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   Today's pet peeve: Fatpack exclusives.

   You put up an advert with a really pretty pattern on a dress, and the dress is coming out at a popular event after a few days. I've been wanting this dress for three days, and finally get into the event only to find that the pretty pattern is an FP exclusive. I can get it in plain white, or some boring patterns.

   I want one colour. I could see myself maybe using two of them. But not for the price of 3 dresses.

   In this case it's even 9 colours in the FP, and only 4 of them are sold as single packs.

   Yes, a creator is free to do whatever they want - but that's just going to get me to unfollow them on Flickr and avoid their brand in the future. 

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Conversely, I hate it when we need to buy the fatpack to get that one basic and totally wearable for everyday color or design, and only the bold/trendy/avant-garde prints are sold individually. Not everyone is a “fashion blogger” who wants to stand out all the time. Another pet peeve of mine is when creators provide only 1 color or untextured mesh for the demo and the item comes in 72 different colors/textures. People demo not just for the fit but also how the color/print looks on them. It is hard to rely on imagination alone, and there is a thing such as skin undertones even in SL. While I like pink, it is not safe to say that any shade of pink will look flattering on my avatar/myself.

I follow this fashion principle in RL and SL:


Edited by Yuumo Ichibara
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random beach dude:hello.wanna have fun?

me:No thanks

random beach dude:ok.too busy smoking?

like it s their business what anims i use:P

another thing isnt really a peeve,but it s just funny.Met a guy,had very interesting conversation ,we kinda liked each other, but anyway i had zero expectations and just relaxed))he said he is interested in me and all that,The next day i see his online status hidden from me and he is partnered with someone.LOL.😁



Edited by Panteleeva
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Being a bit petty on this one and I know it isn't gonna change but ... The entire Mac/PC BS. No. That Mac/MacBook is still a Personal Computer/laptop. Microsoft/Windows is not "PC" .... it is an Operating system that was allowed to become synonymous (through a marketing campaign) with Personal Computers.

It gets even more annoying when you're not on a "mainstream" OS.

Stop conflating the Operating System with the type of computer.

Edited by Solar Legion
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6 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

Being a bit petty on this one and I know it isn't gonna change but ... The entire Mac/PC BS. No. That Mac/MacBook is still a Personal Computer/laptop. Microsoft/Windows is not "PC" .... it is an Operating system that was allowed to become synonymous (through a marketing campaign) with Personal Computers.

It gets even more annoying when you're not on a "mainstream" OS.

Stop conflating the Operating System with the type of computer.

Many don't realise the computer is just the box that runs the OS.

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On 3/29/2021 at 6:33 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:

There are some in the US that are advocating for staying on Standard time and others that want to stay on Daylight Saving time.  No way to please everyone.  I want us to stop changing, but I don't really care which time we stay on.

Saving time is an illusion. We can make our clock say it's any time we like but unless we conform to the official time we will be late or early and miss things. Really we are spinning around on a ball that's revolving around the sun and it continues to spin and revolve at the rate it does no matter what time anybody says it is.

It''s really about power.  The idiots in charge declare that you must adjust the time you rise and the time you sleep and the time you open and close to conform to suit them twice a year like it or not.

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3 hours ago, Rat Luv said:

Still freezing cold :( Could swear it was warmer in February...

We were in the upper 70s just a couple of weeks ago, but we just had 6 inches of snow in the last 48 hours.  I'm pretty sure we have had more snow in the last 6 weeks than we had all winter.

I'm definitely ready for it to truly be Spring.

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Ok, this one has been brewing for a bit ....

Since the move to AWS, more and more users seem to be only now noticing things that have been issues (to one degree or another) for years now and that some creators and such have been doing what they can to work around them for just as long. And they're blaming the move to AWS on these issues.

No, the move did not suddenly cause these issues, folks. At worst they exacerbated them for now.

Some of you are doing nothing more than showing your mental bias by only now noticing these things or by blaming the recent backend changeover on the issues.

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Just now, Rowan Amore said:

Wasn't the map the only major things 'broken'.and is only now getting fixed?

There were "minor" breaks prior to the move but the move itself did indeed seem to cause the map to malfunction.

Though with that in mind, it is more likely that the move brought to light the root change that needed to be made.

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1 hour ago, Solar Legion said:

Ok, this one has been brewing for a bit ....

Since the move to AWS, more and more users seem to be only now noticing things that have been issues (to one degree or another) for years now and that some creators and such have been doing what they can to work around them for just as long. And they're blaming the move to AWS on these issues.

No, the move did not suddenly cause these issues, folks. At worst they exacerbated them for now.

Some of you are doing nothing more than showing your mental bias by only now noticing these things or by blaming the recent backend changeover on the issues.

SL has a major problem in that most of it's users don't have a blind clue as to how it works, and so anyone can say anything, and people will believe them so long as it's not totally insane, regardless of whether it's correct or not.

Admittedly, LL doesn't help this issue as even a lot of creators encourage bad practice, and the customers assume that people who create stuff for SL know how it works (a lot of the time, this isn't true). LL really need to put a simplified 'content creation guide' on the Wiki to give a basic rundown of best practices when making content.

As well as being a bit more transparent around issues the platform is experiencing.

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7 hours ago, Eddy Vortex said:

When a store calls their timed demo a "free trial".

A "free trial".  A 5-minute free trial.

I don't know if I should be mad or impressed by their ingenuity in getting around the do-not-show demo filters.

It is still reportable because regardless of what they call it, it is a DEMO and should be tied to the full-priced version so that the 'do not show demos' filter actually works on it.

I'd go out of my way to report those.

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   Pet peeve .. When you've made a lasagne, that was so tasty, so rich and decadent, and lived off of that an entire weekend .. And then you're out of lasagne. :|

   .. Also when after a weekend of living on lasagne, you step onto the scales on Monday morning. Maybe it's a good thing it's all gone. ¬¬

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