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44 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

You TP to an event, allow a few mins to push out of the crowd of morons standing on the landing zone, into a quiet corner, aand cam to the first booth.

It takes an average of 60 seconds to glance at each booth, and MAYBE grab a demo, then cam to the next booth.

There are 80 booths.

So that's an hour and a half just for a brief glance at all the booths, and grabbing a handful of demos.


Then somebody in a group chat, who has a 99% probability of being a MAN, says...

"I don't understand! Why do people go afk and just stand in one place, for 90 mins, when others want to get in? Why don't they just TP straight to the booth that has THE SINGLE thing they want, buy it and leave?

They should limit people to 10 mins max at an event"


These people say this because they assume that shoppers KNOW what all 80 booths are offering BEFORE they go there, and ONLY want ONE thing, and because they are too dim-witted to realise that standing still and camming the booths is easier AND less laggy than trying to walk around, and because you CAN'T TP direct to the booth you want because the event has a FIXED landing point, AND because you don't HAVE the exact co-ordinates to the spot in front of the one booth you are interested in, even if you know they are there and what they are selling..


Or they talk nonsense because they don't sell stuff at events, and have no clue how shopping for things you haven't seen yet actually works, the whole "impulse buy" deal, see thing, say "ohhh i like", buy thing, deal.


There is an event I check every month, it's a small event, and there's only one brand there I really bother with and I know where their stall will be every month, alwayss the same place, takes me 5 mins to arrive, cam to the stall, see this months "new release" and say yay/nay, and buy if yay, and leave.


But that's ONE event. others, I might need an hour or two just to check out what everyone is offering, and grab some demos.



The only events that take me any larger amount of time are those that are set up oddly or are anniversary events that may have more vendors.  Fameshed, Uber, Equal 10 and those types are an easy cam through.  I can honestly say I've never spent an hour at an event.  YMMV

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15-30 minutes depending whether the theme of the event is something that is compatible with my looks and there are several items I want to demo. I am starting to demo them right at the event and if it is something where the fashion and price point is ok, I purchase the full version right then and there. I can't be bothered to take it all home and try them out there because the likelihood is I won't return to refind the item.

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21 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Peeved: I got offered a job and hired in less than 60 seconds today.


I don't wanna go back to work. 😭


Just repeat what I would tell myself when I had to work overtime:

I like Money.

Money is good.

Money is my friend.

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6 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:


Just repeat what I would tell myself when I had to work overtime:

I like Money.

Money is good.

Money is my friend.

I'm roughly at the same age as Silent and haven't been working for a few years now and I can completely understand her.
I think I would not like it either if I was dragged into a classroom again. Especially when full time. A day or 2 days a week, maybe.
A few hours volunteer work a week, why not, but at a certain point around the retirement age one closes that book.  And ones rhythm of life adapts very quickly to not working. The retirement age isn't chosen ad random. It is around the time that most people slip into a new stage of life: being an oldbie in RL.

When I was in my 40ties and 50ties I could not imagine a life without work, now (being 66) I easily can and being forced to work again would feel like a crime.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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10 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

You TP to an event, allow a few mins to push out of the crowd of morons standing on the landing zone, into a quiet corner, aand cam to the first booth.

A big plus can be achieved   if one doesn't visit an event in the first days, but in the last days. Then it is much less crowded.
There is a slight chance that one forgets about it and can't go because of that, but who cares in the end. The next big shopping event has already started somewhere for sure. ;) 

Edited by Sid Nagy
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6 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Peeved: I got offered a job and hired in less than 60 seconds today

I don't wanna go back to work. 😭

I instantly thought of The Smiths...

I was looking for a job, and then I found a job
And heaven knows I'm miserable now
In my life
Why do I give valuable time
To people who don't care if I live or die?

I had a lovely long Easter, I don't want to go back to work next week either 😐


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Talking about Jobs, maybe XING Swiss should be careful about their headlines. Received a mail yesterday: "*ex at the office - is your jo..." the rest got truncated*. Received a mail today: "Shortcut to your new job". Okay honeybuns, are you trying to tell me something and can I get your HR department please? :D

* They meant is your job at risk but I still had a good chuckle seeing those two mails back to back.

Edited by ValKalAstra
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15 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

Probably been mentioned in the previous 900+ pages but ...

Can you all just grab clothing demos from popular events and for heaven's sake go home! and try them all on? Stop standing around in a full event for 60 minutes trying on every second piece of clothing in the event. Click demo, then get out! Others are waiting to get in!

(I'm looking at all of you in the [sim full] Anthem even right this moment. Sheesh.)

Given how hard those events can be to get into... no.

That said I never really browse at events, I tend to go to them (and sometimes fight to get into them) because they have something I want which is more often than not a new hair, don't really care about any other stuff so I'm often in and out quickly after confirming the demo fit.



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10 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:


Just repeat what I would tell myself when I had to work overtime:

I like Money.

Money is good.

Money is my friend.

That won't work. Money doesn't mean to me what it means to most everyone else.

I was getting ready to file for SSI to retire.

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5 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

I'm roughly at the same age as Silent and haven't been working for a few years now and I can completely understand her.
I think I would not like it either if I was dragged into a classroom again. Especially when full time. A day or 2 days a week, maybe.
A few hours volunteer work a week, why not, but at a certain point around the retirement age one closes that book.  And ones rhythm of life adapts very quickly to not working. The retirement age isn't chosen ad random. It is around the time that most people slip into a new stage of life: being an oldbie in RL.

When I was in my 40ties and 50ties I could not imagine a life without work, now (being 66) I easily can and being forced to work again would feel like a crime.

This is so very true.

I once worked temp at a place where a woman in her 80s worked full-time. We chatted a lot during lunch and I eventually asked her - why u do dis?! The short version - she came out of retirement to be able to afford her husband's medication. Ugh, don't get me started on that. Half of her time was spent working and the other half was fighting with his insurance company. There has never been a time I more wished I had a lot of money just so I could send her right back into retirement. GRRRRRR.

On a less infuriating note, my uncle left retirement a long time ago to work part-time for an airline. Solely his choice - he wanted to travel a lot and set up a home in Rio. He went to an airline with good benefits for part-time workers, including the ability to travel for free/at massive discount and extend those perks to friends and family via passes, so we could all benefit from his shenanigans (I know he picked Brazil for those Carnival costumes, I'm just sayin', lol).😂

Peeve: By the time I hit retirement (lol, retiring, that's a good one), I doubt fun perks and benefits like that will even exist anymore, which only adds more reasons for me to work on my exit plan sooner rather than later. 👀

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A couple of weeks ago Amazon told me my Britbox subscription was going to be cancelled at the end of April - no reason given - then cancelled it two days ago.  I got a refund yesterday but today I had an email telling me hooray my Britbox subscription has begun.  Well, I looked and it's all there, but I'm not sure Amazon is.

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5 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

This is so very true.

I once worked temp at a place where a woman in her 80s worked full-time. We chatted a lot during lunch and I eventually asked her - why u do dis?! The short version - she came out of retirement to be able to afford her husband's medication. Ugh, don't get me started on that. Half of her time was spent working and the other half was fighting with his insurance company. There has never been a time I more wished I had a lot of money just so I could send her right back into retirement. GRRRRRR.

On a less infuriating note, my uncle left retirement a long time ago to work part-time for an airline. Solely his choice - he wanted to travel a lot and set up a home in Rio. He went to an airline with good benefits for part-time workers, including the ability to travel for free/at massive discount and extend those perks to friends and family via passes, so we could all benefit from his shenanigans (I know he picked Brazil for those Carnival costumes, I'm just sayin', lol).😂

Peeve: By the time I hit retirement (lol, retiring, that's a good one), I doubt fun perks and benefits like that will even exist anymore, which only adds more reasons for me to work on my exit plan sooner rather than later. 👀

That is wild.

You'd really think governments would understand they want older people in retirement, genuinely feels they forget that sometimes. The economy kinda depends on it.

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   It's much too early for me to think about retirement. I never open my orange letters, I'm not half-way there yet, I don't need to be told that my pension would be awful if I'd retire today. 

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12 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

I'm roughly at the same age as Silent and haven't been working for a few years now and I can completely understand her.
I think I would not like it either if I was dragged into a classroom again. Especially when full time. A day or 2 days a week, maybe.
A few hours volunteer work a week, why not, but at a certain point around the retirement age one closes that book.  And ones rhythm of life adapts very quickly to not working. The retirement age isn't chosen ad random. It is around the time that most people slip into a new stage of life: being an oldbie in RL.

When I was in my 40ties and 50ties I could not imagine a life without work, now (being 66) I easily can and being forced to work again would feel like a crime.

I can certainly understand that now. Last year I cut back from 7 days a week to 2 days but had agreed to cover a friend's route if he needed me to for a couple to three days. Instead he guilted me into covering his route for 2 weeks while he took a vacation. I'm happy he is taking his much needed vacation but not so happy about covering his workload in the meantime. I did wonder about the resentment about it that I have had this past week but understanding now that shift in mindset that happened when I retired to part time hours. The extra money just isn't worth it and only doing it to fulfill the promise I made.

Another week to go and I'll get through it but I will be make sure it is understood, it won't be repeated. 

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19 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Peeved: I got offered a job and hired in less than 60 seconds today.





I don't wanna go back to work. 😭

I felt the same way after I was out of work for a year with my hip injury.. After all that time off it was hard going back.. But it's so nice once I was..

I was going insane really just being home that much.. 

I was in the forums way too much and really getting caught in a bubble in here.. Once I got back to work, I started becoming myself again..

I've been working since I was 12 and  just out of my element when I'm not working..

People talk about retiring, but I just never can think about it.. I don't think I ever will..

Hopefully once you get back to work you start enjoying yourself.. I also hope that the people you work with are something you look forward to.. Because that is important in a job as well..

Best wishes..

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On 4/3/2024 at 3:33 PM, Katherine Heartsong said:

Probably been mentioned in the previous 900+ pages but ...

Can you all just grab clothing demos from popular events and for heaven's sake go home! and try them all on? Stop standing around in a full event for 60 minutes trying on every second piece of clothing in the event. Click demo, then get out! Others are waiting to get in!

(I'm looking at all of you in the [sim full] Anthem even right this moment. Sheesh.)

I just wait them out.. There are so many events that last like a month each, then they recycle..

Really I'm more into the sales than anything..

But if I do go to events.. I usually just grab demos of things I might like, but only after checking the fatpack or mega pack price first.. If it's too high of a price I don't even think about the demo or that store anymore..

But only once in awhile will I try something on at an event.. It's usually after the event has ran for awhile.. sometimes a week after the event has been open..

But with timers nowadays and some being like two minutes, which I learned the hard way and left totally nude at one event.. I just take everything home, even if there is plenty of room for people to get in..

Them timer demos really irritate the daylights out of me..

But either way, even with my premium perk to get into events early, it's just not worth it. Because you can hardly walk anyways and just rubber band in one spot... So I just tp and come back another day..

They are there for a month and I'm in no hurry to give them my money.. hehehe

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45 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

People talk about retiring, but I just never can think about it.. I don't think I ever will..

What I thought too when in my 40's and even 50's but one hopefully develops hobbies and other interests which take a higher priority then spending 8 hours a day working at something that is just a routine and not so interesting. If one hasn't developed other interests by then though, continuing to work a job might be OK. 

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53 minutes ago, Arielle Popstar said:

What I thought too when in my 40's and even 50's but one hopefully develops hobbies and other interests which take a higher priority then spending 8 hours a day working at something that is just a routine and not so interesting. If one hasn't developed other interests by then though, continuing to work a job might be OK. 

My day job is just part of my work and it's only 4 days of the week.. hehehe

I still have my horses and the rest of the things that I need to do on the farm, plus there is still the family businesses..

I get up at 3:30 am every morning to feed the animals. Then go back home and get ready for my day job, work 10 hours there, then from there  head to the barn close everything up at the barn, make sure the chickens are in.. When I get home, I make dinner, which I prepare over the weekends for the week.. Then after everyone is fed, I get to settle down some..

I can retire from my day job, but I'll never retire from work..


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16 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I felt the same way after I was out of work for a year with my hip injury.. After all that time off it was hard going back.. But it's so nice once I was..

I was going insane really just being home that much.. 

I was in the forums way too much and really getting caught in a bubble in here.. Once I got back to work, I started becoming myself again..

I've been working since I was 12 and  just out of my element when I'm not working..

People talk about retiring, but I just never can think about it.. I don't think I ever will..

Hopefully once you get back to work you start enjoying yourself.. I also hope that the people you work with are something you look forward to.. Because that is important in a job as well..

Best wishes..

I stopped working Feb 2019. It's been 5 years.

He worked from home 3 of those 5 years. Drove me nuts.

If I were to retire now my SSi would be less than $600 a month. Even when I hit 67 it will still be less than $1000. Can't live on that so I'll never get to fully retire.

It's Walmart. Who the hell enjoys working at Walmart?

If you count housework, I've been working since I was 6. First real job that I had real responsibilities and real pay was at 14.

Same to you but more of it! 🤭


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15 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

My day job is just part of my work and it's only 4 days of the week.. hehehe

I still have my horses and the rest of the things that I need to do on the farm, plus there is still the family businesses..

I get up at 3:30 am every morning to feed the animals. Then go back home and get ready for my day job, work 10 hours there, then from there  head to the barn close everything up at the barn, make sure the chickens are in.. When I get home, I make dinner, which I prepare over the weekends for the week.. Then after everyone is fed, I get to settle down some..

I can retire from my day job, but I'll never retire from work..


Peeve: I am tired just reading your post!

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Peeve: When tech support gives the wrong information!!!

I couldn't find the power connector for my new computer case's fans.  It's not mentioned in the installation manual or online PDF as far as I could see. So, I call tech support. They told me to follow the wires, and find a 3 pin connector that will plug into the motherboard. Well, it turns out it was actually a MOLEX connector nicely tucked into the backside of the case, and nearly invisible!!! Those fans are controlled by switches on the case, and not by the MB!!! Bad tech support. Bad...

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