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So Whimsy

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Everything posted by So Whimsy

  1. You obviously didn't read past the sentence you quoted. I said: " It doesn't matter what's more important to you. You are supposed to review a product on it's textures, functionality and so on. Costumer support can be a side note but it should never overshadow the product you are rating to the point where you are reviewing the stores costumer support instead of your purchase." So you are agreeing with me while trying not to, lol.
  2. Because you are rating the product, not the merchant. Taking off a star for bad costumer service and mentioning such in your review to let others know should be enough, you however talked about leaving 1 star reviews regardless if the product is perfect or not simply because you don't like the costumer service. Again I would like to remind you, 99% of store owners in SL are not professional, they're people just like you who have fun playing shop and hope they make a few Lindens with it. At the end of the day they don't owe you jack, especially in the case you brought up here as you weren't a costumer, just someone interested. They don't have to kiss up to you like sales people in real life do. What I think happened here though is that both you -and- the merchant are great people but a language barrier created a misunderstanding.
  3. Altamura has a full bento body on their sim for 1L that gets refunded to you after purchase. You need to join the group (50L) to take advantage of this but that's incredibly cheap for what you get and will take care of the mesh body and head issue. There is a TON, a true TON of mesh clothing out there for 0L (alongside accessories and such), whether they're directly in the MP, given as gifts during sale events or hunt gifts. Plenty of it is high quality, too. There's also the wide variety of daily sales such as 60 Linden Weekends, 25L ones, 30L ones and 50L ones depending on the weekday. With that taken care of you should be able to invest into Avastar. I highly recommend it as I use it myself to make animations. Edit: Hit enter too early lol. SL market moves fast and unless you dominate a niche...if you want to make poses, you should really get with the time. Your target audience is people who use poses....those people take screenshots for blogs, or their flickr...as such they are the most likely demographic to HAVE a bento body, so yes, bento poses matter a whole lot. Go with the times or be left behind. There's plenty of pose makers out there, poses are incredibly easy to make, they take only the fraction of time an animation takes to make as a pose is nothing but a single frame of an animation. So if you want to sell, you either need to devalue your work and sell dirt cheap, or stand out among the crowd. I wish you good luck either way!
  4. It doesn't matter what's more important to you. You are supposed to review a product on it's textures, functionality and so on. Costumer support can be a side note but it should never overshadow the product you are rating to the point where you are reviewing the stores costumer support instead of your purchase. If you give reviews solely about a stores costumer support instead of rating the product you purchased your review can be flagged, reviewed and deleted by LL and you may be punished. Always keep in mind 99% of store owners do this as a hobby, they're not professionals and most often than not have no background in costumer service. Do not apply RL standards to SL stores.
  5. Lootboxes and Gacha's are incredibly similar if not the same depending on how you look at it. Since lootboxes in games were banned or restricted in several countries, it begs the question if the same will happen to Gacha's which is the point Prokovy is trying to make in the OP.
  6. The lootboxes up for discussion here are not the ones we have in SL such as Powder Pack and the likes. Completely different things.
  7. That is not a difference but merely another form of gambling. It doesn't matter if its win/loose or win/get common prize you don't want. I read this topic on another forum, and to me its quite clear. Gacha's are gambling, no matter how much some people try to deny it whether because they enjoy playing the gacha's or they're creators benefiting off of them. See it like this. You come across a gacha machine, 10 commons, 1 amazing rare you *really* want. You have 1000L in your pocket. You check the MP and that rare goes for a minimum of 1500L. So you decide to try your luck (which is the sugarcoated term of 'you take that gamble'). The outcome doesn't matter, what matters is the fact that people put money into the machine wanting a certain item and they gamble with their Linden that have RL money value to get it. Personally I do like Gacha's but I remember the time before them quite well, merchants put their best items in their stores not gacha machines. You didn't have to gamble to get the thing you want or buy it for inflated prices from someone else on the mp, you could simply right click and buy. The novelty! Nowadays a lot of merchants put their best items into Gacha's, don't release new products into their stores at nearly the rate they used to and most of us end up paying more for the items than if they had been a normal store release. The worst gacha's are those where you need the rare for the other pieces to come together. This is most often seen in clothing gacha's, and to some lesser extend in home gachas were the home is the rare, although its much easier to make the decor/furniture work in other houses.
  8. The first Arcade of the year starts in 9 days~~~! 🏳️
  9. Hi there, welcome back (belated I know!) to Second Life! I took a read of your profile in world, and the things you are interested in are very generic. While that initially makes it easier to meet people, the crux of the matter is, said people aren't likely to become good friends. I can of course only speak from personal experience, but I have a few people on my friendslist that I talk to daily, or several times a week despite not being a super social person. What connects me to these people are specific things, specific interests we have in common. One I gush with about Meeroo all the time, another has helped me whenever I got stuck doing those wonderful MadPea games, yet another I met here on the forums (you know who you are♥). All three of them couldn't be more different from each other if they tried, but they're all very dear to me and all three of them just happened to wriggle their way into my SL life when I wasn't even looking. Thieves in the night the lot of them! So perhaps broaden your horizons, get hooked on something in SL, join the group that's attached to it, talk to people there and magic will happen. Because nothing brings girls together quicker and more thoroughly than fangirling over something LOL. (Apologies to my MadPea Helper for calling you a girl ;D)
  10. I'd much rather be called Fräulein than to hear about Schnitzel! I eat it occassionally but it's not the be all and end all as far as german cuisine goes
  11. I have 51 Mbps download speed, a bit higher ping than you and use likely the same Firestorm version as you That said, I have noticed the very same thing starting about 2-3 days ago. Textures rez slower, tping to my parcel downloads ALL the textures again even though I have been there for hours each day every day and this has hardly ever happened before, for the past days its been the norm. At times a single texture will refuse to rez entirely and stay grey even after forcing a tex refresh. I have no idea about the technicalities (sp?) behind all that, but to me it feels like the textures are flushed from memory when I leave a place and downloaded anew when I return instead of being pulled from memory.
  12. That's not how it works mate. If they do not give you written, explicit consent ("Hereby I allow you to share my IM's") and you share private IM's anyway you can be AR'ed and LL will punish you. Consent cannot be taken automatically by a silly, worthless disclaimer on your profile, your description or even more laughably, a busy response. But go ahead, be my guest and get banned for your faulty thinking. One person less who thinks they're above the TOS by using worthless disclaimers.
  13. Man I hate those type of disclaimers on profiles, makes me itch to lay down the law and educate them but then I force myself not to...because why waste time on that....
  14. I've had the Maitreya body for years and I can't even recall it ever glitching for me, so I am not sure why it glitches for you all the time. Have you tried relogging? If the alpha doesn't work properly that is either lag or a visual bug and it's not the bodies fault but may be your connection, or even the sim you're on.
  15. The moment someone realizes I am german the one word I keep hearing is "Schnitzel." People seem to be obsessed with that.
  16. I am going to flag this review too. If you haven't, you can flag this under "Advertising or Commercial Promo" and the sub section of "Directs buyers to alternate item." Linking buyers to the full perm template was just a d-move. Not cool.
  17. Fixed that for you. Took me the longest time to get the spelling down
  18. Interesting. On a Gacha alt I have this old Pwnie Plushie I can't list because it has loli in the description albeit nothing at all to do with that type of thing. It simply won't let me list it with that name in the title.
  19. I don't do embarrassing typos often, but the autocorrect on my tablet gets me so many times I should know better than to hit send right away. Nothing like trying to say "Yes Dax, but we also need..." and it somehow thinks I wanted to write Daddy instead. I still haven't lived that one down and get teased up to this day as it was in a group discord no less
  20. I honestly don't think there's a norm as each store is different and due to that different things will work for different stores. The number of bloggers needed would vary and depend on the quality of the bloggers and the audience can reach. One well known and high quality blogger can reach more than five, or even ten newbie/moderate quality bloggers with a lower audience number. There's also blogger motivation, whether they're doing it as a hobby or to get as many freebies as possible or a mix of both or something else entirely. There is too many factors at play here, hence why there is no standard practise. I'm hoping though that a few will post their experience here, but take everything with a grain of salt. What works for some, might not work for you. It's trial and error.
  21. If you use crappy animations and a customer points that out its high noon to go out and look for high quality animations so you DON'T get such a review. It's not the time to hit that flag review button and think the reviewer should learn how to shop. Perhaps you should learn to put equal value into the animations you put into your furniture. Food for thought. It's not a silly review. Why? Because if I found your product and read that review it would save me time from even going to your demo rezzed in world because I'd know the animations aren't good.
  22. Fair enough and I do agree that such a feature would be very nice, although it's just a bandaid to use after the fact, wish something could be done before that.
  23. I am aware of that, I am also aware that common courtesy isn't as widespread as we would like it to be. That however doesn't change the fact that these reviewers are still within their right to review the product and the specific review this discussion is about is valid.
  24. Just because the creator has provided a demo doesn't mean the customer utterly must demo a product before purchase, that is arguably faulty thinking on the creators part. The customers are within their rights to make a purchase without trying that demo and they are still within their rights to give a review if the products quality is not up to par. A demo is an optional demonstration of a product provided to the customer that the customer may choose to take advantage of. Just because they didn't doesn't automatically make them forfeit their right to review the product. Cleary you and me and anyone sensible would demo the hell out of things, but at the same time I completely understand people who don't have the time or god knows what to demo. Those people still have the right to review and the "Whatever, I know my animations used are *****ty so you should have demo'd it!" excuse is just that, an excuse for the merchant to keep making stuff with *****ty animations instead of improving themselves. I am not advocating for silly reviews but in this specific case the mentioned reviewer did not leave a silly review. The animations were *****ty, they wrote that in their review and it doesn't matter then if a demo was there or not. The review is still truthful and should not be deleted.
  25. I agree with you that I put the importance of animations a little too low. And you're right, beautiful furniture is a dime a dozen, with that kept in mind, great looking furniture with great looking animations shouldn't be the exception but the norm, and its unfortunately the animations a lot of creators don't put enough value on. I can name two stores that I utterly love, like, I am obsessed with these stores and buy their decor/houses/whathaveyou ALL the time, the problem though? When I want to buy furniture I a) have to to fiddle and put in animations I want or b) shop elsewhere because they input truly generic animations into their furniture that I've seen so many times all over the grid used by other creators. It's not even the fun kind of animation where you can read a book, or drink a cup of coffee. Just the same old sitting animations. On the point of demo's, while I agree with you that if a demo is there and should be used, impulse buys are a thing, and sometimes people don't have in world access but love the look of an item so much they'll give it a chance. Those buyers still have the right to critize a product for its components such as animations in a review and it shouldn't negate what they have to say or be deleted simply because they didn't try the inworld demo. I've always seen demo's as optional, excessively and obsessively used by me (no sale if theres none) but not a 'you must try this else you must not write a review on it ever' situation. A lot of people shop by sight without trying, when I didn't have my in world store I still sold animations quite frequently without people being able to try them and I thought *that* is like...one of the product niches people would never invest money in without trying. I was wrong
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