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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. LOL, I genuinely do not know. Maybe it's because my pins and boards are rather specific. Techwear. Futuristic fashion. Alternative casual. Tailored, masculine suits for women. High heels and skirts and corsets for men. Steampunk fashion. Rockabilly fashion. Oh, yeah that's a GIANT peeve. The way they manage to sneak the worst sponsored ads into pins used to infuriate me. That's pretty much why I stopped using the site. It was getting so obnoxious browsing my feed. I love them all (Dernier is my JAM), but they don't really do the whole tailored mens-style suit thing. I mean, Dernier does suits, but she's got more glitter shenanigans (which I do love!), when I'm kinda wanting Esther Quek vibes sometimes. Look her up - her suits omg. And TIES. We don't ever get TIES. Peeve. Oh, you're also missing David Heather. I mean, the mens side. I dunno if the womens side has suity suits (they do have other nice stuff, though!), but I think I could squeeze Lara into some of the stuff in the mens dept. Been a bit since I've tried. We seriously just need a womens store that only does suits. All kinds of suits. With ties. And draped jackets. Need.
  2. Now that I think about it, I've been on Pinterest for years (though admittedly, it has been a rather long time since I've gone on a pinning spree), and I can't remember ever running into any nudity or adult content at all. My pins generally focus on fashion, hairstyles, food (naturally), tattoos, special FX makeup, and home decor, but there's plenty of opportunity within those for shenanigans, yet I've seen none. Hmmm, I wonder if it's always been this way or if this is relatively new. At any rate, they must have some excellent moderation systems in place. Seems like they're keeping it more on the PG side, even though their allowed age to open an account seems similar to the rest of the platforms I know of (13). Oh wait...looking at some of their policy details, and yeahhhh, they seem pretty tight on things. I mean, that's not a bad thing generally (I'm peeping their Wiki page), but art shouldn't ever be an issue. Semi-related peeve: Peeking at my own pins...okay, seriously SL, I'm gonna need some of these outfits like, immediately. OMG. Please give us irregular suits and backless blazers. 🀩
  3. Pinterest's content guidelines do seem rather strict overall, but I guess they don't want to be like Twitter and Flickr. πŸ‘€ "Pinterest isn’t a place for adult content..." Peeve: Honestly, I wish other sites took that approach. I don't care about nudity whatsoever and I even follow lingerie models on Twitter (cuz who wouldn't - this one model has the nicest, classiest vintage stuff including nylons with SEAMS even and I need ALL OF IT), but the full-on POW you can stumble into on Twitter is so annoying. If I wanted that, I know where to find it, and it's certainly not there where I'm binging fashion and recipes, thank youuuuu!
  4. I peeked at the community guidelines and content rules out of curiosity. I wonder if there's something in the titles, descriptions, tags, etc. that are tripping the algorithms, because this type of thing is definitely allowed. "We allow some nudity in certain contexts, although we may limit its distribution. For instance, nudity in paintings and sculptures and in science and historical contexts is okay." https://policy.pinterest.com/en/community-guidelines Maybe you're just pinning way too much of it and getting caught by the "limit its distribution" part. You're pinning TOO MUCH NOODITY, Scylla! πŸ˜‚
  5. I use it for shopping very busy stores/events/sales/free head giveaways. It derenders everyone except any friends I happen to be there with. I use it as a quick way to reduce lag. Helps immensely during Lel's Christmas event because those stores get PACKED for days and I just want to get in, slap a vendor, and get and out.
  6. Render only Pedro Pascal. Just take out the entire viewer screen and replace it with a slideshow of his photos. Thank you. Honestly, that's a very good feature. I mean your suggestion. Mine too, but mostly yours. πŸ˜‚ I use Show Only Friends often when I'm at busy shopping events.
  7. Oh definitely. I consider it photography/editorial hair. Gorgeous if you can hold still forever. The clipping issues still persist. As for the quality, I demoed some from Angelic some time ago. It was very well-made and super pretty, but I couldn't justify the cost if I was only going to be able to wear it in very limited situations. I do like short flexi styles and partial flexi for bangs and loose strands and things. It's a nice change. It does seem rather popular, too. Just wish we had some sort of fix for the clipping issues.
  8. It's always the first thing I check. I'm rather wary of YouTube's "dark web," so to speak. No worries. Not holding it against you. YET. That's only strike one. πŸ˜‚
  9. No offense, but I'm not watching anything by a content creator like that. *glances at video titles*
  10. Some use a very poor interpretation of AAVE. They do not all do this. Them using slang is no different from Gen X using it. Chill pill. Hella. Dude. Trippin'. Cool beans. Or dare I go back further... Daddy-O. Cruisin' for a bruisin'...
  11. I'll co-sign. I'm in text-based chats with them (and every other gen) every single day.
  12. I think the reason some don't do that is because the in-world chat/instant message/group message system is so primitive. I personally cannot stand to use it. I'd much rather drag people over to Discord where conversations are a lot easier to follow. For those who voice chat, I've heard Discord does it better, too, but I'm not sure. I used in-SL voice only a handful of times and wanted to yeet my avatar off my sky platform. Discord does seem to be a LOT more feature-rich on that front, too. And sounds better, at least to me, but I'm not a regular user. Yep, pretty much! I'm one of those users. I took, what, a decade off or something crazy like that, only logging in a few times here and there to look around. I figured I'd peek back in in 2020 to see if it was still alive (I figured there'd be an SL 2.0 by then) and found a friend online who I'd originally met in 2006. She filled me in on mesh and I decided to stay since everything was so massively different. Wound up staying around for about 4 years, but I'm back in my "meh" on/off period again. I'll be honest - I have noooooooo idea about mobile! I'm the sort of person who barely remembers to keep my phone activated. I have a new number every year because it keeps getting recycled due to non-use and I have to re-activate it all over again if I want to dust it off for some odd reason. Nothing in the world would make me use SL or game on a mobile phone. I'm super clueless about that market. It's not just Gen-Z. Flexi is one of the better ways to make some very curly (corkscrews, waves, etc.) hairstyles. Mesh + flexi is also really nice:
  13. A lot of people are very locked-in these days with social media. It's not really limited to one generation or another, either. I'm in Twitch and Discord communities filled with 20somethin'-year-olds through 70+-year-olds. Most of my communities feel pretty mixed that way and I gravitate towards those like that. As far as being in the know, there are people who spend their entire lives on Instagram. Others prefer TikTok and always have their faces buried in it - either as content creators or fans. Others like YouTube, or Twitch, or Discord, or Reddit. Etc. These aren't the casual users I'm talking about - these are the ones who know of every influencer on their platform of choice. People like that often hunt down their hobbies on said social media platform. If they're really into SL, best believe they will find as many SL groups and influencers on that platform that they can. Someone who isn't that into Instagram may only find out SL stores/clubs/groups have an Instagram presence if we see it listed elsewhere (Linktrees, websites, other social media platforms, etc.). By the time we find it, though, they'll be on their 25th event this year. πŸ˜‚ Discord is tricky since it's such a closed system. Sometimes, it's a case of if you know, you know (IYKYK). I usually find servers via Flickr, Linktrees, websites, in-world groups, in-world stores, Google, other social media sites. I don't do much socializing inside of SL itself anymore, otherwise I could just ask around, too. I wouldn't say that. Think of those accounts that were created back in 2009 but are being run by people who seem a bit new. Those are older users who are returning after a long absence. I used to run into a lot of returnees back in my more social days. SL's got a pretty healthy age spread.
  14. I've also seen events posted to Instagram. Club events. Beach events. Live music. Holiday events. Pool parties. As mentioned, Discord's another big organizing spot. I wouldn't be surprised if some use Facebook. I dunno about Twitter - maybe. I'm not surprised at all that a lot of party-planning and organizing takes place off-platform. Something like Discord makes that so easy with event calendars and whatnot.
  15. Try DP YumYum, also. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Minnaloushe/186/196/28
  16. LOL, no not him. This rapper from London. Love the guy normally, but this ain't it. πŸ˜‚ It's not even a good loop, either. It's just a whole mess.
  17. Peeve: I had the most terrifying but creative nightmare and it'd make for such a wild story, but I don't want to write it and I don't know how to get Stephen King to do it for me. Actually, scratch that. This is a weird one. It needs Kojima. I don't know how to get Kojima to write it for me.
  18. sYs ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think she's still actively making items for that store (peeve!). Sorting by newest shows a hairstyle that's a few years old. Still worth going through the entire inventory on the marketplace, though. The older items hold up just fine. The headdresses, masks, hairstyles, etc. are so perfect for my avatars and I use them regularly.
  19. That makes sense! Since I've tried to stay on my best shopping behavior and I'm spending far less these days, I tryyyy to shop with a purpose and do less wandering. It cuts down on those "oooo an espresso machine I don't neeed but it's on saaaale" impulse buys. πŸ˜‚ I'll cam around a bit, but I usually go in with some idea of what I'm looking for (usually!). Speaking of draw distance btw - funny story. Every time I've gone looking around for a sky parcel to buy (rent), I cranked my draw distance to something absolutely nutty to hunt for random debris and forgotten builds and clutter up in the air. 600, 800+ draw distance at times, maybe more. Just cranked. TP'd around to a bunch of different parcels to find the cleanest airspace. Then I'd completely forget I did that, and hit up like...Trompe or something. And wonder why everything was SO SLOW. 🀣 It would take me so long to realize what was happening, lol.
  20. Oh well that's boring. I thought he was fighting with some big Twitter influencer or something. That's far more interesting.
  21. If you can figure out why Montel Williams is all over my timeline, shoot me an inbox message, LMAO. I feel like there's some good popcorn happening but I'm not sure I feel like wading into it. πŸ˜‚ Oh wait, I follow him? When the heck did I start doing that? Peeve: When you've been on a social media platform for so long, you can't even remember why you follow who you follow and you're only reminded they still exist when they suddenly show up in your timeline years later because algorithms go brrrrrrr.
  22. Does not compute! I swear, cam shopping has made me so lazy. Well, that and lag. I do still browse, but I tend to park myself outside out of the way somewhere while camming all the vendors.
  23. Let's say you're browsing Flickr and see a big massive store has an outfit named "Josey" or whatever the heck and it's super cute but you know you'll spend 3949234783274 years hunting it down in their department store-sized sim. TP over, open Area Search, type Josey under the name field and Search. When it pops up, right-click and Zoom. Booya. Edit: Sometimes the sim is SO huge, you can't get a hit in the Search. Just cam around with the search open and it should fill in when your cam gets within range of the item. I had to do that recently when hunting down a store's booth at a massive event, ack. Oh, and you can also search by Owner, which helps a lot with shopping events.
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