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    one mistake and you are mistaken

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  1. Honestly it did for a very long time, but as I've gotten older its only helped magnify my disdain for real life & my country and its people. I think at some point its made me see real life too much for what it is or I believe it to be. this in turn has made me more withdrawn into online things not just SL but other solo hobbies too. But then again my reasons for starting out using SL is totally different for my reasons now. while I can't go over most of the things, its not anything I can talk about without a huge amount of context outside the scope of the thread. one day I plan on living in another country and seek some therapy while writing my own autobiography about my time in the USSA a modern like emotional Gulag Archipelago were I will contemplate other levels of slavery & serfdom, social violence & couturial aggression pressed on myself & others through other means in a society that pretends freedom is the foundation all others are rooted from. It will reference SL in many chapters and have a few chapters entirely entailed in it. the book with likely be broken down into a volume of 5 books. Second Life has helped, but when the real life damage continues outside my control even today then I have had to face the limits of its positive impacts but I'll never discount my time here.
  2. So is having a lot of mesh with the same texture & UUID not as laggy? example a region full of the same mesh grass from one creator vs. filled with hundreds of grass plants from different creators. My PC is DirectStorage ready for the Microsoft API. will the viewers be able to take advantage of this? somewhat off topic but while I'm here it offsets memory from CPU to GPU. my newest game I'm playing Scorn takes advantage of it
  3. You can gaslight it LOL.. but the thing your appearing to overlook is they took have a mobile app that should be free for a 20yr old+ GAME that the company itself admits is a small fry in terms of marketspace and are hiding it behind a paywall. almost as if they have no desire to see the grid grow or even replace the people who never log back in. Let me give you some ammo to reload on. you can come at me with " they are a private company and can do what they want" exactly like waste between 50 to 75 million dollars on a stillborn platform residents told them in alpha would never make it and to put it to sleep before wasting a half a decade "like SL but Better" and lets be real here LL uses the next step up from slave labor called contractors (those who do not get benefits and are strung along with promises of 'real employment') well before one of you starts the 'they got a fortune in this viewer why should they share with 3rd party viewers' no they don't if anything the most $50 grand(pretax). This viewer or an old viewer whatever works, they should offer the mobile viewer free of charge on the google/apple stores at a minimal and at the most they should opensource it. They can find some other carrot to offer P+ they just have to unplug themselves from there binary collectives unit and instead of say'n 'you will be assimilated' they can things inside there heads ' how can I help you' ' how could this be better' Don't worry no linden will see this, as Coffee has pointed out. they never read the forums anymore so no hurt feelings. I get your point your old heads on the forum this is your mic area & playground but sometimes we need to things to be said when no one else wants to or is fear of losing forum popularity over.
  4. Was a time I took SL as serious as you do now, not that its a bad thing I've been guilty of it too. but, sometimes you've got to open the front door, getting fresh air inside.
  5. I would log out and hope it undeforms on relogging.
  6. I would go with Lelutka hands down as they are basically the replacement for Genus Heads even if they predate them by over a decade. I love the hud features. I would never buy a Catwa Head again (not telling why to avoid a hissy fit with 'The Mouth of MeshHeads' on the forum ) but you could try looking into LAQ? she has nice heads too.
  7. P+ Member here. I don't plan on using this viewer at all. ZERO .even as my cell phone is glued to my hand in RL. Simple reason this was a terrible move by LL they should have bought the Lumiya Viewer and then should have open sourced it to the 3rd party viewers to really get several ones out to fit varied people tastes. Why? Well come on people we need new blood here in SL and a free mobile global app was what SL not only needed, but deserves! This was a short sighted example of LL employees living in an echo chamber and not using their own services. Premium plus needed some extra carrots to bait subscribers but this should not have been one of them. its counter productive long term that we will all pay for with less new people to meet, rent to or sell things to.
  8. Well you stole my thunder with your logic & reason as always Coffee, you said everything perfectly having stole the words right from my mouth but told more cohesively. I've got nothing else I can say. talk to yawl next year.
  9. That was what High Fidelity and Sansar was the walled prison version of it. both failed. We are not going to see a SL replacement as no one is going to spend lots of money in a possible replacement because it will be based on controlling everything you say or do (remember in sansar they made it to were you logged in you have to rezz in first at the welcome center but before you could log in at home they just decided for you for there reasons) all the data mining and trying to link it to your real life its all going to fail. Second Life might be clunky at times but I still have most of my RL freedoms in it. western society is dying and maybe decades from now when new countries & cultures emerge maybe some of your ideas might be feasible & beneficial but for now we have the rich getting rich and the poor getting poorer. so all these open projects your dreaming of will likely have to wait we cannot have a free internet when as example in the USA 1% of the elites own or control 87% of the land and resources in the country. Any open free internet has to be backed by a real free open real life. SL was just ahead of the curve like a joules Verne novel. many decades.
  10. I don't do sales but will visit almost any event😁. I feel for the small prices most are asking for really nice things its the least I can do. I always pay a full fair price. I know some would say every girl loves a good sale, but my father always said nothings free, someone has to pay, someone gets the shortest straw pulled for them. he also said to never be on the bad end of a good deal or put someone else in that position. I think many like sales and events. it's part of a routine or lifestyle they have here. (all part of the game) it's totally understandable and helps spread the love around. Some sellers they almost always are having a sale its a big part of the business plan they have. nothings ever really for sale they just keep lowball prices masked under the face of big sales & good deals. Those who never offer at least few sales a year also might be losing a lot of money as well as brand loyalty (I'm talking to you hair sellers and your $3500L Fatpacks) I think sales are good for those who want them or are willing to offer them. to others its not a priority.
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