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So Whimsy

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Everything posted by So Whimsy

  1. For Sale, beautiful snowland, comes with partially furnished house and extensive landscaping. You can obviously return everything, or keep it like it is! I am willing to cut this down to 4096m² no price change however. Size: 4496m² Prims: 1543 Land Rating: Moderate Price: 15.000 L$ Slurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Saimaa/137/101/34
  2. Really love the pictures, can I ask what head you're using?
  3. You use Caspervend so the package does not go into the vendor. It, alongside the advert texture goes into the dropbox. I highly suggest closely reading the caspervend instructions if you have never used that system before. It's very well explained, though if you do have questions the caspertech in world group is always active and helpful.
  4. Your Slurl is faulty, you should fix it if you'd like to actually sell your land :3
  5. It would be much better if you were to make some kind of portfolio. There's free sites out there that let you upload pictures, or free blogs you could use for that. This way you do not have to meet up with every potential customer but they can check out your stuff at their own leisure and decide to contact you. Saves time for everyone involved
  6. I'm on my second day of finding the perfect home for it. It's really not as easy as it sounds I'm sorry to hear that You may be right about the size, what size was the abandoned land you requested?
  7. That's because you as a bidder can set a max bid. Say, the current bid is 500L and you are willing top pay up to 5000L for the land. You can put your max bid at 5000L and each time someone bids on your lot, you automatically bid too until the max bid goes above 5000L so above the max bid you have placed. It's a good system for those who may not be there due to work/vacation/family obligations whatsoever by the time the bidding ends. This way they still have a chance to get the parcel without needing to refresh every 5 minutes to see if they've been outbid.
  8. Nobody made up lies. Nobody. I've combed over this thread several times, the only lie that has been made up was your own pertaining to the old thread that got deleted. Just FYI, threads and forum posts do not get deleted for 'posting too many' times. That's as weak as a lie gets. I remember more details now and yeah, it's seriously time to own up to it, you're backing yourself into a corner. Nobody has been dogpiling either. Everyone who has posted her speaking of their concerns has done so out of their own free will, not upon request of another forum user, nor to back anyone up. We're simply concerned with what is going on here. But by doing so we're 'dogpiling' when you have your own little squad to 'dogpile' right back. Which is okay for you but not for us, double standards, you have them. Furthermore, the use of the like emotes has been taken advantage of on both sides, which is what they've been implemented for, so bringing that up as a negative for the opposing side is a hyperbole. Again, double standards. I wasn't going to, but quite frankly, after what I have witnessed in this thread...I'm so freaking concerned I'm going to contact LL. I have a feeling their legal team will have an anuerism if this is brought to their attention.
  9. It literally means there's no land for auction right now. Check back later, they do contineously add new land to auctions.
  10. I literally just heard back from them. Took them 5 days but the wait was worth it. They cut out the 4608m² for me and sold it to me directly for 1L/m². I am a frigging happy panda. They did mention the influx of land requests and mentioned being 'more generous' with it, which I believe means not only are they more likely to sell it directly but they're also happy to adjust the landsize like they did for me. So my fingers are crossed they'll be doing the same for you.
  11. And we've been speaking about this employeement and your work, we remained on topic. To make it even more on topic; Nowhere in your OP do you request RL credentials yet in a previous post you said: Wouldn't that be the first thing to talk about in your OP or at least a bolded statement that only those may apply who have training in that field? Would you be willing to show verifiable RL credentials of said training those who seek your help?
  12. That's quite funny, I distinctly remember your job adverts garnering controvery before. Of course those posts got deleted so there's no longer evidence, but wow, a blatant lie. I will rest my case at this point and strongly advise anyone who has mental health issues to stay as far away from your business as possible.
  13. No one is fueling anything here, we're simply voicing our concerns, this is a public forum. Talking is what a forum is for. I do not wish to speak with you in world, yet I will not be muted either simply because you say so. Again I'd like to point out this is a public forum. That reply button isn't there to look nice and shiny for no reason. Also, by answering my question you would be doing just that, answering my question, that has nothing at all to do with acting as a mod, or impersonating one. The way you carry yourself in this thread shows just how unfit you are for this role you have taken and I am surely not the only one who is more concerned as ever for the well being of others.
  14. How is this against the guidelines of the forum? Please link the exact rule we're breaking. If you do not wish to receive comments on your posts I strongly advise against posting in a public forum then and instead use the multitude of in world advertising means.
  15. Nevermind, I thought 'the other lady' was referring to me but I suppose you mean table. Not sure how tables are female though On topic. Be very, very careful with what you and your therapists do and say. Mental Illness is no child's play and everything you say can cause disaster. Hence why in RL only qualified people are allowed to practise something like this. You may be able to help them simply by listening, but giving advise? I am honestly afraid for the mental well being of those you try to help. Your intentions may be good but always remember, there's a reason people have to go through years of specified training to learn this trade. I can only hope with all my heart that none of the 'patients' you treat turns to self harm or worse, suicide. The mind is a fragile thing and there is SO much room for missunderstandings in written text as you do not hear the sound of voice nor see the other persons facial expressions. I would never take such a risk but if you can live with it if something does happen then well....
  16. Price lowered to 22.222L$ Also totally forgot to mention the ocean view on two sides. Derp.
  17. Don't even bother, look at the gem he posted in this thread: Double standards ftw.
  18. rofl yet you think 200L is enough of pay for someone writing a thought out, researched blog post with citations that needs hours. Which comes to a lot LESS than 80L an hour. Double standars mate, you have them.
  19. Thanks everyone! I am happy there's still a few stores around. I had thought along the traffic line being the major reason but I was curious to see if perhaps I had missed another reason for the decline. I just like them, they make getting group gifts more engaging than simple being in an out of a store in five seconds (or five hours depending on the load time) without actually looking around. Plus, i did have many nice conversations back in the day while waiting for my letter to come up. Was an easy way to meet people who had the same taste as you.
  20. I went there once, and gave up after like 5 minutes because ***** wasn't loading. My comp isn't a potato, my connection is decent but that store pretty much brought both to its knees. First and only store so far to have that happen at.
  21. It just popped up in my head that back in the day, I believe around 2010 there was hardly a store that didn't offer Lucky Chairs/Letters, some of them putting pretty nice things in there, too. I distinctly remember ADN and Virtual Attire who had tons of them with 20+ people there at all times hoping to get lucky. Thinking about it, I have seen them around less and less. Why did you think they declined in popularity? Was it that merchants lost interest or the costumers/freebie hunters? Better yet, is there still stores who have them? If you know of any please post the name or slurl here! The stores I have come across lately who did have some Lucky boards/chairs were: Simply Shelby Two Moon Gardens Olive Hair I'd be happy to check out any stores with these lucky things, nostalgia is beautiful, it's not even about what's in the chair, it's about that 'awh hell yeah' feeling of your letter popping up and getting something free
  22. Mmmh, here's a few places I came across lately or have known about for years, might be worth taking a look. I'm gonna link you to the MP because I am downloading a game client in the background so my SL connectiong is a bit iffy at the moment. JC Creations: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/82573 especially this one: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Couch-Tikehau-JC-274-animations/11427276 Coincidentally I had checked that couch set just yesterday in world and I was pretty impressed with the animations, especially the ones that rez books, coffee, magazines, tables, even a freaking phone while you sit (and much more) automatically into your hand. I wish more people would make use of that avsitter feature! I personally dislike the furniture that offers you an inventory item each time that you have to manually wear. As soon as LL gives me feedback on whether or not I am getting that abandoned land I filed a ticket on I'll def be purchasing this set just because it's so interactive. Their other stuff is really nice, too! TM Creation: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/23454 Been shopping there on and off for years. You might find something useful, they got tons of stuff! Tiki Tattoo: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/12636 I love the texturing work here but customer service is non existent, treat with caution. Also worth a look: Bahia Tiki: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/4025 Headhunter's Island: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/16691 I remember M. LAW Designs having also some nice stuff -but- and this is why I haven't spent ALL my Linden there....all their stuff that I sat on had ONLY couple animations. No single sits at all. Wtf.
  23. Good luck, I put in a ticket for the same on the 9th. My fingers are crossed, though not holding my breath since I did go a step further. The abandoned land is over 20k sqm, I requested they cut out 4608m² adjectant to my parcel. Probably lowers my chances by a lot >.>
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