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Is SL getting stagnant?

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sEcondlife is 95% to expensive to own a sim. To be really creative and have control that is when the fun start. Still waiting for the 10$ sim. And a stable 144fps on heavy sims.

Also it first need RL scale, and first person mode. means that secondlife need to dump that base camera angle.

Run more scripts clientside, so you get a good response.

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1 hour ago, Richardus Raymaker said:

sEcondlife is 95% to expensive to own a sim. To be really creative and have control that is when the fun start. Still waiting for the 10$ sim. And a stable 144fps on heavy sims.

Also it first need RL scale, and first person mode. means that secondlife need to dump that base camera angle.

Run more scripts clientside, so you get a good response.

What you wish for will never happen,  10 Dollar sims,  that's never going to happen from a profit standpoint as it will cost the lab more then 10 dollars to run the power to the physical box.  144fps???  I can get that now in heavy sims and I'm running dual 980's.  without shadows and a short draw distance, dont need to draw all the things!.


RL Scale,  some of us are working on that,  but language barriers and other factors hamper the cause..


Also scripts are not ran on the client side, all of that is server side and has to remain their from a security point of view.

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2 hours ago, greek Wingtips said:

What would you do or like to happen to make SL more fun and enjoyable????

This reply is to everyone, not only the OP.

Start by not expecting the fun to find you. If you feel SL is getting stagnant it has become time to reevaluate your priorities and perhaps move on to something more satisfying to you. Fun is where you find it and if it's not obviously within sight then go hunt for it. There's still lots of fun in SL. When I start getting bored I go looking for it and I often find it. If I'm not in the mood to go looking for it I log out and go do something else.

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2 hours ago, Richardus Raymaker said:

sEcondlife is 95% to expensive to own a sim. To be really creative and have control that is when the fun start. Still waiting for the 10$ sim. And a stable 144fps on heavy sims.

Also it first need RL scale, and first person mode. means that secondlife need to dump that base camera angle.

Run more scripts clientside, so you get a good response.

I can see Australians taking three hours to fly a plane to cross the country or maybe an entire day to drive between Sydney and Brisbane if there was RL scale.

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5 hours ago, greek Wingtips said:

What would you do or like to happen to make SL more fun and enjoyable????

The real question is what would YOU do. I agree with you, SL is stagnant to some extent at the minute and IMO has been for some time. People do seem less interested in creating new experiences and the majority of new places that appear are boring ass hangouts where most people stand around AFK or sex sims where the desperate intimately starved sex zombies claw at you for companionship....or stand around AFK.... However, SL is a world created solely by its residents. If you feel that its becoming stagnant then do something about it. Create something new, recruit some like minded people to help. You don't even need to have a full $xxx sim to be able to do this, start on a 1/4. Find something that is not in world at the minute whether its something from real life or something original that you have thought up that you think would give people an enjoyable experience...and bring it in world... SL only becomes less stagnant when more people get off their lazy asses and actually start contributing towards the experiences that SL has to offer. Iv been working on my own experience for a while now that I am hoping to open in the next few months. If you want change then make it happen.




4 hours ago, Richardus Raymaker said:

sEcondlife is 95% to expensive to own a sim.

You don't need a full sim to create a fun enjoyable experience. A homestead or 1/4 of a sim will do just fine. Some of the most popular regions iv seen on SL are on an 1/8th of a sim or less. I feel with so many options out there and a little creativity on your part....this is just an excuse...


4 hours ago, Richardus Raymaker said:

To be really creative and have control that is when the fun start. Still waiting for the 10$ sim.

Which will never happen. Linden Labs are first and foremost a company. Said company first and foremost needs to generate what we call....profit....otherwise said company does not have the funds to be able to maintain and create all of the cool and interesting features that SL has to offer and without profit from said company there is no platform for said whiney ass to make ridiculous comments about "waiting for the $10 sim"


4 hours ago, Richardus Raymaker said:

 And a stable 144fps on heavy sims.

I dont even maintain that on my gaming computer. I have my FPS deliberately limited to 80fps. I used to leave my FPS uncapped and found that at a certain point much higher frame rates started causing various issues with the viewer that actually made my SL experience worse. You don't NEED 144fps to play SL at its best. Mine is capped at 80 and I have no issues on my gaming computer even in high complexity designed sims with 60+ avatars.


4 hours ago, Richardus Raymaker said:

Also it first need RL scale, and first person mode. means that secondlife need to dump that base camera angle.

You already have a version of first person mode. Its called mouse look, you can even opt to show your avatar in mouse look in the settings. As for RL scale, I could honestly care less. Im fine with the scale in SL, after being here for nearly 12 years I am more than used to it. I get why some people want it but honestly its not ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED to bring happiness and harmony to the grid.


4 hours ago, Richardus Raymaker said:

Run more scripts clientside, so you get a good response.

This has to be the daftest thing you have said so far. Do you realise the security implications if scripts were to be downloaded to your computer and then run locally. Humans are a creative bunch, LL could take all of the precautions in the world and you can guarantee that some smart ass will figure out how to access/grab the code once its gets to / as its getting to the viewer.....even if its encrypted several times over and guarded by a bearded wizard with a large stick. Bye bye no mod scripts once that problem got solved. You also say "so you get a good response" as if scripts are slow and you need to go off and make a cup of tea and possibly a ham sandwich whilst waiting for one to run. As a coder myself I find scripts to be reasonably responsive and snappy in most situations inside of Second Life. Even in the various combat regions I have owned and designed, my players were able to engage in fast paced active combat with melee, spells etc using one of my combat system and rarely ever had too many issues that prevented them from doing what they do. Yes scripts can sometimes delay but thats not necessarily to do with scripts running on the server but probably more to do with a whole MULTITUDE of reasons that could be causing one of a MULTITUDE of issues at that particular time that MIGHT be the cause of said script experiencing a delay.

Edited by chibiusa Ling
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Personally, it about making your own fun and not expecting fun to happen and find you.  I find my own fun, I enjoy SL, I enjoy talking to my friends, I enjoy exploring sims when not "working" as hostess or manager and enjoy dabbling in taking pictures for my blog or just for fun.  So yeah, make your own fun!

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It's not SL becoming stagnant, it's the individual.  There are some days I'm so boggled by choice, I literally spend hours sorting inventory while I decide what I want to do most.  If I'm stagnant it's because there is actually activity overload in SL, and my brain became short circuited by indecision.

Edited by Sandy Schnook
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10 hours ago, greek Wingtips said:

What would you do or like to happen to make SL more fun and enjoyable????

Well... more imaginative users would be exciting.

9 hours ago, Richardus Raymaker said:

sEcondlife is 95% to expensive to own a sim. To be really creative and have control that is when the fun start. Still waiting for the 10$ sim. And a stable 144fps on heavy sims.

Also it first need RL scale, and first person mode. means that secondlife need to dump that base camera angle.

Run more scripts clientside, so you get a good response.

95% too expensive... not really. SL price is set by the free market. Sellers price things at whatever the market will bear. In a free market economy people can buy or not at the stated price. Voting with dollars or abstaining controls the price. 

Building to RL scale is a user choice. The default camera location has an influence but numerous people have written about that problem. It isn't the only reason for people moving away from realistic scale.

If you try a new default camera position you start to run into the various problems that come up. Sitting and being in confined spaces reveals the problems with camera positions. (see Second Life Camera Position Tips for changing the default) The LL default is not perfect. But, it may be the best general best compromise. Otherwise, the best camera position is just knowing how to position your camera manually and on the fly.

Camera position has nothing to do with people choosing to have breasts, *****es, and butts of enormous size.

Running more scripts client-side may add to the lag problem. Whatever a script does has to be sent to all the avatars in the area. If run on the client the script info has to be streamed to the server, which then streams it to everyone else. It is faster, safer, and less data in the channel to run them on the servers.

5 hours ago, Phorumities said:

why do you need 144 frames per second if your monitor refresh rate is 60 fps?

is it for bragging rights?

120+ Hz screen refresh is important for various 3D display technologies.

The 90 FPS and better is needed for Oculus like headsets.

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6 minutes ago, Nalates Urriah said:

95% too expensive... not really. SL price is set by the free market. Sellers price things at whatever the market will bear. In a free market economy people can buy or not at the stated price. Voting with dollars or abstaining controls the price. 

Sim rental costs have almost nothing to do with the free market, LL arbitrarily sets a $ monthly fee and a $ setup fee, and that's how much it costs.

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Well, let's see here...

Is SL getting stagnant?  /me lifts her nose and sniffs the air.  "No."

Is land too expensive?  Well, LL upped prim allowances and cut land costs a few months back, so it's cheaper than it's ever been.  No $10 regions, though, sorry.

Do you need a whole region to be creative?  Um, no.  I had months of fun creating my first home on 8192 m2.  I had years of fun creating and upgrading 1/2 a Mainland region.  One of my friends just spent a couple of weeks creating a lovely environment on her first 1024 m2 parcel.  Another friend enjoys repeatedly re-decorating her 512 m2 Linden Home.  A couple of scripter friends create wonders I don't even understand, without owning ANY land.

144 fps?  Anything over 30 is overkill, for SL purposes.  I get about 70 in my Mainland skybox.

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Generally I don't bother engaging in the $10 for region dreams of the OpenSimmers.

They have a less stable product on their AWS servers, and any development is done by a small group of people working for free.

The Lab needs to fund the programming team, that's where the bulk of our teir goes... paying for people like Patch, Grumpity, Soft, Oz, Caleb, and so on and so on.

The one thing the lab don't spend money on though is a decent microphone (and clothing) for Ebbe.

Although Patch could, he's too busy... so we seriously need a Skell.Mole who can dress the CEO in stylish clothes!

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19 hours ago, chibiusa Ling said:

You already have a version of first person mode. Its called mouse look

People not know the difference between first person mode and mouselook. Well, mouselook is not first person mode, already for the simple reason you still need to switch to third person todo things.

And for correct first person mode you need correct scale.


Let's say it different, many lsl commands could run client side. As example, i think animesh lsl commands or scripts could run clientside and lower (script) lag. Security ? Am sure there are solutions for that.


Why i need 144fps, because my monitor need that. The best setting is ro cap it st 72fps in the viewer but it keeps bad. 30fps is really bad, you notice every left or right turn is far , far from smooth. And yes i have gtx980 not crappy hardware. That's mabye the problem with sl. Mabye it runs better on old hardware.

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No, all a First Person mode requires is .... A first person perspective and ability to move around. You want more than that, make it yourself.

Scripts should not be stored or run client side - period. The reasoning for this has been explained many times before - deal with it.

No, you do not require 144 fps for your monitor. The refresh rate is the upper limit, not a requirement. For Second Life, such a refresh rate is absolute overkill, much like the habit some have of cranking their Draw Distance up to the equivalent of over three sims distance and complaining about their performance or the lack of content. Furthermore - as has been pointed out by others, across many threads - the performance of any given place within Second Life is affected by the content others have placed out. Not getting your overkill frame rate? Chances are it's thanks to what is around you, coupled with some of the more dated code Second Life uses.

Is Second Life a bit dated in its capabilities? Yes, it is. Short of a complete rewrite, it always will be and it will simply fall farther behind. Welcome to technology and forward progress.

Of course, others have tried to tell you much the same, in far gentler ways and you've simply brushed it off. You don't want to listen, much like the OP with several of their threads and assertions - good for you! It changes nothing. The information you've been given will still be the same at the end of the day.

Have fun tilting at windmills.

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I tend to agree with Blush, I been in sl for a long time and one time it was in every night, but now it periodically, I have a vested interest to come in and look after my Jack the ripper site, but anything else seems to have lost its sheen. , I cannot put a finger on it why, it just has.

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