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  1. Heathcliff, may I refer you to an important post I made on this very subject (in fact, add more now for inflation). Those who expect slave labour should have their clubs closed down! IGNORE the bad advice the others have given you...if a club won't pay you for your time, REPORT THEM.
  2. Indeed - greedy grasping land owners and club owners who put out their disgusting legalised begging bowls should be kicked off SL!
  3. So what? If an item is garbage, the buyer reserves the right to describe it as garbage, so others don't waste their time and effort having said garbage pollute their inventories. If this upsets you, don't trade in garbage. I find this hard to believe. Such price disparities don't exist in re-sells...unless you are admitting to using a copybot?
  4. Except very concerning that there is no mention of diversity or equity. May I ask LL: how many people of color or the LGBTQ+ community do you currently employ...?
  5. * SL to make ALL land public. NO private ownership. All regions to be divided into 1/8s, cost of 1/8 rental per month - $2. * ALL SL 'abandoned land' to be reactivated with full script permissions. * NO premium membership NOR fees required for last names - roll them out for EVERYONE, NOW.
  6. Racism, greed, mesh mania and the latest anti-Resident pay-for-names fiasco (aka - the purge of free accounts) has laid SL in its casket.
  7. Ah: but I've spent 10+ years trying to warn you of the rising tide of fascism and racism on SL, only to meet with non-stop abuse and endless attempts to gaslight me (some of those responsible are still scuttling around this forum)... Even worse, I've experienced hostility from LL - I expect Jagix The Apathetic will pull my posts a million times before he even dreams of leaving his beanbag to DO SOMETHING about inworld fascism and racism. No wonder so few POC sign up...why would they want to be subjected to country clubs with confederate flags, nazi slime openly putting the N-word in their profiles, or sickos starting threads about how its so funny tee hee hee! to don digital blackface...? But I won't stand by in silence and tolerate it.
  8. If it keeps the greedy content creators, anti-'noob' bigots and premium account pushers (SL's heroin) away, then... leave them as they are. I hear dozens of conversations in these areas compared to the five lines you posted... for some, these areas are the only safe space to escape the sick grasp of the exploiters who want to push their mesh for a pound of flesh...
  9. Those attacking Cheesecurd...instead of thanking him for trying to rescue SL...should be disgusted with themselves. Some of the worst trolling I've ever seen on this forum. Now - let me state: I WARNED YOU. I TOLD YOU THIS WAS COMING. This isn't a little 'nice thing to have' or a 'luxury'. Having a surname is ESSENTIAL for anyone wanting to merely exist in the new pay-to-play SL hell. Soon, Residents will NOT be able to build, work, script or exist in the metaverse. THEY ARE TRYING TO PURGE US FROM SECOND LIFE FOR GOOD. THEY ARE OSTRACISING US AND GIVING US A THIRD CLASS EXPERIENCE. We're not running out of time - we were running out of time in 2014. This is critical - NPIOF Residents are about to be PURGED. We need to raise JIRAs NOW and keep up the pressure - make LL realise they must SCRAP the name change fee and reintroduce surnames for EVERYONE. This isn't just our responsibility - Premium users NEED to support us all the way on this - use your privilege to call LL, create tickets, fight back against the name change fee (and the Premium-only name change option). It's the very least you can do for us. SL is dead, otherwise.
  10. I have neither the energy or inclination to argue with you, Ms Tennyson. Suffice it to say, thank you for your hostile garbage, and now please ***** off with your smug arrogance, envy and spite directed against those of us who, unlike yourself, have had the guts to salute the people we care about in the forums, rather than sit in a snug SL ballroom and sneer. Yes, full permission. And yes I am happy about that. One of the few but precious things in my life at the moment about which I have every right to be happy. Sorry to disappoint you by still being alive.
  11. The sheer jealousy on this thread is telling. Guess some of you can't stand seeing someone happy. Like some of you can't stand people being happy FULL STOP Enjoy kissing your pillows tonight...
  12. How about you PM your address and we take it from there. Cowardly calf πŸ‘Š
  13. To all the sick twisted haters who've tried to make my life miserable on SL since 2010... I have a hot girlfriend and you CAN'T knock me down. Where's your (laughs) girlfriend, o keyboard warrior...?? LOO-ZERS!! RFLMAO
  14. Your precious, gliberal LEA grant has GONE... You can be rude to me, but that must sting you 😊😊. So, on behalf of the other 98% of SL who are tired of your whining.,.. LOL!! ☺️
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