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What are some of your pet peeves?

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I don't really know how to explain this peeve, so I'm just gonna say what happened

A couple nights ago I was at an RP sim that is geared towards adult themes, and while I was roleplaying with something I get an IM from someone and we start talking. We discuss the things we like to RP and he wanted to TP me to hang out, so we could be sorta face to face so to speak, but I was already busy so I told him I couldn't. He asked me after I was done to let him know and we could hang out and I said okay. Now keep in mind RP's usually take atleast 2-4 hours depending on what we're doing. While I was RPing I noticed the guy had hopped offline, so I thought nothing of it and closed the IM window we had been talking in. Now I hadn't noticed he had logged back in, I just assumed since it was late he had logged for the night. Two days later, when he are both logged in at the same time he IM's me and the conversation went like this ( Amori is me by the way, hence why I didn't change the name):

[2020/03/26 13:21]  Guy: So you took off the other day without letting me get a look at you, like I had asked.
[2020/03/26 13:21]  Guy: One of those types?
[2020/03/26 13:22]  Guy: Rhetorical question. Take care
[2020/03/26 13:24]  Amorí (SeleneBolin): How did I take off? you had logged off  before I had become free
[2020/03/26 13:31]  Amorí (SeleneBolin): I didn't get done RPing till like 1 in the morning, and by the time I had become free you were offline but sure, blame me. Have a good day
[2020/03/26 13:33]  Guy: I was still online when you logged out lol
[2020/03/26 13:33]  Amorí (SeleneBolin): [2020/03/24 20:10] Guy: Lemme know when you're free so I can get a look at ya.
 [2020/03/24 20:10] Guy: :)
 [2020/03/24 20:10] Amorí (SeleneBolin): Okie I will 😃
 [2020/03/24 20:11] Guy: Thank you.
 [2020/03/24 21:23] Second Life: Guy is offline.
[2020/03/26 13:34]  Guy: Yes. It's called a crash. I logged back in immediately afterwards.
[2020/03/26 13:34]  Amorí (SeleneBolin): Well I didn't see you log back in, either way I don't put up with belittlement simply because I didn't do what you wanted
[2020/03/26 13:35]  Guy: Then why the ***** are you bothering with these IM's? Get the ***** out of here, you cancerous *****.
[2020/03/26 13:36]  Amorí (SeleneBolin): Did you really expect me to say nothing to your snotty IM's? If you don't want me to respond, don't *****ing IM me you egotistical *****


Now I had never met this guy before in my life. If I had bailed on him before then I would understand his frustration but that had been the only time I had talked to him and I even told him what happened. If you can't be understanding that things happen then thats your problem and not mine

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13 minutes ago, IvyLarae said:

Now I had never met this guy before in my life. If I had bailed on him before then I would understand his frustration but that had been the only time I had talked to him and I even told him what happened. If you can't be understanding that things happen then thats your problem and not mine

Sorry you had to go through that, the guy was a douche. Unfortunately, some people seem to think that everybody else is sundowning until they IM you. Then you must do what they want, when they finally took time out to speak to you.

Well, look at it this way: you saw what he was early on. The worst is when they wait to show that side....

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41 minutes ago, IvyLarae said:

IGuy: Then why the ***** are you bothering with these IM's? Get the ***** out of here, you cancerous *****.
[2020/03/26 13:36]  Amorí (SeleneBolin): Did you really expect me to say nothing to your snotty IM's? If you don't want me to respond, don't *****ing IM me you egotistical *****

He's obviously a worthless and abusive little toe rag, but tbh I kind of see his point here. I would have been off after the first nasty, entitled and misogynistic message (what made him think he had a right to meet you, and what does he mean by "one of those types"?). At best I might have cut him with the sharp end of my tongue and then block and maybe AR, but I wouldn't have had any kind of prolonged exchange with such a horrible piece of work. There would literally be no point and nothing to gain from it. He's too thick and hateful for you to get a teachable moment and if it's in IM, there's no wider audience to whom you might really have been speaking by engaging with him. Clearly he wanted you to respond and didn't expect you to say nothing to his nasty messages. That's why he did it, complete with an early fake flounce, the tosser. Don't do what these people want you to do, is my advice.

Just to be clear, I'm absolutely not blaming you for this. It's entirely on him, he's horrid. Just suggesting that the best way to deal with it if it happens again is not to give this type of person what they want. No response is a response, and it's a powerful one.

Edited by Amina Sopwith
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On 3/31/2020 at 3:49 PM, Amina Sopwith said:

He's obviously a worthless and abusive little toe rag, but tbh I kind of see his point here. I would have been off after the first nasty, entitled and misogynistic message (what made him think he had a right to meet you, and what does he mean by "one of those types"?). At best I might have cut him with the sharp end of my tongue and then block and maybe AR, but I wouldn't have had any kind of prolonged exchange with such a horrible piece of work. There would literally be no point and nothing to gain from it. He's too thick and hateful for you to get a teachable moment and if it's in IM, there's no wider audience to whom you might really have been speaking by engaging with him. Clearly he wanted you to respond and didn't expect you to say nothing to his nasty messages. That's why he did it, complete with an early fake flounce, the tosser. Don't do what these people want you to do, is my advice.

Just to be clear, I'm absolutely not blaming you for this. It's entirely on him, he's horrid. Just suggesting that the best way to deal with it if it happens again is not to give this type of person what they want. No response is a response, and it's a powerful one.

I totally agree. Ivy did nothing wrong but fire needs fuel and the best way to deal with an ass wipe is to flush it down the toilet. 

Chocking the fire is key. Not as satisfying as getting back in the short term,  it much better for long term happiness. 

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On 3/31/2020 at 9:11 PM, IvyLarae said:

A couple nights ago I was at an RP sim that is geared towards adult themes, and while I was roleplaying with something I get an IM from someone and we start talking. We discuss the things we like to RP and he wanted to TP me to hang out, so we could be sorta face to face so to speak, but I was already busy so I told him I couldn't.

And you shouldn't. Why would you have to meet someone on a RP Sim in OOC? I would tell anyone who expects such to meet me in IC, to RP. We can then see how it goes. Anyone disagreeing with it might not be there for RP.

Edited by Conall DeCuir
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On 3/31/2020 at 3:49 PM, Amina Sopwith said:

He's obviously a worthless and abusive little toe rag, but tbh I kind of see his point here. I would have been off after the first nasty, entitled and misogynistic message (what made him think he had a right to meet you, and what does he mean by "one of those types"?). At best I might have cut him with the sharp end of my tongue and then block and maybe AR, but I wouldn't have had any kind of prolonged exchange with such a horrible piece of work. There would literally be no point and nothing to gain from it. He's too thick and hateful for you to get a teachable moment and if it's in IM, there's no wider audience to whom you might really have been speaking by engaging with him. Clearly he wanted you to respond and didn't expect you to say nothing to his nasty messages. That's why he did it, complete with an early fake flounce, the tosser. Don't do what these people want you to do, is my advice.

Just to be clear, I'm absolutely not blaming you for this. It's entirely on him, he's horrid. Just suggesting that the best way to deal with it if it happens again is not to give this type of person what they want. No response is a response, and it's a powerful one.

What really shocked me was in the first conversation I couldn't have asked for a friendlier one. I believe I had even told him that I was looking forward to role-playing with him because we have similar kinks and interests,so it surprise see me when I came back from being afk and seen that from the same person. Guess it was a good thing that he showed his true colors early, saved me the headache 🤷

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Offered without comment:

Person A: who is skell?

CSR: Skell is our male CSR

Person A: ohh that person is gay

CSR: umm what does that have to do with anything [Person A] ?

Person A: just saying.. i was shocked to know that hes gay

Person B: What is shocking about that?

Person A: sorry! i am homophobic

CSR: we do not judge people in this group

Person A: i can't do anything if i am homophobic.

Person A: i just don't like gay and tranny

Skell Dagger: The incredibly *indelibly* GayGayGayGayYAY! Skell returns to chat after spending half an hour helping someone to look gorgeous. Don't worry, [Person A]: I promise not to help you if I see you pop up in Catwa chat in future. I wouldn't want to get my homo-fabulous, glittery cooties all over you 😉

Person A:  i really don't care... its just my phobia. Can't do anything wit this

Person A: :)

Skell Dagger: You have a genuine terror of gay men? OK.

Skell Dagger: I'm quite sure that my sexuality makes absolutely feck-all difference to the work that I do here, but I will respect your phobia of the gender that I love. Just to be sure that I don't accidentally help you in future, I'll mute you now, okay? Be well, [Person A].

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3 hours ago, IvyLarae said:

What really shocked me was in the first conversation I couldn't have asked for a friendlier one. I believe I had even told him that I was looking forward to role-playing with him because we have similar kinks and interests,so it surprise see me when I came back from being afk and seen that from the same person. Guess it was a good thing that he showed his true colors early, saved me the headache 🤷

Some people are all hearts and flowers when things are going their way and it suits their conceits of how they imagine themselves... but turn on a sixpence when you fail to feed their sense of entitlement. And boy, can it get ugly.

I believe the Americans have a saying about the trash taking itself out? God, that initial fake flounce. What a bloody princess.

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3 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

Offered without comment:


  Reveal hidden contents


Person A: who is skell?

CSR: Skell is our male CSR

Person A: ohh that person is gay

CSR: umm what does that have to do with anything [Person A] ?

Person A: just saying.. i was shocked to know that hes gay

Person B: What is shocking about that?

Person A: sorry! i am homophobic

CSR: we do not judge people in this group

Person A: i can't do anything if i am homophobic.

Person A: i just don't like gay and tranny

Skell Dagger: The incredibly *indelibly* GayGayGayGayYAY! Skell returns to chat after spending half an hour helping someone to look gorgeous. Don't worry, [Person A]: I promise not to help you if I see you pop up in Catwa chat in future. I wouldn't want to get my homo-fabulous, glittery cooties all over you 😉

Person A:  i really don't care... its just my phobia. Can't do anything wit this

Person A: :)

Skell Dagger: You have a genuine terror of gay men? OK.

Skell Dagger: I'm quite sure that my sexuality makes absolutely feck-all difference to the work that I do here, but I will respect your phobia of the gender that I love. Just to be sure that I don't accidentally help you in future, I'll mute you now, okay? Be well, [Person A].



Oh fffffffffffffffffffffff that person. Like using a smiley face makes their abject stupidity better?? 

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   I was shoe shopping a few days ago. There was one shop wherein almost all the vendor images for the different shoes displayed the bottom halves of models in undies. Just shoes and undies. I found it distracting, and not in a good way.  What's wrong with having jeans or at least shorts on them? I got fairly annoyed by it and left before I'd seen everything.

   Maybe it's just me, or maybe I'm more easily annoyed by everything just lately.

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8 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

Offered without comment:


  Hide contents


Person A: who is skell?

CSR: Skell is our male CSR

Person A: ohh that person is gay

CSR: umm what does that have to do with anything [Person A] ?

Person A: just saying.. i was shocked to know that hes gay

Person B: What is shocking about that?

Person A: sorry! i am homophobic

CSR: we do not judge people in this group

Person A: i can't do anything if i am homophobic.

Person A: i just don't like gay and tranny

Skell Dagger: The incredibly *indelibly* GayGayGayGayYAY! Skell returns to chat after spending half an hour helping someone to look gorgeous. Don't worry, [Person A]: I promise not to help you if I see you pop up in Catwa chat in future. I wouldn't want to get my homo-fabulous, glittery cooties all over you 😉

Person A:  i really don't care... its just my phobia. Can't do anything wit this

Person A: :)

Skell Dagger: You have a genuine terror of gay men? OK.

Skell Dagger: I'm quite sure that my sexuality makes absolutely feck-all difference to the work that I do here, but I will respect your phobia of the gender that I love. Just to be sure that I don't accidentally help you in future, I'll mute you now, okay? Be well, [Person A].


Sometimes I wish naming and shaming on this forum is allowed here. This bigot needs to be publicly shunned.

Edited by Gregorian Chant
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14 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

Offered without comment:


  Hide contents


Person A: who is skell?

CSR: Skell is our male CSR

Person A: ohh that person is gay

CSR: umm what does that have to do with anything [Person A] ?

Person A: just saying.. i was shocked to know that hes gay

Person B: What is shocking about that?

Person A: sorry! i am homophobic

CSR: we do not judge people in this group

Person A: i can't do anything if i am homophobic.

Person A: i just don't like gay and tranny

Skell Dagger: The incredibly *indelibly* GayGayGayGayYAY! Skell returns to chat after spending half an hour helping someone to look gorgeous. Don't worry, [Person A]: I promise not to help you if I see you pop up in Catwa chat in future. I wouldn't want to get my homo-fabulous, glittery cooties all over you 😉

Person A:  i really don't care... its just my phobia. Can't do anything wit this

Person A: :)

Skell Dagger: You have a genuine terror of gay men? OK.

Skell Dagger: I'm quite sure that my sexuality makes absolutely feck-all difference to the work that I do here, but I will respect your phobia of the gender that I love. Just to be sure that I don't accidentally help you in future, I'll mute you now, okay? Be well, [Person A].


I know I'm digging really deep for a silver lining here... but that is some refreshing honesty. I'd honestly much rather deal with someone like that than a "I'm not x, but..."

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1 hour ago, AyelaNewLife said:

I know I'm digging really deep for a silver lining here... but that is some refreshing honesty. I'd honestly much rather deal with someone like that than a "I'm not x, but..."

I kind of thought that too. You don't usually get such a huge "BIGOT IDIOT PRAT STAY CLEAR" klaxon rung so early and voluntarily.

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Recently I was shopping inworld at a hair store when I got an IM from a guy telling me I was "hawt".

Spelling hot that way makes me cringe. 

I told the guy thank you and went on with my shopping. After his opening line he got right to the point and asked me out.

I told him thank you, but that I was married and not interested. His response was to ask me why I was there if I didn't want to get hit on. 

Since when is a hair store the place where singles go to get a date? 🤔

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On 4/5/2020 at 12:52 PM, LyricalBookworm said:

Recently I was shopping inworld at a hair store when I got an IM from a guy telling me I was "hawt".

Spelling hot that way makes me cringe. 

I told the guy thank you and went on with my shopping. After his opening line he got right to the point and asked me out.

I told him thank you, but that I was married and not interested. His response was to ask me why I was there if I didn't want to get hit on. 

Since when is a hair store the place where singles go to get a date? 🤔

I guess you've been contacted by a guy that's heard that "SL is nothing but sex, sex, sex....". I find it intensely annoying to be IM-ed out of the blue , when shopping in-world, , especially from someone who is nowhere in sight even, with a corny come-on. Sadly, there's a few out there who just don't understand SL at all.

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On 4/5/2020 at 7:52 AM, LyricalBookworm said:

Recently I was shopping inworld at a hair store when I got an IM from a guy telling me I was "hawt".

Spelling hot that way makes me cringe. 

I told the guy thank you and went on with my shopping. After his opening line he got right to the point and asked me out.

I told him thank you, but that I was married and not interested. His response was to ask me why I was there if I didn't want to get hit on. 

Since when is a hair store the place where singles go to get a date? 🤔

Hair stores, shopping events, women’s clothing stores...really random places.

Not to mention a little creepy, knowing he’s probably camped out there and you’re not the only one he’s doing it to.

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