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So Whimsy

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Everything posted by So Whimsy

  1. For Sale, beautiful snowland, comes with partially furnished house and extensive landscaping. You can obviously return everything, or keep it like it is! Size: 4608m² Prims: 1582 Land Rating: Moderate Price: 25.000 L$ Slurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Saimaa/137/101/34
  2. And to more thoroughly answer your question on 'how long you should wait to lower price'. SL Land rental is like renting out a place in real life. You have a place you want to rent out to someone, you would want to rent it out right away, each day you wait is lost profits. That's exactly how any Land Baron thinks. As such, the advise you were given is thoroughly hurtful to you. For goodness sake, you waited long enough and I am glad you asked here about it.. You already missed out on multiple weeks of profit. Do not miss out on any more than that. No Land Lord in SL big or small would play the waiting game like that and shame on those two who told you to do it that way. It's deliberately harmful advise.
  3. No need, I lost count of the amount of times I went to some event with 10+ avatars there and it was tata's and dingeling galore until their clothes eventually rezzed. You can be as covered up and self conscious as you want, if you wear mesh clothes there's a 100% chance someone has seen you naked regardless
  4. I am not sure who you asked, but judging by the advise given, they clearly did not want you as their competitor. Like I said, an unfurnished skybox of the size 512sqm and 175 prims (its the prims that dictate the price as well as the spot the parcel is located at) would rent for a maximum of 150L (I am renting one on the side. Ground Level. Directly next to the ocean. 100L/week). A furnished one would go at 150L max too unless you plop down a house worth 10k on the marketplace with amazing adult furniture. People in SL are creative and if they have the Linden, chances are they'll want to make their home their home. That's not to say there's no people at all who would rent a furnished place. It'd be wise to just put it in the rental description that you're willing to remove the house and furniture upon request and just leave it standing as is for now. Do a search for mainland rentals of the size you have to see what other people charge, they're your direct competition after all. Always remember, there is more land than renters, it's no longer the good old days. Don't compare your land to private estate rentals and be mindful if someone charges 250L for their lot it might be because it's on the ground, beachside with loads of sims connected for sailing. Or it's in a themed neighbourhood. Your place does not offer that, so it's on the lower end of the rental pricing range. Skybox only land generally is worth less than ground level land. Edit: To give a little background. While I do not rent out land, I have in the past 11 years (with a half a year break in between) been contineously renting both mainland and private estates. Over a decade worth of being a renter. I have also worked as a sales assistant for a Land Baron a couple years ago. I now own my own 5.6k sqm of mainland. Land rental is a cutthroat business. If you want renters you'll have to offer competetive rates or a piece of land that makes it unique/special.
  5. I agree, SL does have a steep learning curve but I promise it's well worth it to learn. There's a ton of youtube videos and blogs to help you get started, the forum is also incredibly helpful. If you do end up with a question you can't find the answer to, just don't hesitate to ask
  6. Unfortunately what I saw made me close that window without seeing the rest. Reminds me of Gor Gacha Fair. Oh, I mean Fantasy Gacha Fair of course. Gor is not fantasy. It's sci-fi. But what do I know
  7. Is it? I remember that from like...forever ago when it was really popular. Ironically on the forums people complained a lot about the inability to walk in scenes. We directed them to SL all the time, or told them to go back there. After a while I took my own advice and haven't regretted it since. Or been back to imvu since Welcome by the way!
  8. I love anything asian, checked the video....stopped watching after a minute because half of the stuff has **** all to do with Japan. Why is this a themed event/fair if the theme is not enforced??
  9. It doesn't matter whether your house and furniture are high quality. Most people want to buy their own house and furnish it with their own items. Even more so when it comes to adult items such as beds. Furnished rentals aren't that popular in SL. Even if you offer to take off the house and furniture, it would leave them with a 512sqm skybox with about 175 prims. Not even private Estates would charge as much as you do for your mainland parcel. Don't listen to others unless they're established land renters themselves. Start high and go lower only works if you have prime land situated in a great neighbourhood or attached to protected linden open space regions where renters can sail. I am not sure why you insist on listening to that person. You've been waiting a month to rent it, shouldn't that tell you enough that the person didn't give you the best advice? Don't wait, lower your rental to actually compete on the land rental market.
  10. I was bored so I took a look at your rental. You are basically trying to rent out a pre-furnished 512sqm parcel. Skybox no less. No ocean view, no Linden Road, nothing that makes it special. 512 sqm parcels on mainland rent out for 100-150 Linden per week (mayyyyybe up to 170L if they offer ocean view, sailing, roads etc). You are asking more than double the amount. It's no wonder nobody rents.
  11. Du hast ein Full Perm Mesh gekauft und kein Endprodukt. Full Perm Meshes sind für Merchants die keine eigenes Mesh machen können aber die Texturen dazu. Die kaufen dann so ein copy/mod/trans har und machen ihre texturen dafür, basteln eine HUD für den farbwechsel und verkaufen die Frisur dann in ihrem eigenen Laden. Deshalb hast du a) mehrere versionen desselben haares b) die Haartextur die man sonst nicht bekommt damit du deine eigene Textur damit machen kannst. Und um Gottes Willen, bitte verfalle nicht dem glauben das wenn da was NICHT da steht das es dann einfach drin sein muss. Das ist absolut unlogisch. Du gehst doch auch nicht ein Auto kaufen und denkst dann "Och, da stand nix von Airbags, Radio, Klimaanlage, Sitzpolstern und Duftbäumchen. Ach, wird schon alles drin sein!" Siehst du wie wenig sinn das macht? Wenns drin wäre würde der merchant es auch anpreisen da er für extras ja auch mehr Geld verlangen kann und mit Extras wird auch mehr Interesse am Produkt geweckt.
  12. Fiona hat recht. Es gibt gut gemachte meshes in SL wo man ebenerdig läuft egal wo man hintritt und dann gibt es die weniger gut gemachten wo man in der Luft läuft oder aber die Füße ins Mesh sinken. Da lohnt es sich vorher zu gucken ob man das Produkt in world testen kann um zu sehen ob es gute physics hat. Second Life ist ja nun nicht ein professionelles Spiel wo die Designer aufpassen müssen, SL ist voll von Hobby Mesh Machern die mehr oder weniger Skill haben. Manche sind auch ganz einfach zu faul es richtig zu machen. Da gibt es leider noch ganz andere Probleme was das betrifft.
  13. Examples of your previously done work please?
  14. I know that. I've made these type of animations before. My post was solemnly directed at AO creators who set their permissions so high they cancel out furniture animations and in turn holding animations. Holding animations are not AO's, they're made to be put into the cup/cig/drink whatever and start when you wear the item.
  15. Huhu, guck mal ob es an deiner 'Shoe Base' liegt die dich ein wenig zu hoch laufen lässt. Kann aber auch an deinem 'hover height' liegen, dies kannst du in den Einstellung ändern. Weis ja nicht welchen Viewer du benutzt. Eine Dritte Option wäre das die physics des meshes ein wenig zu hoch gesetzt sind, daran kannst du nichts ändern, nur der Creator. Eigentlich gibt es oder zumindest sollte es da keinen Unterschied geben ob du nun auf Linden Boden, Prim Boden oder Mesh Boden läufst.
  16. Poste doch mal einen screenshot von deinem Folder nachdem du die Haare ausgepackt hast. Wenn da mehrere Boxen drin sind ist das meist Das Haar selbst so wie ein oder mehrere Farb Huds womit man die Haarfarbe ändern kann. Mal als Beispiel: Die erste Textur ist ein Vendor Bild damit man sieht was das für Haare sind. Die 2e und 3e Box sind die Haare. Man trägt entweder das eine oder andere aber nicht beide. Der rest sind die Huds mit denen man die Haarfarbe ändert.
  17. If I am somewhere where there is no lag I'll just change there. I don't give a hoot about my boobies bouncings all over the place. They're pixel boobs, not my own RL ones, to me that's one heck of a difference If there is lag and I am forced to go to my own place to try something on...chances are I won't bother going back to the store, especially if it's one of those stores where you land in the middle of the sim and have to walk all the way back to the vendor, because teleporting and flying aren't allowed. I know Area search and zoom in exists but...principles. I have them.
  18. I wish people would stick to this, but unfortunately they don't. When I started making animations for furniture I made them at priority 4, but quickly realized it wasn't good enough. I had to change each animation to priority 5 and at times not even that is good enough. Nothing annoys me more than an AO maker who thinks making their AO priority 5 or higher is a good thing. Sit your ass back down in logic class.
  19. Hi there, first off please do remove the names from your post. Naming and shaming isn't allowed and will get you in trouble. Only the copyright holder can file a DMCA, it's nice of you to bring it to their attention but it's ultimately their decision if they'll act on it. Unfortunately SL is headed this particular way where theft is seen as 'not that bad'. Sad but true.
  20. I am pretty sure I remember it being AR worthy if someone on a sim hogs far too many sim resources, I just did a search but I couldn't come up with the actual TOS statement. Perhaps @Rolig Loon can help? Edit: Rolig you are faster than lightning!
  21. So it is a privilege for the players to earn the creator of the game money? Your logic is very faulty. And what people from what games? I don't play these games. I am just allergic to self-entitled god complexes.
  22. Get off your self righteous soapboax. Without people 'playing' that game you'd be earning diddly squat. They are what keeping it alive. You should thank them for making you richer. Your example is laughable. Please try again with one that actually compares.
  23. You do realize this is a Lolas Tango (mesh breasts made before full mesh bodies were a thing) applier and was never meant to be used with the Maitreya body?
  24. Alright, sorry for missreading your post^^ What your friends told you is quite common and seems to be the preferred way, however lately the trend of machines has become to have just common's and rare's. Uncommons & ultra rare's aren't widely used anymore because getting a rare can be hard already, the thought of getting an ultra rare will discourage a lot of people from trying to play your machine from the get go. So imho, stick to common and rare. Make common items just a single color, and have the rare be the dress with a hud to change the color/fabric. Gacha machines are usually priced at 25L-100L per play. So your best bet is along there. Since you do not make original content but use templates I personally wouldn't go above 50L per play since your items aren't exclusive. The textures may be, but the dress themselves is not as it's a template and can be bought at other stores just with different textures. Also, it's called Gacha, not gatcha or anything else. So be sure to name things correctly or people may have a bit of trouble selling their doubles from your machine since most people will use the correct term to search on the marketplace.
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