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When did you last see a Bellessarian home available?

Nika Talaj
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On 7/24/2019 at 8:20 AM, Alyona Su said:

Public Service Announcement: I plan to abandon my LL Home this weekend, likely sometime Saturday between Noon and 3 PM SL time. Getting ready to exercise my "refresh button" finger, gear-up with the best web browser (it ain't Chrome LOL,) and have my stuff all packed-up and ready to dump out on the lawn of a new Camper trailer that I'm anticipating. I'll just have to shack-up on the sofa in my alt's Houseboat for a while.

Not gonna say when I do it; I'm just gonna do it. This comment is, more or less, to say LL Homes are still being abandoned every now and again and for many reasons some may not consider.

Did it. Abandoned my LL Home and so I am curious who grabs it - I'm waiting here to see. Ten minutes so far as of 12:30 SL time and no takers LOL If I see it taken I'll update, but so far nothing. :D

OH! Someone just grabbed it. It's now called "hhhhhhhh" Bahahaha! If it's one of you in this thread: Congratulations! I hope you like it. :)

Edited by Alyona Su
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1 hour ago, Shield Markus said:

Region releases have happened every weekday recently.  A Monday through Friday. Time....6:20 am to 3:00 pm SLT each weekday is possible. It's a long time to manual or auto refresh attention, daily. Then some good timing happens the Belli Home or Houseboat is there on the land page to get.  I missed out on many regions then a great moment happened for me on a Tuesday around 11:30 am SLT two weeks ago. A lot more people have received Homes and Houseboats. Abandons have been claimed. Your time will happen too. It takes patience so much. It takes resolve too. You want to live on Belli, find ways to make it happen. The land page can be solved.

Yeah you have to have no life and sit and camp on release days because they don’t give us even a hint as to what time the release will happen. Apparently because they sit at the computers most of the time working we are supposed to sit and wait as well in order to get a house lol I saw someone just yesterday miss the entire release because they were afk for a mere five minutes tending to their REAL LIFE and missed out on a house because they weren’t sitting their camping their computer refreshing and waiting lol. Gotta sacrifice to get a house apparently roflmao. 

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27 minutes ago, AlyceAdrift said:

Yeah you have to have no life and sit and camp on release days because they don’t give us even a hint as to what time the release will happen. Apparently because they sit at the computers most of the time working we are supposed to sit and wait as well in order to get a house lol I saw someone just yesterday miss the entire release because they were afk for a mere five minutes tending to their REAL LIFE and missed out on a house because they weren’t sitting their camping their computer refreshing and waiting lol. Gotta sacrifice to get a house apparently roflmao. 

On my phone manually at work that Tuesday morning. Many times I missed out wondering about the wireless connection. Belli is not my only property. I pay for an island parcel too. That's what need to pay for each month. Have done it a long time.  I was trying to be productive and win a Belli home. I was resolved to do it. 

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32 minutes ago, doubledareme said:

where do I even go to get one?

any home


To your dashboard:  https://secondlife.com/my

On the right side, click "Get Your Home Now":


On that page, for the new homes, you need Bellisseria -- check the drop down -- but it will not show up unless a home is available.  Once that happens, you have to click through a couple more screens and that is typically where someone else will beat you through the process.


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42 minutes ago, doubledareme said:

where do I even go to get one?

any home


Sign into your account on SL website, that sign on the right get your linden home. The next page is the land page. Meadowbrook you will probably see those older theme homes. That is page people refresh every 70 seconds on weekdays trying to get a Belli Home or Houseboat. that will show up as a surprise. You have prename the Home and do it. Name in that box, any five letters, then click Next. You see that second page, go back, the letters you chose will be in that box. You are saving a step that way. The house can be renamed inworld. Refresh the page manually or find a auto refresher program for your internet browser. Google chrome or Firefox the most used I think. Refresh when you can each weekday, like we all had to do. 

Edited by Shield Markus
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1 hour ago, AlyceAdrift said:

Yeah you have to have no life and sit and camp on release days because they don’t give us even a hint as to what time the release will happen. Apparently because they sit at the computers most of the time working we are supposed to sit and wait as well in order to get a house lol I saw someone just yesterday miss the entire release because they were afk for a mere five minutes tending to their REAL LIFE and missed out on a house because they weren’t sitting their camping their computer refreshing and waiting lol. Gotta sacrifice to get a house apparently roflmao. 

You keep saying this like no one but you "has a life". We all have lives... and since you are so terribly much more busy than the rest of us, perhaps you should have held on the the new Linden homes you had previously instead of rejecting and throwing them back.

Which makes me wonder, did you also not have a life at the time you got those homes that weren't good enough for you? Inquiring minds want to know! LOL

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47 minutes ago, AlyceAdrift said:

Yeah you have to have no life and sit and camp on release days because they don’t give us even a hint as to what time the release will happen. Apparently because they sit at the computers most of the time working we are supposed to sit and wait as well in order to get a house lol I saw someone just yesterday miss the entire release because they were afk for a mere five minutes tending to their REAL LIFE and missed out on a house because they weren’t sitting their camping their computer refreshing and waiting lol. Gotta sacrifice to get a house apparently roflmao. 

It would seem to me if you don't have enough of something for everyone you'd want to get the ones you do have into their hands as fairly as possible. That seems to me what they are doing, mixing up times and days as much as they can to make it as fair and random as possible.  

Sounds more like they are trying to keep people from camping all day. Even when they release a sim by the time someone says something in the group or forums they are already all taken. So it's really just happenstance and luck no matter what time of day you try. You might get a new home or you might get one someone abandoned.

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6 hours ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

You keep saying this like no one but you "has a life". We all have lives... and since you are so terribly much more busy than the rest of us, perhaps you should have held on the the new Linden homes you had previously instead of rejecting and throwing them back.

Which makes me wonder, did you also not have a life at the time you got those homes that weren't good enough for you? Inquiring minds want to know! LOL

Yeah hold onto something that I wasn’t happy with when I’m paying to acquire something I am happy with? Would you hold onto a dress or shirt you that was a size too small if on your receipt, or on the TAG Even, it showed up as the right size as what you THOUGHT you were getting? Exactly. You WOULDNT  hold onto something you’re NOT HAPPY with, you’d let someone else have it and you’d proceed to try to get your actual money’s worth, lol because you paid good hard earned money for it. 

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1 hour ago, AlyceAdrift said:

Yeah hold onto something that I wasn’t happy with when I’m paying to acquire something I am happy with? Would you hold onto a dress or shirt you that was a size too small if on your receipt, or on the TAG Even, it showed up as the right size as what you THOUGHT you were getting? Exactly. You WOULDNT  hold onto something you’re NOT HAPPY with, you’d let someone else have it and you’d proceed to try to get your actual money’s worth, lol because you paid good hard earned money for it. 

What's going to happen if you never get your ideal spot? There are only going to be so many of whatever it is you're dreaming of, and it's entirely possible you'll never get one. You're already getting exactly what you paid for... a Linden Home. A new one even. Several times. 

Your example of a shirt or dress doesn't quite work here unless you alter your argument to say the it's the exact size you ordered, says so on the tag, and actually fits perfectly. Maybe you don't like the way it looks on you, but that all has to do with your perception. You received exactly what you paid for in the size you were promised. Would you really blame the clothing designer for that? It's not their fault you don't like the way it looks on you. You ordered it and it's the exact size they said it was. You received exactly what you were entitled to. The designer is under no obligation to keep sending you shirts or dresses or whatever until you decide you like one. 

I'm not really a big believer in karma, but geez... I wouldn't be holding my breath for that perfect house in the perfect spot if I were you.

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Still have not seen any since the first release. How many people from the Netherlands managed to get one?  i wonder if it has  to do with time of releases as well. And anyone also locked out by refreshing manually?

Edited by MikiMasumi
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10 hours ago, AlyceAdrift said:

Yeah you have to have no life and sit and camp on release days because they don’t give us even a hint as to what time the release will happen. Apparently because they sit at the computers most of the time working we are supposed to sit and wait as well in order to get a house lol I saw someone just yesterday miss the entire release because they were afk for a mere five minutes tending to their REAL LIFE and missed out on a house because they weren’t sitting their camping their computer refreshing and waiting lol. Gotta sacrifice to get a house apparently roflmao. 

I work on most days they do the releases except for Monday and my time is the same as SL.  So that was one day out of the week I could really wait for a release.  I still managed to get a house and not camp out 24/7 and I got it on a Sunday.

I do understand that it is no fun to have a parcel that you are not happy with.  I let go of my first house because I wasn't happy with the location, but I let it go KNOWING that I most likely wouldn't get one right away and definately not the perfect one, in fact, it could have been worse than the first one.   If you are going to let a house go, you might be waiting awhile to get a new one.  It is your complaining and entitlement that is turning people off, especially after you have already been able to get two homes and you abandoned them.   There are lots of people here who are abandoning to get better locations, however, you don't see them complaining over and over again about how they are not getting what they paid for.

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4 hours ago, AlyceAdrift said:

Yeah hold onto something that I wasn’t happy with when I’m paying to acquire something I am happy with? Would you hold onto a dress or shirt you that was a size too small if on your receipt, or on the TAG Even, it showed up as the right size as what you THOUGHT you were getting? Exactly. You WOULDNT  hold onto something you’re NOT HAPPY with, you’d let someone else have it and you’d proceed to try to get your actual money’s worth, lol because you paid good hard earned money for it. 

Like, I'd just alter the shirt or dress to fit me to my liking if I got a hold of it in a good size and deal price wise... Your argument is invalid. You've gotten many homes and given them up and yet still come here and other places to complain... Incessantly. It's almost as if you just enjoy complaining and prefer to do that than to enjoy owning a belli property. In which case, you'll never be happy. Life is throwing you lemons? Make some meringue. 💁‍♀️

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1 hour ago, MikiMasumi said:

Still have not seen any since the first release. How many people from the Netherlands managed to get one?  i wonder if it has  to do with time of releases as well. And anyone also locked out by refreshing manually?

There are restrictions for refreshing whether manually or using an Auto Refresh plugin, see here for details: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/439900-refresh-limit-reached/

I can't answer as to how many people from the Netherlands are managing to catch a house but with the Region releases happening during the working week and at varying times it does appear LL is trying to cater for as many time zones as they can, but there are only so many houses being released with these regions (I think on average around 18-20 homes) and hundreds of people all trying at the same time around the globe to catch one. On average it takes around 3 to 7 seconds for all the houses in a region release to be claimed. That's a very narrow window so your odds aren't great but they're no better or worse than anyone else; you just have to be awake and online at the time without knowing exactly when that time is going to happen... and none of us really know until it happens. So it's a great guessing game for all of us regardless what country we live in.

Forgive me if you already know all this, some people may be in a similar predicament and don't feel up to reading through the entire thread to find any kind of answers.

Regions are being released pretty regularly during the working week; it used to be Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays, but now they happen whenever they happen (just not on weekends or public holidays). We don't get an official warning on when they will be released. There's a slight chance you might be able to increase your odds if you join and keep an eye on the Bellisseria Citizens and Community groups in world as sometimes Patch Linden will (or used to) inform people in those that a release was about to happen. Other residents may also post they just caught a house and that will encourage others to start refreshing. So that may be of some help to you to find a house (just be aware there will be a lot of chatter).

Another option depends on catching a house that other people abandon. These are hit-and-miss affairs so you have to be lucky and be refreshing the page at around the same time someone abandons their home to have any hope of catching it. And bear in mind there are likely hundreds of people also trying to catch a house and refreshing their pages too.

The only other option after that is to wait for a larger region release which is speculated to happen within the next few months. To keep up to date with those you should follow this thread for details: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/435708-the-new-linden-homes-update-post/

Good luck! 😊

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7 hours ago, AlyceAdrift said:

Yeah hold onto something that I wasn’t happy with when I’m paying to acquire something I am happy with? Would you hold onto a dress or shirt you that was a size too small if on your receipt, or on the TAG Even, it showed up as the right size as what you THOUGHT you were getting? Exactly. You WOULDNT  hold onto something you’re NOT HAPPY with, you’d let someone else have it and you’d proceed to try to get your actual money’s worth, lol because you paid good hard earned money for it. 

I understand what you are meaning to say. I do the same, but with several alts that I decided to PAY for exactly for those reasons - the hunt for the ideal house. But I never COMPLAIN or blame the LINDENS. They do not owe me the IDEAL house but just ANY house (be it Belliseria or Meadowbrook) and if I am not content with what I have it's up to me to sit down and refresh to hunt for somethung better. And that's the fun for me the HUNT.

If I would not enjoy this hunting I would just stay put up where I am and try to decorate it nicely till a time comes when there are new Linden Homes for everyone who wants them - and more ... empty ones to swap ... And this time WILL come eventually.


Edited by Leora Jacobus
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5 hours ago, MikiMasumi said:

Still have not seen any since the first release. How many people from the Netherlands managed to get one?  i wonder if it has  to do with time of releases as well. And anyone also locked out by refreshing manually?

People I know to be from Netherland and know they got a house (because they mentioned it in this forum) are about four but I'm sure there are a lot! I am German and live in the same timezone as you and actually I feel privileged. Why? Well releases happened so far between 6:30 am and 3 pm SLT which means 15:30  till midnight our time! Ideal to get home from work and start auto- refreshing while you go about your RL things ... then when the alarm melody chimes RUN to your computer and be quick!

I (and my six alts) managed to get about ten homes since they were first released (and abandoned six). Might be even more. At the first release which lasted around 48 hours Leora alone claimed and abandoned about six and was left with NONE! - not counting that.

Edited by Leora Jacobus
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6 hours ago, MikiMasumi said:

Still have not seen any since the first release. How many people from the Netherlands managed to get one?  i wonder if it has  to do with time of releases as well. And anyone also locked out by refreshing manually?

een heleboel, het is bijna de meest ideale tijd voor ons wanneer een release plaatsvind.
Een te hoge refresh frequency of te vaak zet een tijdelijk slot op je pogingen.

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9 hours ago, AlyceAdrift said:

Yeah hold onto something that I wasn’t happy with when I’m paying to acquire something I am happy with? Would you hold onto a dress or shirt you that was a size too small if on your receipt, or on the TAG Even, it showed up as the right size as what you THOUGHT you were getting? Exactly. You WOULDNT  hold onto something you’re NOT HAPPY with, you’d let someone else have it and you’d proceed to try to get your actual money’s worth, lol because you paid good hard earned money for it. 

What I would NOT do is moan constantly about not having the thing that I had returned.

What I would NOT do is falsely imply that the system was rigged against me, when I and everyone else knows that it obviously is not, since I did have more than one of the item that I returned.

What I would NOT do is insult everyone who was smart enough to hold on to their own items by saying they have no lives and imply that they are losers who just bang on a keyboard all day while I must go about my busy, probably quite glamorous, life. 

What I WOULD do is realize that perhaps I should have held on to one of the houses I had for a while, and that it was my own fault that I did not, and I'd stop the endless finger pointing and complaining and trying to shift the blame to everyone but myself. 

That's what I would and would not do. 


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4 hours ago, Leora Jacobus said:

People I know to be from Netherland and know they got a house (because they mentioned it in this forum) are about four but I'm sure there are a lot! I am German and live in the same timezone as you and actually I feel privileged. Why? Well releases happened so far between 6:30 am and 3 pm SLT which means 15:30  till midnight our time! Ideal to get home from work and start auto- refreshing while you go about your RL things ... then when the alarm melody chimes RUN to your computer and be quick!

I (and my six alts) managed to get about ten homes since they were first released (and abandoned six). Might be even more. At the first release which lasted around 48 hours Leora alone claimed and abandoned about six and was left with NONE! - not counting that.

Agree with you, I actually live in Spain and got mine last month. It's just a question of luck and patience.

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