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Do Any People from Your RL Come to SL?

Prokofy Neva

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I was the friend that joined Second Life at the prodding of a very close friend of mine way back in 2006. it would have been sooner if I'd had a 'decent' enough computer at the time.

since then I have managed to get a few friends here and there to at least try Second Life. A few stuck around. My present SO and I met through her ex and lo and behold - we both have active Second Life accounts that had never run into each other!

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11 hours ago, AdminGirl said:

What's interesting to me is based on some comments here and elsewhere, many people don't seem to want their SL involvement to be known in the outside world. Why is that? Why is sl something to be secretive about?

Back in my early days of SL, there was quite a bit of news coverage about the porn and kiddie activity in SL.  That earned it a pretty bad rep back then.  Since most of my RL acquaintances know about the scandalous news, their mind is pretty set on what SL is and I really don't feel it is worth my time to try to convince them otherwise - especially since much of the sex/porn part of SL is still around.  Thus, I prefer to just keep my SL involvement to myself.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
spelling, of course
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20 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

Nope.  Nobody from SL knows who I am in RL, and nobody in RL even knows that I am in SL (Well, almost nobody.  My kids both know, but they have no interest whatsoever.)

That's a whole other interesting discussion to have. My children and relatives and FB friends and this one and that one know I am in SL and know of the figure of Prokofy, and generally don't understand it or think it is a strange hobby to have. They're not interested in it. They don't take it seriously. I could show the Holocaust Museum and point out how wonderfully it has made use of the virtual world. A few will applaud but it's not enough for them to log in. I will point out the Black museum and African-American projects during the BLM marches and they will only nod like, yeah, one more good thing, but they don't come to see it. I could point to some creation I actually made, they are only made curious. Why? For what? I could point to some spectacular installation on a sim, or even a more modest one I made, that illustrates history or art or something -- and it's not even like looking at a postcard. There's no grab. I have not invested much time in either understanding why this is, or trying to make it different because I am content to have SL just for me. And I think that actually constitutes one of the problems more generically.

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1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:
21 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

Nope.  Nobody from SL knows who I am in RL, and nobody in RL even knows that I am in SL (Well, almost nobody.  My kids both know, but they have no interest whatsoever.)

That's a whole other interesting discussion to have. My children and relatives and FB friends and this one and that one know I am in SL and know of the figure of Prokofy, and generally don't understand it or think it is a strange hobby to have.

Actually, I tell a small lie.  I came to SL on a dare, because a friend told me that he thought this was going to be a great platform for online education in the future.  I'd be a fool to pass it up.  I came in to prove him wrong.  As it turns out, I was right.  And then I retired.  My friend left SL, disillusioned.  I have long since lost track of him in RL, so it is probably true that he has no idea that I am still in SL, or cares.  I'm sure he would agree that it is a "strange hobby."

1 hour ago, Prokofy Neva said:

I am content to have SL just for me. And I think that actually constitutes one of the problems more generically.

Me too, but I don't see this as a "problem" unique to SL  Most of the old-timers I know in SL have built rather complex lives in world.  Not only does it take a long time to create an in-world persona and learn how to handle all the mechanical intricacies of SL, it's even harder to come up with a elevator speech about it that doesn't sound superficial.  My mother had that challenge when she tried to explain why she collected antique ceramic medicine cups.  It was definitely a niche interest.  It's hard enough to explain what a medicine cup is. Conveying her own sense of joy in collecting them was near impossible, so she usually kept quiet.  It was a special world, "just for her."  

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For me it was... well my best friend back then (now my RL husband) saw something about SL on TV so we and some other close RL friends made accounts.

I got scared away pretty fast right away at the start island x3 I still was wearing the torch when I dared to log in again haha

We were a little lost at the beginning because the 5 of us are from Japan with no good english skills back then xD

2 of my friends became pretty big (skins and clothes) for some years in SL but then we all kinda quit at the same time and didn't bother much with SL for like 5 years. 

I rediscovered SL as my fun creative outlet I mean I can log in at 3 am after work and come down while decorating virtual little houses x3 or dress up. My husband still uses his old AV sometimes but also now occupied my male alt for himself so it's not my alt anymore xD

We love exploring together now that we are stuck with covid-19, and our daughter loves building and driving vehicles in SL. My husband also often does the lighting for my blog pics poor him lol

And although he's not online as much as me he always usually sitting next to me while I am online and we chat and giggle about it together occasionally so nothing to hide here xD

So me and my friends started here as young people in our very early 20s and now 13 years later we still (again) here just in other ways...you have different priorities with families, RL jobs and kids now x3 but sure it's still fun.


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My husband before he was my husband joined around the time I did. We  had a long distance relationship at the time and SL really helped. He stayed on a couple of years and once we were living together that trailed off.

My rl BFF is in SL, we like to hang out from time to time when her schedule allows it.


I had two others that were brief. One was an ex boyfriend and one was a really good school friend.

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I don't know anyone in RL that uses SL. people have seen my computer screen with SL open on a skill game i have been playing wondered what website they could play it on and lost all interest when they have to download a viewer (game) their computer probably isn't up to running satisfactorily but that's as far as it's gone in RL

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One of my RL best friends told me about SL in 2010. She was into medieval/fantasy roleplay and she made it sound like so much fun. I made an account in May of that year, started roleplaying at the same sim as my friend, and had a  blast until January of 2012 when my RL marriage fell apart. I took a break for a little over a year, and when I came back, nearly all the people and sims were gone. Try as I might, I could not make my avatar modern in any way, she was thoroughly medieval, so I retired her and created Charlotte/Charlie. 

My friend left SL sometime in 2011, and now there is no one in SL that I know in RL. Neither of my kids has any interest in it, my now-ex husband only said when I first mentioned joining SL, "Isn't that that sex dungeon place?" 

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No one in my family is interested and if they were they do not have computers capable of running the client software. I've mentioned SL to coworkers who have an artistic, creative side, but they claim to have no time for it. When people see screenshots of my avatar they are shocked and confused why I would have an avatar that looked nothing like me in RL. They could not wrap their heads around it.

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I was introduced to sl by a rl high school ex girlfriend. At a young age she began having children irl, and no longer had time for sl.

Tried to bring in a different rl ex girlfriend and two rl friends.

They couldn't grasp the magic of sl and left.


Two sl best friends became rl best friends. We've met in person multiple times and text everyday. 

One sl girlfriend became a rl girlfriend.

The sl to rl people lost the magic of sl years ago and left. 

I haven't bothered to do any crossovers since.

Edited by Pomeline Pancake
can't spell...
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Yeah, I got my best friend hook'd. They love creating outfits and characters for roleplays, so that was easy, lol. 
Other than that, no. I told some friends, but most where like "ewww, you mean that sexgame?" - astoundingly, that came from a guy constantly thirsty and flirting with everything under the sun including the trees people climbed upon to escape him, lol.
Oh wait, another friend of mine I convinced to take a look, but it's not really for him.

Pretty sure I told my boyfriend about it yeaaaars ago. Doubt he still remembers it. He's neither the type for things like SL, nor does he have the time. 

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One of my old friends I knew from another platform/gaming site joined SL because I introduced them to it. They were getting bored of the other platform we were on, so we both slowly migrated to SL. I have known them sort-of-IRL for a few years now, so I count them as an IRL friend. Anyways, they love SL now and do blogging and all that. :)

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