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Everything posted by OptimoMaximo

  1. Ridiculous. When people does cheat the system on purpose, taking advantage of bugs without reporting the unwanted behavior, there is no prevention that could have been put in place. LL is responsible for the LoDs costs that, for inexperience or purposeful greed with higher costs for meshes that looked good on all LoDs, was there to be used, not to be gamed. A gaming supported by a bug which all creators well avoided to report for their dishonest convenience. It's easier to flood the market and cash out like crazy, instead of creating well crafted content. Takes too long to learn in the first place, and too long to release content. We all know about the well known brand who outed their source of "original content" (after years claiming it was their own) and others that are clearly doing the same. With the mentality you're showing, you're supporting ripped or purchased content instead of items crafted specifically for SL.
  2. Yes indeed. The issue that "no-limits" people has is that they do not want it to happen, whether it's possible to do or not, they want feature film content "because SL is not a game and can't be like a game" . It is out already? Too bad, at some point the shepherd has to drive the herd back to the fold before it gets lost. All it takes is one year at the very most, after a new LoD cost system is put in place, intimating creators to reduce their poly count and create proper LoDs. Along with proper LoD switching and render weight calculation, the transition won't be that harsh, provided that those creators would have the will and ability to learn how to optimize their content. Some shall fall, others will keep up. But the current situation is well beyond a triple A feature rich game and can't keep going like this.
  3. @Fionalein , @ChinRey , @CoffeeDujour , @Callum Meriman , @Nalates Urriah , @Penny Patton take a look at the developers talks on multiple platforms standards and on multiplayer for PC . You can find more yourself, all assessing similar numbers. After that, take a look at the numbers in these two pictures below, from one of the most famous and widely used mesh body DevKit This devkit comes with ALL the layers for precise rigging. "Yeah that's why BoM is on the works"... right... This is the single layer for the actual body ALONE. Leaving alone the joints bending area's geometry butchery...which repeats also on the elbow, btw... Both pictures do not include the head, obviously, because that's another variable that doesn't depend from the same developer in most cases. Also not including the other two feet shapes, which we all know are always attached BUT the unused two are alpha'ed out. The numbers rise to ~16K more, in that case. Read carefully those forum questions posted above, it specifies that characters getting to 100K include clothing, weapons, whistles and giggles (like in one of the exception-games "Ryse", well known for being quite cinematic which gets its main characters up to 150K, always including all the add-on stuff), otherwise 30K/40K for PC game or fewer on other platforms, always including clothing and stuff. This one is DOUBLE just naked. Yeah, no avatar limits... these are just thoughtless considerations and ignorant babbling.
  4. go and buy Skyrim, it's cheap now and comes with the Modding tools so you can see for yourself how game content is done. Even if it is old. Or get into UnrealEngine4 modding community. Put in doubt whatever you want, the thoughtless claims here are those demanding no limits. Show one of the avatars models from Belleza (the devkit comes without UVs only, but the model itself is the same as inworld) to any modder you may encounter, tell them that model goes to runtime as you see it and that clothing goes ON TOP without deleting invisible faces, also that the clothing is double sided by doubling the geometry... possibly show them also that clothing, a full outfit. In wireframe. Let's see who's the thoughtless then.
  5. My GPU doesn't "cook" when i'm among content that isn't bad. That is the thing. Between alpha blending abuse and SOME_MESH_BODIES_BRANDS popping into view, THAT is what brings the temperature high. With my GPU i can run games at ultra without getting to 75 celsius, and those rendering environments are far way more complex than SL, except for the unoptimized content that's just thrown in as result of rush and ignorance. In SL where i could observe or do best practices, it doesn't even get to 65-70 celsius at ultra. So it's not me to have to perform best adaptation practices, it's the blamed content that shouldn't be there: unoptimized geometry for a game-like environment, too heavy in their textures, ignorantly alpha managed. If there are two different schools of modeling and content creation in RL, feature-film and game grades, there is a reason. However, the temperature i mentioned was an example, i got to that point only a few times in places filled of content from the worst creators possible, including famous mesh avatars brands. And these latter might even be less of a problem, if the LoD switching wouldn't suffer from the OP bug. And remember that this is an international community, in which your quotations from movies might make no sense at all to other people. Not to mention that it is a serious discussion in which you're dipping something totally unrelated. Indeed very wise. The fact is that if you don't care about your card "cooking", doesn't mean others don't care as well. Since a general audience, wider than you and those with a more powerful card, gets to those "cooking" points because of the content that could be easily avoided without sacrificing visual quality (thing widely demonstrated as definitely possible), who is putting themselves in the center of the Universe? It's a mater of "since i can (fewer), who cares of those that can't (more)". So yeah, you should listen to the wise guy more than some times.
  6. No meaning... what's the value of this intervention? Couldn't phrase it better Without such opposition, SL would be MUCH better and MUCH smoother experience for everyone, without renouncing to visual quality.
  7. I won't bother myself to reply to the pile of absurdities in the rest of your post, but this can't go without. Just because there has been a leap from around 7K triangles of the classic avatar to the possible million triangles, this doesn't mean that ALL the possible million triangles should go on EACH single avatar. Avatars that are light years better than the default can be achieved with far less triangles, and the same goes with clothing. And still good looking. But no, each single muscle fiber MUST be modeled to look good, it's not that textures can work out the fine details that ignorant people like you pushed to have them modeled. Because SL must work like in a movie. The saddest thing is that the average "pro creator" just jumped on the opportunity to simplify the job, not being able to offer any better. As i said already, anyone can learn to model all details to the finer grain, but bringing that detail in a more optimized manner without losing quality slows down the milking rate of the illiterate morons you represent, so who cares. People like you have to cam 1 millimeter from the avatar nose and complain because a few edges are still visible instead of being nicely smoothed and rounded. Too bad that the upcoming animesh is getting an hard limit. yes, go tell the GPU that goes to stable 80+ celsius when running SL. Hardcore gaming is not comparable because the game environment is controlled and limited edit: and the GPU type i'm talking about is not a low end GPU
  8. That is why there is a scale multiplier in the uploader in the first place, aside from the option of modeling to scale (avatars can be resized to be meter scale within the application and it still works, giving an output in meters scale). When you import something and rez it, as soon as you see it so small, shouldn't you understand that it is too small and for this reason it gets distorted too? Again, it's a matter of lazyness that leads to involuntary cheating, what does it take to type "100" in the upload window's field? It is either knowingly cheating or ignorant lazyness or greedy pressure or a combination of them. None of which should be tolerated because it's a behavior that goes to the expenses 1) of the platform that you feed from and 2) of the other users. If they want to appear and pose as "pro", at least have the decency to behave as such, get informed and learn the best practices. Since the introduction of mesh, the level bar has been raised and can't go back low. It's partially LL's responsibility for not having implemented a good formula, but the blame is on the people who deliberately exploits a bug for their own advantage and keep using the exploitation instead of reporting it to make sure that things don't go bonkers.
  9. Since you quote just a section of what i said for your convenience, I'll do the same to my convenience. Aside from the fact that the "stuff you can use" shouldn't be here in the first place, but it is because of lazy cheating, the paying customer you claim so important usually started 1) as new user 2) with F2P intentions because SL is advertised as such 3) on low end machines that got upgraded overtime. On this latter, how would LL retain a new user if "the game melted my GPU after few log ins"? Then again, you want jelly dolls to go away AND the fixes, but ONLY AS LONG as YOU're not affected. Reality check: the Universe doesn't revolve around you. Guess what? After the LoD fixes we hope, with your current stuff, you'll cam 1 centimeter away from your pretty face and your meshes will crumble into single triangles for each piece it is made of. So sorry, go ask the creator why it happens, but i doubt they will ever answer to you saying the truth, which simply is "i had to pose as a pro, cheating on the system, to make my stuff look like high quality but i couldn't get it to work with a proper LoD system because i'm an illiterate on the matter, and as long as there is kettle to be milked as quick and as much as possible, like you, i couldn't care less". Second reality check: high resolution meshes do not belong to this kind of environment, and if you get them in, it's to be considered CRAP. Regardless whether it looks good. Also because what you pay isn't consisting only in the mesh itself, add your video card reduced life span to it. Those creators are the source of the problems, not LL. And as such, once LL cleans up the mess, those creators have to fix the problems you get from the clean up. I don't know about you, but usually people want to live in a clean place, not among piles of crap. Then you talk about "improvements"... so reducing lag (which is not the goal of such discussion, anyway, but apparently it's the only thing you are able to get about it all) isn't among the things anyone would include in the list of improvements, along with machine's rendering overhead that reduces other performances you aren't even aware of. Right. Well said. Being "just numbers", as you said, will definitely affect how you will see others and how others will see you... you know, this and all virtual worlds RUN ON AND BECAUSE OF NUMBERS.
  10. Sorry to contradict your verdict, your Highness (because you must be high on something to claim no limits), but there is a desperate need for such control and YOU are very wrong in your claim for no limits, this discussion MUST be raised over and over and over again until LL finally listens and takes action. Real action, not the jokes you refer too as "solutions" like the jellydoll. There are standards that MUST be complied with when it boils down to realtime 3d content, exactly like any other platforms. The problem is that regions do not have anything to do with what you wear, it's the VIEWER that handles attachment rendering. And if you stand in a region while you're within my view range when i sit in MY region, and YOU bring up my GPU temperature over 80 Celsius (and it's not a low end one), YOU are the problem, not my GPU. So please, YOU stop claiming no avatar complexity limits/control. There are brands that sell MOVIE standards meshes into SL, when those meshes are being used for final renders on renderfarms and a lower poly version of them is actually used in production for PERFORMANCE, ON STANDALONE APPLICATIONS. The use of actual LoD systems, on the other hand, can help raising these limits, but only if the LoD switch works. As it stands now, it doesn't and needs a fix. So let's be serious, you're not the only one in SL and other people machines and needs must be taken into account. These two points together are the solution, not either/or. In RL, when a business cheats on the customer and is caught in cheating, there are consequences to face (or cope). The System can't allow the cheating to stay and continue unpunished. At least in my State, when you buy a counterfeit good and are caught buying it, even if you didn't know it wasn't original, you get a fine along with the seller. The seller gets a worse treatment, higher penalties and a lawsuit, of course. The lazy cheaters need to run out of business or line up to the guidelines with no cheating. This results in hundreds if not thousand updates to existing content? None of the System problem, considering that is a sort of "reward" for those who didn't cheat in the first place. Everyone is able to grab or make a mesh, detail its geometry to death and slap a lazy texture on it just because the geometry does the work. This is a game-like environment, not a feature film, and content must be made according to game requirements. Takes more time and can't produce as fast as the other method? Awww so sorry... This is sadly out of question. Stored assets can't be manipulated in their architecture, it should be a thing for new uploads (and a new upload system which enforces such a thing), if this ever is going to be considered by LL. And i hope this is not what is going to happen, although i'm afraid you're right. You're right by saying it's a matter of integrity and it should be enforced somehow, although not as harshly as a State would act. A "grace time" to update products, before the fixes go live, to all the "cheaters" without the obvious naming and shaming and outrage that would go with the sudden breakage of their content. Who has cheated knows what they did, fortunate enough to get some time to right your wrongs... who doesn't know about it, instead, has to face their incompetence and their customers need to realize who they were trusting as a "pro". Because of this, indeed, LL had started Project Sansar. The user base with low end machines is dropping SL, and the highpoly = highquality trend is the cause of it, which in the long run is going to shatter the economy into dust with consequent platform shut down. Is cashing out as fast as possible now worth the lack of cash outs for years to come, considering the ridiculous development of Project Joke Sansar? If it has to be considered business, as a business it should be treated and try to keep it up as long as it is possible to.
  11. So we don't get the option to disable receiving emails for zero linden price listings (like the demo items)?
  12. You will have to learn a 3D modeling software (Maya, 3DSMax, Blender and the likes) starting from the basics. I don't want to put you down, but hair is one of the most challenging things to make right, so I would suggest to start your learning experience from static objects, and then move onto hair later on, when you'll be more confident with the software you'll choose. Last piece of advice: for a proficient learning, scrap YT videos and buy a manual for beginners for the software you will use, or buy a course online. You will have time to expand your knowledge with YT videos when your foundations will be strong on the basics from manual/courses. Usually those videos assume you have quite solid background and/or leave gaps open for the untrained.
  13. This is odd. I had a similar problem, and MayaStar does have some very low weights from the head but i can't remember what joint it was. What i may suggest is to check if the Avastar head has some little weights on the neck junction coming from any of the bones in the head section. I seemed to remember it was mHead, but i must be mistaken. Do your check on the head mesh.
  14. There is a tiny amount of weights from the head, in that area. Double check it in Avastar and make sure to copy the weights value from there.
  15. There's the selection beam, the manifestation of the avatar's higher self's will in world, capable of creation, set in motion and destruction of matter (the prims)
  16. This issue was already been brought up here I explained there what the problem is. Apparently, the OP in that thread has found a work around it, but no actual solution Hope it helps
  17. That avatar you got comes from Blender most likely. I can tell from its orientation, which is wrong for SL. Blender Avastar does some trickeries to make the necessary adaptation upon export and still have something that doesn't break Blender's internal assumptions to work smoothly. Basically, that avatar is facing the negative Y axis. The SL avatar MUST, instead, be facing +X. My suggestion is to export the weights from the mesh body, delete the skinning, rotate everything and freeze the transformations on the bones, paying attention to NOT freeze the transformations of the collision volume bones. When done, reattach the skin anew and reimport the weights from before. Then it should work properly. EDIT: also, i just noticed the setting in the export window for the up axis. You got Y axis up, set that to Z axis up to avoid a file with further grouping for rotation compensation in the fbx file.
  18. I would check on the vertex normals. If possible, run a transfer tool in your software, so your mesh matches its vertex normals to those from the default avatar.
  19. If you happen to remember your previous password, that might work. My last password change took 3 weeks (!) for the Beta grid to update it, in that time span i had to still use the old password to log in to the Beta grid.
  20. Now rotating it back to the original orientation doesn't give out the same result of 2.9 you had before... its non deterministic nature drives me nuts....
  21. It didn't change the DL how? I am assuming it stays low DL weight? In such case, the higher DL weight may be determined by the fact that the object lays across the zero vector, with vertices indexing positive and negative range coordinates, while a consistent sign in their coordinates gets handled better
  22. From your observations, i wonder: knowing how the mesh gets encoded, perhaps the translation within the encoding box from negative ranges to positive ones may affect this behavior. If you don't mind doing this test on the path object you have, you may try moving the whole object in the positive ranges for all axis, so that each vertex falls within positive grid numbers.
  23. The real question is, to me, why this discrepancy? A mesh model is built in a deterministic way (vertex order and triangle lists), why in the world should it generate non-deterministic results when converted into a binary format? It might beneficial to know the world orientation it had in Blender in relation to its vertex order: where is the 0 vertex in world coordinates and relate that to the physics weight?
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