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So Whimsy

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Everything posted by So Whimsy

  1. What you can do is leave the house as is. Derender the rail and build an invisible ramp. This way you get what you want to achieve, you can drive over it and no Linden will notice anything out of the ordinary.
  2. Forums are rated General, not moderate and not adult. So even if the nips are covered, it still shows WAY too much. Do not post anything on the forums your grandma wouldn't want to see.
  3. Aaah, sorry I didn't realize you were asking your questions specifically for that program. Somehow my brain interpreted it as a general question I'm afraid I can't help you with MPS, I've never even heard of it. AvSitter *is* free though so if you don't find any answer concerning MPS, it's at no additional cost to grab avsitter. You won't regret it, it's amazing.
  4. Yes, I personally use AvSitter which is now opensource and free. Simply do a google search. It has a prop system add on that automatically attaches items to an avatar without them needing to accept it and find it in their inventory. The system foregoes that and rezzes the prop instead. The avatar will have to allow this auto attachment just once via a pop up window requesting that allowance. On AvSitter enabled land (experience window) that permission doesn't even have to be given. You just sit, go to the animation rezzing a cup of coffee for example and the avatar will change to that animation and drink it. When you stand up it automatically de-rezzes the prop from the avatar. Easy as can be. You can try it out yourself, newer furniture from What Next uses the system so do items from Bazar and JC Creations. There's tons more merchants who use this but eh, those are the ones popping up in my head right away.
  5. They were talking about how it's against the TOS to give someone else access to your account to 'sort their inventory' as that was partially what the OP has offered.
  6. People are actually reducing the very important word 'thanks' into one letter nowadays? I already thought thx and tks was horrible but one letter? Might as well not use that word at all because one who is actually and honestly thankful would go out of their way to make sure other's know they appreciate something. T is what I'd give someone gifting me socks on a birthday.
  7. Then you are out of luck. If they want you to have an MP store and jump through other hoops to get their dev kit and you cannot or will not do that then no dev kit for you. There's no other way. It's their mesh body, their rules.
  8. Oh my gosh I know exactly what you mean. I recently looked at the full perm items because I was making a hunt gift and needed a 'vessel' for my animation and the things I came across are just...incredible. It's not only the ones that threaten to DMCA but there's also those, on top of threatening who make rules like "You can't sell this item below 100L" or my personal favorite "You are not allowed to gift this item even when used in your build!" I'm like '....dude you stole this mesh and now you get all high and mighty with these stupid rules? The fudge is wrong with you, you stole this crap!' People
  9. Most mesh body merchants offer so called 'developer kits' for those interested in making mesh clothes for the body. How and to whom they give them out to is different for every mesh body maker so I suggest you check their blog/profile/website and see if you can unearth that information.
  10. Not sure why you are taking such a defensive stance when I didn't intend to be agressive but went out of my way to spend time in trying to help you out in understanding that your products are indeed in the wrong place. I even offered to go through more of your MP to lead you to the right categories to place your products in so there'll be no more getting flagged. Good to know it was wasted time, I made a note of that and will refrain from wasting any more trying to help you in the future.
  11. And this is why you should make informed decisions. Aka, educate yourself before wasting real life money. Hopefully this will be a good lesson learned.
  12. I have a gacha alt myself. When your item gets flagged and a linden lab employee delists it after judging that it's indeed in the wrong category, the flagging message will tell you the correct category to put it under. So that should help aleviate the confusion (and should have told the OP that she indeed chose the wrong category since the suggested one will NOT be the one they put the product under initially). Unfortunately it's after the fact of being flagged. I do agree the categories need to be overhauled.
  13. I got curious and went to your MP and no, you are not being harrassed, I opened five random gacha items of yours and they are flag worthy. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LODE-Head-Accessory-Magnolia-II-Single-yellow/12614249 Is currently in Avatar Accessories. It should be in Avatar Accessories -> Hair -> Hair Accessories https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MIWAS-My-Ballet-Sock-1/14384299 Is currently in Apparel -> Women's. It should be in Apparel -> Women's -> Woman's Intimates (preferably going one deeper -> Stockings) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MIWAS-Vapor-summer-Transparent-Chocker-1/14741110 Is currently in Avatar Accessories -> Jewelry and Watches. It should be in Avatar Accessories -> Jewelry and Watches -> Necklaces - Women's Necklaces https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/parfait-NEKO-NAPTIME-5-white-bra-panty/14395450 Is currently in Apparel -> Women's. It should be in Apparel -> Women's -> Women's Intimates -> Underwear https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Yummy-Macaron-Fascinators-Strawberry/12646099 Is currently in Avatar Accessories -> Other Accessories It should be Avatar Accessories -> Hair -> Hair Accessories Would you like for me to continue? Again, you're not being harrassed, you're being rightfully flagged. It take s a Linden Employee to verify a flag, if your item gets delisted there is a reason for it.
  14. It's not instant but can take several hours. If you later adjust the price it can take up to 48 hours to show the new sales prices on the map.
  15. 1. Yes this is true. 2. You do need payment info on file to create a store, this has been implemented a while ago. You do not actually need to use said payment info, you just need to have it on file. Here's a good read
  16. Extra convenience hardly comes free nowadays whether that's paying for overnight express instead of heaving to wait two days more for a package or well, if you play any online game 'pay for convenience' is a games #1 income source.
  17. Open a support ticket with a detailed description of the problem and a link to each post you can find that you want removed/censored. Though, it's at their leisure whether to do it or not. Many people forget or don't realise that the internet never forgets.
  18. Since I got my my dream parcel extended from an ickle little 1024m² to a whopping 5632m² I've spent the past few days finding the perfect house and furnishing the place. I am still so very far from done @.@ but dayum I am loving it so much already!
  19. What exactly do you mean by that? If you'd like a texture added to the sim ground itself you would need to have estate manager rights and be able to upload terrain textures. I am a little confused because Skye products are already textured. You could place their dunes at the inland end of your beach instead.
  20. Which is exactly what I mentioned before quoting myself. It's not practical for a land flipper looking for profit, but it certainly is for another person who simply wants the land and is willing to shell out a few more bucks for convenience.
  21. It is very possible for every single user. It may not be practical in the sense that you end up paying a little more but in the end, if you really did want the land whats a couple hundred or thousand L's more? As I said earlier in this thread:
  22. Or forego the Linden Home alltogether since you said you purchased a house off the MP and buy any 1024m² currently for sale on the grid.
  23. Can't believe a filthy copyright infringer would request discounts from LL for their copyright infringing place. They should close your place down if anything.
  24. No offense taken and you're welcome. Just try to see it from a customer perspective, you offer a hud, so each time they change the texture it might take them a while to load it onto the model depending on their computer/connection, now multiply that wait with however many texture change options you give and if the hud lets you change more than just the base texture but things like bows, zippers etc too then even on a fast computer 5 minutes seems a bit short for such a complex clothing item. Just like in real life, people are less inclined to spend money on something they feel 'rushed' to sample. If you have any more questions feel free to ask, you can also IM me in world I am on most of the time, it might just take a bit to get back to you if I'm currently working on an animation and am knee deep in blender instead I wish you the best of luck with your business.
  25. It is not only slow people, or the disabled who would profit from a longer demo, it's also those with slow machines or connections. A large part of the SL userbase uses a potato to connect to the grid. I'd say 10 minutes would be better for a demo that ends up deleting itself. Otherwise, don't be confused if you get double purchases on demo's. Personally I prefer demo's with the word demo on it or around it simply because I can choose to demo the product at my own leisure. Sometimes RL pulls me away, sometimes an IM. I wouldn't ignore either just to try out the demo and if, by the time the demo is gone? I'd simply delete the folder and move on unless it's some super epic product I just *have* to have, which granted, doesn't happen often. Granted some people take the demo's to the extreme and you end up like a walking adboard with barely being able to see, but those are the merchants who lose customers as do those who offer timed demo's that are too short.
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