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How are you feeling today?

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29 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

I’m hangry. The massive burn on the roof of my mouth hurts like a mutha. I don’t remember those kinda burns hurting so much before so I’m guessing it’s because there is nothing to distract me.

Eating anything hot or cold hurts like hell so I’m sitting here waiting for my Mac and cheese cool down enough to eat, but not so cool that it conceals.

so yeah. That’s my Wednesday night. 😣

Remember when basic eating used to be so easy? Like, now you need a PhD in mastication... that's mastICATION, Beth. :::pokes you good naturedly:::

Seriously though, that must be a heck of a burn to be still there and hurting. I hate when they peel. Bleck. Sorry you're reduced to not-quite-solidified Mac n Cheese. 😞

PS. I couldn't find a gif but here's a still of Tay with the infamous banana, cuz I'm thinking a banana might be edible in your condition? It's tough taking the top off though...


Edited by Seicher Rae
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37 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

PS. I couldn't find a gif but here's a still of Tay with the infamous banana, cuz I'm thinking a banana might be edible in your condition? It's tough taking the top off though...

The sad thing... on top of all the other sad things... is that I absolutely hate bananas. I want to love them but I just can’t.


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6 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

The sad thing... on top of all the other sad things... is that I absolutely hate bananas. I want to love them but I just can’t.


I only like bananas on like a 36 hour window of their life span, maybe 24 hour.

ts take a deep breath.gif

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@Drake1 Nightfire  I am happy to hear things improved a bit for you 

@Arquet of course regional differences.  Us Scousers always do it better 😜

@Alwin Alcott  Hang on in there and don't forget clean socks :D 

and at everyone else.  Let's not fall out in this thread of all threads.  I am not finger pointing, just being bossy :) 

How do I feel today?  Well right now directing all my anger and frustrations at a certain billionaire non tax paying man who wants the british to bail out his airline while he isolates on his private tax haven island.  

On an amazing plus point I just got £1500+ mortgage overpayment paid into my bank which incidentally is close to the amount I might lose if I can't got on my holiday at the end of May and don't get a refund.  

Although I was already used to not being able to go out whenever I wanted due to the illness deciding on what day I would be too fatigued, I think I went a bit stir crazy last night or maybe that was because I watched that Tiger King show 😱  

For all your sore hands, sore mouths and any other pains you may have, I share just for a little while a Jason hug.  Oh wait social distancing  I will keep him locked in my attic a little longer



Edited by Cindy Evanier
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Signed in to work and started looking through the overnight emails.  Got a couple from our CEO and just shook my head, deciding he is an idiot.  We are a multi-location company, but even so, it is not that hard to find the current work rules for the various states and locales - I've done it.  The entire state of Colorado is under a Stay at Home order unless you are one of those 'essential' folks -- and the national 'social distancing' has been extended through the end of April.  While my company does provide essential services, that only applies to the production  folks, not the engineering development people.  Yet he sends an email saying that all non-essential people can return to the office if we want, although the voluntary WFH is still in effect until at least mid-April.

Or maybe he is one of those playing loose with the definitions and figuring that since we are an essential business that must stay open, even the non-essentials can come to the office -- even though our Governor flat out said that any non-essentials should WFH.

I keep wanting to type nasty email responses back, but it really isn't a good idea to tell your CEO that you think he is an idiot.  So instead, my head and neck are getting sore just from all of the freakin head shaking that I am doing and my jaw is achy from gritting my teeth.

This whole situation is just making me think less and less of way too many folks.

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24 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I keep wanting to type nasty email responses back,

I know that feeling, and since it wasn't to my idiot CEO, I did send the email, just now. In my morning email I received a notice from my dentist stating that "going forward" they are only going to see emergency patients. I took that to mean that they have been open for business as usual until today. WT actual F? I have received similar notices from other types of medical practices weeks ago, and even then I thought they were lagging. They just NOW started this? I wasn't going to respond but the more I thought about it, with the death tolls soaring higher along with the projections (and the Great Cheeto saying he knew it all along)... I just couldn't. They got the nasty email and me telling them I'm an ex-patient now out of disgust. (I did add a sentence saying that I humbly apologize IF I misread the notice, which I don't think I did.) I'm still angry, mostly just anger in general about stupid people... but... honestly? I feel better for once having written the nasty email. It makes me feel like I did something for "the team" (of non idiots and the living, which is a Venn diagram sort of thing).

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I don't know where else to post this, so I'll put it here. It is relevant because I think it addresses how many of us are feeling right now. I can't copy and paste it because of the adult language it contains, which is just part of author Chuck Wendig's thing. I hope y'all read it because it is a terrific read about giving ourselves a break and understanding that it just is freaking hard to be "normal" when everything is so not normal. http://terribleminds.com/ramble/2020/04/02/none-of-this-is-normal/

Namaste folks.

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18 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

here's a still of Tay with the infamous banana, cuz I'm thinking a banana might be edible in your condition? It's tough taking the top off though...


It is tough to take the top off for those who've not learned from Milwaukee County Zoo monkeys. In the wild, monkeys don't eat bananas and probably are no better at opening them than humans. But, not in Milwaukee! Though I don't like being the smartest monkey in the room, there's always something I can learn from watching others. To a chimp, they all opened them from the "bottom"*...


* I've seen different behaviors at other zoos, including eating them whole, suggesting they also learn by watching others. Some zoos no longer feed bananas to their primates because that leads to diabetes and cavities. Don't make a diet of them!

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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1 hour ago, Seicher Rae said:

I know that feeling, and since it wasn't to my idiot CEO, I did send the email, just now. In my morning email I received a notice from my dentist stating that "going forward" they are only going to see emergency patients. I took that to mean that they have been open for business as usual until today. WT actual F? I have received similar notices from other types of medical practices weeks ago, and even then I thought they were lagging. They just NOW started this? I wasn't going to respond but the more I thought about it, with the death tolls soaring higher along with the projections (and the Great Cheeto saying he knew it all along)... I just couldn't. They got the nasty email and me telling them I'm an ex-patient now out of disgust. (I did add a sentence saying that I humbly apologize IF I misread the notice, which I don't think I did.) I'm still angry, mostly just anger in general about stupid people... but... honestly? I feel better for once having written the nasty email. It makes me feel like I did something for "the team" (of non idiots and the living, which is a Venn diagram sort of thing).

As someone who was receiving non-emergency medical followup treatment during the first weeks of the restrictions (last appointment was ~10 days ago), I am exceptionally grateful that they continued to provide this service for as long as it was safe to do so. Non-emergency medical treatment, including dentistry, is not a luxury. It can make a vast difference to the quality of life of so many people, and can catch serious medical problems at an early stage, thus reducing pressure on emergency services and literally saving lives. Continuing to provide medical treatment for as long as it was safe to do so is not deserving of criticism at all.

Sorry friend, but you're wrong on this one. Reserve that anger for those that deserve it. Like Mike "Knoblord" Ashley trying to convince the world that his empire of mediocre sportsware for the non-sporty was an essential service.

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20 minutes ago, AyelaNewLife said:

Sorry friend, but you're wrong on this one.

I'm not going to get into a long debate about this, especially in this thread, but... no, I'm not. And... it wasn't "safe" to do so. I'm leaving it there & you should too.

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22 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

So, quick update number 2... 

My daughter is negative for covid-19!!! the super quarantine is lifted and we can go grocery shopping!

Back to your regularly scheduled bickering.. 

So happy for you my dear friend, and relieved.  I'm keeping well, safe and but at least can various projects to do irl excluding SL. :) 

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51 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

So, quick update number 2... 

My daughter is negative for covid-19!!! the super quarantine is lifted and we can go grocery shopping!

Back to your regularly scheduled bickering.. 

Great news!  👍

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1 hour ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

So, quick update number 2... 

My daughter is negative for covid-19!!! the super quarantine is lifted and we can go grocery shopping!

Back to your regularly scheduled bickering.. 

WOO HOO!! YAY for some GOOD news!!

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2 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:


We just had a round of layoffs.  Lost one of our developers and one of our best QA people.  No other specifics yet, but I wouldn't be surprised to see another round come before this is all over.

Hopefully your state is doing the right thing and make unemployment super easy to get. 

I keep thinking I feel okay for a bit, then the absolute absurdity of what is happening hits me. Like, this is real. I look out the windows and it's a beautiful sunny spring day and everything looks fabulous but... it's not. What is happening isn't just abnormal - it's absolutely freaking bonkers. 

I really want my mom. I want to hear her words of comfort, which would involve some cursing and making me laugh, and then a huge hug. But I'm also glad she and Dad aren't having to live through this. 

It's all just what the f*ck... every single thing. WTF. 

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1 hour ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

So, quick update number 2... 

My daughter is negative for covid-19!!! the super quarantine is lifted and we can go grocery shopping!

Back to your regularly scheduled bickering.. 

So Glad for you!  We are trying so hard not to bicker in this thread but alas, the covid plague is taxing us beyond our ability to cope. So good to hear some good news Drake!  grouphug.gif.e6b9a507dc1a2e948be47b91864a96fd.gif

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6 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

I really want my mom. I want to hear her words of comfort, which would involve some cursing and making me laugh, and then a huge hug. But I'm also glad she and Dad aren't having to live through this. 

My parents were in their teens during the Depression and went through WWII, so they taught us a lot about how to make do in stressful times. I still hear their voices in my head when I hope for guidance, but now I am the oldest in the generation.  My kids are in their 40s and have their own families to care for.  They call me for advice (and, more often, to offer advice).  It's comforting to be part of the conversation of cross-generational wisdom. We're all in this together.

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20 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:


Do you ever wonder where your college love is now?

I used to think my old school love looked a bit like Denny Lane; it was a particular grin he had and his lovely soft slightly long and wavy hair. 

 Uh it's good I don't see him anywhere in rl , but he still live in my city and owns nice little business and totally disappointed in relationships as I heard,😂.  And now  he looks like Murilo Benicio in from the final o clone series ,hehe. Sometimes I think I wanna see him someday in 20 years and see the difference. 

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27 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

Hopefully your state is doing the right thing and make unemployment super easy to get. 

Yeah, they have made all sorts of changes to make things like that easier.  They did have to put in some rules as to when you could file a claim on the website based on the first letter of your last name -- because the servers were getting overloaded.  So different letters have different days and times to use.



28 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

I look out the windows and it's a beautiful sunny spring day and everything looks fabulous

I look out the window and see rain and snow........... but that is actually normal for this time of year here, to bounce between highs of 30 and 70.



29 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

I really want my mom. I want to hear her words of comfort, which would involve some cursing and making me laugh, and then a huge hug. But I'm also glad she and Dad aren't having to live through this. 

There is a part of me that wishes my mother did not have to live through this - more vulnerable that I am, more high risk.  My kids will likely come out of this just fine -- even the one that typically socializes a lot and pretty much is only home to sleep.  I'll also likely come out of this okay - assuming I don't get sick or it doesn't get bad if I do.  I worry a lot about my mom though.



31 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

It's all just what the f*ck... every single thing. WTF. 

Yeah - pretty much this.. constantly.



EVENTUALLY we will be okay.

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The day was nervous breakdown, I was with brother and mother ,and she started to talk about that I'm sweating a lot when weather is warmer.And the dialogue was like:

M:you sweating like crazy,stop drinking coffee a lot!!!

Me:I tried for 2 weeks,doesn't help.

M:not.possible,it should help

Me:it's not

M:then loose ucking weight,so it will help.

Then she touches my belly and says I look like pregnant .

Me: not necessary to touch me

M:why not necessary.!

And then silence.

It's funny how she tries to show that she cares about me and she don't see harassment in all her words. She ia sure that when she puts all her sht on me,she motivates me. But no, it kept breaking me my whole life with zero love to myself.And my fav moment when she answered on her friend's phone call and said:oh I m good,my daughter is furious as always,haha.  So I had casual teary hysteria at home,sad.

And other thing:my city is quarantined till 30th april,so everything will be closed whole month. 

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21 minutes ago, Panteleeva said:

 Uh it's good I don't see him anywhere in rl , but he still live in my city and owns nice little business and totally disappointed in relationships as I heard,😂.  And now  he looks like Murilo Benicio in from the final o clone series ,hehe. Sometimes I think I wanna see him someday in 20 years and see the difference. 

Does he not do Facebook? Have you looked for him on Google? If he looks like Murilo Benicio, I think he will always be a beautiful/handsome man. Men usually look even better as they age, wrinkles only adding more character.

My first love -  the one who I thought looked a little like Denny Laine - we dated in 1978, when I was 15 and he was 16. For the 41 years after that, I always knew who he was married to, and where he was working, and that he had moved out of our home town. Friends/family would see him and tell me.

We suddenly got back in touch, four months ago. To me, in certain lights, he still slightly looks like Denny Laine, but not the older Denny Laine of now, and he no longer has the long hair, although if he allowed his hair to grow, it would still be beautiful. It is still very dark hair, with some grey growing in it. He had to keep it short for his work.

It is human nature, I think, to continue to have interest in people from our past, as long as we don't take to sitting in cars outside their houses or posting envelopes with six of our eyelashes in it or anything over the line stalkerish like that. 




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49 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

I keep thinking I feel okay for a bit, then the absolute absurdity of what is happening hits me. Like, this is real. I look out the windows and it's a beautiful sunny spring day and everything looks fabulous but... it's not. What is happening isn't just abnormal - it's absolutely freaking bonkers. 

It's a crappy overcast and possibly drizzling day here, which just kinda adds to the whole mess. I've been having weird sleep patterns, which I think I've mentioned earlier in this thread (so hard to keep track of all my whining). I had an absolutely useless phone session with my mental health therapist about this. She's a new (to me) therapist, and we've only met a few times, so I'm not really sure if she's all that competent or not. On the plus side, she knows of and at least pretends to understand about SL and virtual socialization. Ha! Who is the crazy person now? Now that globally we are all shut ins and virtual connection is becoming all the more normal? But I digress... On the negative side, does the woman ever take notes? Listen? I find myself repeating myself often, and correcting her errors in comprehension about things already discussed. Such was the case when I mentioned my sleep issues. Oy. Effing. Vey.

Anyway, I've been generally sleeping too much. Last night I had insomnia. Neither helps with my depression. Both are probably symptoms of my clinical depression and stuff.  I've thought I've been feeling basically "ok" as far as things go. I haven't noticed myself sliding down into the depths. It didn't feel like worsening depression. I have made serious jokes about the self-isolation not really changing my life too much because that is how I live anyway. And that is true. 

But it isn't.

My normal self-isolation sucks. But my normal self-isolation doesn't include the world spinning into chaos. Plus, yeah, it appears the budding SL relationship was killed by COVID-19, something that doesn't show up on mortality statistics. Yet another thing taken away from me, by various situations and agencies. So today... like you Beth... I was ok-ish and then it hit me. And today I am recognizing the dam*ed signs of worsening depression. I also think my PTSD is pinging. Sigh. Recognizing it helps, to a degree. It also doesn't.  I finally get a freaking break with getting subsidized housing, which was supposed to be step one on the road back to normalization and BAM! we get hit with an effing pandemic??? I know it isn't all about me, but when it is about me, this is effing annoying AND depressing. I didn't get ONE day to enjoy the feeling of "ahhhh... a new place. Let's breathe!" It was bad enough when The Cheeto in Chief was a source of general anxiety, but when it is that AND the pandemic? JFC


I really needed to read Chuck Wendig's article (posted above comment). That actually helped somewhat. But I'm afraid I'm not doing too well at the moment. Anger/irritation is part of my symptoms of depression, and that IS helpful to know because I know to be on the lookout for being crotchety. So Forums aren't the best place to be hanging out.

TS calm.gif

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