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So Whimsy

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Everything posted by So Whimsy

  1. Sorry, I missread the first post and thought the OP wanted to sell gacha items she got out of other people's machines. Ala 'I won a dress with a hud, how much can I charge for the dress and how much can I charge for the hud?'
  2. You are missguided in your thinking. Merchants do not have the ability to simply remove a review. They can flag the review and an LL staff member will look over it and decide whether or not the review is warranted and leave it standing or it's unwarranted (complaining about an item as no mod when the merchant made it clear that its no mod for example) and remove it. The process isn't fool proof, sometimes bad unwarranted reviews are left standing even though the merchant flagged them but again, merchants cannot remove reviews themselves, only a Linden Lab employee can.
  3. Edit: On second thought I may have missunderstood you. Are you wanting to make gacha items as a creator, or are you playing gacha machines and want to sell the items? If it's the latter read below, if it's the former ignore my post. This is a very helpful guide on how to list your gacha items on the marketplace. Please note, put doubles/triples into the same folder. Do not create several mp listings for the exact same items (they'll be removed by LL). You will have to do that research yourself mate. Taste and popular gacha items can and do change quickly in SL. If you have a gacha item, check what the currently lowest sales price on the marketplace is. Price it 1L lower. If it's not on the MP it depends, is it a common item or rare, is it a retired gacha item or does the creator have that gacha still available at their store to play? I am not sure what you mean by this, can you explain? You sell the boxed gacha item in your store. You do not take the items out of the box and sell them separately!
  4. That is exactly what you typed though whether you meant to or not. Being human is no excuse for deliberate screw ups, being human is an excuse for the accidental ones.
  5. The point though is, you're applying double standards here and that's never a good thing. There's people left and right on SL already justifying the purchase of ripped content whether that's ripped from movies/games or other creators doesn't matter. It's a domino effect, if stealing from big corporations who won't care about a couple thousand dollars is starting to be seen as okay by the general SL population than it won't stop there but vastly continue to trickle down and it will be more and more merchants suffer. We've heard it so much that merchants contineuously have to file DMCA's, that will keep increasing. Heck, this entire topic helps it increase as there's so many supporters of theft speaking up here justifying that it's okay if the one hurting is 'loaded'. Do you get now why I am so passionate about this? I don't care for Marvel or Dr. Strange, but I care for SL creators who are already affected and will be further affected the more the mindset sets in that its 'not that bad'.
  6. - The font is free for commercial use - I use a paid for, licensed, legal version of my graphics programm that allows commercial use - The little flowers are tubes made specifically for my programm, the person I got them from allows commerical use - I do not use winrar or winzip. I use the normal windows folders to archive everything. - I have a radio stream? Huh, must have been from the previous owner I bought the parcel from, I always have SL muted and no need for that as I am extremely picky about what I listen to. I need to check that tab in the about land of my other parcel as well in case there's a radio stream there, too from the previous owner that I am not aware of. Thank you for pointing that out though, I'll get rid of it immediately. I do agree that there grey areas here and I do not see things as black and white as you think I do. I personally draw the line though when someone directly profits off someone elses work, whether it is by copybotting or copyright theft. So what if Marvel makes billions? You do know Robin Hood wasn't the good guy right? (Neither was 'Beast' in the Beauty & The Beast but that'd take everything way off topic.) Fact of the matter is, if that creator spent hours making that outfit and then put it on the MP for 0L it'd be okay, but they make cash from it, considering Infinity Wars just dropped and everything Marvel is currently once again extremely popular I do believe the creator makes more than just pocket change from these type of items. That is not okay and should not be supported because if people support stealing from rich corporations here on SL then people will take that as a justification to steal from poor people, too. Hence copybotting gets more and more justified. There is plenty of consumers in SL already who think along the lines of 'well the dress was 300L, that's too much, so I am buying it for 50L off this shady person knowing full well its ripped content but its the creators fault for making their stuff so expensive!'.
  7. You may not care about 1L but for a lot of folks 1L is a lot. It's not about feeling high and mighty. There is plenty of SL users who slave away in Linden Realms or at fishing spots to get a couple L each day. For those people 1L is a lot if they have very few to spare. 1L demos add up after a while and once they do find something nice they may no longer have enough to even buy the item and need to invest even more time to get a bit more Linden. Same goes for those with a very limited budget for SL each week/month. Perhaps they can spend only 10 bucks a month on SL, they're exactly the type of in-worlders who will demo the hell out of things to make sure none of those Lindens go to waste, and they'll much prefer free demo's because with each 1L spent their limited budget is going down and down and down. Granted, I choose to blacklist stores who charge for demo's out of principal, I have plenty of Linden to spare. I just don't appreciate the fact that I am being charged for the opportunity to shop at their store. If a store would charge me in RL to try on a pair of pants I would do the same, I would no longer shop there. Again, it's not about feeling all high and mighty. Just because I am fortunate enough to have a good income within SL doesn't mean I am fortunate in RL. Due to health reasons I'm being more or less forced to live turning over each euro I have to make sure I don't go into the negatives, and I apply that type of thinking to SL, too. Sure sometimes I splurge or indulge for entertainment purposes but that doesn't mean I'll throw my Linden away, those Linden are spent on items I will be enjoying for a long time, not a demo I will trash after one use. I shop a lot, and if I'd start buying 1L demo's it would quickly add up to several hundred Lindens each month, several thousand in a year. Just for demo's. No thank you. To each their own in this case, it's a matter of perspective, it's not a matter about feeling high and mighty.
  8. You might get more people willing to hire you if you would go ahead and post some examples of your previously done work on sL.
  9. I have never, nor will I ever cosplay. That aside, if your use is non-commercial, or it comments on/criticizes the original work, or is used to educate others, then it's not copyright infringement but falls under fair use. While it could be argued that dressing up as Dr. Strange in SL is cosplay, the merchant is selling the outfit thereby profiting off it so that cosplay no longer falls under fair use and is copyright theft. Buying these cosplays is supporting copyright theft. If the outfit was 0 Linden then I would concede at this point but that's not the case here. Since I am unfamiliar with the whole cosplay scene (other than the google search I just did on its legal ramifications and the impression I got that most if not all cosplayers create their own cosplay and do not buy it premade) that is all I will say on the matter. Apples and oranges here. I am however very familiair with SL after 11 years, as a user, as a customer and as a merchant myself so I feel confident to call people out on their BS on this little corner of the web.
  10. Stealing is stealing is stealing. That's how copybotting and copyright theft is the exact same. Instead of enabling this let these individuals search for copyrighted things themselves, don't present it to them on a silver platter re-enforcing their belief that it's okay to buy these things. Stop justifying it. If the truth is a personal insult then well....
  11. Quite frankly, I can't believe that these guys even attempt to justify and downplay stealing. If it ever happens to them I wonder if they'll justify and downplay being stolen from as well and call it 'not that bad' that someone is profitting off their hard work. It's only okay if it happens to someone else, especially a big corporation that has 'loads of molah to begin with' right?
  12. You guys are the reason the MP is full of copyrighted sh*t. I'd love to hear your opinions on copybotted items, as that's the exact same thing. Someone stealing the work of someone else and profiting off it.
  13. I found an old thread about someone having this very same problem: I would also strongly advise you to contact live chat about this issue, or concierge support, whichever is available to you to speak to LL about this issue. I particularly found this post by the OP interesting: Either way, this whole thing sounds strange, and we have no tools to help you. If there's ever a reason to contact support, this is it. And please let us know how things turn out so if in the future someone has this same issue we can also direct them to this thread! Thanks!
  14. Breaking the law is always that bad. Not only are you breaking the law but you are directly profitting off someone else's work. That's lazy, underhanded, uncreative and just vile.
  15. Dr. Strange himself is copyrighted. Just like Captain America, the Hulk, Iron Man, Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, the smurfs, Hellraiser...and the list goes on forever. Whoever sells these items is not only breaking the TOS but also the law. While supporting copyright theft by linking to it in a 'here you can buy this crap' kind of way may not be directly against the law it's shameful. Buying and using copyrighted things is on par with being a copyright thief yourself. If you created something original and you wish to make money of it, you wouldn't be okay with other's ripping it off and profiting off your work would you? Return that courtesy. Have your husband return that courtesy, too.
  16. Why the everloving fudge are you guys linking to and thereby supporting copyright theft items as if it's a normal and helpful thing to do? Shame on you.
  17. They are needed. SL does at times eat inventory items, or you have a brain fart and delete the wrong thing. Just the other day I somehow lost a copy outfit I purchased quite a while ago. I have no idea what happened to it but couldn't find a single thing pertaining to it in my inventory anymore. A quick redelivery fixed that.
  18. The total amount of Linden I have spent on Demo's in the past 5 years is exactly 2L and that was a total fluke caused by being far too tired to even realize the 1L cost. I hope merchants enjoy not getting my Linden. It's a sure fire way to get me to blacklist a store. I don't give a darn if you set your demo's to 1L to hide behind the 'but people want to gift it!' shtick. The vast majority of people are shopping for themselves, only a miniscule amount use that gifting feature, yet you as a merchant decide to nickle and dime the rest of your customers because of a few. Yeah no. I'll shop elsewhere. Disclaimer: You as in general you.
  19. What are glytches? where do you catch them?
  20. Do not ever talk about that again, that discussion went straight into the
  21. Gosh, I came in here, crazy eyed, half dressed and almost sprained my ankle wanting to shout "Don't fall for those model schools! It's a scam! Keep your Linden safe!" Yeah, I did not read which part of the forum the post was made in until I read the first post.
  22. Considering he is an established troll... The fact people keep falling for his threads means this is going to happen again and again and again unless everyone wisens up and stops taking the bait.I am on the fence though, it does make for an entertaining read every time.
  23. The question has been sufficently answered almost 3 month ago. Why did you feel the need to necro it while providing false information? This has not been the decision of LL but the state/regional government. LL has an obligation just like anyone else to follow the law, so they had to ban users of these states from accessing skill gaming regions.
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