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So Whimsy

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Everything posted by So Whimsy

  1. There is zero creativity on your part since you resortet to tons of copyright infringment and IP theft. Zero. *slowly walks away whistling*
  2. As I am reading this, keyword spam is just one of the possibilities of why the OP has been suspended. It could be literally any of these things, or even a combination of them. If I may speculate....those 5 star reviews look fishy. Like they're written by the same person, names are similar, too. Next to the tons of IP infrigments my money would be on that as I wonder if any previously pulled items we don't see have any reviews
  3. I agree with the OP. The "It was not listed what the product is NOT for!" reviews are a special brand of snowflake. What do people want? A five thousand bullet point list of everything product is NOT for? That'd be insane. If it doesn't list what you want it for, logic dictates that a) its not a purchase you should make b) when in doubt asking the creator costs nothing. I'd like to add another category of review to this, I'll dub it the "Confused what is even being reviewed" review. Sometimes when I am super bored, which granted doesn't happen often, I sift through the MP for low rated products just to be entertained. I came across a review on a mesh head that went along the lines of "The head is GREAT but-" and 99% of the review ended up being about some animation add on for said head that was sold separately and the costumer wasn't happy with. The people who commented on that review (including the creator) rightfully called that person out for reviewing a WHOLLY different product (the add on). Apparently SL left it standing as the creator no doubt tried to get rid of it. Shameful. It's like buying a blender in a store that I am super happy with but giving it 2 out of 5 stars because the fruit I bought in the same store was overripe. Just WTF people.
  4. Let's just say....I ain't going to move anywhere any time soon. Or ever.
  5. People that use product names (or parts thereof) in a language they do not speak and butcher it in a way that just screams 'I wanted to be hip but I didn't even take the two seconds to google the correct spelling!' It makes me cringe every time.
  6. Candid shot, I might wear her for the rest of the day^^ Edit: I *just* realized one of my Meeroo totally wanted in on that posing action LOL. And this is the old profile pic I found in my texture folder to go along with it:
  7. I agree and disagree with this. The number of gacha items on the MP keeps growing because the items put up there are unwanted by that specific person, certainly not by everyone in most cases. One person's junk is another person's treasure and all that. Considering the sheer volume of gacha items I have sold and am still selling the market is healthy. Not to the point where sales outnumber new items but that's a given considering 99% of all events and sales and god knows what now have Gacha's and more and more people refuse to play them and simply buy the item directly from the MP or an inworld Gacha Sale place instead of trying their luck. By the way, anyone with prims to spare could make such a Gacha Dump, but chances are sky high someone will scoop in, pick up everything and then just list them on the MP for sale anyway. Sad but true.
  8. You know, if only I had the topic of each class in order they'd be taught in I'd be SET to start. That is exactly what I am looking for. A comprehensive list of things to learn to in the end be able to create good mesh within SL.
  9. Thank you Luna, I am in that group and I have missed that second first lesson by an hour, perhaps I will be able to join it on sunday. What I do not like about these classes though is the fact that you have to be commited to them and we all know RL happens.....a lot. So what if I miss out on a class because I can't make it for a week? What if I miss out on more than one class? I'd be lost and left behind. That is why I think it would be much more important to have a list of tutorials to go through that are listed in a comprehensive way so everyone can go through them and learn it at their own time without having to worry about missing classes due to work/sickness/whathaveyou. Edit: It wouldn't even have to link to up to date tutorials and be constantly updated. If a step by step guide is jotted down it would be so much easier to google those steps and find up to date tutorials for them. It'd be like a To-Do list really. Because right now all that is on my To-Do list is 'Figure out the to-do list' and I have been on this for days, asked several people, and it feels like the bits and pieces I have aren't enough and I wouldn't know into which order to put them and just meeeeeeh!
  10. You do realize that 99% of people find out about a Gacha by going to an event, seeing a flickr picture, a merchant notice or all the other hundreds of things instead of wading through anywhere? Most people direct search for a gacha, then they may direct search for specific items from that gacha. Only a very few bored folks will wade through that uncategorized category. You keep raising such moot points it's a bit sad Also if by quoting I am putting words into your mouth I don't think you understand the quoting feature 😲
  11. As someone who has recently started looking into making mesh and hasn't touched anything yet, just been reading the forums and websites...... The problem lies with the sheer amount of tutorials out there. Even days after I am no closer to finding a solid starting point nevermind have somewhat of a comprehensive list of things I need to learn, things that apply to SL specifically and things I shouldn't be doing. The information is all there but it's fractioned and scattered all over the place and how should I, as a complete beginner know what is good info and what is not. How should I know what a good learning flow would be when nothing is intuitive? If anyone at all would ever take the time to make a comprehensive list of steps to take in order to make good mesh for SL that could be handed out to all those interested in learning you'd not only be a true gem but you would also ensure better mesh within SL. With that said, I'd be the first taker of that list, or any list that would get me started making GOOD mesh in SL from the very start!
  12. Ah, so this isn't about you caring about gacha resellers, you simply care about your time. As do we, so why should your time weight more than ours? Why should you get to save time when it not only makes most people waste theirs but it also hurts non-gacha merchants? Edit: As has been stated before the NOT and AND 'tricks' don't work because most people filter by NEW items not relevancy (for obvious reasons as Ethan has stated before also). So stop beating that dead and non-working horse.
  13. @Blush Bravin I have a Gacha Resell alt that I needed to make when I decided I had far too many things I never used and didn't want to put them into my animation store. I had over a thousand listings when I started selling. Imho, I even believe it was more than 1500. I was elated to see the Gacha category and like the good person I am I immediately moved every single listing to that category. Do you know how long that took? About 5 minutes. Did my sales drop? Nope. So, after reading your posts about needing to 'protect gacha resellers' and the general fear mongering you are doing, let me tell you as a quite big Gacha Reseller that all of that is utter bull. Moving things to that category is a thing of seconds, if not less than 10 minutes even if you have a thousand listings. It really IS that easy. My gacha items are in the correct category and I no longer have to contribute to the horrible spam. I am a Gacha Reseller and I hate the freaking Gacha spam all over the MP like the plague, thanks Lindens for making the category but shame on you for not making it mandatory. Blush, you are very misguided and I can't figure out why. You seem very passionate to fight for us resellers when I am far from the only one who thinks the gacha category should be mandatory. You are adding to the spam problem on the MP. We had to struggle with the demos for the longest time making it hard to find things, then gacha's came and the MP is a freaking mess and it hurts non-gacha merchants big time as they simply get drowned under a huge pile of gacha spam. Oh, and if you do not believe me, ApothicStore is my alt. I can log into her for you to verify even
  14. Hi there, live chat isn't there right now so I figured I might as well ask you smart folks, maybe I have overlooked something important x3 Basically, I can't figure out when my yearly premium membership is going to renew. Here's a few basics of why I don't know: - I did not think to write the date down nor saved any transaction histories - I purchased it from my $ escrow after selling Linden so I can't check my CC history since it won't be there - I can't find it anywhere in the SL options on the website, I am kind of surprised they do not let you know when your premium runs out (unless I derped and overlooked it). Do I need to wait for livechat to open up tomorrow or is there another way I might not have realized/thought of to check? Thanks!
  15. Holy crap, I leave the forums for a while and suddenly everyone's inspiried by Hannibal Lecter and in true SL forum fashion; taking it one step further. At least HE never ate babies. In the movie and the tv show! (Which were both amazing btw.)
  16. I honestly don't think you know what off-topic means as my statement was as on topic as it gets. Your clinic was said to be approved by Linden Lab. I posted a correction that it is in fact not approved by Linden Lab. It does not get more on topic than that. Now kindly stop baiting, thank you.
  17. Price has been lowered. If not sold by tomorrow most of the parcel will be abandoned and I'll keep the bit directly adjectant to the water way.
  18. Hi there, I'm selling my parcel at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mahera/193/135/22 It's 5,632sqm - You pay the price for a 4096sqm lot if you buy it for group to take advantage of the 10% group bonus. Price is L$9.999 (L$2.7/m²) It borders on a protected water way, you can sail to sims in all directions without obsctruction. Neighbour parcels are actually in theme of a marina/island life, no eyesores.
  19. You might want to be more specific. If you'd want dance animations you'd be looking for someone with motion capture software, for any other animations that is not really needed. Also, quality differs from person to person. Some enjoy busy animations with a lot of things happening, other's prefer slower, smooth and more natural motions.
  20. For Sale, beautiful snowland, comes with partially furnished house and extensive landscaping. You can return everything, or keep it like it is! I am willing to cut this down to 4096m² no price change however. Size: 4496m² Prims: 1543 Land Rating: Moderate Price: 10.000 L$ Slurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Saimaa/137/101/34
  21. Someone should do this and host a get together at a european friendly time!
  22. Been a while since I posted a pic x3 Loving this new outfit and luckily found the perfect flip flops to go with it. Ready for the beach!
  23. While that is something I generally agree with you do have to take the situation into account here. The person's voice was deliberately recorded for less than stellar reasons and from what I gather they are being targeted by the video, that should be grounds for removal as it's far different than catching someone else in a video by chance.
  24. Your friend needs to personally contact youtube with a request to take the video down, as their voice is featured without their consent. I am not familiar with the youtube TOS so it's worth a try for you guys to look into it. Putting such a video on youtube is not against SL TOS simply because SL cannot enforce their TOS on non Linden Lab sites. Also, let me repeat this again, your friend needs to contact youtube, not you, not their mom, not their dog, but them.
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