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On 3/6/2021 at 1:31 AM, Eddy Vortex said:

Adults operating preteen avatars seem to forget that kids are capable of speaking normally. Not bababababa dadadadada ahgagaga, switching out every other letter with 'w' nonsense.  Do they not remember how they spoke as a child or had contact with one in RL?  I do not know of any 8 year old in RL who speaks in baby talk.

Four/Five year old kids running around with pacifiers.  If you're old enough to graduate from diapers to big kid underpants, you're too old to be sucking on pacifiers. 


On 3/6/2021 at 2:03 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:

People that recently discovered how to spam gestures into chat

Came here to say this.  I am not a fan of adults playing kids because they always seem weird. Or maybe they are RPing annoying kids, constantly playing crying/laughing gestures or talking weird.

IRL I talked to my kids like their were little smart humans. The only person I baby talked to is my dog, because the she's the most precious, goodest girl. Yes, she is...  And I can't help myself, lol.

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People that feel the need to write a book on EVERY FREAKIN post.  I'm not here to read books - I have those on my Kindle.  Most of the time that I'm here, I'm working with a short attention span, so really just don't feel like reading those full page posts.  I imagine some are worthwhile, and if it is an occasional thing for someone, then I'll likely go ahead an plow through it, but not anymore for those that only write books.

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2 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

A spider just glided down from the ceiling  between me and the computer monitor! It was less than an inch long but was right in front of my face! Ugh. I let it land on my desk and crushed it with my trackball mouse.🕷️

I would have had to..

Spider Star GIF - Spider Star Wars GIFs

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12 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

People that insist on pretending program differentiation terminology serves no purpose ...

   I'd like to extend that to language in general. People with so little respect for the importance of consistent and coherent communication that they don't mind hijacking an established word to give it a meaning of their own, so that they may then point out how your opinion is somehow 'uneducated' because you don't keep up with their lingo, to shift focus away from how batship crazy their ideas are.

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18 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

People that feel the need to write a book on EVERY FREAKIN post.  I'm not here to read books - I have those on my Kindle.  Most of the time that I'm here, I'm working with a short attention span, so really just don't feel like reading those full page posts.  I imagine some are worthwhile, and if it is an occasional thing for someone, then I'll likely go ahead an plow through it, but not anymore for those that only write books.

And they don't even bother with whitespace.  You'd think they want people to see what they have to say, not make people's eyes glaze over at solid walls of text.

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8 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

Apparently, not enough...



Oh thank you. I wanted to but didn't have the time. I was a little busy hiding Cindy's flamethrower.

And that's my peeve for the day. Do you have any idea how hard it is hide one of those things?


Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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On 3/16/2021 at 9:03 PM, Bree Giffen said:

A spider just glided down from the ceiling  between me and the computer monitor! It was less than an inch long but was right in front of my face! Ugh. I let it land on my desk and crushed it with my trackball mouse.🕷️

My man had a wasp land on his monitor.  He was going to squish it --- but it started eating a few tiny bugs that were on the screen, some little flying bugs that were annoying him. After the wasp was done it flew back out through a small hole in the window screen.

Edited by Kimmi Zehetbauer
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Nooo!! :o :(

Don't kill the spiders...they eat flies and all sorts of nasties in your home. And bring you money luck :)

Though last summer I had a big spider in my bedroom and it made me jump when it ran around...but I thought "Oh well, at least it's eating the other bugs!" Then I got bitten by a mosquito and wanted to yell "Where were you??" >:( Hiding behind the wardrobe I bet!

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I don't usually kill spiders but this one slowly descended on it's web right in front of my face. It landed right on my desk in front of the keyboard. I would have a spider running around my desk as I was sitting there. Just google California brown house spider. 

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Little bit of backstory.

At work, I sometimes have 10-15 minutes between clients, which I spend reading books I download onto my phone.  It gives me something to do and keeps me out of trouble.

So today I download a new book all ready for another shift at work tonight.  So what do I do?  Well after my very first client whilst I am walking back to my car...I DROP MY PHONE!  It's smashed beyond all help and won't even turn on!  

So not only do I have to twiddle my thumbs between clients tonight, but I had to race home, transfer money and then race to the store before it closed to buy a new phone.  

So I am very peeved tonight because although I was able to restore some stuff through my google acct, I have lost all the photos that were on my phone, going nuts trying to remember kik and other app sign ins, for some reason deleted books are on my Overdrive and not the dozens I had saved there, and I have to learn a new phone number.


Edited by Jordan Whitt
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11 minutes ago, Jordan Whitt said:

and I have to learn a new phone number.

   .. Whut. I've had the same phone number since I first got a phone. Changed phones a few times since then, even sim cards. 

   Still can't remember my own number. It's only been 16-17 years or so?

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8 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

I don't usually kill spiders but this one slowly descended on it's web right in front of my face. It landed right on my desk in front of the keyboard. I would have a spider running around my desk as I was sitting there. Just google California brown house spider. 

I keep forgetting other countries have venomous spiders :$ They're harmless in the UK.

Though there was a story about a family who bought some bananas that had been shipped from Brazil, where a spider had laid some eggs, and their house got infested by baby spiders and they had to stay in a hotel while pest control sprayed their house down! But maybe it was rubbish. 

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14 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

I keep forgetting other countries have venomous spiders :$ They're harmless in the UK.

Though there was a story about a family who bought some bananas that had been shipped from Brazil, where a spider had laid some eggs, and their house got infested by baby spiders and they had to stay in a hotel while pest control sprayed their house down! But maybe it was rubbish. 


Not rubbish. 


Are there venomous spiders in the UK?

Yes, the United Kingdom has over 650 different species of spiders, 12 of which are venomous enough to cause humans severe pain. The most feared spider in Britain is none other than the notorious false widow spider, which is the most venomous of all.

There are three other venomous spiders in the UK – the cardinal, woodlouse, and tube web spiders – that can pierce the skin of human victims and cause them harm, but when it comes to the strength of the venom, the noble false widow is the most feared.



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