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Cost Of Name Changes Out Of The Bag

Jimbo Mimulus

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Am I understanding this correctly?.... I have two alts, We all have the same last system name of Solo, which took 6 months to do back in 2009.

Therefore as premium for all this time, I apply for a senior resident family fee reduction. 1 x 40L changes all three last names.

That better be how it works lol otherwise I'll be whizzed right orf~!  

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10 minutes ago, Nova Convair said:

One of my alts could use a name change but the fee plus premium plus tax - that makes over 60$. This feature is obviously completely useless for me - at least I do not consider that for even a fraction of a second  for an alt. 😎

Yeah, but what if they bundle it together with a grid-scope Experience, a persistent URL you can attach to any script, plus 4096 bonus tier, all for the low, low price of, say, US$150 /yr?

(Somehow I doubt Super Premium is gonna have any of the things I actually want. Betcha it'll be a bunch of Marketplace merchant geegaws and a special discount on uploading gesture spam.)

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At least some of the current  creators who came in during the ‘Resident’ era will probably very much want to their new name to be somehow easily and visibly tied to their old one for continuity in their business. Having a ‘Resident’ name had few resident advantages that I can see but of course not being privy to LL policy, I’m not sure why they did it or what finally tipped the scales to cause them to change it back. People started asking for the return of last names almost immediately after they were stopped. 

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Those attacking Cheesecurd...instead of thanking him for trying to rescue SL...should be disgusted with themselves. Some of the worst trolling I've ever seen on this forum. 

Now - let me state: I WARNED YOU. I TOLD YOU THIS WAS COMING. This isn't a little 'nice thing to have' or a 'luxury'. Having a surname is ESSENTIAL for anyone wanting to merely exist in the new pay-to-play SL hell. Soon, Residents will NOT be able to build, work, script or exist in the metaverse.  THEY ARE TRYING TO PURGE US FROM SECOND LIFE FOR GOOD. THEY ARE OSTRACISING US AND GIVING US A THIRD CLASS EXPERIENCE. 

We're not running out of time - we were running out of time in 2014. This is critical - NPIOF Residents are about to be PURGED. We need to raise JIRAs NOW and keep up the pressure - make LL realise they must SCRAP the name change fee and reintroduce surnames for EVERYONE

This isn't just our responsibility - Premium users NEED to support us all the way on this - use your privilege to call LL, create tickets, fight back against the name change fee (and the Premium-only name change option). It's the very least you can do for us. SL is dead, otherwise

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Calm down, the sky is not falling and none of your doom & gloom BS is accurate.

No one is being purged. No one is being relegated to any lesser class - or was in the first place. From all other information the surnames will be available to all newer signups once everything is finalized.

Then again, this is your schtick after all ...

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Well...I did happen to think that at least once, resident protest (reducing non-premium account group limits) has successfully caused LL to reconsider it so there will always be people who will protest limits or features that aren’t suited to them. Hm. It’s probably happened more than once, but I can’t think of any other times LL has actually said ‘x is a thing’, then said ‘well ok, since so many of you protested x, we will change it’. 
Is the account last name issue really so much of a thing? I usually just say ‘Fauve’ and there’s no confusion because there are few of us. Maybe a perk of having a weird name? But not a limitation (or a privilege) because I chose my name from what was available just as everyone else. Limits and privilege are just different in SL than in RL. We have different choices. It causes different issues and has different outcomes and benefits. Regardless of account name status or time in-world,  because we all have the display name option, absolutely everyone already has (within reason and within the rules) a decently useful, even change-able name option.

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At that cost the Privileged Options we might get with "Super Double 9X Platinum Premium" maybe it should include a discount for alternate accounts, maybe limited to 1 or 2 a month on name changes?

Or on a yearly renewal of "Super Double 9X Platinum Premium" we can gift a friend a name change at no charge?


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2 hours ago, clivesteel said:

NPIOF Residents are about to be PURGED.

That will never happen there always has been and always will be people who either can't or won't contribute a single RL penny towards Second Life. There are plenty of people that prefer to spend their entertainment fund on SL rather than something else

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Since at least one LL employee was (previous to their hire), very casually open about never inputting any money whatsoever into SL, and with never any plans to, I don’t see how anyone can seriously think the Lab would get rid of 100% free accounts. Choices are good. Levels of involvement, including different financial ones, are OK. I’m a bit surprised there has never been more ‘premium only’ areas besides a few sandboxes, and I was also surprised there was not more kerfluffle over the spots on full sims reserved for premium members. Since time is money, that’s one of the best perks I have enjoyed as a premium member. As long as I have been a member, land options have existed to exclude NPIOF, and that’s OK.

But TANSTAAFL. Someone always pays, and offering the ones who input money some perks and extras is OK. Which ones, and to whom, also OK for a private business to decide for their own company, and chances are if some paid perk is really not to your taste, you aren’t the target market for it anyway. Which is OK. 

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4 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

Calm down, the sky is not falling and none of your doom & gloom BS is accurate.

No one is being purged. No one is being relegated to any lesser class - or was in the first place. From all other information the surnames will be available to all newer signups once everything is finalized.

Then again, this is your schtick after all ...

If the sky was falling --- the Lindens would figure a charge for it. :D

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