around it or their house even which they click and change to "physics" when they log on, or remove. I don't allow orbs on the ground because they are super annoying to everyone else, including your fellow tenants who can't even fly to their own house because of your orb.

But none of it works. Most of the time, it takes only ONE incident -- ONE -- to make people get into a TOTAL FRENZY with this wired behaviour. They can't accept that ban powers in the group can take care of this; some of them seem to think they need to have a conversation first with an intruder and reason with them when a right-click/eject is all they need to do. 

Instead, they rant and rage at me and get in my groups and rage about the inability to have a bunker with an orb. They might log on once a month but the rest of the time we're all supposed to be inconvenienced because of this wild, crazy, illogical innate behaviour involving fear of a stranger getting on your adult furniture. Or merely getting in your space at all, even if PG -- but generally I find it's a deep-seated animosity to the stranger on the furniture.

And to be sure, there is a segment of the SL population that refuses to rent even the cheapest rental, or refuses to go in the sky on a four-hour sandbox or some other slow or no autoreturn parcel, and insists on trespassing. 

I think this is unreasonable -- you can put "avatars can't see me" as an option and be totally invisible from outside; you can have a skybox with an orb. But on the ground, in your house, you need to use ban. The overwhelming majority of tenants get this, accept it, and either simply don't care what happens in their house when they are gone OR they have a skybox with an orb OR they respond normally to the few incidents of trespassing that actually occur. That is why it is possible to even have Mainland rentals -- because most people can overcome the hard-wired behaviour of the centuries and live in peace -- and frankly, it's mainly women who can do this (as they don't suffer from the hardwired fear of not telling who the child's father is that the man has).

So in the end, I tell people that SL is a big place, they can surely find another rentals company where they can have the humper bunker they require, but it will probably cost more.

I myself have several houses in SL and I write on the description "all welcome" -- and since there is no adult furniture I rarely get visitors. If I log on and find someone in the garden, that's fine, why shouldn't they enjoy it? If they become annoying, I ban them. The end.

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Not everyone who uses an orb is a crazed bunker-dweller. Some of us just expect basic respect, and since we can't count on others to offer it, deal with it accordingly by keeping the louts out with the method that is the least hassle to use. It is my right to use an orb, and I will continue doing so... and, I might add, the minute someone uses ban lines, then people complain about THAT. 

Of course, I don't really like to rent anyway, as I prefer to make the rules for my own home. :) 

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22 hours ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

Personally, I don't mind if strangers come to my home as long as they don't bother me with unwanted IMs or rez stuff that crash the sim or something like that. If they just stand there and don't say anything I don't mind.

The reason why I ask is because I've been viewing various "SL home invasion" trolling videos and commenters have said that people who get mad at strangers coming into their home are taking Second Life too seriously.

I honestly do not care.....  However, if I was having an intimate moment with someone I would not like the intrusion, so I would evoke my home security. But, I welcome people to explore my home and region... 

 I can not stand ban lines.  I honestly hate people who set security hubs on their homes along public waterways. If you get stuck in a lag wave and end up in their "space" then you can not even recover before that you are spanked and sent home and you loose your boat or car ... There are houseboats in the new regions that do this, I can not tell you how many times I have been ejected sent home and lost my boat.

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How I feel about random "off the street" folks coming into my homes varies according to which house we're talking about.

My Linden Homes?  Eh, rock on, kids.  The furniture is mostly innocuous, and I decorated them in part to show newer residents what's possible in Second Life as far as the look of one's home is concerned.  I don't have orbs, and I guess I really should update the description of the land to include that anyone who wants to wander through may certainly do so.  The same applies to my rental off of the Blake Sea.  The only folks there I've ejected had come up into my parcel so they could see me (the owners set the parcels to no-view unless you're standing in it), and were literally staring into my window for a prolonged period of time.  Buh-bye.

On the mainland, my husband and I own a reasonable portion of our region.  We have parcels out by the Linden Road that are public access, and labeled as such.  After a STEEP hill (and a border of forest trees) lies the private property.  The vast majority of it isn't orbed (and I loathe ban lines with the fire of a thousand suns -- they are an utter blight, and I wish all viewers had the option to turn them off as my beloved Firestorm does) because I know it's fun to wander SL, and I like leaving it accessible for reasonable use, but I do have three bits that are... because there are some times that are pretty evidently private and I'd prefer not to have to deal with random intruders.

My family-style home has an orb that's confined to mostly the master bedroom.  This occurred because I had just finished wrangling my Zooby baby and had put her to bed.  I got into bed myself, and right as I was about to log off, some guy decided that it was totally appropriate to TP into my bedroom, nude, wearing a giant freebie appendage.  I continued my logout, in part because I was quite startled and just wanted to leave.  I then logged in my alt, who also has eject/ban powers, and banned him.  The next morning when I logged in, I set up my small circumference orb.  This way I can put my avatar to bed (yes, I do this most nights, and I'm aware I'm a total dork) without some dude figuring me getting into bed is obviously an invitation to exchange pixels 😛

The other area that's orbed is my one mainland parcel that's no-view.  It's where I go to change if I'm going to require long periods of full undress, or whatever.  I've actually got two orbs there:  one is set at ground level and reaches just to the top of the trees surrounding/ obscuring view into the parcel; the other covers the dimensions of our skybox. 

As all areas are pretty clearly private and the orbs are operating within tightly controlled parameters (I don't want to mess with random folks flying planes or whatever), I feel absolutely zero compunction in setting that sucker to a 5-second boot time.

Edited by Ajay McDowwll
It's 12:30 AM and I'm tired.
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17 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

How do you feel if strangers come into your SL home unexpectedly?




I totally believe this because I've seen you in action.

(Do you remember the time you came over to my old house in Baleful, heavily armed, and vanquished my very first SL peeping Tom? Good times!)

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13 minutes ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

I totally believe this because I've seen you in action.

(Do you remember the time you came over to my old house in Baleful, heavily armed, and vanquished my very first SL peeping Tom? Good times!)

I think Eveline had the rocket launcher.  I just had my .45.

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When I was brand new in SL, I made the mistake of taking LMs to places that by the time I landed there they were private homes. I was greeted so pleasantly by most back then - even formed some friendships - that I refuse to not pay that forward by treating people how I was (generally) treated.

Now, once I know you are there intentionally for reasons less than ethical, well, you won't be there very long. But I refuse to be ban happy. Too many people innocently don't know what they are doing or use old LMs. I wouldn't want to move and have a person banned from a place just because this one time they intruded on my property by mistake.

Edited by Adam Spark
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to comment on something that came up in the back and forth between Selene and Cinos: Being on Mainland does not automatically mean you're open to having other users march through your parcel, no matter what your parcel happens to contain.

Got a Store? Lovely! That's as "public" as a privately "owned" or rented parcel can be!

Not using that Mainland Parcel for a Store? Do what ya need to do (within reason) to enforce the level of access you're comfortable giving to others!

Stumble upon a parcel that doesn't have a Store on it? No references anywhere in the name or description to give the impression that it's a park or other such "public" place? Then don't be surprised if the owner boots you or uses an orb to do so.

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I had (another) trespasser just this morning, so I'm amazed when anyone claims it's not an ongoing thing. This time, I left my avatar seated in a chair in front of my Linden Home while I briefly was AFK. I came back to find some knobhead had been sharing the chair with me until the orb booted his stupid behind. This is why I have orbs, because people do this sort of nonsense. There is nothing about my Linden Home to give the impression that anyone can just barge in and sit on my lap. Sheesh.

BTW, I am well aware that it's just pixels and for that matter, I don't mind others seeing my avi naked as long as it's MY decision that they do so. I pay for that parcel, so I get to make the rules, and no one else is entitled to make themselves at home there unless I say so. People who feel entitled to go wherever they please and can't respect the fact that the parcel owner is in charge deserve to be sent into orbit. 

Edited by Sylvia Tamalyn
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On 5/13/2020 at 4:31 PM, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

Not everyone who uses an orb is a crazed bunker-dweller. Some of us just expect basic respect, and since we can't count on others to offer it, deal with it accordingly by keeping the louts out with the method that is the least hassle to use. It is my right to use an orb, and I will continue doing so... and, I might add, the minute someone uses ban lines, then people complain about THAT. 

Of course, I don't really like to rent anyway, as I prefer to make the rules for my own home. :) 

I hope you're on your own homestead or island so that you don't annoy everyone around you.

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