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So Whimsy

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Everything posted by So Whimsy

  1. I honestly don't know about the vault game, but there is Linden Realms for example which is an active actual game. There's also fishing, which is a bit less active, but to cast your line you have to actively click on your rod, and there is bot checks to make sure people don't go afk. Sometimes I fish while watching Netflix, made 100L on the side while watching Supernatural >.> Then there's this coin hunt game where you have to walk around, find coins, click on it, wait and then find the next. Honestly Fiona knows much more about these types of things than I do so I'll let her get to the gritty details.
  2. I agree with Fiona that it's a job. The employer pays you for a service (generating traffic/making a place seem busy). Those camping games aren't simply to sit on a chair and wait for time to tick buy instead you have to be actively working (there's even bot checks to make sure the avatar is actually sitting behind the comp). It's the best job for a newbie as you can do it on your own time, whenever you have time, and there's a modest but guaranteed salary plus 'positions' are always available. I'd strongly recommend putting it in the guide as a starting point as far as jobs go and note it's a no skill, low salary one. Those employers are paying you for your time, not skill, hence the low salary but it still is a job.
  3. I am sorry you are going through this, especially the being abused part. But I must ask since you mention that it's friends of yours that run that parcel with the game; have you talked to them about what you are experiencing? What was their reaction? If they didn't take you seriously, played it down or generally were brushing you off I would strongly consider evaluating your friendship status. Real friends don't put their friends through crap like that. They would either find another use for their 1/4 sim or move to another sim entirely.
  4. Figured I'd post this here, too. I found this utterly cute furry skin while browsing through the MP...and one thing led to another and....now I am blending in perfectly with my meeroo. I feel super duper cute now
  5. When god gave out height the guy shouted REALLY loudly?
  6. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Twilight-House-Unfurnished/10679272 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Scarlet-Creative-Catskill-Lodge-LuxeBox/14643751 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/PA-The-Lake-House-Prefab-inspired-by-the-movie/16385299 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Four-Season-Tree-house-For-512-land/2579612 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Oaklands-Retreat/12128397 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Compulsion-Elven-House/15118432 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Scarlet-Creative-Kaelyn-Pleiades-Cabin-LuxeBox/14412920 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Bahia-Tiki-Aruba-House-Beach-Tropical-Prefab/5541790 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/reBourne-Bali-PREMIUM-FURNISHED-quality-beach-home-with-pool-mesh-house-skybox-and-ground-version-included/5156300 Especially Greymoon Designs and Scarlet Creative has many choices as far as airy homes go!
  7. Well thought out post. Thank you for that! I'd like to add on to some things: Nowadays in order to create a store on the Marketplace, you will need to have payment info on file (and purchase Linden at least once with it.) Back in the day you didn't have to but they changed that a couple years ago. It's been argued back and forth that either the DJ or the Venue is also responsible for paying RL royalty fees. I am not familiar with the legalities behind this, so worth looking into if anyone wants to go the DJ/Club owner route. This might just be bad word choice here. But renting a parcel and subletting it narrows down already low profit margains even further since the original owner of said parcel already makes a profit of renting it out. It's also worthwhile to mention that if going that route to make sure the original owner of the parcel allows subletting/subrenting. I've come across quite a few that don't allow this. I'd strongly recommend buying a parcel instead and paying tier directly to LL, that will give you an easier time to turn a profit. As an avid breedables fan there's only very few breedables that are still profitable. From personal experience this is Amaretto horses and Meeroo. Right now I am an avid Meeroo breeder with over 60 of them little critters. New Coats keep being discovered and they sell for much more than 20000L however, it's worth mentioning that you do need to own land (with a looooot of prims as usually breedables are anywhere from 10Li-20Li per breedable) but also food costs. For meeroo it's also needed to get a roobot so your nests show up on the roo-finder an online database that people can sort through to find the perfect mate for their roo with a direct link to the nest. The most expensive part about it is though that you will need to invest in *good* breeding pairs. Going for random nests at 25L each will get you junk nests that are low traited and nobody needs to advance their breeding lines. Good meeroo's go from anywhere between 300L to the sky is the limit per meeroo. While breedables can net you a lot of money it's probably the highest investment cost out of all the options you mentioned. The meeroo market is healthy, I sell quite a few nests, sometimes several a day, even lower traited ones and old coats. I have heard though that with some breedables its Limited Edition only to make money so I would recommend anyone looking to have a fun breedable to give Meeroo a try! As long as you price your nests reasonably (super easy using the roofinder website to compare prices!) you will have sales. Also the chat is wonderfully active at almost all hours of the day! Thank you again for making this post, bookmarked it for future reference and to link to it should anyone ask!
  8. I think the OP simply used Your because they didn't copy and paste the message but typed it out themselves and I encounter a lot of americans who switch You're and Your around without noticing it! It's the most common grammar mistake i have come across since I started using the internet. And the system message would indeed be a pop up like the OP mentioned in the first post, so it'd make sense. Alas, I could be way off too since the OP never did post a simple screenshot, I hope they figure it out on their own eventually.
  9. Or it could be that you were using a function too often in a short amount of time so you were 'banned' from using it further for a min or two. Happened to me with land search before, there might be other functions that could cause that message.
  10. A thread from 2012....do you guys feel old yet? I do.
  11. You know, that idea is pretty terrific!
  12. I knew you were going to post and rushed so I could yell "FIRST!" I suppose the OP doesn't have the time or drive to search for themselves and hope a bored person comes along to help them out. Oooooh can we turn the thread into that? I *still* need the perfect rug for the entrance area (the empty floor in the front middle, its twice as big as shown here) that goes with the rest:
  13. you can find all of that on the MP simply by searching "Pumps", "Stockings", "Shorts", "Shirt" and sunglasses and narrow it down by the body you use.
  14. I get that, fortunately most creators are nice and will be happy to help! Just sometimes language gets in the way and there *are* some creators who are rude. If someone is rude, just ignore it, don't buy their product, life is too short to get upset over those jerks
  15. And this is exactly what I mean with language barriers creating misunderstandings. I wasn't even talking about you but replying to the poster in a general sense. It was never my intention to accuse you of trying to get a freebie. See what I mean now? How easy it is for a misunderstanding to happen and why I believe the same happened with the merchant you talked to? It's also the reason why I strongly believe costumer service shouldn't outweight whether a product is fully functional and as advertised or not.
  16. I stand corrected and will henceforth not complain when I see reviews that rate an as advertised and fully functional product 1 star just because they didn't like the merchant due to some missunderstanding or because they couldn't con the merchant out of a refund to get a freebie.
  17. Make a screenshot of what the client says when you try to log in and post it here. I doubt it merely says "Your banned indefinitely." Since LL is known for better grammar than that.
  18. I just thought Solar went rogue. It's friday, so parteh~~~!
  19. The thing is, if naming and shaming was allowed, a lot of folks would take advantage of that and do a smear campaign on whomever they please regardless of it being true or not. It would be impossible regulate who deserves a verbal lashing and who is just being griefed. To address the bolded part of your statement, please do not make such a blanket statement. You admit to knowing a couple who are like that, yet it makes you throw out sentences that include 'most developers'. Don't judge the whole batch by a few rotten apples. Many creators will go out of their way to be helpful. There's a miniscule minority that are truly rude, then there's the creators who never reply to an inquiry because they have left SL years ago but left their products up for sale, then there's the language barriers. SL is used by people from an immense amount of different countries and a lot gets lost in translation, misunderstandings can get both sides up in arms and they point the finger at each other calling the other party rude. Which is what I think happened to the OP. Does the dev deserve a smear campaign for that? I don't think so, especially since if you read the OP's responses close the creator clearly misunderstood the request, even asked other creators if 'its done like that' and upon receiving no's she/he told the OP that.
  20. That's a good plan. Check out the competition, check out all the sales events we have nowadays. www.seraphimsl.com is the best source to see what's on right now. More has changed in the past couple years than ever before. Bento poses are just the way to go because they make everyone happy. Bento body users get beautiful hand and finger poses along with the pose and non-bento avatar users can use the bento poses no problem, they just don't get their hands/fingers posed, it will be like a normal pose to them. Going bento is a win-win on all fronts.
  21. I had been there quite frequently when I was making a beach parcel, and then moved and had even more space and as far as I could tell its up to a month+ wait time now to get that area cleared. It's such a shame because their stuff is wonderful and I would have spent so much more linden there >.<
  22. I never claimed old poses do not work, why shouldn't they? But when creating things no matter what it is, it's always smart to look at your target market. Poses are most often used (but obviously not only!) by bloggers. Most bloggers (obviously not all!) show off the latest trends, the newest clothes, newest hair, newest everything, so applying logic, they would want the newest poses, too. Most of them have a bento avatar, so why wouldn't they want bento poses to work with their bento avatar? While hand positions do come with mesh bodies, they're extremly limited as you just get several choices and that's it, while it may work and sometimes be even preferable, a bento pose has tailored finger positions to work perfectly with the pose, no fiddling needed. Furthermore, I've uploaded poses and anim's using Blender Avastar for the past five years in both .bvh and .anim format and have not once encountered an issue importing or exporting so I am not sure what those reported issues were. User error perhaps? Or a bug I somehow didn't have? I don't know but it works just great for me.
  23. If you have a place in SL, you could set up a fun hunt for Newbies. Throw a script into the hunt object alongside a gacha piece that only allows an avatar below the age of 30 days or something to pick it up. Now unfortunately that won't keep someone from making an alt to get the stuff and transfer it to their main, but that also goes for any other ideas that might come up. Also, newbies might not have the land to place gacha decor and houses on, and true newbies are unlikely to have a mesh avatar that makes gacha clothes and shoes fit. Unless its acessories, hair and companions I don't see newbies having any use for the stuff right away
  24. I love their stuff but zero costumer service. I am still trying to get that campfire to work that came as part of a purchase, sent several IM's and Notecards over the past year but nope...not a single aknowledgement. I just want the campfire to work
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