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Everything posted by OptimoMaximo

  1. This might be a rotation issue die to the scene orientation in Poser. A BVH scene for Second Life should have the Up axis set as Y axis, the avatar should stand facing the positive Z axis. The conversion to SL is performed within the upload window, it does some scale and rotation math in order to conform to the internal animation format. So make sure your imported figure sits within a world scene like described above and it should work. As far as i know, the avatar should keep a TPose stance at frame one in order to keep it in the exported file and have a reference to the rest position (and have all rotations and positions relative to this stance) Also, you may want to check on the rotation type you can use if that's an available option. The bvh file should get Euler rotations exported for all the joints. Other than this i don't know. Poser isn't among the softwares i use...
  2. May you please expand a bit on your workflow during animation? Like, do you keep a reference vertical TPose on frome one, before the avatar goes into a horizontal position? What's the behavior you get when you upload those horizontal animations? An error? Displaced limbs? Crushed avatar? We need a bit more information to try and find out what might be wrong
  3. 5K lindens = 20USD, if you want to hire someone, that's the HOURLY wage, and depending on the complexity of such job of yours you should be ready to whip out a way higher amount.
  4. There are more knowledgeable scripters in this forum that may help you better, but here is my go at it First, llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(),PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); should go into an attach(id) handler and check whether it is attached already or not attach(key id) { if (id) // if it is a valid key and not NULL_KEY { // request permissions here } else //no valid id or NULL key, works when detaching the item from avatar too { //you may want to stop animations in this case } } second, you should always use a runtime permission check and never rely on the auto permissions feature for attached and sittable object, similar to this run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if(PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION & perm) { // do something here // like initializing the listener } } Then perhaps you'd like to use that "integer perm" by defining it from "llGetPermissions()&PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION" somewhere in your script to simplify things... surely the listener has to listen to a channel that you called "perms" and most likely isn't a good idea to use that way, it's just confusing. Set the channel in the global variables area calling it "channel" and use that in the llListen function http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlListen
  5. Your issue is that you can't pose an avatar to fit clothing and then bind it to armature. Blender doesn't support that feature. You have to leave the character in TPose and adjust the clothing shape accordingly.
  6. A demo should be unusable for all purposes other than demo, until you buy the actual product. How is it supposed to be done on a shape asset? a demo version means give the shape away for free, so at that point you wouldn't buy it, you'd just walk away with the shape and bye bye creator
  7. Precision is something that can be achieved only making an animation on the specific shape a character has. For this reason, i would suggest to override the whole arm and hands with your own animation. As far as i know, Vista doesn't supply devkits, but you'd do best to try and ask in their customer group. If one is available they would certainly know and point you to it.
  8. I'm sorry, but i am afraid that freezing a shape is only available in Object mode :\
  9. The hands always had blendshapes applied one could set upon animation import, as well as face expressions. The difference is that all those shapes are embedded data within the SL avatar mesh and the animation engine has some established rules to play them. Not to mention that you can't change them or have them playing as you wish: face expressions get fired up by the animation that calls upon them when it starts, and they play in parallel, so if your animation is 10 seconds long, the face animates at its beginning for a couple of seconds and that's it. The hands instead aren't animated, as blendshapes are linear vertex animation and isn't capable of making true rotations, therefore the hands just snap into position and they stay as such until the end of the animation that calls such blendshape.
  10. Blender is bindpose unaware, selecting the mesh in object mode and hitting Ctrl+A and selecting Rotation and Scale or Translation should do the trick at any time, even if the mesh is bound to a skeleton
  11. Change the number of samples from the default 5 to something more robust like a 16 or 32. It will take longer to bake but the result is gonna be cleaner. EDIT: this will make the graininess less obvious, btw. To get rid of those ribs you should do a High to Low poly bake, where the High poly will be the same model with subsurf modifier applied (and more geometry to hold the shape), or you could simply chose to perform the bake on the high poly version altogether.
  12. As far as i could understand, yes, assets call for that same texture, and if another asset got it in the viewer cache previously, it is shared and loads faster in the viewer for the other assets tot, but the call from the other assets is in place anyway, so it becomes a network issue. I'm not good at C++ and i may have misunderstood that code i was shown at the time along with the explanation given to me, again i would like actual viewer devs to confirm or confute it once and for all as you do as well, so to get some clarity about it.
  13. That is on an empty engine to program a preloaded array of assets and has all the features to detect what's wrong, and this emergency mode is mainly a Editor window feature, not a runime method, to avoid crashes and troubleshoot optimization issues. We can't compare UE4 to SL because of their very natures: one is a game engine with features for developers to optimize a final release, SL is a platform where the core is more or less established and assets are being added by hordes of random users.
  14. For mesh items, that's a fact. For textures, instead, the behavior is a little odd: as long as a texture is reused in the same linkset, it gets called once and all prims/sculpts/meshes that use it will get that one. However if more than one linkset (separate assets) get to use the same texture but they're not linked together, each asset does its own call for that same texture. The texture gets to the viewer at the same time, but the assets using said texture produce separate calls, so i've been told and could understand looking at the viewer code i was pointed to. So as far as UUIDs go, the texture is an instance from server, but it is being treated as part of a single asset which calls for it separately from the other assets that use it. If this behavior proves to be true, it's not true instancing.
  15. It is again a bind pose issue. When you do the attachment and bind those shorts, Blender assumes the procedure reverting the pose to the regular TPose, binding and then going back to what you set up, and indeed it is what you can see in your picture. Blender doesn't support bindposes other than what it calls a restpose. Avastar used to have this feature as far as i remember, but i don't really know whether it is functioning or available at all.
  16. Big problem: there is no instancing method in SL. Assets that are copied over and over point to an original UUID from the first upload, but then each copy gets its own UUID, making it a full object, and no instance. If copying an object was actual instancing, a texture parameter on any of the copies should automatically update the others, for how objects are managed in SL.
  17. A great tool to work with terrains is The World Machine. The free version allows export for up to 513 square pixels, which is what SL needs. However, i wonder if you did respect the limitations of number of vertices you can work with for a SL terraina and, moreover, did you sculpt the terrain locking the X and Y brush displacement? Gaia has a couple of tutorials about this plug-in use, anyway. I'd suggest reviewing them if the answer to the previous two questions is "no"
  18. I agree. However, without a second UVSet to map lighting information renders this feature quite useless in SL and prone to exploitation of texture resources, dumping the atlasing in favor of dedicated textures. Which can accommodate much more surface area of course, but i doubt it would be used this way.
  19. To turn off a playing animation, you need to use llStopAnimation("animationName") in the script responsible of such control. The Bento joints, however, will stop in the state they are, holding your animation's last frame as a static pose. For this reason, you'll have to get an animation that resets the joints positions and rotations back to their resting pose, playing it in your script using llStartAnimation("yourResetAnimation") and then stop it on reset completion. This method will look quite jerky though. Alternatively, you may want the reset animation (low priority) to be a looped animation that plays constantly, and then start/stop the other animations (higher priority than the reset animation) with the above mentioned functions; this way you'll have to take care of the expressions to start and stop only, leaving the underlying reset animation do its job whenever the other animations are turned off.
  20. This is the Creation section of the forums, where creators share tips and tricks to achieve their goals. Yours is a request and should go to the Merchants/Wanted section.
  21. well then PIC-TURE! PIC-TURE! PIC-TURE! Glad you sorted it out
  22. Bento appendages may use joints positions animation, that's why they have split the animations from the rest of the body. This way you avoid unwanted deformations AKA skeleton collapse on the rest of the body, especially if this is to be applied for facial expressions.
  23. Alright, it seems to me that you need to upload with "joint positions" check box turned on, in the uploader window, if you haven't done so yet. I hope you're doing your tests on the Beta grid (Aditi, where uploads are paid with a free pool of Lindens you don't have to pay for). This checkbox is available in the third tab, "Upload Options", just underneath the "Import skin weights" checkbox
  24. In the old ZhaoII animation overrider, there is the option to play back a stand with a matching second animation. The configuration notecard wanted the token [Stand]Stand1,Stand1_1|Stand2,Stand2_1...etc as a mean to instruct the script to do as follow: when playing Stand1, also run Stand 1_1 at the same time, the pipe ( | ) sign is a mean to separate the stand animation entries, so that the animation comprised between the pipes are treated as a single entry. This method is in place also for the default avatar animation on the walk, where it is split in upper body and lower body, depending on the shape selection (male or female avatar) and they run the proper legs animation independently from the torso animation. Since the introduction of Bento, this method broke if the animation entry Stand1_1 in the example above was a Bento joints only animation (like only fingers, or tail etc), so i guess Vista has done the trick adding the full arm animation in order to trigger the fingers correctly along with it and bypass the malfunctioning behavior. I don't use the Firestorm built in AO, but i seem to remember it doesn't support such a feature (at least at the time of my experiments with it) @Whirly Fizzle may provide more accurate answer though.
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