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So Whimsy

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Everything posted by So Whimsy

  1. If you spend a lot of time on your product and you use less than stellar animations and the customer likes your product but critizes the animations used....that's exactly the kind of review that is neither silly nor should ever be removed. The furniture looks are 50% of the value, the animations are the other 50% because who wants to have lovely furniture with crappy freebie animations from 10 years ago? Why you would think a review like this is silly is beyond me, please do explain.
  2. I immediately know who you are talking about and I don't even buy full perm stuff! Something majorly fishy has been going on with that for a long time, I think I first noticed this 2-3 years ago and the issue wasn't new back then either.
  3. Thank you! The lightbulbs are "Toronto-Living room chandelier" from The Toronto Living room set by ~Bazar~
  4. May I steal this? Makes me giggle and its so freaking appropriate! XD
  5. My new home. Still a work in progress and needs a lot more clutter. Plus I need to find the perfect rug to go in the entry area x333 But so far so good. Never had such a small home before but I am having a blast furnishing it. It's more fun than furnishing big spaces!
  6. Here's two better shots, finally invested in a bento head After over a year of going 'should I? shouldn't I?' So glad I took the plunge!
  7. Ich weis echt nicht mehr die zeit spanne oder den genauen Betrag, aber newbies haben glaub ich ein $20-30 Limit das aber nach 1-4 Wochen angehoben wird. Es müsste beim OP unter den trading limits zu sehen sein. War jedenfalls nicht länger als ein monat dann kannste bis zu 2000 USD ausgeben.
  8. The question is, why do we need anything pertaining to RL in this forum as its separated sub section when you can literally join hundreds of thousands of forums to discuss and they're just a mouseclick away?
  9. I see. Not sure if Gacha's are your thing but the buildings within Dust Bunny's gacha's aren't that 'primmy'. Preview of the homes in there here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dust Bunny/104/162/1501 Although, and wait for it, I am going to sound like a freaking grandma now, back in MY day, 4096sqm parcels had 937 prims and we had sculpt homes (and before that prim homes) where 280 Li was considered super low prim. With the lower overall prices yet being given additional prims there's so much more we can do x3 I am standing next to that dust bunny tree house. I have that tree house. I have had that tree house in my inventory for a very long time. I might redo my entire 7200sqm parcel with its 2500 prims. I think the tree house would look amazing next to my boho vagabond wagon home from DRD. Just because I have a nifty sailing water parcel doesn't mean I have to go all gaga with a tropical theme all the time, right? Right?!
  10. Dunno about the rest of the SL population, but I specifically come here (to SL and its forum) to NOT to hear about the first life nevermind discussing it. So no, I do not agree with you.
  11. Have you ever considered the creative use of room dividers? Book shelves work great and you never know, in the end you might end up with something super cozy and just how you want it! Half deer also has amazing curtains that'd work as dividers and there's tons more things you can use to make the place truly yours and create rooms where before there was just one! As a matter of fact, I just inspired myself LOL been eyeing a cottage from Trompe for a while, challenge accepted!
  12. Since this hasn't been brought up: I was banned from land search temporarily for something like doing too many searches or along the lines of that. I gave it a few minutes and was able to continue searching, maybe that is what happened to you @igraine Blackadder
  13. If a creator doesn't want to waste their time making a proper demo then I, as a customer, don't want to waste my Lindens on their creation. It's that simple for me.
  14. Boho and Shabby Chic. I am going gaga over the DRD vagabond set I splurged on (love the fact they let you exchange all gacha items to copy versions at an automated station!) its too freaking amazing! If you like Boho stuff and havent seen it yet its on display at the DRD mainstore, its a wagon home. Other than that I like shabby chic and can swing either way when it comes to homes, quaint or glass houses and anything in between but my furniture style is always the same. Gimme colorful boho, antique shappy chic or pastel goodness ala Half Deer & Dust Bunny. Oh! And I adore MishMish.
  15. Scarlet Creative, Dust Bunny and Trompe Loeil make *terrific* builds, especially the latter who makes mostly small houses with rooms and the textures are just stunning.
  16. @LittleMe Jewell Oh! I didn't even think of that setting. Hovering over it, it says "Your parcel information or content is moderate." The only halfway logical idea for this that I can think of is, if you have adult land but you don't do adult things on it? I don't know, I wouldn't even know where it would show up other than the access tab and who checks that as they hop from parcel to parcel? Wait, would it work ticking this on general land? That'd be....questionable. Would love it if a Linden could shed some light on that mysterious setting o.o
  17. It seems you have anger issues. Caleb is human, obviously humans make mistakes. Caleb made a mistake, please stop acting like you haven't made a simple mistake even once in your life. Also as has been said, if you are this keen on EEP and this angry I'd highly recommend calming the F down and then send a polite support ticket with a request to possible move your regions to the BlueSteel channel.
  18. Both moderate and adult land can only be accessed by someone who is 18 years and older. I always thought Moderate land is for every day life, the normal, while adult land is for those who enjoy pixel bonking without restrictions. Also, you cannot change the rating of a parcel from moderate to general or anything else. The rating applies to the whole sim and cannot be changed by a parcel owner.
  19. Go for moderate. Nothing you sell qualifies as adult and adult land is most often more expensive plus all the other points people have listed. One more point is, that if you're interested in doing hunts or events and what not some do not accept stores on adult land. Most sims in SL are rated moderate, so it should be much easier to find great moderate land for your store anyway.
  20. At least the earth isn't flat after all. I have two cats. Thank god its not freaking flat.
  21. What have you paid for the parcel on Quoll? Are you looking to buy both parcels on Bandicoot or just the bigger one?
  22. And then threads like these are made titled: Why beginners don't learn the basics first?
  23. Well then it's by your own making. If you had played by the rules, nobody would have any reason or possible leeway to be 'going after you'.
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