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What are some of your pet peeves?

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18 minutes ago, HadassaMcAuley said:

Meanies...hiding behind their computer anonymity.

Speaking on that, the ones that are all about body positivity. Which I agree, we should be accepting of all types of bodies. But will bring you down, if you look a certain way, or don't have the specific mesh body they like. You see this a lot in FB, where someone will ask if there are any clothes for system avatars, or Maitreya. You get a few women piping up, you totally should switch to Freya, or Hourglass, you will like that better. Yes Karen, I will love to have to invest all my time and money into another body, for clothes, appliers, skins and everything else. No, I would like to know where I can get a specified item for the Maitreya body. Yet, someone says something they remotely feel bad about their body. They lose their minds. If you are about body positivity, then stop shaming others with different mesh bodies than yours.

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   I spent a fair piece of time today collecting demos at a store I'd just discovered. The clothes looked nice (on the non-SL models). I was pretty sure if they fit me as well as they fit the models, I was going to buy some that seemed my style, and perhaps try something new I might like.

The store was well laid out. I gathered nine demos and took them to my house. 

   The demos all had 5 minute time limits. Meh. Lots of other clothes to find.

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While browsing the marketplace, I came across different fantasy gacha prizes. Searched down the original store name and saw it had an inworld location. Went there (in hopes to play the gachas myself)...well, the creator only put up half of their available gachas up. And only the female outfits. Thats an interesting way of saying "I don't want your money". 🤔

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People who IM me out of nowhere with super short comments

People that make obvious pickup lines

People that beat around the bush for a half hour of random bs just to try and get 5-minutes of pixel-xxx


People that rez sculpties

People that put prim islands or trees on top of water...

People that use banlines to protect their skybox that's way up in the sky...

People that join a discussion group just to attack it

'nude friendly' places that require you to arrive clothed - like... get your concept straightened out

Anyone in a tuxedo or suit

People that insist I will like Blues because 'all you kind of people like that music' or something... I dunno... how many times do I have to tell people it's not my thing...

People that ask me who my master is... or ask if they can be my sub...


Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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This is ironic, but forums. Board style social interaction with accounts and stats and all that. It promotes something referred to in the context of Reddit as “karma whoring”.

You know that stereotype forum user? Anime profile picture, 20k+ posts, some arbitrary amount of “likes”, has some stupid title under their name and a tag like “platinum contributor”.

I hate those people. 

Because what those people do is gain merit and validation based off virtual number counters. If person A asks a question and persons B and C respond, who’s answer is going to be more valid?

Person B who has 20k posts and replies with a low detail wrong answer, or person C who has 10 posts but posts an accurate and explainative answer?

Person B, always. People value those internet points.

This is why anonymous forums and boards are so popular, everyone is on even grounds. You have no virtual points to value and it does not reflect your statements validities or usefulness. If you say something wrong, there is no other aspect that would potentially convince people you are right.

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21 minutes ago, cheesecurd said:

This is ironic, but forums. Board style social interaction with accounts and stats and all that. It promotes something referred to in the context of Reddit as “karma whoring”.

You know that stereotype forum user? Anime profile picture, 20k+ posts, some arbitrary amount of “likes”, has some stupid title under their name and a tag like “platinum contributor”.

I hate those people. 

Because what those people do is gain merit and validation based off virtual number counters. If person A asks a question and persons B and C respond, who’s answer is going to be more valid?

Person B who has 20k posts and replies with a low detail wrong answer, or person C who has 10 posts but posts an accurate and explainative answer?

Person B, always. People value those internet points.

This is why anonymous forums and boards are so popular, everyone is on even grounds. You have no virtual points to value and it does not reflect your statements validities or usefulness. If you say something wrong, there is no other aspect that would potentially convince people you are right.

I ♥'d your comment for two reasons:

1) The ♥ is ironically funny.

2) I totally agree with you. I recently learned there's even a scoreboard here for who "wins" the day. Oh ffs.

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4 minutes ago, cheesecurd said:

This is ironic, but forums. Board style social interaction with accounts and stats and all that. It promotes something referred to in the context of Reddit as “karma whoring”.

You know that stereotype forum user? Anime profile picture, 20k+ posts, some arbitrary amount of “likes”, has some stupid title under their name and a tag like “platinum contributor”.

I hate those people. 

Because what those people do is gain merit and validation based off virtual number counters. If person A asks a question and persons B and C respond, who’s answer is going to be more valid?

Person B who has 20k posts and replies with a low detail wrong answer, or person C who has 10 posts but posts an accurate and explainative answer?

Person B, always. People value those internet points.

This is why anonymous forums and boards are so popular, everyone is on even grounds. You have no virtual points to value and it does not reflect your statements validities or usefulness. If you say something wrong, there is no other aspect that would potentially convince people you are right.

The current metrics are counterproductive, in my opinion, in that they reward what I view as frivolous posting.  

In my opinion, one of the greatest contributors to these forums was @Void Singer who hasn't been on in nearly two years.  They had most of their activity before the implementation of the current metrics system.  Maybe I should spend a day some time and go back and "like" several of their well-deserving posts that predate the current "like" system.  They taught me so much about scripting; I just read back then as I wasn't then at a scripting skill-level where I had much to offer by posting. The same goes for @Dora Gustafson ; they are still around, and have made incredible contributions over time, but you wouldn't know it by looking at their "like" statistics, because they were so active for so long before the current "like" system kicked in. 

My current interest is in creation.  I came over here to the People forum to get my post count up.  I figured if ya can't beat 'em join 'em,.  Now I find it addictive, and reasonably fun as long as one can refrain from engaging in the debates about real-life social issues (there are other boards for that, if one is into it).  I could work half a day on a quality LSL Library contribution--just doing publication clean-up on scripting work that I'd already done--and get nothing.  Over here, you can play one of the word games and get likes out the wazoo.  The Avatar Picture sub-forum seems to be even more of a 'likefest.'

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1 hour ago, cheesecurd said:

This is ironic, but forums. [snip]

PS. This tags along with something @Erwin Solo just said: As much as I agree with @cheesecurd about the whole karma whoring thing, as much as hate the scoring, and as much as I roll my eyes at it, one of my bigger pet peeves is how **I** react to it. I posted in the very old forums so my post count comes from there. My point count comes from here. At one time it was next to nothing and even now my point count is below my post count. And on the one hand, there's no way I could care less. There are no more effs to give. But on the other hand, and the hand that is irking me, is that apparently I do care. The discrepancy makes me look to be some kind of, I don't know, less-than deviant. It makes me twitchy, and that's just stupid. That's how insidious this whole system is! On the other hand (we're up to three now), I'm glad I'm not the sort of person who lives for those little points. Ick. 

Edited by Seicher Rae
word swap
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Vocal bullet points which change format while speaking, especially hanging 'a's.


Daft Example;

"There are many things I like about teddy bears;

 A, their furriness, 

Secondly their cuddliness

and also that they always agree with you."


I stop listening because I'm getting wound up about 'where's the B"???

My peeve really is, that I get worked up about it...it really doesn't matter....aaargh.

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3 minutes ago, Raspberry Crystal said:

Vocal bullet points which change format while speaking, especially hanging 'a's.


Daft Example;

"There are many things I like about teddy bears;

 A, their furriness, 

Secondly their cuddliness

and also that they always agree with you."


I stop listening because I'm getting wound up about 'where's the B"???

My peeve really is, that I get worked up about it...it really doesn't matter....aaargh.

Ha! My bff and I go out of our way to do the a, b, 3 thing. Bff is much better at it than I am, and ramps things up in the silly degree.

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23 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

PS. This tags along with something @Erwin Solo just said: As much as I agree with @cheesecurd about the whole karma whoring thing, as much as hate the scoring, and as much as I roll my eyes at it, one of my bigger pet peeves is how **I** react to it. I posted in the very old forums so my post count comes from there. My point count comes from here. At one point it was next to nothing and even still my point count is below my post count. And on the one hand, there's no way I could care less. There are no more effs to give. But on the other hand, and the hand that is irking me, is that apparently I do care. The discrepancy makes me look to be some kind of, I don't know, less-than deviant. It makes me twitchy, and that's just stupid. That's how insidious this whole system is! On the other hand (we're up to three now), I'm glad I'm not the sort of person who lives for those little points. Ick. 

It’s been proven that “likes” and other virtual sticker systems have an effect on users. Not only that but the things people will do for them are really ridiculous. It’s messed up, but it is what it is and we all do it to some extent. That little hit of endorphins is a powerful thing. 

It’s not just here either. On Flickr there are a lot of people that will mass follow people, just to get them to follow them back, like a bunch of stuff randomly so that people will reciprocate, then after a certain number of followers, they dump all of the people they followed. So now it looks like : followers 3854  following 77. Those people that were reciprocating likes are still liking their stuff long after completely unaware that they’ve been unfollowed and the like chain has long stopped being reciprocal.

Sadly this is just where things are heading.


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45 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

PS. This tags along with something @Erwin Solo just said: As much as I agree with @cheesecurd about the whole karma whoring thing, as much as hate the scoring, and as much as I roll my eyes at it, one of my bigger pet peeves is how **I** react to it. I posted in the very old forums so my post count comes from there. My point count comes from here. At one time it was next to nothing and even now my point count is below my post count. And on the one hand, there's no way I could care less. There are no more effs to give. But on the other hand, and the hand that is irking me, is that apparently I do care. The discrepancy makes me look to be some kind of, I don't know, less-than deviant. It makes me twitchy, and that's just stupid. That's how insidious this whole system is! On the other hand (we're up to three now), I'm glad I'm not the sort of person who lives for those little points. Ick. 

It's all irredeemably stupid.

ALTHOUGH, as I've said elsewhere on a few occasions, I think that the admittedly copious "liking" on the vanity threads has contributed to making them mostly very friendly little communities.

I'm sure that there are people who really care, but the only real concern about it that I'd have is the point that @cheesecurd makes: that someone who is new here, or popping in to ask a question, is likely to be more impressed by post count and reputation than by the quality of the information offered. Anyone who thinks that my mostly feeble attempts to answer queries are in any way validated by my post count and reputation score is, unfortunately, deluded, and probably doomed to muck up their avatar (or whatever they were asking about) forever.

Maybe I should come with a warning sticker?

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@Scylla Rhiadra  I just ♥'d another  ironic ♥ just for your comment. :D

I don't mind the ♥'s so much. It makes it an easy way to say "me too" or "yes" or "good point" or "solidarity" or whatever. It's the keeping score that's awful.

As to what @janetosilio said regarding Flickr (oh how I hate Flickr), I literally laugh out loud at my email when I get a notification that so-and-so is following me, even though my page has been closed for ages. I think it is visible now, but not active, but I even got the follows when it wasn't visible (I think). Same happens on my blog. "Yeah, sorry dude."

We all need to come with warning stickers.

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4 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I'm sure that there are people who really care, but the only real concern about it that I'd have is the point that @cheesecurd makes: that someone who is new here, or popping in to ask a question, is likely to be more impressed by post count and reputation than by the quality of the information offered. Anyone who thinks that my mostly feeble attempts to answer queries are in any way validated by my post count and reputation score is, unfortunately, deluded, and probably doomed to muck up their avatar (or whatever they were asking about) forever.

THIS ^^ I can agree with.  I'm not usually aware of my post count.  I think to look at it only when a thread like this one reminds me to check.  The post counting system has been around for ages.  Void and I used to joke about it, back in 2008.  My own post count started growing 13 years ago, but I've never done anything designed to make it grow.  As my grandfather once told me, long life isn't much more than a Good Attendance medal.  You just get points for showing up every morning.

Among ourselves, we gradually learn whose opinions to give credibility to, and who routinely gives odd advice that ought o be discounted.  Newbies don't, so they may well be impressed by post counts.  It's dumb, but it's the only metric they have.  In the era of Facebook, it's at least a familiar metric.  As one who have never understood the appeal of FB, I am still a bit mystified by it.

FWIW, I agree with @Erwin Solo about the contributions that Void and Dora both made while they were here with us.  Void mentored me as I was getting started in LSL, and I greatly respected Dora's mathematical insights.  Void moved on to other pastures when she tangled with the moderators, and Dora sadly died a while back.  I miss them both.  And not because of their post counts.

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8 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

Among ourselves, we gradually learn whose opinions to give credibility to, and who routinely gives odd advice that ought o be discounted.  Newbies don't, so they may well be impressed by post counts.  It's dumb, but it's the only metric they have.  In the era of Facebook, it's at least a familiar metric.

Yes, this is the flip side of the coin, isn't it? It's not so much that reputation points reward those who don't necessarily merit it, than that the new(ish) system has debased the currency, so to speak, with the result that it is no longer meaningful in the way that it once was. It is no longer evident, as it once was, that those with high reputation totals have earned their points actually helping people, rather than merely being brilliantly witty and charming (like me, of course). To name just three, off the top of my head, you, Skell, and Maddy all should be, for very practical purposes, more prominent than you are now.

12 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

I agree with @Erwin Solo about the contributions that Void and Dora both made while they were here with us.  Void mentored me as I was getting started in LSL, and I greatly respected Dora's mathematical insights.  Void moved on to other pastures when she tangled with the moderators, and Dora sadly died a while back.  I miss them both.  And not because of their post counts.

I don't think I knew Dora, but I knew Void reasonably well through the old RA forum and after, and I certainly remember the stupidity of the chain of events that led to her leaving. I've never been a coder, so Void didn't contribute to my experience in that way, but I liked her a lot, and I miss her too.

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