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Richardus Raymaker

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  1. Duplicate inventory items is a part that's required.a mesh body as example you have a master, a master copy you did modify for your avatar. And then the Daley mesh body you use in outfits. This way you can restore a boo boo easy. And that's the same with more objects. You want to work with copy and keep the master. Not see a automatic duplicate cleanup as good thing. A total commander style tool for managing inventory would be super. Makes it easy to manage. For me recently is broken also. It shows all items in FS Instead the can better fix copy and paste and folder creation in outfits.
  2. Am so happy ALM cannot be turned off. It made how things look different. And maybe people go throw out the bad (face)lights made for non ALM. Also happy with BPR. If I go back in building it will make things more easy. Also since the FS PBR viewer things look nicer.
  3. I never update a viewer quick. Except now because pbr. It did push the fans up, but after setting graphics back to mid-high and mirrors on it nice and silent again. No problems with graphics, the feel to look better then on older viewer. Am curious if people with problems still use old graphics drivers. The only bug I found is that the last notification message cannot be deleted from the floater bug. Hope we get update soon. Need to see if things still work fine in a week.
  4. Firestorm have a perfect option that solves lots of problems. Like lasers on the dance floor. It's called defender. If you use that you don't need decay. Not sure if the secondlife viewer have it. Would be stupid if it's not in there.
  5. Why would you buy item with timer faster ? It's more the opposite. A timer is annoying and you cannot look at the product good enough. Not really got products with timers. But I would say, skip this product up to the next where you inspect it.
  6. A dynamic ip (dhcp) keeps the same for you as long that is is available on the network. Rebooting your modem or/and router not will give you always a new ip. Here you only get with luck a new one after big maintained or other event. So dynamic ip can be semi static. Static ip that never change is only for business. If your modem get with every reboot a new ip, the isp possible run low on ip's
  7. Absolute, NO. Also if am right it's from Elon m. And that makes it a double NO. Besides the risk it could be hacked etc.
  8. Make sure you have some tool that block very new avatars from the estate, let'ssay 15 days before you can enter. . Not always a good thing. But that way he cannot make alt and use it easy.
  9. You use the latest firestorm version ? Or a few version sold. Older versions of firestorm get blocked. Update to newer version would fix a viewer block.
  10. It's crazy to advise to turn off advanced lightning, that's gives you a horrible world. Am happy that linden lab have plans to turn it on people cannot turn it (easy?) Off. A world looks horrible without ALM. Also 420 fps is nonsense the server still not generate more then 45. With 80 meter draw distance you look at a very bad world.
  11. Fake frames. The server side still is limited to 45 ups or lower. Its for my feeling a bit low for a smooth world while rotating left or right. But it also depends on the sim your on.
  12. Some other person owns a social,platform is trying todo that many times.And it does indeed not work. Stopping free accounts is killing secondlife. Trolls and grievers can be handled other ways. Groups in secondlife is good tool.
  13. Casper vendors use links ? That would be new. It does not sound right how you did pay. What someone sayed, check your transaction history.
  14. It's time this did happen that MFA does what you expect for people that turned it on. MFA is not so bad if the not increase to amount of times you need to enter it in 30 days. Btw. It's only for people that activated mfa.
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