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So Whimsy

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Everything posted by So Whimsy

  1. That stipend is weekly. You get 300Lx4= 1200L = $4.80 x 12 = $57,60/year
  2. ...SL prevents you. Try it. You can WEAR it but you cannot UNPACK it. Auto unpacker scripts also don't work as they only move copy items to your inventory. No copy stuff must ALWAYS be rezzed to be moved into your inventory.
  3. Did you miss the part that you cannot always wear something to unpack it? 2030450 matching items found. That is the amount of MP items this would break for customers because they must rez no copy items to unpack them. That number goes much, MUCH higher if you add the in world items on top of that. We're literally talking millions of broken no-copy items customers buy but cannot use because they cannot rez to unpack them. Ergo, this screws customers, this screws merchants and this would screw SL and LL itself. I don't know how I can make it more clear to you.
  4. Phil, are you honestly serious right now? You do not see the thoroughly explained negative effects this would have on customers and merchants alike to a point where LL would be losing a crap ton of revenue? REALLY NOW?! You can't be this ignorant.
  5. Morning folks, the Avastar group seems to be asleep so I am trying my luck here. I recently upgraded my avastar version to support bento bones, now I was just fiddling around when I noticed a problem I can't seem to figure out to fix. When I select the avatars calf and drag it around it moves the whole leg and hips as it should. But when I move the back of my avatar it moves everything above it (head, shoulders etc) but nothing from the stomach down and the avatar instead deforms. How can I stop this deformation from happening so I can once again select a certain joint and drag my mouse around to move the entire avatar at once? When I open old animations made in the previous non bento avastar version I do not have this deformation happening (see below) Someone please help me fix this so the bento av does no longer deform T.T
  6. In addition to this tidbit, you can purchase Avastar with $ or you can buy it in world for 10.000 Linden. So if you have no RL cash to buy it but some sort of SL income you can still get this add on
  7. If you happen to be renting from a private estate it might be worth checking the covenant of the sim you are renting on. If in the covenant ban lines are not allowed you may contact your landlord about it. If there is nothing about banlines in said covenant or you are renting/owning a parcel on mainland then there's nothing you can do. It's not harrassment but the other owners/renters right to make use of the banwall feature SL provides to keep unwanted guests out of their home. Edit: Same goes for walls etc.
  8. Ethan has explained it well, I would just like to put emphasis on the misconception you have here. Non-premium members cannot buy and own mainland. If at any point you decide to downgrade back to a basic membership you will first need to sell/abandon your land before you can do that. There is also no way to buy mainland off another person if you are not a premium user. Landownership is exclusive to premium users as far as mainland goes. You can however buy an entire private estate (no less!) and own it as a non premium user. That costs $295 a month + initial cost of buying a sim off someone/paying LL to set it up for you.
  9. It would also help if you could give us your computer specs, such as graphics card, RAM etc for us to see how powerful (or not) your machine is. Perhaps your graphic settings in world are set too high for your graphics card to handle. Also, using a wireless connection for SL has been known to cause issues, it's always best to direct connect your modem to your comp/laptop for SL.
  10. Narrow minded folks. If they hadn't made that move SL would have never grown as big as it did. I wonder what excuse they found when the end didn't come, makes me think of the false prophets in RL, the world will end tomorrow because reasons! It didn't end? Oh, I meant tomorrow but next year just you wait you heathen!
  11. Absolutely. And those accounts without PIOF get Lindens by working at clubs or hunting in the Linden Realms or doing other type of labor. What would they even do with the Lindens they earn then if they can no longer shop within the MP -or- in world as they cannot know if they get a box they need to rez (yay, they just wasted their Linden as they can't rez) or they get a box with an unpacker script (yay, no wasted Lindens, they can actually unpack their purchase!) No. Just no, LL cannot do this. It would screw over the customers -and- the merchants.
  12. That is not what I meant at all, LittleMe Jewel explained it well and I believed that so did I in my initial post. When was the last time you went shopping? A good 50% of merchants sell their products in boxes that you need to rez to unpack, which would be impossible if they disallowed rezzing for basic accounts. This would be nothing short of a gamble for a basic account to shop at all.
  13. Since it's come up a few times ~ Taking away the ability to rez for basic accounts is impossible. Technically it is possible but...has nobody thought here of how many MP/inworld purchased that would break? A whole bunch of merchants (myself included) do not use an unpacker script for their boxes. The MP cannot make a distinction between whether or not a boxed product has an unpacker script in it, thus there is no way for those basic users to know if they will even be able to unpack their purchase. Same for inworld purchases, you just can't know if your product comes in a box you may or may not need to rez to unpack. That's a pandora's box waiting to happen they simply cannot touch on a logical level.
  14. I splurged on buying a new parcel when I meant to buy a bento head But, my catwa head still has animations inbuilt, so. We can totally look angry in screenshots together I'm from germany, so our time zone matches perfectly and I am usually on when you are I believe. So if you ever do need a gal to help out just give me a shout and feel free to friend me in world if you'd like.
  15. Has Scarlet Creative been name dropped yet?
  16. I was bored so I hopped over there, at the time of my post it's still available. Really nice parcel.
  17. When you find the perfect 1024sqm parcel for a wicked low price that has beautiful neighbouring parcels, access to a crap ton of sailable sims -and- an entrance to an entire underwater sim is just a stones throw away submerging you into a rich captain nemo-esque experience you know it's been a good day. Time to don a new bikini and to get blackout drunk because of being stupidly lucky Yeah, don't think putting on a hat will fool my new neighbours >.> If anyone wants to check out the underwater sim right next door feel free to drop in~ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mahera/247/119/22
  18. No worries there, you're free to remove your billing info and your shop will remain on the MP. Nothing at all will happen to it. The 'needing to have payment info on file' is just to set up the store, and has no further effect on your store thereafter.
  19. I'm pretty sure that 'transitioning' means from male to female in the OP's case as that's the universal term for changing/adjusting ones gender. @sweetdomino here is a good read on A cups http://www.sluniverse.com/php/vb/2250868-post1218.html And this blog post is a true gold mine as it shows all the currently well known Mesh bodies and how small boobs look on them. https://catnapkitty.wordpress.com/2016/04/26/mesh-avatar-bosom-comparison/ Have fun
  20. Did you read the OP? She mentioned in the first post that she has contacted the neighbour and that said neighbour got upset and blocked her.
  21. How do you stay sane?!?! I was actually interested, too as I also like the idea of having a shop on a sim with a few others and went there to have a look. I do enjoy what you built, especially the Dream Thicket, that is beautiful! But the fact you do not allow flying is such an incredible turn off. May I ask your reasoning behind it other than to needlessly slow down your shoppers and frustrating them? It's not an RP sim is it? I just don't understand why store sim owners do this to us >.<
  22. You're very welcone. With bento heads it's become much easier to adjust the look so there's less cookie cutter people walking about and there's a wide variety of mesh bodies nowadays, too. If you tinker around I'm sure you'll eventually come close to your RL self without having to spend a literal fortune
  23. It would cost exactly the same as what Rhonda and I stated. Maybe knock off a couple thousand USD because you don't want a HUD/Animations. What I think these people meant is that they bought premade components and adjusted their shape/face to look like their RL self. I highly doubt we have 'many' RL millionares who don't mind splurging tens of thousands of real dollars on a custom second life avatar...
  24. I'll write you the header of an article for 200L.
  25. A custom avatar requires a 3D Mesh Artist. A Hud requires a scripter as well as a graphic artist. Animations require an Animator. You will be hard pressed to find someone who is great at all 3 and if you do find that someone the cost will be far above 10.000 USD. If you want exclusive rights to it all then we're talking double or triple the price and that is lowballing it to boot. I'd also like to point out those prices are USD, not Linden. The mesh avatars you see on the Marketplace going between 500L-3000L are cheap because they're sold to a wide amount of users, netting the creator a much higher income than the 10.000 and 20.000 USD I've mentioned. The Maitreya body, and that is only the body, hands and feet, not even a head, no animations, no clothing, has probably netted the creator far more than I will earn in an entire life time. Her VIP group is just shy of 100.000 members and not all those who bought the body joined it. Now multiply 100.000 x 2.750L = 275 MILLION Linden. So, unless you make your offer really good no one with that skill set will make you a custom avatar for peanuts when they can make a killing selling what a wide audience wants instead.....
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